Ashara 1436 Surat

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
ghulam muhammed
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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Oct 27, 2014 5:49 pm






ghulam muhammed
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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Oct 27, 2014 5:51 pm



ghulam muhammed
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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Oct 27, 2014 5:53 pm




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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by think » Mon Oct 27, 2014 7:49 pm

somebody has very appropriately put it as moharram tamasha of s.m.s.

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by seeker110 » Mon Oct 27, 2014 7:59 pm

Is the driver wearing Ganji in one of the picture.

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by SBM » Mon Oct 27, 2014 8:16 pm

seeker110 wrote:Is the driver wearing Ganji in one of the picture.
Because the event is paid by GANJIFROCKWALA

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by dawedaar » Mon Oct 27, 2014 9:15 pm

he might have had to sell even his shirt to get this azeem sharaf...
seeker110 wrote:Is the driver wearing Ganji in one of the picture.

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by haqniwaat » Mon Oct 27, 2014 10:02 pm

Muffy's rant - listen and cry.
(7.14 MiB) Downloaded 2369 times

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by Dumbledore » Mon Oct 27, 2014 10:29 pm

What "Topi and Makkar" has to say about this audio snippet.

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by haqniwaat » Mon Oct 27, 2014 10:33 pm

I don't recall Imam Husain SA shouting and cursing Yazeed LA when Molana Ali Asghar was ripped by an arrow!! How many more outbursts will it take before these zombie people wake up and smell the rotten snake who belittles the very rutba that Burhanuddin Mola RA placed Syedna Qutbuddin in for over 50 years! Is Mufaddal angry at his father for making a 50-year mistake?!!! I used to refer to him as Mufaddal 'bs' with respect to Burhanuddin Mola RA, but now he has clearly shown that he is the biggest enemy of Burhanuddin Mola - worst than any that ever existed in the last 104 years!

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by Moiz_Dhaanu » Mon Oct 27, 2014 11:02 pm

Probably this is a good time to re-surface the various Acidic and corrosive qualities of DMBS (after his "muffy gone berserk " episode ) , as compared to the good ones of SKQ (for those who have recently joined this forum ...abdes included) :twisted:
P.S. DMBS = Dawedaar Mufaddal Bhai Saheb

DMBS : Male chauvinistic 
SKQ: Equalistic

DMBS: Short tempered (Junooni)
SKQ: Patient

DMBS :My-Way or the Highway 
SKQ: Middle path(Same as moulana Ali's teaching)

DMBS: Hate Monger 
SKQ: Peace-loving and Dialogue-centric

DMBS :Indulges in False Testimony under oath (claimed in court that they never showered lanats on SKQ)
SKQ: Pledged on the holy Quraan (Shz.MS has yet to do that to prove his claim)

DMBS :Goes on hunting Trips even before 'cho maasiyu' (six month lament period of Syedna Burhanuddin(RA))
SKQ: Continues somber acts to remember the benevolence of 52nd Dai(RA)

DMBS : Alienates mumin with his belligerent bayaans
SKQ: Starts with very few followers but has more and more mumin want to join him by his compassionate rendering of Aal-e-mohammed's ilm

DMBS : His abdes want us to believe that he(SMS) is unaware of the corruption and mafia-work-style of kasre-aali and kothar, hence he is not at fault for all the vices in current day dawat.
SKQ: His philosophy "Islam is a religion of Rehmat, kindness, compassion and mercy. Coercion and extortion of any kind are NOT tolerated"

DMBS : Corrupt Amils in his reign get no punishment in his realm and infact continue in better posts.
SKQ: His philosophy "No one has immunity: every person in the Dai’s administration is accountable to the Dai, and needs to explain his/her actions when questioned. There will be no discrimination."
Last edited by Moiz_Dhaanu on Mon Oct 27, 2014 11:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by haqniwaat » Mon Oct 27, 2014 11:38 pm

FORWARDED: Zahir-Batin Website (Excerpts)
Why They Hate Syedi Mazoon Saheb

From 2002

For years I have been subjected to remarks and accusations full of hatred, jealousy, and arrogance against Syedi Mazoon Saheb from my family members. There is an entire group of people in Saifee Mahal who vehemently hate and despise our Mazoon-e-Dawat.
After taking Allah's qasam, I am saying that during the last Ashara Mubaraka in Nairobi, I was summoned three times in the morning before waaz for three consecutive days by Shehzada Mufaddal Bhaisaheb Saifuddin. In short, he accused Syedi Mazoon Saheb of all sorts of things and outright insulted him and said that it is not necessary that there be mazoon and mukasir. Is this not a direct contradiction to our misaaq and to what Syedna Jaafar bin Mansoor al Yemen RA (Baab al Abwaab of Imam Moiz SA) said that in Dawat al-Satr during Imam's seclusion, Imam's wujood (presence in public) will be by Dai, Mazoon and Mukasir?! Aqamola TUS has said this many times in waaz mubarak that Imam's wujood is by Dai, Mazoon and Mukasir. After he told me these things I pleaded with him to stop the insults and told him that I believe that if I say anything against Mazoon I was breaking my misaaq. He said "no, you're not breaking your misaaq. So what if his name is in misaaq?". After this experience in Nairobi I have been seriously depressed and emotionally wounded. I had the highest regard for this individual and he purposely pulled the rug from under my feet. Since then, I have been subjected to insults, social boycott, and continuous propaganda full of hatred and jealousy towards Syedi Mazoon Saheb.
Below are two telephone conversations (broken into segments for easy download). By Aqamola's TUS Doa Mubarak and His extraordinarily radiant light from Imam-al-Zamaan SA, may I receive the blessings for exposing this satanic cult within our community and helping my fellow mumineen overcome these forces of darkness and hateful, jealous and arrogant blasphemers.

Caution: Anyone who believes that mazoon & mukasir can be different in zahir and batin is breaking his/her misaaq.

They Are Creating Confusion
In these two taped conversations, as you will hear, these two people believe that mazoon and mukasir are different individuals in zahir and batin -- i.e. mazoon in zahir is a different person from the mazoon in batin -- this tasawwur is absolutely wrong and totally against misaaq. Syedi Khuzaima Bhaisaheb Qutbuddin is mazoon in zahir and in batin and Syedi Husain Bhaisaheb Husamuddin is mukasir in zahir and in batin -- this is the correct tasawwur. Anyone who believes otherwise has broken his/her misaaq.
I, like all other mumineen, have given qasam in misaaq that it is compulsory upon one who has given misaaq to reveal to the Dai-al-Mutlaq any individual who has broken one's misaaq and report this to the Dai-al-Mutlaq. This tasawwur also has no room in the aala kitaab they proclaim it to be in, for I too have prayed these kitaab near Syedi Mukasir Saheb and Syedi Mazoon Saheb.

But Why Send This To Everyone?
The first reason I am publicizing these tapes is to warn mumineen of these satanic individuals so they can be aware of them and not get entangled in their net of nifaaq. I hope my family members come to their senses and receive hidaayat and beg for forgiveness to Aqamola TUS, Syedi Mazoon Saheb and Syedi Mukasir Saheb.
The second reason I am sending this to everyone is because the present environment does not allow me to directly araz these tapes to Aqamola TUS. There are so many barricades of people who also believe in this twisted zahir-batin tasawwur. So by sending this to everyone, I hope there will be at least one mumin who will do araz of these tapes or of these people's twisted tasawwur to Aqamola TUS.

Who Are These People?
As far as I know most of Shehzadi Maryam Baisaheba's sagga (having the same mother) brothers and sisters including herself and her children, and the children of her sagga brothers and sisters have for years born enmity and jealousy towards Syedi Mazoon Saheb. While praying an aala kitaab with my grandmother, Shehzadi Maryam Baisaheba, she told me that "an example of a munaafiq is Mazoon Saheb". Naoozobillah! This is how bold they have become! Obviously very upset, I reported this incident to one of Aqamola's TUS Shehzadi Sahebas and she implicitly told me to "immediately discontinue praying kitaab" with my grandmother. But the Shehzadi Saheba never reported this to Aqamola TUS and my grandmother still spews this poison to countless mumineen who go to her in good faith to learn and pray kitaab.

How Can You Talk of Mazoon-al-Mutlaq If It Is In Haqiqat Kitaab?
This bayaan is not only in haqeeqat kitaab but it is also in zahir kitaab such as in one of the Risaalat of Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA -- Salsabilo Hikamin Gadaq, 1364 AH, page 127, where it says: who ever will do inkaar of Mazoon-al-Mutlaq will be doing inkaar of Dai, and who will do inkaar of Dai, will be doing inkaar of Imam, and so on…

Their Ultimate Goal
Their goal -- by spewing this poison of mazoon and mukasir being different in zahir-batin -- is to take away any respect we may have left for the aala rutba of mazoon and mukasir. By their actions and words it is evident that they do not believe in Syedi Mazoon Saheb as Aqamola's TUS mazoon ! By saying that mazoon and mukasir may or may not be worthy of their position, these evil people are in fact proclaiming to Aqamola TUS that He has appointed the wrong person in that rutba. Naoozobillah ! This evil tasawwur is designed by them to attack Syedi Mazoon Saheb and Syedi Mukasir Saheb and thus attack Aqamola TUS and all the basic tenets of the Dawoodi Bohra faith, including the misaaq itself.

What Can You Do?
Will you stand by and let these evil people attack Aqamola TUS?! Are we just going to sit back and listen to their nonsense?! Silence is consent! Weren't you angry when Engineer stood in front of Aqamola TUS in defiance?! Then ask yourself -- shouldn't you be angry now?! We are and have always been and will be a peaceful and peace-loving community within and without. But we can fight with our minds and our hearts. Then don't let them spoil your mind and your heart. Report their evil tasawwur -- of mazoon-mukasir being different in zahir-batin -- to Aqamola TUS and tell them to stay away from you and your children!

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by UnhappyBohra » Tue Oct 28, 2014 12:56 am

haqniwaat wrote:I don't recall Imam Husain SA shouting and cursing Yazeed LA when Molana Ali Asghar was ripped by an arrow!! How many more outbursts will it take before these zombie people wake up and smell the rotten snake who belittles the very rutba that Burhanuddin Mola RA placed Syedna Qutbuddin in for over 50 years! Is Mufaddal angry at his father for making a 50-year mistake?!!! I used to refer to him as Mufaddal 'bs' with respect to Burhanuddin Mola RA, but now he has clearly shown that he is the biggest enemy of Burhanuddin Mola - worst than any that ever existed in the last 104 years!
Excellent point! Maybe he does feel short changed by Burhanuddin Aqa and his steadfast support of his mazoon. He knows he cannot fault his father publicly so his anger gets vented thus. Why does a small following of SKQ unhinge him to this extent? Why does he feel so threatened by that small group? What a raving lunatic!

Watched Taher bs waaz today. In stark contrast, he was quite chillaxed and totally in control of himself. He gave an excellent explanation for janaza absence. Will post clip if I receive it.

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by alam » Tue Oct 28, 2014 2:40 am

Why does a small following of SKQ unhinge him to this extent? Why does he feel so threatened by that small group?
MS is shamed. Shamed in the eyes of his grandchildren, 4-5 of them, who are with SKQ. Rather than face the shame of his missteps, and his misdeeds, he rages and further demonizes his bawajisaheb, Burhanuddin Maula's Mazoon of 50 years. He would not have the guts to see eye to eye with his own grandchildren, knowing that he's engaged in the unpardonable betrayal of the 52nd dai.

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by fustrate_Bohra » Tue Oct 28, 2014 4:19 am

Can we consider this (anger and bursting on skq saheb) as a sign that he is loosing nass case and so he is preparing abdes (backup plan) to support him incase if he loose case.

Just a thought.

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by thesource » Tue Oct 28, 2014 4:37 am

I don't recall Imam Husain SA shouting and cursing Yazeed LA when Molana Ali Asghar was ripped by an arrow!! How many more outbursts will it take before these zombie people wake up and smell the rotten snake who belittles the very rutba that Burhanuddin Mola RA placed Syedna Qutbuddin in for over 50 years! Is Mufaddal angry at his father for making a 50-year mistake?!!! I used to refer to him as Mufaddal 'bs' with respect to Burhanuddin Mola RA, but now he has clearly shown that he is the biggest enemy of Burhanuddin Mola - worst than any that ever existed in the last 104 years!

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by humanbeing » Tue Oct 28, 2014 5:10 am

fustrate_Bohra wrote:Can we consider this (anger and bursting on skq saheb) as a sign that he is loosing nass case and so he is preparing abdes (backup plan) to support him incase if he loose case.

Just a thought.
SMS camp is politically and financially strong to fight their case. In a country like India,. SMS is a grumpy grandpa with bad temper. SMS camp could be playing hate politics to maintain their influence over bohra community. Negativity invokes more passionate support for a cause. SMS camp is very reactive to this “nass” issue ! stirred up conscience or fear of insecurity !

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by LFT » Tue Oct 28, 2014 9:08 am

Interesting audio. And certainly the photos & pomp/show is getting sadder by the day. I am frustrated that most people cant see whats obvious..

One question that I struggle with is this - Was SMB (RA) so unapproachable that someone from his family put out this whole website on controversy and reached the whole community but he either didnt hear about it or ignored it completely? Or maybe he talked about it in some Waaz and I didnt hear it. Isnt the first rule of religious or any leader that he should be approachable by all and sundry? Or was he scared to do it as well? He could have taken action either against SKQ or SMS but didnt do either. I dont think there is any answer to this question. But, still worth asking...

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by UnhappyBohra » Tue Oct 28, 2014 11:49 am

I notice that the Cinderella Carriage is gone! You have to give it to the guy. When Progressive forum members say jump, the guy jumps.

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by UnhappyBohra » Tue Oct 28, 2014 11:53 am

Also the dark glasses have disappeared. He is outside and sitting on the flatbed truck and the glasses are still clear...<pats self on back.... Good Job UnhappyBohra > I guess even an imposter of a dai does not liked to be mocked for his fashion choice of gold rimmed transitionals....

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by SBM » Tue Oct 28, 2014 11:54 am

For a while they used to show a picture of Boat and used to call it DAWAT KA SAFINA.(last 2 Moharram)
To my knowledge no Dai ever rode a Boat but now we see a Dai riding on the A/C Horse baggie so my suggestion is they should replace the BOAT as DAWAT KA SAFINA with 6 horses A/C baggie

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by haqniwaat » Tue Oct 28, 2014 2:42 pm

The eloquent, to-the-point, "thanda kaleja", and soft-spoken reply of Shehzada Taher Bhaisaheb to Shehzada Mufaddal Bhaisaheb - attached video.
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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by UnhappyBohra » Tue Oct 28, 2014 3:29 pm

Alhamdolillah! Definitely a more intellectual response backed by historical facts. No distasteful display of anger either.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Oct 28, 2014 3:35 pm

SBM wrote:For a while they used to show a picture of Boat and used to call it DAWAT KA SAFINA.(last 2 Moharram)
To my knowledge no Dai ever rode a Boat but now we see a Dai riding on the A/C Horse baggie so my suggestion is they should replace the BOAT as DAWAT KA SAFINA with 6 horses A/C baggie
The boat should now be replaced with "Titanic"..... the sinking ship !!

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Oct 28, 2014 3:45 pm

watsup msg:

Tame je waaz ma suno ye tamaara par amaanat che. Nashar karva ni raza nathi. Je ne raza hoi ej nashar kari sake che. Tamne raza che ??? Please everyone think about it. Apna bawa apne ghar ma kai khaangi vaat kare to tame ene record kari ne sagla ne forward karso ?? Mufaddal mola apna ruhani bawa che ane potani ghar ni private vaat karam farmaavi mumineen saathe share kare che. Mola ne apna par itno bharoso che ke aa to maara mohabbat karnaar che. Maari vaat amaanat raakhse ane apne aa misal amal karye ye hargiz jaayez nathi, Dhyaan raakhjo sagla, Mola tus na photos, audio and video hargiz forward karso nahi !!

Muffy puts his foot in the mouth and then tries to do damage control by emotionally blackmailing the abdes.

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Tue Oct 28, 2014 5:03 pm

haqniwaat wrote:Muffy's rant - listen and cry.
i sat through this rant, a complete crock of bull and bluster, with a great deal of patience and tolerance, but all i can say at the end is that it was most disquieting and disturbing. this guy is a megalomaniac and a dangerous madman, and i use that word most carefully and thoughtfully. i would generally not call anyone a madman unless its usage was totally warranted.

he is so incensed at his grandiose imagined rutba being challenged in court and his wife and kids having left him, that he seems to be on the verge of either a complete mental breakdown or a stroke. either that, or he is a consummate actor who is putting on a massively deceptive charade of anger and burning resentment to incite the masses, expecting them to fall upon his kaka like assassins and eliminate him and his family by force. either way, this idiot is dangerous. if he had his way, i can very well imagine him having the dead corpses of anyone from his kaka's family dug out from their kabrs and thrown out with ignominy on the streets like was done to the daughter-in-law of sir adamjee peerbhai.

there is no content to his bluster, no logic or sense. he is rambling, muttering and incoherent with barely suppressed rage. the only theme or point to the entire 7 min, shouting is only unbridled, blood-vessel busting, vindictive, barely disguised verbal violence. this guy is a classic rabble rouser and a cunning dictator who will go to any lengths to achieve his nefarious aims. the more he is being pushed by his kaka and the other dawat na dushman (which includes this forum :lol: ) exposing his kufr and weirdo behaviour and utterances, the more he is seeking refuge in being mollycoddled by his chamchas and inflating his self-importance. all this elaborate show and pomp of being drawn in a/c horse carriages, being flanked by ridiculously (over) dressed buffoons in the most outlandish and comical costumes, being treated to lavish ziafats in exotic locales, adding stupid and shirk-filled epithets to his name, going on hectic and long-winded tours to drum up mass support, and of course, concommitantly filling up his coffers to overflowing at the same time, is a sign that if the right buttons are pushed, this guy may be provoked and pushed over the cliff.

right now would have been the perfect time for an internationally famous scholar like asgharali engineer to have been in the picture, as his public utterances against this internal strife and the complex religious aspects which have arisen out of it would have surely added more fuel to the fire and thrown some more petrol on muffy.

i strongly feel that if there is a right time to drive a wedge through the door for the reformists and get atleast some crucial demands accepted, then that time is now. it is unfortunate that the court did not accept the petition from prof. ismail poonawala and others to be of any legal standing in the nass case, as they are not parties of relevance to the case. i wonder if there are some other avenues whereby this wacko can be driven over the edge?

now, even more so, i have come to the conclusion that this guy is a consummate goonda, capable of going to any lengths. what only distinguishes him from goons like dawood ibrahim is his white puffed up attire, his (abuse-filled) dawat ni zubaan and the fact that he is a so-called religious leader.

khuda khair kare...

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Oct 28, 2014 5:07 pm

It is crystal clear that Muffy is brain washing his abdes psychologically ! His emphasis is on SMB and the so called rants of "Bawaji saab ne Ghana sataaya che" because SMB is the weak point of majority of the abdes and its easy to manipulate them by using SMB, its just like how he uses Imam Hussain (a.s.) and Mohurrum to loot his followers !! I had mentioned it earlier too that his marketing team headed by a Professor of Sydhenam College devises the strategies like the FMB thaali and laying more stress on SMB and Imam Hussain (a.s.) in order to retain a vice like grip over abdes and in the bargain milk them high and dry !!

Actually he should say that "Mane Ghana sataaya che" but he knows that abdes wont be too impressed with it as many of them are in his fold due to compulsion rather then willingly.

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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by accountability » Tue Oct 28, 2014 5:08 pm

I was going through this thread, I saw the photos posted. Besides nass drama and all pros and cons of this futile exercise and family feud one thing which pained me so much, was utter and shameless disregard for human dignity. A priest riding on 6 horse drawn cart with airconditioned bogy, and his followers in utter heat and humidity lining up hands together for hours waiting for priest, who is coming to deliver sermon on an event that was entirely meant for justice, simplicity, austerity, humility, sacrifice.
I still don't fathom, how does their conscience allow them to do and perpetrate this tyranny on their own followers. what happened to a bit of compassion and regard of self respect. this is the height of sadism, Any normal person in this 21st century would think twice. But unfortunately these guys don't seem to have any conscience.
what do you get by parading these docile beings in virtual chains, making them bow to your feet, treating them slaves captured in some medieval war. they are in slavery for so long that they would die if set free. But it is the master who needs to wake up and de chain them from their virtual slavery. According to Raaz Ilahabadi
Ashiyan jal gaya gulsitan lut gaya ham qafas se nikal kar kidhar jayenge
Itane manus sayyad se ho gaye ab rihai milegi to mar jayenge
martyrdom of hussain was against tyranny, slavery, injustice and bigotry. they say that hussain prayed for dais in his last sajda. if hussain only knew the royalty in his name.
I would still say, let them be the followers, don't make them zombies or brain washed slaves, let them have some dignity and self respect, look what happened in your family, whatever you say he is the son of Syedna Tahir Saifuddin. look what lessons are your giving, you are washing your dirty laundry in public, and you want your slaves not to mention it. where is the spirituality, where is fear of god. where are manners. Even Syedna Tahir Saifudding would not have guessed it, that his family would be at loggers head in just 2 generations. husssain taught sacrifice, patience and perseverance. just intake the sermon that is being delivered. ponder on it. this pomp and show, this utter arrogance this debauchery, is this the way or is it the highway to hell.
let people have some dignity, gold rimmed dark glasses, airconditioned bogies are not hussaini way. please free the followers, lead them to dignity and self respect. don't make them hate themselves, I can vouch no body even a slave cannot joy on the corpse of his dignity and self respect. there is chance what if he wakes up after deep slumber. that will be havoc. Avert it before it happens.
think what iqbal said.
Az Ghulami Fitrat-E-Azad Ra Ruswa Makun
Ta Tarashi Khawajah Ae Az Barhaman Kafir Teri

Stain with no slavery you free‐souled estate,—worse pagan than
The Brahmin, if your chisel mould a king out of a man.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Oct 28, 2014 5:13 pm

accountability wrote:Even Syedna Tahir Saifudding would not have guessed it, that his family would be at loggers head in just 2 generations.
"You Reap what you Sow" !!!..... Its as simple as that.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Ashara 1436 Surat


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Oct 28, 2014 6:31 pm

watsup msg :


1) Susti na karo balke nashaad si kaam karo

2) Vyapaar dagabaazi nu na karo balki halal nu vyapar karo

3) 1000 vaar sochi ne koi bhi vaat ne kaho. Tamari vaat si koi nu dil na dukhi jaai ye Ghana mota gunah che

4) Sacrifice karvu ghanu motu azeem che.... Pet ma moti ane haath paav kaapi ne andha ni zikr

5) Nooh a.s. ni ajab shaan ni zikr

6) Moosa a.s. ni daang ni zikr

7) Nazaafat ni zikr saaf safai no ghano khayal rakhe. Ghar, compound, mohalla, shehar saglu saaf raakhe

8) Yazeed ni dikri Ramla ni zikr. Molatena Sakina a.s. na saathe Imam Hussain a.s. na raas Mubarak ni zikr

9) Ali Akber a.s. na ghulam ni zikr

10) Syedna Taher Saifuddin ane Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin na Rumaal ane Dupatta ane Paatla Mubarak Alam-e-Iman ne dikhaaya.