Hadees - True i.e. Dawoodi Bohra Prespective

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Hadees - True i.e. Dawoodi Bohra Prespective


Unread post by badrijanab » Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:46 am

Note: I am not the author of article below. It is copied from source considered to be authentic Dawoodi bohras. I do not deserve for any credit for hard work went to prepare this article.

786 / 92 / 110

Ameer Al Momineen Mola Ali a.s. was always associated with Prophet Mohammed s.a.w.w. and was benefitted from him more than any other companion or mujahid did. Whatever heard by others was heard by him and whatever was heard by him was not necessarily heard by others. It is well known fact that Mola Ali a.s. did not narrate any Hadith from anyone except from Prophet s.a.w.w. This was so because he was certain that not even a word of the Hadees of the Prophet s.a.w.w. was hidden from his ears and heart.

He was asked, "How is it that you are superior to all other companions in the matter of the knowledge of hadees?" Mola Hazrat Ali (a) replied, "It is so because Prophet s.a.w.w. told me whatever I enquired from him, and if I did not enquire about anything he himslef made it known to me."

It was "taqiya qalam" of Umar ibn Khattab, "Koi aisi mushkil nahi aati jiska jawab Ali (a) ke paas na ho." "Agar Ali na hote to Umar halaq ho gaya hota."

Mola Ali a.s. passed his position (Ilm on Hadees) to his nominatee/successor Imam Hasan/Imam Hussain a.s., they to their successor and so on....

Political situation at time of Hz. Usman and Ameer Al Momineen Mola Ali a.s.:

There is NO hadees in "Siha Sitta"; six books of Sunni/Wahabi/Salafi that says that Prophet Mohammed s.a.w.w. has appointed Hz. Abu Bakr, Hz Umar & Hz. Usman as the authorized person to represent Islam or speak on behalf of Islam or make new laws for Muslim after him.

Usman appointed all his family members as the governors who looted public property (Baytul Maal) and made money by taking bribes. Usman kept deaf ear on complaints of his governors misdeeds. Marwan ibn Hakam was given permanent "Desh nikala" by Prophet Mohammed s.a.w.w. but Hazrat Usman not only recalled him back to Medina but also appointed him his 'Top Advisors' - those who loved Prophet Mohammed s.a.w.w. became very angry with Usman. The life and 'izzat' of common Muslims was so severly/badly effected and when 'zulm o sitam' on commen Muslims reached beyond tolerance they murdered Hz. Usman (Source: George Jordac, a non-Muslim but Islam loving Arabic historian).

There are many similarities between Hazrat Usman and Hazrat Burhan - they both appointed their parasite family members as Governor/Aamil to loot public propery and keep deaf ear on public plea.

Muslims appealed to Mola Ali a.s. to accept the caliphate, he decliened. Several days past without any state head. Muslims appealed on the ground to Ali, "We seek 'Hidayat'?" When the question came of 'Hidayat', Ali a.s. accepted to be their Caliph. Remember when "Ashab-a-kahaf were going to cave they prayed same i.e. seeked Allah's "Hidayat". Imam Hussain a.s. was not ready to go to Kufa but when they appealed to give "Hidayat", Hussain a.s. accepted to go to Kufa. Nevertheless, after Ali a.s. becoming caliph when he lead prayers; namzeen said, "Nabi s.a.w.w. ke baad aaj aisi hi namaz padhi jesi Nabi sahab ke zamane me padhte the." Meaning, namaz offered after Prophet till Ali was not in line with Prophet. Daimul Islam even reports that Hz. Umar ne 'zanabat' ki halat me namaz padhai. A goveror of Usman lead prayers uder the influence of alcohol!

Ameer Al Momineen Mola Ali a.s. removed all the corrupt (Kothar type) family members of Usman who were engaged in bribry and looting of Baytul Maal (public property) - they all (corrupt governors and alike) became rebellion to Mola Ali a.s. All those governors (including Muawiya) have became habitual of looting Baytul Maal and taking bribes, but under Ali's caliphate they have to not only give up these practices but also previously all what they looted they have to submit it back to Baytul Maal or face sword of Ameer Ali Momineen, Sher-a-Khuda, Sahib-a-Zulfiquar Mola Ali a.s.

Those governors became enemy of Mola Ali a.s. Few companions of Prophet s.a.w.w. like Hz. Talha and Hz. Zubair were disproportionately given more from Baytul Maal - they demanded same from Mola Ali a.s. but unlike three previous Caliphs Mola Ali a.s. clearly denied to do injustice i.e. Talha and Zubair will not be given more than what they like other common Muslims deserve. Hz. Talha and HZ Zubair should have think over the case of Mola Ali a.s. brother Aqeel!!! When Aqeel asked for more share otherwise threatened to join Ali's enemy. Ali a.s. replied you do whatever you wish but I will not give you more money from Baytul Maal than that you actually deserve. Aqeel left Mola Ali a.s. and joined camp of Muawiya where he was offered ample money. (Source: all from George Jordac, non-Muslim but Islam loving Arabic Historian).




(II) THE NEW LINE THAT CAME IN EXISTENCE WAS THAT OF CALIPHATE (KINGS - LIKE ORDINARY KINGS EXAMPLE: Shiva Ji Raje or Sambha Ji Raje or Sultan Maloon Aurangzeb or Maharana Pratap). In the 'hesiyat' of Caliph all are alike i.e. Abu Bakr = Umar = Usman = Ali = Hasan = Muawiya = Yazeed = Muawiya ibn Yazeed = Ummayad Caliphs = Abbasi Caliphs = Fatimi caliphs = Mughals = Changez Khan = Maratha rulers = Rajpoot rulers = Sikander (Alexander) = Nawab of Bengal = Nizam of Hyderabad, etc.

THIS NEW LINE OF (MATERIALISTIC) LEADERSHIP AGAINST THE SPRITUALISTIC LEADERSHIP (in point# 1 above) WAS CHAMPIONED BY HZ. UMAR, MUAWIYA AND ABBASI CALIPHATE. According to Sunni/Wahabi mouthpiece Mr. Anajmi first three caliphs were appointed by people. Meaning they were worldly affairs leaders not representative of Islam! Abu Bakr should have left the matter to public to elect new caliph but instead of that he APPOINTED Hz. Umar as his successor! And when Hz. Umar died he again did not left the matter to public but he appointed a Shura to decide next king. So, Umar and Usman were NOT appointed by people - contrary to Sunni dogma that people will appoint Caliph!!!


ALL THESE WORLDLY CALIPHS HAVE THEIR COMMON ENEMY = THE TRUE ISLAMIC LEADERSHIP RUNNING FROM AADAM TILL ALI TILL FATIMI DAULAT/HUQUMAT AND PRESENTLY TILL IMAM-UZ-ZAMAN. Chor-chor mosere bhai / Dushman ka dushman dost hota he = Abbasi, Ummayyad, (Ithna Asheri was created by Abbasi Caliphs - will more discuss at later) all united to forge Hadees so to paint their Kingship/Caliphate with paint of Islam - and they used Hz. Bukhari and Hz Kulayni (of Usool-a-Kaafi) to create Hadees that justify their deeds as Islamic deeds and to con Muslims so to sustain their Huqumat.


Political Situation changes - Abbasi Caliphs coming to Power - divides Shia by creating Ithna Asheri, a new sect
1. Book named, "The Ahlul Bayt" (ISBN# 978-0-615-63451-7) says, Bukhari was slave purchased by Abbasi Caliph to forge hadees so no Muslim can rebel against him and those forged Hadees justify their all acts of Abbasi Caliphs even though they were anti-Islam. Details of forged hadees intended to sustain huqumat of Abbasi Caliphs and discourage rebellions are given at the lower section of this post.

2. Bukhari, Muslim and Kulayni (BMK) are not masoom so their entire work is subject to human errors and human weakness.

3. BMK begged hadees from general public, so their data is poorest kind of data because general public is prone to commit too much error in remembering something said 250 years back, passed from hundreds of mouth before reaching them!!!

4. Abbasi Caliph was severly and righly afraid from Fatimi Imam's so he did propoganda to divide Shia's. Inspired by Zayedi's (now mostly in Yemen) Abbsi's lured Hz. Musa Kazim to claim for Imamat after Imam Sadik death. All books of Ithna Asheri says that Imam Sadik has appointed Imam Ismail a.s. as his successor. Abbasi Caliphs were successful in creating a new sect with name "Ithna Asheri". they asked Bukhari to forge another tradition so to make Hz. Musa Kazim as lagitimate successor. His idea was, beause Imam cannot do any errors and in time ahead when serious and intelligent scholar will study wrong committed by Ithna Asheri Imam's they will reject entire Shia school as false.

5. Kulayni for decades begged from people 16,000+ hadees. kulayni himself has not compiled the book of Usool-a-Kafi but his pupil who learnt from him did that again subject to error - that what Kulayini said and what they understood and wrote!

6. Ithna Asheri claims that their Usool-a-Kafi was attested by their 12th Imam. Imam is masoom and must have compelete knowledge of weak and strong hadees so he should have eliminated incorrect hadees (weak hadees) but still Kafi has both weak & strong hadees meaning their 12th Imam has not attested it or their 12th Imam is not the true Imam.

7. Mulla Baqir Majlisi stating in his commentary on al-Kafi, named Mir’at al-’Uqul, that 58% of narrations in al-Kafi are unreliable.

8. Ithna Asheri claims that 'Kafi' is collected only from Shia Narrators. But, anyone will be shocked to note: names of narrators are on the name of enemies of Imam Hussain a.s. and Mola Ali a.s. example) Yazeed, Muawiya, Yaqoob ibn Muawiya, Marwan, Waleed, etc. The episode of Karbala took place 200 years before collecting 'kafi', so, what type of Shia's were those narrators who keep their names after names of enemies of Imam Hussain a.s. and Mola Ali a.s.!!!!

9. Imamat and walayat are the pillars of Shia - their is no chapter on these two in the book Usool-a-Kafi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, Bukhari, Muslim and Ithna Asheri Sect (including Kulayini work) were tools (to forge hadees and divide Shias) of Abbasi Caliphs to protect their hukumat from rebel and cover their anti-Islamic acts.

Summary: Only and only Dawoodi Bohras Ismaili Shia's have authentic collection of Hadees attested by their Masoom Imam who inherited from Mola Ali a.s. - remember Mola Ali a.s. heard all Hadees that Prophet told to people but people need not necessarily heard what Prophet told to Ali.

Beware: Kothar is like Abbasi Caliph. They want to deprive common Dawoodi Bohras from ilm of Fatimi literature. So they can rule over their illiterate brain and siphon mumineen money into Kothar pocket.


Examples of Forged Hadees by Bukhari & Muslim intended to paint anti-Islamic act of Abbasi Caliph as Islamic = Public should not question on anti-Islamic activities of Abbasi Caliphs:

Sometimes Bani Umayyah themselves coined such traditions
and at other times this task was performed for them by their associate
or paid ulema. We give below some examples of such forged traditions
and baseless anecdotes: Imam Bukhari has quoted from
Abdullah ibn Umar as below from different authorities:
The prophet said: "After me you will soon be faced with
distinction without a difference and undesirable acts". The companions
enquired: "O prophet of God! What are your orders for us (in
such circumstances)". The prophet replied: "Pay those rulers their
rights and seek your own rights from God" (Sahih Bukhari vol. 8 ).

He has also quoted lbn Abbas as having said: The prophet
said: "If a person observes something from his king which he abhors,
he should observe patience, because whoever separates from the
nation even to the extent of a span will die the death of ignorance".
(Sahih Bukhari vol. 8 )

Bukhari has reported on different authorities from Alqama
bin Wail Hazrami as having said: "Muslim bin Zaid Jo'fi asked the
prophet: "O prophet of God! What are your orders in the event
of some persons becoming our rulers, who demand their rights from
us but do not pay our rights? The prophet turned away his face from
him. Muslima repeated his question. The prophet turned away his
face from him once again. Muslima asked the same question for the
third time. Thereupon Ash'ath bin Qais pulled him and the prophet
replied: "You must bear what they say. Their responsibilities rest
with them and your responsibilities rest with you".
(Sahih Bukhari vol.2, page 119)

Bukhari has quoted Ajrafa as having said that he heard the
prophet saying: "Very soon untoward things will happen. If any
person wants to create a split in the nation strike him with a sword,
whatever the case maybe".
(Sahih Bukhari Vol.2, p.211)

Bukhari has also reported Abu Sa'id Khudari as saying that the
prophet said: "When oath of allegiance for two caliphs has taken
place kill the one for whom the oath has been taken later".
(Sahih Bukhari, vol.2, p.122)

There are numerous traditions on the subject and the purport
of all of them is this that the Muslims must remain obedient to the
government of the time and should not complain against the king
however tyrannical he may be, because by doing so that will create
split and differences among the Muslims.
The gist of all these traditions is given in the following Hadith:
"Disturbances will appear soon. During these disturbances one who
is sitting will be in a better position than the one who is standing,
and the one who is standing will be in a better position than the one
who is walking, and one who is walking will be in a better position
than the one who is running. And if at that time a person finds a
place of refuge he should go into it".
(Musnad Imam Ahmad, vol.2, page 282)

The above quoted traditions show that fearing split amongst
his followers the prophet insisted upon their remaining faithful to
their rulers even though they might be guilty of unlawful acts!!! This
would mean that the prophet was anxious that the unity of the
Muslims should be maintained at all cost even though the religion
brought by him was destroyed. In that case the first question which
arises is this that if the prophet was so anxious for the unity of the
Muslims that he preferred it even to the religion of Islam why did he
create a split among the polytheist Arabs by inviting them to Islam?
The Arabs were united on the point of polytheism and idol-worship,
but he created a rift among them by introducing a new religion.
He broke their idols and trampled upon their beliefs although
these were the things which they loved most!!!!!!!

Thus above proves Bukhari, Muslims, etc were used by Abbasi Caliphs to forge hadees so to sustain their own caliphate/huqumat.
Last edited by badrijanab on Sun Oct 14, 2012 11:36 am, edited 4 times in total.

Muslim First
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Re: Hadees - True i.e. Dawoodi Bohra Prespective


Unread post by Muslim First » Sun Oct 14, 2012 11:02 am


Is it possible to move this to Islam thread?

Last edited by Muslim First on Sun Oct 14, 2012 11:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

Muslim First
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Re: Hadees - True i.e. Dawoodi Bohra Prespective


Unread post by Muslim First » Sun Oct 14, 2012 11:06 am

786 / 92 / 110

What does 92 an 110 represent ?

Sorry brother noorani, if you think this is Shia bashing , then GFK.

Muslim First
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Re: Hadees - True i.e. Dawoodi Bohra Prespective


Unread post by Muslim First » Sun Oct 14, 2012 11:13 am

Br Badrijanab Saheb

It appears that you harbour hatread towards 1,2,3 + 4

Why do show phony respect putting Hz in front of their name?

Call spade a spade.

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Re: Hadees - True i.e. Dawoodi Bohra Prespective


Unread post by anajmi » Sun Oct 14, 2012 11:28 am

Muslims appealed to Mola Ali a.s. to accept the caliphate, he decliened.
Oh Oh Oh. Ali declined to accept something that was given to him by Allah and his prophet (saw)!!!
Muslims appealed on the ground to Ali, "We seek 'Hidayat'?" When the question came of 'Hidayat', Ali a.s. accepted to be their Caliph.
So Ali was appointed by the people eh?? WOW!!!
The life and 'izzat' of common Muslims was so severly/badly effected and when 'zulm o sitam' on commen Muslims reached beyond tolerance they murdered Hz. Usman (Source: George Jordac, a non-Muslim but Islam loving Arabic historian).
Does George know that even Hazrat Ali was killed by a "muslim"? Was it because the because were in much worse conditions during the time of Hazrat Ali?

Muslim First
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Re: Hadees - True i.e. Dawoodi Bohra Prespective


Unread post by Muslim First » Sun Oct 14, 2012 2:47 pm

Mnoorani Bhai. Responding to this kind of post and shooting holes in it would be considered anti Shia hate?

Br porus Saheb

What do you say about Badrijanbs scholarly post. Is this From authentic DB history?

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Re: Hadees - True i.e. Dawoodi Bohra Prespective


Unread post by badrijanab » Mon Oct 15, 2012 12:22 pm

Thanks Porus sahab.

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Re: Hadees - True i.e. Dawoodi Bohra Prespective


Unread post by anajmi » Mon Oct 15, 2012 5:56 pm

Sometimes Bani Umayyah themselves coined such traditions
and at other times this task was performed for them by their associate
or paid ulema. We give below some examples of such forged traditions
and baseless anecdotes: Imam Bukhari has quoted from
Abdullah ibn Umar as below from different authorities:
The prophet said: "After me you will soon be faced with
distinction without a difference and undesirable acts". The companions
enquired: "O prophet of God! What are your orders for us (in
such circumstances)". The prophet replied: "Pay those rulers their
rights and seek your own rights from God" (Sahih Bukhari vol. 8 ).
He has also quoted lbn Abbas as having said: The prophet
said: "If a person observes something from his king which he abhors,
he should observe patience, because whoever separates from the
nation even to the extent of a span will die the death of ignorance".
(Sahih Bukhari vol. 8 )
Bukhari has reported on different authorities from Alqama
bin Wail Hazrami as having said: "Muslim bin Zaid Jo'fi asked the
prophet: "O prophet of God! What are your orders in the event
of some persons becoming our rulers, who demand their rights from
us but do not pay our rights? The prophet turned away his face from
him. Muslima repeated his question. The prophet turned away his
face from him once again. Muslima asked the same question for the
third time. Thereupon Ash'ath bin Qais pulled him and the prophet
replied: "You must bear what they say. Their responsibilities rest
with them and your responsibilities rest with you".
(Sahih Bukhari vol.2, page 119)
Bukhari has quoted Ajrafa as having said that he heard the
prophet saying: "Very soon untoward things will happen. If any
person wants to create a split in the nation strike him with a sword,
whatever the case maybe".
(Sahih Bukhari Vol.2, p.211)
Bukhari has also reported Abu Sa'id Khudari as saying that the
prophet said: "When oath of allegiance for two caliphs has taken
place kill the one for whom the oath has been taken later".
(Sahih Bukhari, vol.2, p.122)
There are numerous traditions on the subject and the purport
of all of them is this that the Muslims must remain obedient to the
government of the time and should not complain against the king
however tyrannical he may be, because by doing so that will create
split and differences among the Muslims.
The gist of all these traditions is given in the following Hadith:
"Disturbances will appear soon. During these disturbances one who
is sitting will be in a better position than the one who is standing,
and the one who is standing will be in a better position than the one
who is walking, and one who is walking will be in a better position
than the one who is running. And if at that time a person finds a
place of refuge he should go into it".
(Musnad Imam Ahmad, vol.2, page 282)
Although these hadith appear in Sunni books, who are the people who consider these hadith as authentic? These are the people of the "infallible" Imam and the people of the "infallible" Dai. Sunnis of today do not consider their rulers to be beyond reproach. The Arab Spring is for all of us to see. However, if you look at the Daimul Islam you will see what the Imams consider themselves to be. The Imams consider themselves to be the ultimate humans. They have noted down in the Daimul Islam that everything was created for them. All the good on earth is for them. They have to be fully and completely obeyed. Anyone who fails to recognize the Imam will go to hell. This is inline with the hadiths that badrijanab has quoted above and objects to.

Consider also the posts of people like Adam and progticide who consider the Dai as infallible and beyond objection. These people have said that the Dai is to be obeyed in all circumstances without questioning. Bukhari (ra) has found some very unlikely followers.

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Re: Hadees - True i.e. Dawoodi Bohra Prespective


Unread post by pheonix » Thu Oct 18, 2012 2:43 am

anajmi wrote:
Sometimes Bani Umayyah themselves coined such traditions
and at other times this task was performed for them by their associate
or paid ulema. We give below some examples of such forged traditions
and baseless anecdotes: Imam Bukhari has quoted from
Abdullah ibn Umar as below from different authorities:
The prophet said: "After me you will soon be faced with
distinction without a difference and undesirable acts". The companions
enquired: "O prophet of God! What are your orders for us (in
such circumstances)". The prophet replied: "Pay those rulers their
rights and seek your own rights from God" (Sahih Bukhari vol. 8 ).
He has also quoted lbn Abbas as having said: The prophet
said: "If a person observes something from his king which he abhors,
he should observe patience, because whoever separates from the
nation even to the extent of a span will die the death of ignorance".
(Sahih Bukhari vol. 8 )
Bukhari has reported on different authorities from Alqama
bin Wail Hazrami as having said: "Muslim bin Zaid Jo'fi asked the
prophet: "O prophet of God! What are your orders in the event
of some persons becoming our rulers, who demand their rights from
us but do not pay our rights? The prophet turned away his face from
him. Muslima repeated his question. The prophet turned away his
face from him once again. Muslima asked the same question for the
third time. Thereupon Ash'ath bin Qais pulled him and the prophet
replied: "You must bear what they say. Their responsibilities rest
with them and your responsibilities rest with you".
(Sahih Bukhari vol.2, page 119)
Bukhari has quoted Ajrafa as having said that he heard the
prophet saying: "Very soon untoward things will happen. If any
person wants to create a split in the nation strike him with a sword,
whatever the case maybe".
(Sahih Bukhari Vol.2, p.211)
Bukhari has also reported Abu Sa'id Khudari as saying that the
prophet said: "When oath of allegiance for two caliphs has taken
place kill the one for whom the oath has been taken later".
(Sahih Bukhari, vol.2, p.122)
There are numerous traditions on the subject and the purport
of all of them is this that the Muslims must remain obedient to the
government of the time and should not complain against the king
however tyrannical he may be, because by doing so that will create
split and differences among the Muslims.
The gist of all these traditions is given in the following Hadith:
"Disturbances will appear soon. During these disturbances one who
is sitting will be in a better position than the one who is standing,
and the one who is standing will be in a better position than the one
who is walking, and one who is walking will be in a better position
than the one who is running. And if at that time a person finds a
place of refuge he should go into it".
(Musnad Imam Ahmad, vol.2, page 282)
Although these hadith appear in Sunni books, who are the people who consider these hadith as authentic? These are the people of the "infallible" Imam and the people of the "infallible" Dai. Sunnis of today do not consider their rulers to be beyond reproach. The Arab Spring is for all of us to see. However, if you look at the Daimul Islam you will see what the Imams consider themselves to be. The Imams consider themselves to be the ultimate humans. They have noted down in the Daimul Islam that everything was created for them. All the good on earth is for them. They have to be fully and completely obeyed. Anyone who fails to recognize the Imam will go to hell. This is inline with the hadiths that badrijanab has quoted above and objects to.

Consider also the posts of people like Adam and progticide who consider the Dai as infallible and beyond objection. These people have said that the Dai is to be obeyed in all circumstances without questioning. Bukhari (ra) has found some very unlikely followers.
Look out, rabid wahabi on the forum.
Hush wahabi hush