Muffadal Saiffudin and related topics -2016

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
I Rizwan
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Re: Muffadal Saiffudin and related topics -2016


Unread post by I Rizwan » Tue Aug 02, 2016 11:03 pm

Bhai their is no point to boil your blood, abde world is amazingly jhahil.

I think muffy has got a jackpot, his father burhanuddin worked hard to keep the community jhahil so that his son can reap the fruits of their jhahalat.

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Re: Muffadal Saiffudin and related topics -2016


Unread post by dal-chaval-palidu » Wed Aug 03, 2016 2:44 am

objectiveobserver53 wrote:Watch these videos and determine who understands Islam better.

This bayan of SMS looks like part of the Udaipur bayan. Does anybody have the full Udaipur Bayan of SMS? If so, please post the link or the audio/video.

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Muffadal Saiffudin and related topics -2016


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Sat Aug 06, 2016 1:53 pm

Su Beshumaar Ehsaan ane Karam chhe apna Aali Qadr Abu Jafferus Sadiq, Muffadal Saifuddin Aqeequl Yemen, Aqa Mola, Haq na Saheb, Natiqe Quran, Moajiza na Saheb, Ilah ul Ardh ane emna Qasre Aali ane Baite Zainy na..

Hamna Surat ma Aisaheba Ummul Mumeneen Johratus-sharaf zowjate Aqa Mola binte Marhoom Shehzaada Yusuf Najmuddin, Asad ul Misr, Shaheed ul Qahera, Al Haddul Anjab, ye em farmayu to her "baandies", her slaves and disciples in jamea that Imam Hussain spoke Daawat ni Zabaan so why should we speak any other languages, aa toh Hussain ni zabaan che. Su niraali shaan che apna Ummul Mumemeen ni!!

Al Zulfiqar's comments on the above:

This proves that Imam Hussain was an abde syedna, did sajadatus shukur and sajda e taqriman wal taaziman wal ubudiya to dawoodi bohra syedna, attended sabaks and reached the final level of darajjatul akhera wal kamela, attended lisaan-ud-dawat classes and became fluent in it around 10 yrs of age. He loved dal chawal palidu with gosh and papad, malido and sundhenu. His wife Sherebanu was an expert in knitting bohri topis and stitching ridhas and massallas. On the first of every month he religiously did salaam with fakhir najwa to mufatlal and invited him for ziyafat where 53 pakwaan were served. Hussain was a pukka shia dawoodi muffadali bohra who wore STD and ate paan and sufoof after every meal.
Deeper research has also uncovered that Hussain was taught into doing maatam of “YA HUSSAIN” from 2 years of age. The training started with his elder brother Hassan, then was inculcated into all other members of the family, incl. Zainul Abedeen, Abbas and all the womenfolk led by Zainab. Maatam was so ingrained into the household of the Panjatan Paak that if the kids demanded food, they first had to perform maatam and repeat it after their hunger was satiated. It was the last rite performed before going to bed and the first thing upon waking up, before and after every ghusl, before stepping out of the house and then when returning home. No wedding could commence without maatam and neither could the wedding be consummated before doing purjosh maatam. In fact Hussain had issued a farmaan that the shaikh who performed the nikah, the groom and the bride’s father too had to perform maatam before the nikaah rasm.
The various forms of maatam too were established during Hussain’s time. The 2 handed maatam, the ringa ringa roses maatam, the maatam on knees, the silent maatam, the 100 hours maatam, dedications of maatam to the dawoodi bohra dais, the spiked iron chains maatam, the public maatams, and finally the rova jevu moh maatam. Rigorous classes were conducted for all these, and the class toppers were gifted swords, horses and tents. It is to his credit that the greatest dai of them all, the shamsud-duatul mutleqeen Mufatlal, has now given the finishing touches to the greatest interpretation among all maatams – Maatam as Ibadat!!
These and other most interesting facts were discovered by HH JOHRATUS SHARAF during their recent visits to the French Riviera. Khuda emni umar ta qayamat ba salamat baki and baki rakhjo.

P.S. More interesting revelations on this subject of Hussain as abde syedna might be unearthed when Johratus-sharaf visits Brazil during the RIO Olympics. Remain tuned.

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Re: Muffadal Saiffudin and related topics -2016


Unread post by think » Sat Aug 06, 2016 8:13 pm

entourage visiting, karachi, lahore, pindi , multan and quetta.

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Re: Muffadal Saiffudin and related topics -2016


Unread post by Biradar » Sat Aug 06, 2016 8:35 pm

Al Zulfiqar wrote:
Al Zulfiqar's comments on the above:

I am sorry to say, this is in very bad taste. You are making fun on Imam Hussain based on some foolish statement made by someone else. Humor is very good, but please lets not stoop to the gutter and insult the great personalities of the Prophet's family, specially not someone who occupies a exalted position in the firmament of Islam.

tipu sultan
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Re: Muffadal Saiffudin and related topics -2016


Unread post by tipu sultan » Sun Aug 07, 2016 8:08 am are looking at AZ contribution through colored glasses. He has stated a valid point.

I see AZ displaying for reformust discussion the image of Husain AS as it is in the minds of abdes and drummed by their royalties.

Imam Husain of Bohra is not the same as Husain ibn Ali AS. The two lived different lives, died for different reasons and left different legacies.

I dont recognize Mufadali Bohra Imam Husain nor want to idolize him.

Also Dawoodi Bohra say they are Shia whose shia their imagination based image or the fact based Shia.

Try to sincerely undertstand who was Husayn ibn Ali why he was killed how excellent Muslim he was and if he was present would he recognize who Bohras are or would distance himself from an Indian bearded golden capped cult running around chest beating every moment who have corrupted his Prophets religion. Would he be pleased or disappointed.

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Re: Muffadal Saiffudin and related topics -2016


Unread post by Biradar » Sun Aug 07, 2016 9:01 am

tipu sultan are looking at AZ contribution through colored glasses. He has stated a valid point.

I see AZ displaying for reformust discussion the image of Husain AS as it is in the minds of abdes and drummed by their royalties.


Try to sincerely undertstand who was Husayn ibn Ali why he was killed how excellent Muslim he was and if he was present would he recognize who Bohras are or would distance himself from an Indian bearded golden capped cult running around chest beating every moment who have corrupted his Prophets religion. Would he be pleased or disappointed.
Really? Can you tell me one place where you have heard in any sermons or waaz any of this ridiculous stuff AZ is saying? This is simply a strawman, which AZ and others fell for. I am pretty sure the original post here about Mrs. Muffy making the statements about language are actually cooked up in someone's fancy imagination. Don't be so gullible as to believe everything you read on WhatsApp, and don't use to as an excuse to take a swim in the gutter.

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Re: Muffadal Saiffudin and related topics -2016


Unread post by anajmi » Sun Aug 07, 2016 10:29 am

Watch these videos and determine who understands Islam better
Neither. There is something called Zikr - Allah in the quran. Emphasized over and over in the Quran. Do you see Zikr - Allah in either of these bayans? They are full of Zikr - Dai.

Allah says in the Quran 33:41 and 42

O you who have believed, remember Allah with much remembrance
And exalt Him morning and afternoon.

Who do the bohras talk about morning and afternoon?

tipu sultan
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Re: Muffadal Saiffudin and related topics -2016


Unread post by tipu sultan » Sun Aug 07, 2016 5:24 pm

Well B has never heard moajiza stories, attended madrassa where riwayats or sat in thals to listen to what people believe or preach. B as i stated the AZ discussion was an illustration if you cannot get so be it there is a wider audience so shut up. You dont need to debate every comment. This is a public forum.

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Re: Muffadal Saiffudin and related topics -2016


Unread post by Biradar » Sun Aug 07, 2016 9:44 pm

tipu sultan wrote:Well B has never heard moajiza stories, attended madrassa where riwayats or sat in thals to listen to what people believe or preach. B as i stated the AZ discussion was an illustration if you cannot get so be it there is a wider audience so shut up. You dont need to debate every comment. This is a public forum.
My, my, what anger! Perhaps you were upset your hero AZ's error was pointed out? No problem, its okay. I realize that you are not worth engaging anyway. In any case, my conversation with AZ not you.

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Re: Muffadal Saiffudin and related topics -2016


Unread post by zinger » Mon Aug 08, 2016 12:53 am

Al Zulfiqar wrote:Su Beshumaar Ehsaan ane Karam chhe apna Aali Qadr Abu Jafferus Sadiq, Muffadal Saifuddin Aqeequl Yemen, Aqa Mola, Haq na Saheb, Natiqe Quran, Moajiza na Saheb, Ilah ul Ardh ane emna Qasre Aali ane Baite Zainy na..

Hamna Surat ma Aisaheba Ummul Mumeneen Johratus-sharaf zowjate Aqa Mola binte Marhoom Shehzaada Yusuf Najmuddin, Asad ul Misr, Shaheed ul Qahera, Al Haddul Anjab, ye em farmayu to her "baandies", her slaves and disciples in jamea that Imam Hussain spoke Daawat ni Zabaan so why should we speak any other languages, aa toh Hussain ni zabaan che. Su niraali shaan che apna Ummul Mumemeen ni!!

Al Zulfiqar's comments on the above:

This proves that Imam Hussain was an abde syedna, did sajadatus shukur and sajda e taqriman wal taaziman wal ubudiya to dawoodi bohra syedna, attended sabaks and reached the final level of darajjatul akhera wal kamela, attended lisaan-ud-dawat classes and became fluent in it around 10 yrs of age. He loved dal chawal palidu with gosh and papad, malido and sundhenu. His wife Sherebanu was an expert in knitting bohri topis and stitching ridhas and massallas. On the first of every month he religiously did salaam with fakhir najwa to mufatlal and invited him for ziyafat where 53 pakwaan were served. Hussain was a pukka shia dawoodi muffadali bohra who wore STD and ate paan and sufoof after every meal.
Deeper research has also uncovered that Hussain was taught into doing maatam of “YA HUSSAIN” from 2 years of age. The training started with his elder brother Hassan, then was inculcated into all other members of the family, incl. Zainul Abedeen, Abbas and all the womenfolk led by Zainab. Maatam was so ingrained into the household of the Panjatan Paak that if the kids demanded food, they first had to perform maatam and repeat it after their hunger was satiated. It was the last rite performed before going to bed and the first thing upon waking up, before and after every ghusl, before stepping out of the house and then when returning home. No wedding could commence without maatam and neither could the wedding be consummated before doing purjosh maatam. In fact Hussain had issued a farmaan that the shaikh who performed the nikah, the groom and the bride’s father too had to perform maatam before the nikaah rasm.
The various forms of maatam too were established during Hussain’s time. The 2 handed maatam, the ringa ringa roses maatam, the maatam on knees, the silent maatam, the 100 hours maatam, dedications of maatam to the dawoodi bohra dais, the spiked iron chains maatam, the public maatams, and finally the rova jevu moh maatam. Rigorous classes were conducted for all these, and the class toppers were gifted swords, horses and tents. It is to his credit that the greatest dai of them all, the shamsud-duatul mutleqeen Mufatlal, has now given the finishing touches to the greatest interpretation among all maatams – Maatam as Ibadat!!
These and other most interesting facts were discovered by HH JOHRATUS SHARAF during their recent visits to the French Riviera. Khuda emni umar ta qayamat ba salamat baki and baki rakhjo.

P.S. More interesting revelations on this subject of Hussain as abde syedna might be unearthed when Johratus-sharaf visits Brazil during the RIO Olympics. Remain tuned.


Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Muffadal Saiffudin and related topics -2016


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Mon Aug 08, 2016 1:15 pm


i hear you and feel your angst at my post, but your anger is misdirected. whether johra said this or not is immaterial, the fact is day in and day out the sacred memory of hussain's and the shohodas' supreme sacrifice is being mocked and misused, exploited and capitalised upon by the haramkhor kothari mafias led by their goonda leader muffy. and he is not new to this, his father before him started the ritualistic practice of going down in sajda at the climactic moment of the last moments of hussain's beheading and then running his hand along the back of his neck to whip up the crowds into a cheap frenzy, muffy uttering complete lies that hussain prayed for taher saifuddin and mohammed burhanuddin with his last breaths, asking abdes to do maatam between 2 fardh namaaz, making abde masses perform purjosh maatam at airports and railways stations to welcome their dai from sundry trips, to do maatam for his long life, to make newborn babies do maatam by force... the list goes on.

basically insulting the shahadat of hussain and turning it into a circus, that too for the most vile of reasons - to extract moneys from gullible bohras and line their own bottomless pockets. ridiculing the gruesome slaughter of the shohodas on the hot sands of kerbala by introducing the most laughable caricatures of maatam, taking the maatam tamasha picnics to exotic lands where cynical abdes/amtes flock in huge numbers to enjoy exciting sightseeing jaunts, foods and shopping. labrez jamans are cooked to feed the hungry wolves, who after performing ritualistic mourning and frenzied self-flagellation fall upon the hearty repasts as if there is no tomorrow. hordes of greedy, shameless jaahils indulge in mob like behaviour, some even going to the extent of stealing goods from malls and stripping their hotel rooms bare!!

the leader of the fanatic bohras demands extortionary sums to recount the saga of hussain, like a woman of easy virtue who sells her wiles to the highest bidder. is this less insulting to the memory of hussain than my post, which was simply to put the gutter mullas of the kothar to shame, if they have even an iota of it left?

it does not come easy using the name of hussain even in jest, but sometimes shock therapy works best when a patient is in the last throes of death. the entire brain-dead abde community is being deceived, manipulated and exploited most cruelly in the name of hussain. he is being insulted 24/7, his father ali and his noble and exemplary life is now only mentioned in passing, the names of the prophet and Allah are no longer of any importance, they are merely flies in the ointment.

as tipu sultan has mentioned, for the cunning bohra dais, hussain is their "property" on which they exercise sole rights, for all intents and purposes his shahadat and all accompanying events emanating from it is theirs and theirs alone. they can use, misuse, exploit, embellish, embroider, twist, pervert and milk it as they see fit. hussain apna baap ni jaagir chhe. inside their secret and closed-to-the-media horror chambers known as masjid/markaz, they have full freedom to mangle, manipulate and mock the shahadat in whichever ways they want.

Sakina Asif
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Re: Muffadal Saiffudin and related topics -2016


Unread post by Sakina Asif » Tue Aug 09, 2016 5:47 pm

AZbhai fatwa is already issued from Johra ben sahib. This year muffaddal moula will perform shahadat with the dodhari talwar. Moulana Husain ke naam per is liye sab ko bula rehe hai.

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Muffadal Saiffudin and related topics -2016


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Tue Aug 09, 2016 6:04 pm

can you please elaborate on what you mean? what dodhari talwar and which fatwa?

Sakina Asif
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Re: Muffadal Saiffudin and related topics -2016


Unread post by Sakina Asif » Tue Aug 09, 2016 7:42 pm

Fatwa about Muffadal Moula will not use his hand to perform a boota khanger se ragda phiraya. This time Moula wil use real khanger. I was talking about that fatwa from Johra ben sahib so more and more people come in Ashara to see this miracle.

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Re: Muffadal Saiffudin and related topics -2016


Unread post by seeker110 » Tue Aug 09, 2016 11:06 pm

Haleem and kadhi will be served soon after purjosh matam. By our Mola, our one trick pony.

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Re: Muffadal Saiffudin and related topics -2016


Unread post by objectiveobserver53 » Wed Aug 10, 2016 12:12 am

Sakina Asif wrote:Fatwa about Muffadal Moula will not use his hand to perform a boota khanger se ragda phiraya. This time Moula wil use real khanger. I was talking about that fatwa from Johra ben sahib so more and more people come in Ashara to see this miracle.
Why does he not just do us all a favor and use a sharp khanjar to illustrate Imam Hussain's sacrifice... :roll:

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Re: Muffadal Saiffudin and related topics -2016


Unread post by SBM » Wed Aug 10, 2016 10:54 am

The only problem is with this analogy of SMS doing Ragda on his own neck to illustrate Shahdat of Imam Hussain is

That Imam Hussain DID NOT do radga on his own neck, it was done by Shimr, does that means when SMS does Ragda-- he is portraying as Shimr, " I am just saying"
Or better how about inviting some one from Salafi or ISIL (representing Shimr and his toli) or or may be a Zakir Naik follower and they will be more then happy to do Ragda on SMS's neck in real time and make him real Martyr. That Martyrdom will guarantee SMS Jannat and in the company of Ahl E Bayt
Please SMS and Johra Ben, please make it happen...and I will join for Purjosh Maatam

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Muffadal Saiffudin and related topics -2016


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Wed Aug 10, 2016 11:13 am

bhai SBM,

inviting isis or salafists would be a stretch. my humble suggestion would be that since johra has come up with this brainwave, why doesn't she wield the khanjar herself at the right moment? that would keep it in the family and be highly symbolic. i mean think about it, a dutiful wife doing her bidding, braving the screaming abde throngs and placing the butthar khanjar on her husband's neck? and in case, in a frenzied moment of orgiastic excitement she were to actually sever his head, then too nothing would be lost. any of her brothers, saeed ul khair or kauser could take over with the ilhaam of the hidden imam and fulfill the legacy of their illustrious father YN.

i say, bring it on... we need this additional drama to wake up the sleeping abdes who are bored to death of the same old same old..

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Re: Muffadal Saiffudin and related topics -2016


Unread post by soulsurvivor » Wed Aug 10, 2016 5:22 pm

seeker110 wrote:Haleem and kadhi will be served soon after purjosh matam. By our Mola, our one trick pony.
Hahahahah tricky pony! I like this laqab :D

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Re: Muffadal Saiffudin and related topics -2016


Unread post by humanbeing » Thu Aug 11, 2016 2:04 am

Sakina Asif wrote:Fatwa about Muffadal Moula will not use his hand to perform a boota khanger se ragda phiraya. This time Moula wil use real khanger. I was talking about that fatwa from Johra ben sahib so more and more people come in Ashara to see this miracle.
I think, Muffy Maula is gonna display some sort of Imam-Hussein's talwaar (Zulfikar) the two edged one, to promote the ashara mubaraka. And possibly this barkati phookeli talwaar then would be sold for millions to adorn some rich sheikh abde's house increasing his showmanship and walwala and walayet towards muffy maula and Imam hussein.

Muffy maula's mantra is to innovate and attract as much crowd as they can. it is a business model now. just like a TV channel, hotel, or a dukaan. they need to move from one event to another and market it bigger and bigger to pull more crowd. They need to glamorize, sensationalize the event to arouse greater curiosity. Muffy maula himself is a grumpy short tempered dud. They need flashier, brighter packaging to cover muffy maula's incompetence.

Soon will be the time, Shahadat/ahlebayt merchandize will be copyrighted and sold by these kothari leeches; talwar zulfikar, bloodied zuljanah, boothu khanjar, sayyeda fatima zahra's tears jaar, abbas alamdar's mashki, ali asgar's teer, Khajoori no jhaar, sayyeda zainab's shackles, shimr's lokhan-na-moja, Imam hussein's shahadat ringtone in d voices of SMB and SMS (cringe).

I Rizwan
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Re: Muffadal Saiffudin and related topics -2016


Unread post by I Rizwan » Sat Aug 13, 2016 10:39 am

Fana ho jaye Imam Hussain naa ghum bechne wale, woh saheed e azam Hussain pe salaam.

I Rizwan
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Re: Muffadal Saiffudin and related topics -2016


Unread post by I Rizwan » Sat Aug 13, 2016 11:58 am

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Re: Muffadal Saiffudin and related topics -2016


Unread post by allbird » Sun Aug 14, 2016 7:30 am

I Rizwan wrote:MS car modified

Wow where do they get this money from ? I can barely afford to a taxi travel left alone a Mercedes modified Pope mobile.

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Re: Muffadal Saiffudin and related topics -2016


Unread post by AgnosticIndian » Sun Aug 14, 2016 8:39 am

allbird wrote:
I Rizwan wrote:MS car modified

Wow where do they get this money from ? I can barely afford to a taxi travel left alone a Mercedes modified Pope mobile.
There are many Abdes who happily spend for muffy Moula

I Rizwan
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Re: Muffadal Saiffudin and related topics -2016


Unread post by I Rizwan » Mon Aug 15, 2016 2:43 am

Even if one can afford such cars one should refrain from it....this brings no happiness of Allah Subhanu.

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Re: Muffadal Saiffudin and related topics -2016


Unread post by think » Mon Aug 15, 2016 11:20 am

This bullet proof car is not for show but for his safety and this in itself indicates the degree of his belief in Allah. He fails to understand that death will come when his time is up even if he rides a bullet proof car. It could only be Moula Ali who can sleep on the Rasools bed in the open sky not afraid of any one but Allah. Such is the faith and belief of the true follower of islam , not some puppet who in the name of deen is fooling the abdes and grabbing their money.

I Rizwan
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Re: Muffadal Saiffudin and related topics -2016


Unread post by I Rizwan » Mon Aug 15, 2016 11:50 am

think wrote:This bullet proof car is not for show but for his safety and this in itself indicates the degree of his belief in Allah. He fails to understand that death will come when his time is up even if he rides a bullet proof car. It could only be Moula Ali who can sleep on the Rasools bed in the open sky not afraid of any one but Allah. Such is the faith and belief of the true follower of islam , not some puppet who in the name of deen is fooling the abdes and grabbing their money.
this is from Mumbai I guess and I dont think he has any life threats in India, this car is just for show of and to copy Pope mobile.
images.jpg (3.44 KiB) Viewed 10339 times
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Re: Muffadal Saiffudin and related topics -2016


Unread post by allbird » Tue Aug 16, 2016 7:16 am

I Rizwan wrote:
think wrote:This bullet proof car is not for show but for his safety and this in itself indicates the degree of his belief in Allah. He fails to understand that death will come when his time is up even if he rides a bullet proof car. It could only be Moula Ali who can sleep on the Rasools bed in the open sky not afraid of any one but Allah. Such is the faith and belief of the true follower of islam , not some puppet who in the name of deen is fooling the abdes and grabbing their money.
this is from Mumbai I guess and I dont think he has any life threats in India, this car is just for show of and to copy Pope mobile.

Yes you are right the back drop is on distinct Bhendi Bazaar Roduat area. There are few flaws in this pope mobile

1. No seat beat

2. If its for Moula display then its valid only up till end of Mohalla then it would appear funny if he travels in that pope-mobile up Valkeshwar and saifee mahal.

3. Near chowpaati he would represent ganpati-visurjan (drowning of Hindu god ganpati into the ocean) in that vehicle. Embarrassing ride.. :)

4. How would mumineen do Qadambosi and they forgot a little slot in pope-mobile for Salam covers. A tiny slits in the glass for slipping envelopes, especially near the Qadam mubarak.

5. If this vehicle is from Rodaut Tahera to end of saifee masjid ONLY. Then what a waste of money for a ride on like 400 -500 meters. Shame on the the person who came up with this idea and SMS is happy to ride it.

The cost of that Mercedes car in Indian market is valued 20 lacs plus and extra for modification. That money could have been used for foster ship program. Crazy mutts.

tipu sultan
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Re: Muffadal Saiffudin and related topics -2016


Unread post by tipu sultan » Wed Aug 17, 2016 8:14 am

This is a true recent event. An Amte, educated, well off.. I was talking to....look at the state of the community ..

They had a death in family. I called to say sorry. She literally said Maula kept her loved one alive for as long as he wanted and took him away when he wanted. No mention of word Allah.

She then went on to say while Maula was on shikar in Africa she asked for shifa and he granted and he lived for a few days. She was so casual about shikar as if it is Maula job and key role is to do shikar.

I asked how can someone doing haram act of shikar grant shifa ..she sounded puzzled...but anyway she completed her saying Maula remebred him in arzi...which is enough and Maula cannot do haram stuff ever.