Muslims Intellectual, Scientific & Artistic Contributions

Given modern distractions, the need to understand Islam better has never been more urgent. Through this forum we can share ideas and hopefully promote the true spirit of Islam which calls for peace, justice, tolerance, inclusiveness and diversity.
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Muslims Intellectual, Scientific & Artistic Contributions


Unread post by salim » Tue Sep 09, 2014 6:51 pm

By Islamic Art Magazine -

The Aga Khan Museum in Toronto, dedicated to presenting an overview of the artistic, intellectual and scientific contributions that Muslim civilisations have made to world heritage, will open its doors to the public on the 18th of September.

The Museum’s Permanent Collection of over 1,000 objects includes masterpieces that reflect a broad range of artistic styles and materials. These portraits, textiles, miniatures, manuscripts, ceramics, tiles, medical texts, books and musical instruments represent more than ten centuries of human history and a geographic area stretching from the Iberian Peninsula to China.

Designed by architect Fumihiko Maki, the Museum shares a 6.8-hectare (17-acre) site with Toronto’s Ismaili Centre, which was designed by architect Charles Correa. The surrounding landscaped park, designed by landscape architect Vladimir Djurovic, will provide an exciting new green space for the city of Toronto. ... an_museum/

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Re: Muslims Intellectual, Scientific & Artistic Contribution


Unread post by morela » Tue Sep 09, 2014 8:25 pm

This is only a monetary contribution by Aga khan a billionare who gets so much donations\chanda from his rich followers.

Not a single Ismaili , leave alone a Muslim has designed this. Designed by architect Fumihiko Maki.

Even the saudi monarchy can dole in money and create such concrete packets.

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Re: Muslims Intellectual, Scientific & Artistic Contribution


Unread post by salim » Tue Sep 09, 2014 8:49 pm

Dear Morla,
This is the only Museum in entire north America dedicated to Islam. There are hundreds of art pieces from history of Islam that shows Muslims contribution the mankind. Today's people in the west give almost no credit to Islam for their development, but if you look at history, Without Muslim contribution North America and Europe would not be any close to the development what they have now. This Museum will try to fill the knowledge gab between Islam and the west.

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Re: Muslims Intellectual, Scientific & Artistic Contribution


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Wed Sep 10, 2014 1:13 am

bhai morela
this is ur radical thinking not to appreciate anything not done by who does not confirm to ur views.
u cannot appreciate anything gud in this world

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Re: Muslims Intellectual, Scientific & Artistic Contribution


Unread post by salim » Wed Sep 10, 2014 4:10 pm

WATCH: Inside look at Toronto’s Aga Khan Museum ... an-museum/

The Wall Street Journal -
Toronto's Aga Khan Museum will give visitors a permanent spot to see one of the top private collections of Islamic art anywhere.
Plenty of museums around the world collect Islamic art—from ornate Persian carpets to Mughal miniature paintings—but there's never been a museum in North America focused solely on exhibiting these pieces, until now. ... 1409880616

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Re: Muslims Intellectual, Scientific & Artistic Contribution


Unread post by JavedhJuma » Mon Sep 29, 2014 1:44 pm

morela wrote:This is only a monetary contribution by Aga khan a billionare who gets so much donations\chanda from his rich followers.

Partly true, but the whole truth is as follows from my Imam's speech:

Certainly our list should begin with the Prime Minister, with whom we have shared so many magnificent moments and so many worthwhile endeavours. On many fronts, in this country and beyond, the Canadian Government has been a strong, significant partner for the Ismaili Imamat and the Aga Khan Development Network. And we recall with special pleasure, of course, the Foundation Ceremony on this site, at which the Prime Minister so graciously presented me with the enormous honor of Canadian Citizenship

I am also deeply pleased to salute the donors who have so generously supported the building of outstanding Ismaili Centres across the world, including this Centre here in Toronto, as well as the dedicated leaders, staff and volunteers from the Ismaili community who have also played such a significant role.

Not a single Ismaili , leave alone a Muslim has designed this. Designed by architect Fumihiko Maki.
Not so. Please read cont'd from the speech: Let me underscore as well, the important contributions of the Toronto firm of Moriyama and Teshima, of Gotham Notting Hill, and of the great German-Muslim artist, Karl Schlamminger.

and contd. from the speech: The new Aga Khan Park was designed by an architect of Lebanese heritage, Vladimir Djurovic. And the Aga Khan Museum is the work of a superb Japanese professional, Fumihiko Maki

Even the saudi monarchy can dole in money and create such concrete packets.
So why haven't they? What's keeping them. Aga Khan is no match for the amount of wealth they have. They can eradicate poverty and ignorance in Muslim countries. But their agenda is different.If I am not mistaken they have built one Art Musueum in Paris which was opened by one of the Princes and again Aga Khan.

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Re: Muslims Intellectual, Scientific & Artistic Contribution


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Mon Jan 19, 2015 8:27 am

Why are Arabs behind?

When we talk about an invention or a new drug or a new discovery in astronomy or even a new mobile phone, we expect that this product was not manufactured or invented in the Arab world and we rarely see an Arab mind behind something like that. This is a shameful fact, and it led me to wonder what is wrong. Why we are behind in nearly everything we do, even meeting deadlines and appointments in work and social life. Why our image as Arabs is so damaged? Is there any way out?

The Arab world today has become famous for the export of violence and killings, and we are now an antithesis of the past Arabs who exported science and culture centuries ago. According to World Bank statics, the Arab world's population is approximately 377 million. Arab countries are similar socially, linguistically and demographically, featuring early marriage rates that increase the population growth rates. Financial abundance and large population should be factors of progress and development and not the opposite, but it does not seem like it even with the introduction of technology in our daily lives. We are now very backward and hated.

Why are Arabs behind the times? I believe there are many reasons for this. Firstly, extremism is an enemy of progress and certainly the emergence of extremist movements such as Al Qaeda, Taleban and IS had a negative role due to their calls for fighting non-Muslims, but I don't agree that this is the only reason.

Secondly, because Arabs care about the past, not the future. They are ready to argue, fight and kill over incidents that occurred a thousand years ago and completely ignore the present, wasting time while not offering anything significant to the world or even their lives. The best example of this is the endless discussions they hold on social media over faith, Sunnis and Shiites, hijab or niqab. These discussions are futile because they revolve around the theme that if you are not with me, you are against me! Although some of us live in democratic societies to some extent like the Gulf countries, tolerance and respect for other opinions does not exist. This is a key reason why we are behind. We don't know how to behave when faced with opposing views.

Thirdly, the media used by clerics and fatwas have misled many Arabs. Extremist religious channels have brainwashed the minds of many young people with ideas such as jihad and rebelling against their governments. They used religion as a weapon to intimidate the public, bearing in mind the high rate of illiteracy and ignorance in the Arab world. Another reason is the lack of role models. The ordinary Arab channels focus on actors and singers as role models, but not inventors, scholars or thinkers, and serious talk shows that educate and not only entertain.

Fourthly, education. Education still offers a certificate to get a job without training and is a real tool for human development. Women's status and abuse against them goes hand in hand against the development of any society. The key issues related to women's rights are still debatable. Their participation in their countries' political and economic policy is ineffective to the society. Any society should have active NGOs and here in Kuwait the only active ones are those of the Muslim Brotherhood that will never call to support the female as a full citizen.

Finally, one of the sources of concern for me in Kuwait is that the parliament is more backward than the government. The impact of the parliament is huge over the society, but it only seems to work for certain interests, and this is a concern to me as a citizen and a woman.

I can blame the Arab situation over the Palestine issue and the West. We are good in this policy of blaming others, but we do not know how to market ourselves, our nations and our history. No wonder that the Arabs are in a deep sleep