Shirk is the greatest Sin

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Shirk is the greatest Sin


Unread post by sinsaf » Wed Dec 03, 2003 2:13 pm

I want my pro-kothar’s friends comment on this Urdu poem appeared in Gujarati script in Kothar’s prestigious newspaper Badre-Muneer in Zilhajj month of hajri year 1418, a holy month of Hajj:

Madhe (In praise of) Aaqa Mola Burhanuddin Saheb (TUS)
By Shaikh Mohammed Ali “Ikhalas”

Sajda Tujhe wajib hai, too masjide-Aazam hai.
(Sajda before you is obligatory, as you are the Grand Mosque,)
Hajj hai teri pabosi, too Kaba-e-Aalam hai
(Touching your feet is equivalent to performing Hajj, as you are the real Kaba for the entire world)

Too maliko maula hai, too sarvare- auola hai,
Too deen ka vaalee hai, too shahe- mauazzam hai.

Wo Hajj-e-majazee hai, too Hajj-e-Haqiqee hai,
(The Hajj at Kabatullah is just a worldly show but you are the Real Hajj)
Ham maal se aur jan’ se khidmat jo karen’ kam hai.

Saaye teri ta’at hai, khidmat teri daulat hai,
(Real namaz is to obey you; real wealth is your service.)
Dil tera Hijare-Aswad hai, seena tera Zamzam hai.
(Hijare-Aswad is your heart; your chest is the source of Zamzam.)

Abd azli hoon’ mein’ tera, Maabood too mera hai,
(I am your slave for ever as you are my God,)
“Ikhalas” teri jo kuchh tareef kare kam hai.
Please note that according to Quran 'Shirk is the greatest Sin.' May Allah forgive our Dai.

Muslim First
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Re: Shirk is the greatest Sin


Unread post by Muslim First » Wed Dec 03, 2003 6:44 pm


Here is another good one from a Sultan Bhakt


My permanent address is... Under my Moula's Feet

Shk. Husain Jamali

We all have two addresses in USA, current and permanent
Youngsters where they live is current, their parent's is permanent
I am a grandpa now, and my parents are dead, but
My permanent address is ..."under my maola's feet"

I may be an M.D., or a Ph.D, an attorney or an engineer
I may climb Mt. Everest and become a mountaineer
My current address may be as big and beautiful as Taj Mahal, but
My permanent address is ..."under my maola's feet"

I may be a heart or a brain surgeon
I may be a florist or a tree surgeon
My current address may be as big and beautiful as Eiffel tower, but
My permanent address is ..."under my maola's feet"

I may graduate from Jamea alif-meem plus
I may doctorate from Oxford emeritus
My current address may be as big and beautiful as Buckingham Palace, but
My permanent home is ..."under my maola's feet"

I may be a computer genius, or a teacher of the year
I may be a car wash owner or own a dry cleaner
My current address may be as big and beautiful as Bill Gates', But
My permanent address is ..."under my maola's feet"

I may be a sinner, and a frequent whiner
I may be beggar of many favors, O Creator
My current address may be nothing big and beautiful, but
My permanent address is ..."under my maola's feet"

I am a humble servant of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin
I beseech YOU, Allah, to grant him a long & healthy life in extreme
I won't ask YOU anything big and beautiful for current address, but
My permanent address is ..."under my maola's feet"


by: Shk Hussain Jamali
Los Angeles, CA

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Re: Shirk is the greatest Sin


Unread post by jinx » Thu Dec 04, 2003 5:41 am

How many bohra knows the word Shirk?

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Re: Shirk is the greatest Sin


Unread post by anajmi » Sat Dec 06, 2003 8:06 pm

here is a classic example of bohras being hypocrites or just being pure ignorant.

The bohras who pray regularly behind the syedna, say the first surah fateha atleast 17 times a day(if they pray only the fard namaz). Hence they say "Iyaaka Nabudu wa Iyaaka nastaeen" Forgive me for my transliteration. meaning, "Thou only shall I worship and thou only shall I seek for help" And as soon as the prayer is over "Maula shifa Maula shifa"!!

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Re: Shirk is the greatest Sin


Unread post by simon » Mon Dec 08, 2003 10:05 pm

Wrong translation Insaf.
"Maabood too mera hai" "you are my God"
Maabood is derived from the word abd. So I would translate this correctly as "you are my master".

Reading Insaf's earlier post's, I doubt this mistake was unintentional.

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Re: Shirk is the greatest Sin


Unread post by porus » Mon Dec 08, 2003 11:12 pm

Originally posted by simon:
Wrong translation Insaf.
"Maabood too mera hai" "you are my God"
Maabood is derived from the word abd. So I would translate this correctly as "you are my master".

Reading Insaf's earlier post's, I doubt this mistake was unintentional.

Maabood is derived from the root 'alif, ba, daal'. Abd is a word derived from the same root. It means slave.

Maabood is also derived from the same root. Among Arabic speakers, Mabood normally means 'Allah' or 'God'. If you were an Arabic Scholar, you cwould not say that Mabood is derived from abd. Both words happen to have the same root.

The best that can be said is that Maabood is a passive gerund of abd and may mean "an entity with slaves'. But this is clearly not the sense in which an Arab speaker uses the word in common parlance.

In the Gujarati translation of the Quran in my possession, kalima is translated as:

"Allah siwaay bijo koi Mabood nathi"

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Re: Shirk is the greatest Sin


Unread post by MOHD HUSSAIN » Tue Dec 09, 2003 12:47 am

Simon- Is that your mistake now intentional or you love to defend the Dai at any cost?

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Re: Shirk is the greatest Sin


Unread post by porus » Tue Dec 09, 2003 1:01 am

Originally posted by porus:
Maabood is derived from the root 'alif, ba, daal'.

Maabood is derived from the root 'ayn, ba, daal'.

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Re: Shirk is the greatest Sin


Unread post by simon » Tue Dec 09, 2003 1:56 am

If I am Abde Syedna, is he not my maabood. Come on this is simple Porus.
Forget about Arabic common parlance - The word means Master(as in Master-slave) and not Allah. Please confirm Porus.

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Re: Shirk is the greatest Sin


Unread post by porus » Tue Dec 09, 2003 4:22 am


In the Quran, the word 'abd' means worshipper. The word is always used in connection with the worship of Allah.

In the classical and modern Arabic, the root is the third person male singular verb, abada.

The word abada always means 'to worship'.

So, if you worship anyone, God or human, the object of your worship is the maabood.

If you ar abde Sayedna, then Sayedna is maabood. It means you worship him. That is not strange. Bohras are Sayedna worshippers.

You can see a disgusting display of adoration when thousands of Bohras get a glimpse of Sayedna and kiss his feet, while he sits like an idol. There is a video about this on

I suggest that you study the Quran like an ordinary Muslim or, like most Bohras, worship Sayedna without bothering with the Quran except to parrot a few suras they learn for namaaz.

It is your choice and either way you will not enter paradise because paradise, like Imam, is another myth.

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Re: Shirk is the greatest Sin


Unread post by sinsaf » Tue Dec 09, 2003 5:40 pm

Ibadat (worship) Maabood (one who is worshipped), Abd (worshipper)

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Re: Shirk is the greatest Sin


Unread post by porus » Tue Dec 09, 2003 5:52 pm

Remember the kalima as translated in Gujarati.

"Allah siway bijo koi Maabood nathi."

If Allah is Maabood, then Sayedna cannot be Maabood, unless you want to indulge in the sin of Shirk or you are a Sayedna worshipper (abde sayedna).

In Islam Allah alone is the Maabood.

Muslim First
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Re: Shirk is the greatest Sin


Unread post by Muslim First » Tue Dec 09, 2003 8:02 pm


For Bohra Allah is Big Maabood, Assisted by Panjatan Vice-Maaboods. Then there are many demi-Maaboods (like saints and dead people). And then there is a In-charge Maabood (Sultan Burhanuddin). So if you worship in-charge, your worship somehow will reach the big guy. See there is no SHIRK here.


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Re: Shirk is the greatest Sin


Unread post by WYP » Tue Dec 09, 2003 8:25 pm

Originally posted by Muslim First:

Thank you Fitnat First. Now you can go preach in your mosque, there's a suicide bomber waiting for your help.

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Re: Shirk is the greatest Sin


Unread post by anajmi » Sat Dec 13, 2003 12:36 am


I wish Allah would make people like you believers cause you would be an asset for the muslim Ummah.

Anyway when you said

"It is your choice and either way you will not enter paradise because paradise, like Imam, is another myth"

can you prove this or is it your faith?

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Re: Shirk is the greatest Sin


Unread post by Muhsin » Sat Dec 13, 2003 12:41 pm

Abde Syedna is (TUK ) or ....?

He will take all of us to hell if we follow him.

Can we pls request you to mind your language.
thank you,

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Average Bohra
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Re: Shirk is the greatest Sin


Unread post by Average Bohra » Sun Dec 14, 2003 3:01 am

Shirk is the greatest Sin
Blowing yourself up to kill as many men, women and children as you can is an even greater sin.