Taher Fakhrudin and related topics

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Re: Taher Fakhrudin and related topics


Unread post by dal-chaval-palidu » Mon Oct 24, 2016 1:00 am

objectiveobserver53 wrote:MS attitude towards women is despicable. Bohras seems to have their very own Donald Trump! The demagogue leader scaring people up - in his case, with social boycott - and degrading women who work outside the house. And scaring their men into thinking they commit adultery when they are outside their home. Shame indeed!

One has to wonder what working women think about his sermons? Why is there no revolt? I know that my wife is disgusted but stays on for fear of social boycott. I know for a fact that MS allows strange men to kiss his wife's hands and feet!! He himself directed an aamil to ask maafi from his wife in my presence!! And the man was literally kissing Zohra's leg like his life depended on it!! I also know for a fact that my wife would give a man (other than myself!) a taste of her shoe if he tried to kiss her leg!! And I am proud that my wife is a working woman with her own ideas and opinions! So MS needs to take a good look at the woman beside him before he starts casting aspersions on my wife!!
This (highlighted in bold) seems to be very difficult to believe.

I did not attend all the waiz, so I would again like a description of the waiz, if audio and video are not available, where MS mentioned that women should not work outside their house. Or, is this referencing old waiz?

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Re: Taher Fakhrudin and related topics


Unread post by objectiveobserver53 » Mon Oct 24, 2016 7:10 am

^^^ in small bethaks, especially one exclusive to MS acolytes, it is apparently common for Zohra to be present a little to the side. And aamils regularly did salaam to her. For complicated reasons, I ended up in a couple of these in Saifee Mahal and I was witness to this. This was post stroke, and Raudat Tahera drama. The aamil had made some mistake for which he was asking maafi from MS and he directed him to the wife. The man was on his knees, did salaam and and kissed her feet and kept on at it moving higher up her leg in abject misery and remorse for what he had done. Yes, I was quite horrified by what I saw too. Her response was non chalant which made me think that this sort of thing happens frequently. Obviously the man's livelihood was at stake so he may not have been mindful of what he was doing. On that occasion and others, I also saw other miyasaabs doing salaam to her. Not sure if they were all aamils.

Based on my wife's account, the waaz in which he went on about the various kinds of excrements was the waaz of the 2nd and in the waaz of the sixth he did his su thai bayan in the context of unmarried men and women sitting together (according to him, they should not.) According to my wife, this time he could not contain himself at "su thai" but had to go ahead and clarify that "zinah thai jaai!" He mentioned that when two unmarried people sit together there is always a third "Shaitan" sitting with them. This is what Unhappy may have been referring to. I don't think he mentioned working women specifically, but easy to extrapolate that working women find themselves in these situations frequently and he has mentioned working women on many many occasions in the past.

what about all the thousands of professionals, men and women, who find themselves in these situations multiple times a day? Are they going to require a third person in all one on one meetings? (Or is that still out of bounds?) After all the "dai" has spoken! What a sick mind the "dai" has....

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Re: Taher Fakhrudin and related topics


Unread post by think_for_yourself » Mon Oct 24, 2016 11:00 am

OO53 This may be one of the sick bayans of Mufaddal Saifuddin from the early days that you are referring to. He has done many many bayans in this vein in the early years and suffered such backlash that he is being held back now from openly demeaning women. But it appears based on this years ashara that he still cannot hold himself back. In this particular waaz he goes on to say that if a man knows that his wife is home, he will not suspect his wife even if he hears in the bazaar that his wife is promiscuous!!! What kind of twisted logic is that?! If someone said this kind of crap to my husband, the first thing I would expect him to do is break the rumor mongerer's nose!!

In typical victim-blaming fashion, what Mufaddal Saifuddin would instead do, is to lock his wife up!! But since there are no chances of him having that kind of control on his wife, he fantasizes about it incessantly from the takhat... He also fantasizes incessantly about his wife lovingly making rotis for him.....apparently...How highly educated men and women of the world can accept this drivel from this lunatic is beyond my understanding!!
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Re: Taher Fakhrudin and related topics


Unread post by objectiveobserver53 » Mon Oct 24, 2016 11:29 am

think_for_yourself wrote:How highly educated men and women of the world can accept this drivel from this lunatic is beyond my understanding!!
I think that men and women accept this "drivel" because they believe that these sorts of messages will never be enforced and it will never really impact their choices in terms of the education of their daughters or the ability of their wives to go out in the world and make their mark and bring home a decent income.

I believe that the masses are deluded. Crazy men in dawat always find ways to implement their crazy ideas. Control over what we eat has been effectively exercised. It may still come back to hurt them, but so far it has been effectively exercised. So will in time, the female population stay largely uneducated, busy making rotis and dependent on dawat for their social interactions because they will not be able to fit in elsewhere. This is true for about 80% of the population in this day and age. It will be true for close to 100% of the Bohra population in the next 2 to three generations....if this "lunatic" has his way.

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Re: Taher Fakhrudin and related topics


Unread post by alam » Mon Oct 24, 2016 2:50 pm

Mr saif53 - how about publishing Mufaddal Saifuddin bayans online, openly for anyone to hear, not having to login through ITS. At least that would be a fair comparison, right, comrade? At least the other side wouldn't be getting cut and paste, bootlegged versions of MS bayaans.

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Re: Taher Fakhrudin and related topics


Unread post by objectiveobserver53 » Mon Oct 24, 2016 2:56 pm

alam wrote:Mr saif53 - how about publishing Mufaddal Saifuddin bayans online, openly for anyone to hear, not having to login through ITS. At least that would be a fair comparison, right, comrade? At least the other side wouldn't be getting cut and paste, bootlegged versions of MS bayaans.

What do you mean cut and paste bootlegged versions of the bayaans? Are you saying he did not actually say these things? Are you saying that they are somehow edited? Mufs said these things at least 20 times if not more in waazes all over India in the period after Burhanuddin Moula's stroke. If you did not hear these things then you must be living under some rock or not attending any majlises in the masjid where they broadcast these bayaans ad nauseum.

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Re: Taher Fakhrudin and related topics


Unread post by think_for_yourself » Mon Oct 24, 2016 3:12 pm

objectiveobserver53 wrote:
alam wrote:Mr saif53 - how about publishing Mufaddal Saifuddin bayans online, openly for anyone to hear, not having to login through ITS. At least that would be a fair comparison, right, comrade? At least the other side wouldn't be getting cut and paste, bootlegged versions of MS bayaans.

What do you mean cut and paste bootlegged versions of the bayaans? Are you saying he did not actually say these things? Are you saying that they are somehow edited? Mufs said these things at least 20 times if not more in waazes all over India in the period after Burhanuddin Moula's stroke. If you did not hear these things then you must be living under some rock or not attending any majlises in the masjid where they broadcast these bayaans ad nauseum.

Calm down OO53. Everyone on this board is more than familiar with Muffy's misogyny and many of those bayans have been posted on this forum multiple times. Not sure what Alam is upto when he insinuates that these videos are edited.

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Re: Taher Fakhrudin and related topics


Unread post by alam » Tue Oct 25, 2016 2:16 am

Cut and paste by the echelons of Dawat controlled by Yusuf najmuddin children and nephews who have taken control of SMB Dawat. They've been doing this for a long time even during SMB era - they would cut and paste SMB bayaan as it suited their propaganda to make a point that would be otherwise hogwash.
Bootleg version simply denotes excerpts that are "unauthorized" from SMB machinery.

My overall point is that there is no such thing as purity and clarity of doctrine and belief. It is all subject to interpretation (albeit "Raza naa Saheb", or you and me ). More importantly though is the lack of SMS bayans that are "officially" public. All one has here from saif53 is an ANONYMOUS unofficial qutbi blogger presenting arguments and discussion based on he said she said blah blah. To Saif53: Just have SMS to make his vaaz and bayans be available in open domain to fight fair.

Hope this helps with the confusion of what I'm "insinuating"

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Re: Taher Fakhrudin and related topics


Unread post by humanbeing » Tue Oct 25, 2016 5:58 am

objectiveobserver53 wrote:
think_for_yourself wrote:How highly educated men and women of the world can accept this drivel from this lunatic is beyond my understanding!!
I think that men and women accept this "drivel" because they believe that these sorts of messages will never be enforced and it will never really impact their choices in terms of the education of their daughters or the ability of their wives to go out in the world and make their mark and bring home a decent income.
Accept ?? I doubt if majority of bohras are even listening to Muffy maula’s gyaan, he is just a symbol sitting on the dais to be showcased or paraded for the social gathering to take place, where abdes and bohras alike can come together and celebrate whatever they were called for, meet with friends and family, make more new friends and family, eat lavish jamans, burp and go home merrily.

People get real in outside world, women are not sitting in corners making roties. Grumpy Grandpa can whine, crib, grunt and rant as much he wants on his spoilt pyara farzando, as long as there is food, abdes and bohras will remain in trance and enjoy the party muffy maula throws every now and then.

Observed many a sheikhs and mullah’s families. Women work, do business and party and roti making is outsourced to roti maker, maids or restaurants. Sheikhs and mullahs who pester abdes to shell out monies for MSBs, themselves send their kids & grandkids to convent or secular or international schools.

Even kothar knows, muffy maula’s ranting farmaans are going above the head. As long as people filling the coffers, they don’t mind muffy maula venting out his frustration, insecurities and deluded misogynist opinions on dumb down masses who are waiting in trance for ramakdaas (gosh-boti). However sometimes kothar does clean up the mess left by muffy maula by initiating some cover up campaign later to his misogynist rantings.

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Re: Taher Fakhrudin and related topics


Unread post by Biradar » Tue Oct 25, 2016 12:36 pm

The contrast between the mad, misogynist rantings of More-la Muffy and the peaceful, quiet and intellectual discourses of STF can't be more stark. On one hand, we have a 7th century Taliban-like idiot who has failed to keep up with the world, and wants Bohras to remain culturally and intellectually backward. On the other, we have someone who is modern, believes in modern education for both men and women, and imparts knowledge freely, without emotional manipulation and financial coercion. The choice for most right-thinking people is clear.

Yet, we observe that vast majority of Bohras continue to follow Dawedar More-la Muffy. Why? The answer is simple: convenience and lack of a spine. Even here, we see that people who complain continue to attend the events organized by More-la out of fear of social repercussions. I ask them: is it worth sacrificing your peace of mind and inner spiritual life for a few kaaras and mithas? So what if you won't be invited for birthday parties and jamaans? Please, I urge you, think of your inner life and do not corrupt it and ruin it for the sake of a few tasty dishes.

Among the people who attend More-la events, I have observed two types of people: the ones who have drunk the Kool-Aid and truly believe in the mad-man, or the dejected, frustrated and in-turmoil souls who attend out of force or compulsion. The sad thing is that the latter really suffer. They have a feeling of inner turmoil as they do not agree with More-la's misogynistic, anti-intellectual and backward stance, but are unable to leave. This has a very negative consequence on one's life. One becomes cynical, frustrated and looses peace and quiet of a truly spiritual inner life. Religion, instead of providing a peaceful, enlightened life, leads to frustration, anger and hostility.

To such people here, I urge you to please take a hard look at where your hypocrisy is leading. Leave this mad-man and his ranting ways. You will be happy! Yes, like a cure for a dangerous sickness you will feel miserable for a short time, but your long-term prognosis will be healthy and flourishing. Please make a small sacrifice now for long-term peace and quiet. Leave this mad-man. For you own sake, and the sake of your children.

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Re: Taher Fakhrudin and related topics


Unread post by Saif53 » Thu Oct 27, 2016 1:32 am

http://qutbibohras.blogspot.com/2016/10 ... of_26.html

1438H Qutbi Bohra Sermons: The Nass of Syedna Hatim RA
In the 8th speech, Husain Qutbuddin attempts to make a few arguments in favour of his father's false claim. In reference to Syedna Hatim's RA zikr. He says:

Syedna Hatim na zamaan ma su baney che… aa mukhalifeen.. je dawat ni tareekh ma aa misal kahey che ke nass badle.. pachi ehni misaalo dhoondwa jai.. aney mamlook e Syedna ada kidu ke aqido tapasi ne wahaj ruki jawu joiye… impossible waat che.. waliyullah je khuda na ilhaam si..aney je dai imam na ilhaam si nass karey che.. ye koi waar banej na ke nass badle… je sahib saazwaar hoi ehne qaim kare.. mukhalifeen ek misaal Syedna Hatim nu apey che…aney su kahey che.. je galat waat che…kahey che ke Syedna Hatim…ke Syedna Ali bin Mohammed bin Waleed… Mazoon ud Dawat… ehna upar nass kidi.. aney pachi badli ne .. Syedna Ali bin Hatim, aapna shehzada par nass karey che… em kahey che…

He then goes on to relate Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin's RA bayaan in Houston 1422H in which the word "irada" is used.

Firstly and more importantly, the bayaan he blindly dismisses as "impossible waat che" & "je galat waat che" is actually Syedna Taher Saifuddin's RA bayaan. Syedna RA clearly states that Syedna Hatim RA had already performed Nass on Syedna Ali bin Moula Mohammed al Waleed RA: Here is the text from the Risala:
- Risalah Shareefah "Rawdo Aalam al Quds". Pg 76, 6th line
The word "nassa" (in the past tense) clearly indicates that a nass was already performed. Anyone with a basic knowledge of Arabic grammar can confirm this.

Husain thinks he's addressing the matter, instead he beats around the bush without focusing on the core issue. If he really wanted to counter the claim, as an academic, he should have based his argument on the Risala text. This Risala text has been brought to the Qutbi Bohras attention. The Qutbis will be surprised to know that this isn't the only example. I have cited examples of multiple nass, eg: Imam Aamir's AS kitaab, and Syedna Dawood bin Qutubshaah's RA Nass. (Refer to page 13 of the Open Letter). Husain doesn’t dare to even mentioned - let alone discuss - any of these examples. Instead, he chose to keep his audience oblivious to these bayaans - to give them a false pretense that he has produced irrefutable evidence.


According to Syedna Taher Saifuddin's RA bayaan, Syedna Hatim RA performed Nass on Syedna Ali b. Mohammed RA.
Husain Qutbuddin knew very well that this bayaan exists (it has been mentioned here and in the open letter to Taher Fakhruddin.). But he deliberately kept silent.
Despite the above reminders, if he didn't know this bayaan exists - he does now, and must reject KQ’s false claim. Because KQ's position was that a Nass could not change.
The Qutbi Bohras can't seem to make up their mind on whether this bayaan is authentic or not. They seem to acknowledge it on their website (discussed in detail here), but on the other hand, Husain discards it as "ghalat waat che". A screen shot of their website is provided below:

As for Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin's RA bayaan about Syedna Hatim's RA intention to perform Nass - that is another bayaan waraq and relates the entire course of events zikr from Syedna Ali b. Moula Mohammed RA. However, one cannot deny the existence of Syedna Taher Saifuddin's RA crystal clear bayaan about the nass taking place.

Similar to how Syedna Moiyed al Shirazi RA clarifies the harmony between Quranic verses that seem contradictory - it is only the haq na saheb’s right to connect the zikrs and clarify its true understanding.
For a true believer in the 51st, 52nd and 53rd Dai Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS , there is not a shred of doubt nor any need to be confused. Both bayaans are haq, because both are haq na Dai, and both are one & the same - Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA said ان هذا الفتى انا "He is I, and I am him".
Unless the Qutbis want to go against Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA - they have no choice but to accept the Risala bayaan as well. And if they do not acknowledge the bayaan, they go against the 51st Dai. If however, they do accept the bayaan, they attest that KQ's claim is false.

The Qutbis are in a Catch-22 situation. By clinging only to Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin's RA waraq, and refusing to accept any other bayaan as "ghalat waat che" - they are directly rejecting Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA. If they openly accept Syedna Taher Saifuddin's RA Risala bayaan they shoot themselves in the foot.

Unfortunately for the Qutbi Bohras, in support of KQ, they are willing to go any distance to support his claim - even if that means rejecting the 51st Dai and insulting the 52nd. There is no limit to the levels they are willing to stoop to.

May Allah guide their followers to open their eyes to the truth - and grant them the courage to verify these facts
Concluding, Husain Qutbuddin attacks us mumineen by saying "pachi ehni misaalo dhoondwa jai", accusing us of wrong doing when we are seeking barakat and learning from the history of Awliyaullah AS. If Husain Qutbuddin had gone to Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah, the first thing he would have been taught is the phrase الاخبار انوار - "al Akhbaar o Anwaar" [the akhbaar (of Awliyaullah AS) is illumination of the soul].

According to Husain Qutbuddin, if one is not allowed to study the history of Awliyaullah AS, then where else are we supposed to look?! Why is it okay for the Qutbi Bohras to bring forth several misplaced, misinterpreted examples, and when Mumineen counter their arguments using the same Akhbar and clear bayaans, they cry out "ghalat waat che"! Every time an example from Dawat texts is provided to counter their argument (such as the 7th Dai's public Nass from Muntaza al Akhbaar and the examples provided above), they blindly reject it as "ghalat waat che". This is sheer hypocrisy and cowardice.

If the Qutbis knew anything about Haq (the truth), they would know that the foundations of faith, the usool are derived from the actions and Akhbaar of Aimmat AS and Duat RA.
Haq & Usool follow them, not the other way around.

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Re: Taher Fakhrudin and related topics


Unread post by kimanumanu » Thu Oct 27, 2016 9:18 pm

Forget about this nass - has SMS done his nass for the 54th? When is the tawqeef happening? Does the mansoos know about it yet? Are the shahids well and alive?

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Re: Taher Fakhrudin and related topics


Unread post by Maqbool » Thu Oct 27, 2016 10:45 pm

I thik this saif53 is anti mufi. He cut and paste creps from QB and then loves to read the comments against mufi.

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Re: Taher Fakhrudin and related topics


Unread post by Biradar » Thu Oct 27, 2016 11:29 pm

Maqbool wrote:I thik this saif53 is anti mufi. He cut and paste creps from QB and then loves to read the comments against mufi.
This is possible and likely. In psychology it is often true that people who try to justify their beliefs hardest are the most insecure in their beliefs.

Its strange that someone like him would spend so much time writing up things which no one besides him read. Almost everyone on this board is anti-Muffy, and no one takes Saif's rants seriously (except his pervert buddy Adam). They are same-old same-old nonsense. None of the die-hard followers of More-la are able to tell us one good thing about their dewtaa. Not one. Just listening to the clip posted above makes it clear that More-la is a misogynist and backward fool, who does not know how real world works. He yells and shouts, specially when it comes to keeping women in the corner of the house. Somehow, More-la is unable to understand the concept of call centers, and the opportunities it has given poor but educated people to make a living.

Also, I think More-la is a sexually repressed person. Listening to him bring up the issues of "suu-suu thaai jaai" when a woman leaves the house, is enough to make one understand that More-la is probably ogling women and he himself is the real problem, the "teejo shaitaan". In fact, in the clip above he talks how its bad to be flight attendant (I think) while we know he was holding hands and smiling at a flight attendant. Truly a creepy type of behavior.

Obviously, More-la also does not understand an iota of science or technology. His random ravings on glass and its uses last year in Huston showed he has the knowledge of a 5th grade fail (naa-pass, as they say in gujrathi) student. He bumbles around and is hardly able to put together a sentence without reading from a script. He threatens with hell-fire everyone who does not agree with his nonsense views of the world. And, the ironic thing is, foolish people like Saif shout "More-la, More-la" on top of their lungs, all the while trying not to trip over their junglee dadhi and roll onto their jamaan filled bellies. Astounding.

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Re: Taher Fakhrudin and related topics


Unread post by DisillusionedDB » Fri Oct 28, 2016 1:48 am

Biradar wrote:

I ask them: is it worth sacrificing your peace of mind and inner spiritual life for a few kaaras and mithas? So what if you won't be invited for birthday parties and jamaans? Please, I urge you, think of your inner life and do not corrupt it and ruin it for the sake of a few tasty dishes.

They have a feeling of inner turmoil as they do not agree with More-la's misogynistic, anti-intellectual and backward stance, but are unable to leave. This has a very negative consequence on one's life. One becomes cynical, frustrated and looses peace and quiet of a truly spiritual inner life. Religion, instead of providing a peaceful, enlightened life, leads to frustration, anger and hostility.

To such people here, I urge you to please take a hard look at where your hypocrisy is leading. Leave this mad-man and his ranting ways. You will be happy! Yes, like a cure for a dangerous sickness you will feel miserable for a short time, but your long-term prognosis will be healthy and flourishing. Please make a small sacrifice now for long-term peace and quiet. Leave this mad-man. For you own sake, and the sake of your children.
I can only talk about myself (family included) as I have gone through all this and decided that it's infinitely better to worry about your inner peace and akherat than be afraid of a despotic ruler and his oppressive minions. It's been lots of years now that I have stopped going to these majlises and miqaats and unemotional and demotivating waaz and believe me it is the best thing that I have done.

Once I stopped going to all this I had to do something to fill my spiritual needs and that is when I turned to the Quran for guidance. And guess what ? I got it. The next step I graduated to is to listen to speeches and sermons and khutbahs of the scholars of Islam who don't hide behind user IDs and passwords to propagate their knowledge. Youtube is a boon if you are truly on the quest to search for truth and guidance. I must have listened to hundreds of them and then narrowed it down to a few who are really good, who don't preach hate, who teach us more about Islam and Quran and Rasullulah than the mojizas and fatwas of grandfather, father and the prodigal son.

What I wish to convey in my limited vocabulary is that - (1) Please don't be scared of any human being or institution (2) These so-called men of God will not help you an iota in your path to jannat (3) You have think more of your akherat for yourself and how are you going to achieve it.

Just take one bold step and leave. By leaving does not mean that you have to cut ties altogether with everybody and live life like a recluse or please don't think that you will become a pariah shunned by all. I still have ties to all my relatives but they know I think different and many don't engage me in any arguments. Initially, I used to hem and haw and give excuses for why I was like I was. Now I don't give a damn and tell them on their face what I think. And believe me, once you stand up to them, they back down.

I had e-jamaat cards which were totally devoid of any swipes and even they are lost now. I don't go to pay wajebat but instead do my charity on my own. I seek out the needy and help them. Isn't that what is required by us in the Quran ? Why should we pay these "sultans" and then whine when we see them splurging openly with our money.

Once you get on the path of "siraat al mustaqeem" there's nothing to stop you. You will yourself feel so liberated and Allah will open your hearts to haqq and truth.

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Re: Taher Fakhrudin and related topics


Unread post by Saif53 » Mon Nov 21, 2016 12:28 am

Sijill # 144: Winter
http://qutbibohras.blogspot.com/2016/11 ... inter.html

(Article written in collaboration with a viewer's input)
Clickbait. This one word is enough to describe the latest edition of the Qutbi Bohras newsletter, in particular the article penned by Abdeali. I am surprised that a magazine like Sijill - which claims to be the official Newsletter of the “Fatemi Dawat” - has had to resort to clickbait practices in order to attract readership. Well, hindsight says it is nothing to be surprised about, their whole cause revolves around luring people with false propaganda.

The ‘bait’ I refer is the brazenly selected title itself: “Winter is coming”. Unbeknownst to the author of this Sijill article, he has inadvertently conceded that whatever the so-called Fatemi Dawat is doing is nothing but playing a game of thrones. It is also possible that the article was written after the author finished watching an episode of the TV series known for its profanity. Abdeali is ranked highest in the Qutbi Bohra tarteeb. His choice of media speaks volumes about the ‘purity’ of his character. There are many ways of enticing and attracting youngsters into accepting your cause; an alleged spiritual dawat - but resorting to obscene TV series isn’t the ideal course of action.

After having reduced the article to a subject of worthless gossip, the author has further complicated the central theme by mis-translating the opening phrase. The phrase “Winter is coming” is an attempt to translate Imām Mustanṣir Billah’s AS words: "قد آن وقت الشتاء".

The Sijill #144 translates the Imam’s words as follows:

“the Imam only replied with these words of hikmat: “Why does Lamak ask for permission (to leave), as winter is coming.”

One with a rudimentary understanding of Arabic to English translation would know that the verb “coming” fails to indicate the proximity of an impending situation in an absolute sense. If the equivalent Arabic word is one which does so, then it would be improper to translate it inaccurately. The Arabic word here is آن (aana) which clearly indicates towards the proximity of an impending situation. Imām Mustanṣir AS is alluding towards the period of satr which is just (as goes the phrase) around the corner.

Saying “Winter is coming” implies that the person indicating towards the arrival of winter does not know when winter will actually arrive. On the other hand, if one were to say: “The winter is here” or “The winter is coming shortly”, he would be making it apparent that he is aware about the proximity of winter. Imām Mustanṣir AS wasn’t guessing when he said those words. He knew very well that the winter was near. Of course, not the weather, but the implied state of time, the satr.

It is obvious that while talking about the season, one could suffice by saying that: “Winter is coming” because the advent of this season is a well-known and annual phenomenon, but when alluding towards a situation while referencing it against a historical background, one should be more careful.

The ImāmAS was not talking about the season and neither was he unsure about the advent of satr. Translating his words into a phrase which is ambiguous is tantamount to undermining the Imām’s AS certainty of prediction. Especially when such a translation is exploited to satisfy the author’s desire to allude towards not what the original statement alluded towards, but a TV serial.

There are virtually unlimited ways of translating this phrase. I would personally prefer: “The winter is nigh”. The proximity of time is clearly indicated and no part of the meaning is lost. After all, Abdeali's sister Tahera Qutbuddin once translated it in a more acceptable manner as “winter is almost here”.[1] There is no acceptable reason for Abdeali to provide an incorrect translation. I would refrain from entitling my article in such a way that would allude towards a TV drama when I am referring to infallible Imams and their divine words and actions.

This brings us to the next issue: The disparity between the title and the content. This problem has plagued the article from beginning to end. While the article beckons the reader by parading before him the advent of winter, all it talks about is the thick of it and its passing away. Apart from the original narration pertaining to the phrase, the author wants the reader to know that they are in the thick of winter and it shall soon pass.

Quoting the Sijill:

“Today, we are in the thick of this winter. The night of oppression is dark, and the fog of misguidance and confusion is thick, from those who have usurped control of the Dawat infrastructure.”

Well, then it means that winter is not coming, rather it is already here. I can hear the author responding that when saying: “The winter is coming” he is talking about the season, but when he says that: “We are in the thick of winter” he is alluding towards the winter of satr or the defeat the Qutbis are facing from all fronts - and not the actual winter season.

If that was so, then the title “Winter is coming” becomes redundant. And if that isn’t so, then why not talk about the physical weather itself?

An another note, regarding the preparation of “Winter” the Sijill states:
“The foresight of the Imam and his preparation of the satr, the imminent ‘winter’ that he referred to proved providential. It is the foresight and planning (tadbir) of our Awliya that ensures the flourishing of Dawat through the summer times of plenty and the winter times of difficulty.”
The satr was was the sifarat jadeedah (the New Order), and thus, the Imam AS prepared a number of exalted hudood to ensure the protection of Dawat during these difficult times. To name a few, hudood such as Syedna al-Moiyed al-Shiraazi RA, Moulatena Hurrah al-Maleka RA, Syedna Lamak RA, Syedna Yahya RA, Syedna Ali b. Mohammed al-Sulaiyhi RA, the 1st Dai Mutlaq Syedna Zoeb RA, Syedna Ibrahim RA, Syedna Hatim RA, Syedna Ali b. Mohammed al-Waleed RA, Syedna al-Khattab RA, Syedna Mohammed b. Taher RA - were all well-informed and prepared for the forthcoming period of satr. And finally, not to forget the clear Nass & Tawqeef on Imam Taiyeb AS, along with the Sijill al-Bisharat and other decrees sent to all the Jazeeras of Dawat.
If the author considers the circumstances after Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin’s wafaat a a kind of “winter”, then let me remind him of how the Imams AS prepared for satr. The Imam left no ambiguity, no room for doubt as to who would lead the Dawat during his seclusion. He made all necessary preparations for his mumineen. If Khuzaima’s alleged succession was to be a matter of contention, then surely there should have been some preparation, some evidence, witnesses for his cause - instead of leaving his followers to guess or debate who the rightful leader should be.

Finally, when reporting the court case, the second section of the Sijill states:

“Shehzada Mufaddal Saifuddin and his men were trying to take advantage of the passing away of Syedna Qutbuddin Saheb with the objective of getting their Change Reports allowed ex-parte.”

Let me remind the Qutbi legal team that it was Khuzaima Qutbuddin that took “advantage of the passing away of” Syedna Mohammed Burhanddin RA; Khuzaima resorted to commencing his legal action and concocting false propaganda - just one day after His wafaat, on the 17th of January 2014, while the entire world was engulfed in sorrow.
Now that the Qutbi Bohras have chosen this course of action, it will be fought fire with fire. You can’t expect to start a fight and whine about it when things get tough.

Concluding, let me reiterate, it is not the content about “winter” that is something worth criticizing. The zikr of AwliyaullahAS is always abound with divine illumination and reward. It is the façade of falsehood which remains the point of contention. It is the game of thrones being played which becomes a point of concern. It is the spite for truth, the disrespect and belittling of the Imam’s divine words which is a point of worry.

Finally, yes, the winter is indeed coming, but not for us. We are like how Shaikh Ismailji Ikhlas sums up:
Garmī terī khidmat kī yeh hai kuch nahī hotā
(The warmth of your khidmat is such that we feel no discomfort)
Dikhlāye asar apnā hazaār ākay idhar thand
(Even as the winter tries to set in and force itself upon us)
Jis dil mein terī garmī-e-ulfat nahī pātī
(The heart which is empty of the warmth of your love)
Thandā usay kar detī hai be-khawf-o-khaṭar thand
(Is a cold heart, frozen by the boldness and audacity of the winter-cold)

[1]Page 97 - Al Mu'ayyad Al Shirazi And Fatimid Da'wa Poetry - Tahera Qutbuddin.
Sh Mohammed Shakir translates the phrase as "Winter has come" - Page 97 Sirat al Malik al Mukarram; An Edition and Study.

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Re: Taher Fakhrudin and related topics


Unread post by kimanumanu » Mon Nov 21, 2016 5:26 am

Wow Mr. Saif53 - you have resorted to gossiping now - and you make a completely made-up accusation that the article is inspired by some TV serial. I can only assume that you are a fan of this profanity filled TV serial for it to be in the forefront of your thoughts. Shame on you.

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Re: Taher Fakhrudin and related topics


Unread post by objectiveobserver53 » Tue Nov 22, 2016 6:46 am

I had the good fortune of attending Syedna Fakhruddin's waaz on chehlum in Massachusetts. It was a beautiful event and the waaz was about the "shahadat"given by our awliyaullah in both senses of the word. The people of Fatemi Dawat are truly excellent. The hostess was gracious and she had provided all meals and accommodations for those traveling from far. I was told they had done the same during Ashara in New Jersey. And since we are Bohras, it must be mentioned that the meals were absolutely delicious :)

Being in Fakhruddin Moula's presence fills one with a sense of peace. I would urge all those disillusioned by the goings on in the MS world to attend Fatemi Dawat events. They are a reminder of who we are and how we should be. When I got home my wife described the event at the masjid. I was glad I went to the Fatemi Dawat event and she regretted that she did not accompany me.

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Re: Taher Fakhrudin and related topics


Unread post by Biradar » Tue Nov 22, 2016 1:26 pm

The reference to "Winter is Coming" is well described in the Sijil article on the FD website. Saif, following the lead of his pervert mentor Adam, is probably watching Game of Thrones with his ijaar around his ankles. It is a good show, but nothing to do with the FD article. Unless of course, the insane fool thinks GoT aired during the time of the Imams and that Imam Mustansir used it to write his couplets to deny S. Lamak permission to return home.
objectiveobserver53 wrote:When I got home my wife described the event at the masjid. I was glad I went to the Fatemi Dawat event and she regretted that she did not accompany me.
Out of curiosity: why this split in the family? Why does your wife go to naapass More-la Muffy events, while you enjoy learning, meeting new friends and having a peaceful and thoughtful event with like minds? I mean, are you punishing your wife by forcing her to listen to some jaahil aamil and his devta?

More-la More-la Muffy More-la.

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Re: Taher Fakhrudin and related topics


Unread post by objectiveobserver53 » Thu Nov 24, 2016 6:40 am

Biradar wrote:
Out of curiosity: why this split in the family? Why does your wife go to naapass More-la Muffy events, while you enjoy learning, meeting new friends and having a peaceful and thoughtful event with like minds? I mean, are you punishing your wife by forcing her to listen to some jaahil aamil and his devta?

More-la More-la Muffy More-la.
My story is the story of thousands of men/women in the Bohra community. One of the spouses is in misaq of STF and the other is terrified of social boycott. My wife is convinced about the truth of STF but is not willing to give up our friends and provoke the ire of the family.

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Re: Taher Fakhrudin and related topics


Unread post by Wajid » Thu Nov 24, 2016 9:42 am

objectiveobserver53 wrote:
My story is the story of thousands of men/women in the Bohra community. One of the spouses is in misaq of STF and the other is terrified of social boycott. My wife is convinced about the truth of STF but is not willing to give up our friends and provoke the ire of the family.
Salaams to all,
All of a sudden I'm reminded of the following stanzas of Allama Iqbal that depicts the current Bohra state of affairs. Just replace 2 words. Hindoustani by Bohri and Watan by Aakherat ...

Mera Rona Nahi, Rona Hai Ye Sare Gulistan Ka
Woh Gul Hon Main, Khazan Har Gul Ki Hai Goya Khazan Meri

Mujhe Raaz-e-Do Alam Dil Ka Aaeena Dikhata Hai
Wohi Kehta Hun Jo Kuch Samne Aankhon Ke Ata Hai

Rulata Hai Tera Nazara Ae Bohri! Mujh Ko
Ke Ibrat Khaiz Hai Tera Fasana Sub Fasanon Mein

Sun Ae Ghafil Sada Meri, Ye Aesi Cheez Hai Jis Ko
Wazifa Jaan Kar Perhte Hain Taair Bostanon Mein

Aakherat Ki Fikar Kar Nadan! Musibat Ane Wali Hai
Teri Barbadiyon Ke Mashware Hain Asmanon Mein

Ye Khamoshi Kahan Tak? Lazzat-e-Faryad Paida Kar
Zameen Par Tu Ho Aur Teri Sada Ho Asmanon Mein

Banayen Kya Samajh Kar Shakh-e-Gul Par Ashiyan Apna
Chaman Mein Aah! Kya Rehna Jo Ho Be Abroo Rehna

Na Reh Apnon Se Beparwa, Issi Mein Khair Hai Teri
Agar Manzoor Hai Dunya Mein Ao Begana Khor! Rehna


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Re: Taher Fakhrudin and related topics


Unread post by Biradar » Thu Nov 24, 2016 2:16 pm

objectiveobserver53 wrote:
Biradar wrote:
Out of curiosity: why this split in the family? Why does your wife go to naapass More-la Muffy events, while you enjoy learning, meeting new friends and having a peaceful and thoughtful event with like minds? I mean, are you punishing your wife by forcing her to listen to some jaahil aamil and his devta?

More-la More-la Muffy More-la.
My story is the story of thousands of men/women in the Bohra community. One of the spouses is in misaq of STF and the other is terrified of social boycott. My wife is convinced about the truth of STF but is not willing to give up our friends and provoke the ire of the family.
To rephrase what Wahid said in a less eloquent way: worry about aakherat and not what your friends and family say. Enough is enough and it is time to just make a choice. I understand the difficulty and the hesitation. But it is time to choose. This type of split causes a lot of stress and internal turmoil. I have seen many people who are in this position and I see that they are struggling internally, eventually losing whatever spirituality they have left. When the fear of losing material wealth and relationships dominates ones life, then spirituality evaporates and nothing of it is left. How long can this go on?

The loss of spirituality is a very dangerous one. It leads to cynicism and, worse, to a general apathy towards the deeper aspects of life, making one look at everything in terms of profit and loss. One feels empty and life appears not to have any meaning beyond the superficial enjoyment of luxuries and one's friends and family in the most superficial way.

I am sure your wife has good reason and genuinely feels fearful. However, if you can make the change, so can she! I hope eventually she does and stops living this split life.

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Re: Taher Fakhrudin and related topics


Unread post by Biradar » Thu Nov 24, 2016 2:20 pm

Wajid wrote: Ye Khamoshi Kahan Tak? Lazzat-e-Faryad Paida Kar
Zameen Par Tu Ho Aur Teri Sada Ho Asmanon Mein

Khudi ko kar buland itna ke har taqder se pehle
Khuda bande se khud pooche bata teri raza kya hai.

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Re: Taher Fakhrudin and related topics


Unread post by Saif53 » Fri Jan 27, 2017 1:40 am


Taher's Birthday - Another Lie
http://qutbibohras.blogspot.com/2017/01 ... r-lie.html
Taher's Birthday - Another Lie
In a previous post about "Authentic reports & Mustanad Bayans" I had said that: Just like the story of "The boy who cried wolf", the Qutbis cannot be trusted anymore. Every bayaan, or reference they state must be verified with a fine toothed comb to ensure whether the bayaan actually exists and whether it has been conveyed correctly."

The Qutbis have maintained a track record of shameless lying. This ranges from twisting & fabricating fundamental beliefs to embarrassingly trivial matters. Although there are many instances of this, the Qutbi Bohra Sijill #154 is the most recent example.

The Qutbi Bohras marked Taher's Hijri birthday on the 26th of Rabi al-Akhar. The late Khuzaima Qutbuddin's Hijri birthday fell on the 29th of Rabi al-Akhar. Last year, from Bakersfield, Khuzaima Qutbuddin delivered what was to be his final speech on that day.

The Qutbi Bohras posted the entire speech on Youtube titled "Dai-z-zaman Syedna Khuzaima
Qutbuddin TUS Milad Mubarak 1437H" and linked it on their website, here and here (they have now removed the recording).

The latest Qutbi Sijill #154 states:
Last year, Syedna Qutbuddin RA delivered his very last bayaan on the occasion of his Milad in Bakersfield, California. Excerpts of the bayaan’s audio recording were published on Fatemidawat.com. In that bayaan, Syedna Qutbuddin said that it was his 79th Milad and bestowed priceless doa for Mumineen. He then stated, “my most radiant son Taher, his birthday is on the 26th of this month, between the Milad of two Dais, the 52nd and the 53rd. He received both barakaat. I am also celebrating that occasion.”

الولد الاغر طاهر اهنو 26 مي ولادة چھے، آ مهينه ني، بيوے داعي نا ميلاد نا درميان، 52 ما داعي نے 53 ما داعي، بيوے بركة ملي، يه مسرة بهي مناؤ چهوں،

The Sijill claims that Khuzaima said these words however, in the entire recording of 15 minutes & 48 seconds there is no mention of this! The only reference to Taher in that speech was that he was was going to lead the prayers on that day. Nothing else. No mention of his birthday or anything whatsoever! The above quoted text is a complete fabrication!

The Qutbis have now removed the recording from Youtube, but any Qutbi Bohra who may have a recording of their late leaders final speech will be able to verify this fact.

Even if Khuzaima had said those words, they hold absolutely no weight without a clear Nass & Tawqeef on Taher. However, it is beyond my comprehension as to why they would stoop to such low levels to fabricate such a trivial thing.
The succession of Taher's to his father has been a suspicious one. There were no witnesses, not a shred of evidence, and (as per Khuzaima's claim) Taher wasn't even the Mazoon (in order to allege that his word was beyond doubt). Taher's succession is one that the Qutbi Bohras are mute about and give no justification whatsoever. I have highlighted these issues in the following posts:
The New Qutbi Bohra Nass: Double Standards?
Dear Mr Taher - Part 1
Dear Mr Taher - Part 2
How do the Qutbi Bohras know that Taher was appointed by KQ?

In order to give their followers some glimmer of hope of some divine intervention; the Qutbi Bohras are desperately trying to bolster Taher's fake claim by fabricating such lies. In doing this, they have inadvertently lied about their own former leader, Khuzaima Qutbuddin.
It is about time that the Qutbi Bohra followers see through these deceitful lies.
We pray that the love they once had for Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA guides them towards the truth and His only true Mansoos - Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS.

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Re: Taher Fakhrudin and related topics


Unread post by confusedaboutnass » Fri Jan 27, 2017 3:25 am


Taher's Birthday - Another Lie
http://qutbibohras.blogspot.com/2017/01 ... r-lie.html
The only thing that actually is embarrassing about this whole situation is that you, the author of the Qutbi Bohra blog, don't understand what the word "excerpt" means. Your 'arguments' in this post and others have so many holes that it would put even a block of Swiss cheese to shame.

That's OK though. Keep peddling your alternative facts and those who are attracted to your brand of fiction will continue to enjoy reading your drivel. For the rational and intellectual mind, your blog is only a glimpse into the mind of sewer dwellers who live in the dark, desperately seeking out a ray of light.

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Re: Taher Fakhrudin and related topics


Unread post by kimanumanu » Fri Jan 27, 2017 3:57 am

What else would you expect from someone whose whole system is based on deception and lies.

I Rizwan
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Re: Taher Fakhrudin and related topics


Unread post by I Rizwan » Fri Jan 27, 2017 10:10 am

Both parties lie through their teeth to keep their tangdi up....

just like miyaa bhai always keeps their tangdi up in all fights :lol:

Shk Mohammed Yamani
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Re: Taher Fakhrudin and related topics


Unread post by Shk Mohammed Yamani » Sat Feb 18, 2017 7:38 pm


Inayat of Hadiyyat & Laqab to Syedna Qutbuddin’s RA Shehzadis:-
Maulana bestowed azeem sharaf of haddiyyat and laqab to Maulana Qutbuddin’s five shehzadis.
All shehzadis have obtained barakat of Aal-e-Mohammed ‘ilm from the 52nd, 53rd and 54th Dais and reached the highest levels of learning.
In recognition of that learning and their khidmat of Dawat, Syedna bestowed the sharaf of Hadiyyat to them.
To Shehzadi Dr Bazat-Tahera Baisaheba Maulana granted the laqab “Yaqutatu da’watil haqq”,
to Shehzadi Dr Bazat-Saifiyah Baisaheba Maulana granted the laqab “Zumurradatu da’watil haqq”, to Shehzadi Bazat-Tayyeba Baisaheba Maulana granted the laqab “Lu’lu’atu da’watil haqq”, to Shehzadi Fatema Baisaheba Maulana granted the laqab “Jumanatu da’watil haqq”, to Shehzadi Arwa Baisaheba Maulana granted the laqab “Marjanatu da’watil haqq.”It is also noteworthy that Syedna Qutbuddin’s shehzadis have also excelled in secular education. Two of them hold PhD’s from world renowned universities. Shehzadi Dr Bazat-Tahera Baisaheba is a tenured Professor in University of Chicago, and received her PhD from Harvard University. She is the convener of Diarasat ‘Ulya and Taqreeb Committee. Shehzadi Dr Bazat-Saifiyah Baisaheba received her PhD from Oxford University in Islamic history, and BA in English Literature from the American Univesity in Cairo. She is convener of Ta’lim department and teaches seven weekly sabaq halqas (courses). Shehzadi Bazat-Tayyeba Baisaheba received her BA from London University and is author of Ikhwanus Safa series. She is also the convener of Zawaj Committee. Shehzadi Fatema Baisaheba received her BA from the American University in Cairo in psychology and is convener of Fatemi Madrasa and Fatemi Marsiya Party. Shehzadi Arwa Baisaheba is Hafiz-e-Quran, she is a Certified Counsellor from the institute of Human Technology Mumbai and is convener of Fatemi Madrasa.

To know more on "Syedna Taher Fakhruddin reveals how fear is used to control Dawoodi Bohras' lives", click the link - http://m.mid-day.com/articles/syedna-ta ... s/17972160 (Sent from m.mid-day.com)

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Re: Taher Fakhrudin and related topics


Unread post by dal-chaval-palidu » Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:02 am


Inayat of Hadiyyat & Laqab to Syedna Qutbuddin’s RA Shehzadis:-
Maulana bestowed azeem sharaf of haddiyyat and laqab to Maulana Qutbuddin’s five shehzadis.
All shehzadis have obtained barakat of Aal-e-Mohammed ‘ilm from the 52nd, 53rd and 54th Dais and reached the highest levels of learning.
In recognition of that learning and their khidmat of Dawat, Syedna bestowed the sharaf of Hadiyyat to them.
To Shehzadi Dr Bazat-Tahera Baisaheba Maulana granted the laqab “Yaqutatu da’watil haqq”,
to Shehzadi Dr Bazat-Saifiyah Baisaheba Maulana granted the laqab “Zumurradatu da’watil haqq”, to Shehzadi Bazat-Tayyeba Baisaheba Maulana granted the laqab “Lu’lu’atu da’watil haqq”, to Shehzadi Fatema Baisaheba Maulana granted the laqab “Jumanatu da’watil haqq”, to Shehzadi Arwa Baisaheba Maulana granted the laqab “Marjanatu da’watil haqq.”It is also noteworthy that Syedna Qutbuddin’s shehzadis have also excelled in secular education. Two of them hold PhD’s from world renowned universities. Shehzadi Dr Bazat-Tahera Baisaheba is a tenured Professor in University of Chicago, and received her PhD from Harvard University. She is the convener of Diarasat ‘Ulya and Taqreeb Committee. Shehzadi Dr Bazat-Saifiyah Baisaheba received her PhD from Oxford University in Islamic history, and BA in English Literature from the American Univesity in Cairo. She is convener of Ta’lim department and teaches seven weekly sabaq halqas (courses). Shehzadi Bazat-Tayyeba Baisaheba received her BA from London University and is author of Ikhwanus Safa series. She is also the convener of Zawaj Committee. Shehzadi Fatema Baisaheba received her BA from the American University in Cairo in psychology and is convener of Fatemi Madrasa and Fatemi Marsiya Party. Shehzadi Arwa Baisaheba is Hafiz-e-Quran, she is a Certified Counsellor from the institute of Human Technology Mumbai and is convener of Fatemi Madrasa.

To know more on "Syedna Taher Fakhruddin reveals how fear is used to control Dawoodi Bohras' lives", click the link - http://m.mid-day.com/articles/syedna-ta ... s/17972160 (Sent from m.mid-day.com)
So what do these titles mean? This is not a frivolous question, or one asked to put down anybody or glorify anybody. I am just trying to understand the meaning of the words:
Yaqutatu, Zumurradatu , Lu’lu’atu, Jumanatu, and Marjanatu. What is the meaning in Arabic of these words?

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Re: Taher Fakhrudin and related topics


Unread post by think_for_yourself » Tue Feb 21, 2017 7:29 am

dal-chaval-palidu wrote:

Inayat of Hadiyyat & Laqab to Syedna Qutbuddin’s RA Shehzadis:-
Maulana bestowed azeem sharaf of haddiyyat and laqab to Maulana Qutbuddin’s five shehzadis.
All shehzadis have obtained barakat of Aal-e-Mohammed ‘ilm from the 52nd, 53rd and 54th Dais and reached the highest levels of learning.
In recognition of that learning and their khidmat of Dawat, Syedna bestowed the sharaf of Hadiyyat to them.
To Shehzadi Dr Bazat-Tahera Baisaheba Maulana granted the laqab “Yaqutatu da’watil haqq”,
to Shehzadi Dr Bazat-Saifiyah Baisaheba Maulana granted the laqab “Zumurradatu da’watil haqq”, to Shehzadi Bazat-Tayyeba Baisaheba Maulana granted the laqab “Lu’lu’atu da’watil haqq”, to Shehzadi Fatema Baisaheba Maulana granted the laqab “Jumanatu da’watil haqq”, to Shehzadi Arwa Baisaheba Maulana granted the laqab “Marjanatu da’watil haqq.”It is also noteworthy that Syedna Qutbuddin’s shehzadis have also excelled in secular education. Two of them hold PhD’s from world renowned universities. Shehzadi Dr Bazat-Tahera Baisaheba is a tenured Professor in University of Chicago, and received her PhD from Harvard University. She is the convener of Diarasat ‘Ulya and Taqreeb Committee. Shehzadi Dr Bazat-Saifiyah Baisaheba received her PhD from Oxford University in Islamic history, and BA in English Literature from the American Univesity in Cairo. She is convener of Ta’lim department and teaches seven weekly sabaq halqas (courses). Shehzadi Bazat-Tayyeba Baisaheba received her BA from London University and is author of Ikhwanus Safa series. She is also the convener of Zawaj Committee. Shehzadi Fatema Baisaheba received her BA from the American University in Cairo in psychology and is convener of Fatemi Madrasa and Fatemi Marsiya Party. Shehzadi Arwa Baisaheba is Hafiz-e-Quran, she is a Certified Counsellor from the institute of Human Technology Mumbai and is convener of Fatemi Madrasa.

To know more on "Syedna Taher Fakhruddin reveals how fear is used to control Dawoodi Bohras' lives", click the link - http://m.mid-day.com/articles/syedna-ta ... s/17972160 (Sent from m.mid-day.com)
So what do these titles mean? This is not a frivolous question, or one asked to put down anybody or glorify anybody. I am just trying to understand the meaning of the words:
Yaqutatu, Zumurradatu , Lu’lu’atu, Jumanatu, and Marjanatu. What is the meaning in Arabic of these words?
These are names of precious stones and stars. Yaqut - ruby, Lulua -pearl. It is heartening to see women of Fatemi Dawat recognized for the tireless service they perform for the community and for our children. As a member of Fatemi Dawat I can vouch that every one of these titles is richly deserved. Syedna's sisters teach our children with love and dedication, write sijil articles and marsiyahs and madehs, train our zakereen, help people get married, all while holding down important jobs and earning their own living, in some cases. These titles were not bought with money but rather earned with service.