Spying Apps from kothar

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Spying Apps from kothar


Unread post by asad » Tue Oct 28, 2014 2:51 am

Dear Forum Members,

In last few days kothar has gone on an aggressive drive to send mobile apps to be installed by DB's. These apps are intended to receive information regarding SMS miqaat, registration or any other information which is currently sent through mails and sms.

I just want to warn Forum members to be careful and not install these apps as its really very easy to read your browser history, steal saved passwords. and if you access this Forum through your mobile devices you should be more careful.

This can sound paranoid but Kothar has few people who are quite tech savvy and to catch people who want changes or are sympathizers of PDB looks like best khidmat to them. Better be cautious than sorry.

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Re: Spying Apps from kothar


Unread post by WiththenameofAllah » Tue Oct 28, 2014 3:40 am

Thank you for this information.

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Re: Spying Apps from kothar


Unread post by fustrate_Bohra » Tue Oct 28, 2014 4:33 am

No doubt, they can go to any length.

Also a small suggestion those who are surfing this site using mobile, DO keep habit of clearing browser cache/cookies frequently so if somebody else surf your mobile he/she may not encounter with this site and more importantly dont get your username.


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Re: Spying Apps from kothar


Unread post by qutub_mamajiwala » Tue Oct 28, 2014 5:14 am

i cannot acess this site from mobile.
it can be viewed as a desktop site only on mobile.
means u have to forever go to and fro back and forward to read complete content.
a very difficult and daunting task
does this site has mobile version like all other major sites, which is easily readable on mobile.

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Re: Spying Apps from kothar


Unread post by humanbeing » Tue Oct 28, 2014 5:27 am

asad wrote:Kothar has few people who are quite tech savvy and to catch people who want changes or are sympathizers of PDB looks like best khidmat to them..
Bro Asad
There are plenty of tech savvy professionals who are providing services to local jamaats. We recently saw a recruitment ad too, for hiring DBAs and other tech support position to maintain Bohra database and computer systems. Apart from regular tech support for day to day functioning, these techy in their naivety design applications for collection of funds and other restrictive mechanisms such as attendance supervision, tracking donations and other movements of bohras. Empowering these crooks with technology to exploit people more systematically. Classic example is Ramadan masala tax linked to location of the place where you can pary. The markaz was divided into masala blocks with alphanumeric codes and such whole such programming linked to registration, payment and allocation of the block similar to buying a seat in cinema hall. This system is also carried out for allocating seating spaces in ashara tamasha that SMS carries out.

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Spying Apps from kothar


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Tue Oct 28, 2014 11:26 am

bro asad,

some might say that you are being over cautious and seeing conspiracy theories where there are none.

but i believe you, because the kothar is trying every trick in the book to curtail defiance and bring this site down. witness the anger of mufatlal yesterday in the vaez, railing against his enemies whom he sees lurking in every closet. what the heck, even his wife and kids deserted him and his kufr.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Spying Apps from kothar


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Oct 28, 2014 4:48 pm

E-mails as under are being sent to e-jamat card holders, is this in anyway related to the spying Apps of Kothar ??.....

Mumineen are informed that the Special Edition of WeConnectDirect M52, is being upgraded and will be unavailable until further notice.

We thank you for your feedback related to this application, and look forward to relaunching this product soon.

The link (given in the earlier email) has been deactivated, and would not be available for downloads anymore. You are requested not to forward that link to others - to avoid inconvenience.

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Re: Spying Apps from kothar


Unread post by asad » Wed Oct 29, 2014 1:52 am

Br. GM,

I am talking about emails sent like these.

"As Asharah Mubarakah 1436H arrives, students across the world embark on a unique journey into Fatemi Learning.

For the past one month, questions have piqued the curiosity of these young minds. Now we all wait in earnest to hear the Mawaiz Nooraniyah of al Dai al Ajal Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin Moula TUS.

Ashara Mubarakah has always been the destination for our educational journey. In preparation to comprehend the sheer depth and breadth of Moula's TUS Waaz, the Talabul Ilm app will now divulge the answers to these questions. The aim here is to equip each student with the tools to unravel the mysteries of Fatemi knowledge embedded in Moula’s Waaz, so that he or she may have a long lasting and enriching experience in attending Ashara Mubaraka with Huzurala TUS.

In order to find out the answers, each user is simply required to update the already downloaded Talabulilm app.
In addition to this, every day at around four thirty in the evening we will be sending reflections from the Waaz Mubarak and thought provking questions that will encourage each student to quite literally ‘voice’ their opinions, thoughts, reflections on each day’s Waaz, by recording short voice notes through the app. These will be collated and hopefully presented to Huzurala TUS.

Download or update the NEWLY UPDATED TALABULILM APP for Asharah Mubarakah 1436h:


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Re: Spying Apps from kothar


Unread post by humanbeing » Wed Oct 29, 2014 1:58 am

The above scheme is a reaction to internet reach of fatemidawat/SKQ camp. Kothar has the money and resource to design a better system for competing with rival camp. It seems a bit funny, that SMS camp is highly reactive to SKQ’s initiatives and in between abdes are hapless audience in this game of ping pong between SMS and SKQ.

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Re: Spying Apps from kothar


Unread post by DisillusionedDB » Wed Oct 29, 2014 3:11 am

asad wrote: a unique journey into Fatemi Learning ... destination for our educational journey ... the sheer depth and breadth of Moula's TUS Waaz ... unravel the mysteries of Fatemi knowledge embedded in Moula’s Waaz ... a long lasting and enriching experience in attending Ashara Mubaraka with Huzurala TUS
Really ?? :roll:

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Re: Spying Apps from kothar


Unread post by Dumbledore » Wed Oct 29, 2014 6:28 am

SKQ Website has more than 34,00,000 hits till last week, i.e before the new design came in place...
I donno why they have removed the hit counter from the website now.

This clearly shows the amount of traffic SKQ site is generating over last 9 month.

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Big brother is watching you (its52)


Unread post by bohrabhai » Thu Dec 18, 2014 1:18 am

I have little knowledge about application permission guidelines. I wanted to download its52 and found app asking these permissions. I don't understand why they need my personal data and my media data?
Can some one explain?

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Re: Big brother is watching you (its52)


Unread post by Biradar » Thu Dec 18, 2014 1:35 am

My advice to you and others is to not install this app on your phone. I can't emphasize this strongly enough. The administration run by DMMS is a very dangerous one. He wants to control everything you do: from what you wear,, to what you eat, what your daughter and wife should study and do, who you associate with, what things you access on your phone (like this website), what messages you send to others (like Watsapp messages), what images you browse, etc. etc. These thugs won't stop at anything, and will mine all the data from your phone for their own nefarious purposes. For example, imagine the app accessing your holiday pictures and mining it for information about weather your wife or kids were wearing rida, or if you were wearing topi. Or, accessing messages from other apps, trying to spy on what you are saying to your friends. Or tracking where you are at various times using the GPS location feature. This can be dangerous, to say the least. Just don't do it.

If you must do it, then go to the privacy setting of your phone and browse the apps that have access to your data, and disable ITS app from that list. If you don't do this step, you are setting yourself up for trouble.

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Re: Big brother is watching you (its52)


Unread post by hsnhussain » Thu Dec 18, 2014 3:40 am

I am not a pro in mobile apps, but as per my experience almost all apps ask for permission to access some details from your mobile.
I am sure you must have installed a few other apps before downloading ITS52 and didn't bother to read this permissions before accepting it.
I think, and correct me if I am wrong, these apps ask for only access to data on your mobile and not collecting your actual data, which means it not spying on you. For instance, it asks for access to your location so that it can show you precise time of prayer in your current location.

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Re: Big brother is watching you (its52)


Unread post by humanbeing » Thu Dec 18, 2014 4:05 am

HSNH is correct, every app asks for access to personal data and they do monitor the activities of the user. They store cookies and history of the person's mobile and net usage. companies do this to sell the data and preferences of the user to various marketing and consumer companies to promote thier products.

Few apps also siphon off your talk-time balance in small deductions which miss our attention. multimedia files are at risk to worlwide internet and cloud technology.

we download this apps at our risk, these apps are seemingly less harmful as they use the data for thier marketing purposes. but in case of ITS, it is better not to risk your privacy, this guys cant be trusted, they may have rabid abdes with ample time at kothar's payroll or free disposal under the guise of khidmat and walayat to spy on bohras and score browniee points from thier masters. laanatbazi now becoming stronger and central part of abde faith, it is better advised to keep these cons as much away as possible.

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Re: Big brother is watching you (its52)


Unread post by asad » Thu Dec 18, 2014 4:10 am

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Re: Spying Apps from kothar


Unread post by alivasan » Thu Dec 18, 2014 2:08 pm

No need to worry about compromising with personal data.Mustufa manek who is admin guy in BM data center responsible for protecting ITS database has been brought over. ITS database should be like open book anyone can refer too(pro,anti..all sorts) and not limited to vazarat guys who dont understand anything and vouch for pulling out its data ..maybe also selling it for nafarious tasks at exorbitant price.since tech refresh of hardware containers its database and overhaul of app architecture has been hijacked and hacked by our team of pro hackers.jungle dadhi guys are better fit as envoy around muffys fortress and palaces which excludes BM data center.they are planning to move primary data center to bkc and dr to euro zone in far off London for which QJ has only access with retina and other biometrics..first barrier is laser beams lights and then after few barriers is e vault password is " charlie, I am joker"..pls allow access..welcome q joker to ITS data center..give me buzz if anyone needs its database pirated copy

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Re: Spying Apps from kothar


Unread post by SBM » Thu Dec 18, 2014 2:40 pm

alivasan wrote:No need to worry about compromising with personal data.Mustufa manek who is admin guy in BM data center responsible for protecting ITS database has been brought over. ITS database should be like open book anyone can refer too(pro,anti..all sorts) and not limited to vazarat guys who dont understand anything and vouch for pulling out its data ..maybe also selling it for nafarious tasks at exorbitant price.since tech refresh of hardware containers its database and overhaul of app architecture has been hijacked and hacked by our team of pro hackers.jungle dadhi guys are better fit as envoy around muffys fortress and palaces which excludes BM data center.they are planning to move primary data center to bkc and dr to euro zone in far off London for which QJ has only access with retina and other biometrics..first barrier is laser beams lights and then after few barriers is e vault password is " charlie, I am joker"..pls allow access..welcome q joker to ITS data center..give me buzz if anyone needs its database pirated copy
I am totally confused with your post. I have no idea what are you trying to convey.

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Re: Spying Apps from kothar


Unread post by alivasan » Thu Dec 18, 2014 3:03 pm

SBM ji , why are we worrying about spying and data collecting app from mobile capturing our moves, records personal data etc. when entire its database has been hacked and available with team of hackers. Its MS Access database and using query from simple UI data can be pulled. ITS database is not like NASA, highly secured one..so they might secure data center by moving far off in london having primary one and DR site in Honolulu. In case of emergency failovers to Honolulu and fallback to primary once emergency receds.some drills are to be done with Raza for such flip flops.

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Re: Spying Apps from kothar


Unread post by Biradar » Thu Dec 18, 2014 4:14 pm

alivasan wrote:SBM ji , why are we worrying about spying and data collecting app from mobile capturing our moves, records personal data etc. when entire its database has been hacked and available with team of hackers. Its MS Access database and using query from simple UI data can be pulled. ITS database is not like NASA, highly secured one..so they might secure data center by moving far off in london having primary one and DR site in Honolulu. In case of emergency failovers to Honolulu and fallback to primary once emergency receds.some drills are to be done with Raza for such flip flops.
My friend: there are two aspects of this conversation, and you are confusing them. First, the actual global ITS database, and the second, information which can be gleaned (real-time in some cases) from your phone. Even if the first is hacked into and available to "hackers", the latter is in our hands. If one installs a nefarious app and gives it permission to access all our local data on the phone, it can be used against us.

Given that the mullahs have introduced a RFID enabled ITS card (so they can track in/out movement into markaz/masjid), it is not inconceivable that the mobile app could be used to track various other things one does. We have already seen in the last two years that DMMS approves of spying on fellow Bohras. (One may recall the fiasco in which he wanted Bohras to report people who were smoking, drinking and taking interest loans). Hence, I would not put it beyond him if he approved spying using the app also. Hence, common sense and caution is recommended.

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Re: Spying Apps from kothar


Unread post by JC » Thu Dec 18, 2014 4:22 pm

Whatever Muffy and Gang SAYS and DOES, it is with BAD INTENTIONS ............... I do not trust them at all. ALL of their actions are mala-fide.

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Re: Spying Apps from kothar


Unread post by alam » Thu Dec 18, 2014 6:30 pm

In simple language, if you don't want your social, community and kharas-mithaas life confused with your spiritual life, then don't bother with carrying your ITS card anywhere, don't download any DB app, and don't give your card number to anybody asking for it. If they refuse you entry, then you have choices : give in to their requests/demands, resist, resist again, resist yet again, refuse, cry foul, or stop going. You have more choices than you think you have.

Alivasan is crying foul, or crying wolf - not sure.

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Re: Spying Apps from kothar


Unread post by Critical_Thinker » Thu Dec 18, 2014 9:12 pm

I googled this ITS app and have downloaded it to see.
Its seems like any other app although its asking for an ID which I dont have.

I dont know about the spying aspect.
But unlike many people here, Im not afraid of the kothar.
Its a real shame that so many people are, especially to this extent.

Personally I doubt the kothar have the brain power to do anything so sophisticated.
It sounds more like paranoia from people who have watched too many james bond movies.
I could be wrong though so will wait to hear of any negative repercussions coming from downloading this app.

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Re: Spying Apps from kothar


Unread post by anajmi » Thu Dec 18, 2014 11:18 pm

I am sorry but is there anything significant about your post? No. Is it completely irrelevant? Yes. Who would do knowingly spend time doing that which is completely insignificant and irrelevant except one who can do nothing of significance or relevance?

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Re: Spying Apps from kothar


Unread post by zinger » Thu Dec 18, 2014 11:59 pm

anajmi wrote:I am sorry but is there anything significant about your post? No. Is it completely irrelevant? Yes. Who would do knowingly spend time doing that which is completely insignificant and irrelevant except one who can do nothing of significance or relevance?
its so sad anajmi to see how insignificant and irrelevant your life is, if all you do these day is cyber bullying and trolling :roll:

really, get out, go for a walk, spend some time with your family, pay more attention to your work. [DELETED]

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Re: Spying Apps from kothar


Unread post by kimanumanu » Fri Dec 19, 2014 4:21 am

Have to agree with Critical_Thinker. I have this app and really don't care what, if anything, they are doing with it. For me it is useful as it gives me namaaz times and also has the calender function. If they do stoop to the level of spying, then it will simply confirm that they are capable of such things and will in fact drive me further away.

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Re: Spying Apps from kothar


Unread post by alivasan » Mon Dec 22, 2014 11:08 am

Biradar wrote:
My friend: there are two aspects of this conversation, and you are confusing them. First, the actual global ITS database, and the second, information which can be gleaned (real-time in some cases) from your phone. Even if the first is hacked into and available to "hackers", the latter is in our hands. If one installs a nefarious app and gives it permission to access all our local data on the phone, it can be used against us.

Given that the mullahs have introduced a RFID enabled ITS card (so they can track in/out movement into markaz/masjid), it is not inconceivable that the mobile app could be used to track various other things one does. We have already seen in the last two years that DMMS approves of spying on fellow Bohras. (One may recall the fiasco in which he wanted Bohras to report people who were smoking, drinking and taking interest loans). Hence, I would not put it beyond him if he approved spying using the app also. Hence, common sense and caution is recommended.

Agree two different things. I know nitty gritty of both and later one is more risky as cookies if not managed by end user of app can lead to app spying.in either case , what I wanted to tell is that its database is not sacrosanct.throw me some its id and will pull out all linked data within mins.recently I have traversed all data paths for fraud guy husain Abbas pan who has fooled people in Mumbai, Indore, and pune

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Re: Spying Apps from kothar


Unread post by Abuzer » Mon Dec 22, 2014 11:18 am

this is a no-brainer, nothing is been spied so far, if kothar had such qualified programmers they would have hacked this forum long back, this forum is running on very old technology and if some programmer is given enough resources he will hack it in 15 mins, but yet it is not done so it means they are not even bother about it.

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Re: Spying Apps from kothar


Unread post by fustrate_Bohra » Mon Dec 22, 2014 11:26 am

Abuzer wrote:this is a no-brainer, nothing is been spied so far, if kothar had such qualified programmers they would have hacked this forum long back, this forum is running on very old technology and if some programmer is given enough resources he will hack it in 15 mins, but yet it is not done so it means they are not even bother about it.

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My dear friend dont take them for granted. Dont forget that they are successfully running Multi Million business in the name of religion from last so many decades and yet they are untouched.

So my sincere advice "Precaution is better than cure"

Hope that this site has enough security.

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Re: Spying Apps from kothar


Unread post by accountability » Mon Dec 22, 2014 11:56 am

they may be able to track you, but it is a two way street, the same cookie could lead you to whoever is tracking you, and it is not very sophisticated, basic programmer will be able to do that. and now there are cyber laws in almost every country, it is a criminal offence to hack into some one digital or computer device.