Toronto masjid fund drive

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Toronto masjid fund drive


Unread post by accountability » Wed Mar 22, 2006 7:17 pm

Right now Toronto Jamat is active in collecting funds for Mississauga masjid. Every sabil paying family is called upon to donate atleast one unit of $21000.00 (yes you read it right, twenty one thousand ) dollars towards construction of the above masjid.

The whole project is estimated to cost around 11 million dollars.

There are more than 400 families in Toronto Area. Most of them has immigrated between 1998 and 2005. Most of the immigrants are from Gulf countries. They had an urge to immigrate somewhere other than their own home country, i.e. India and Pakistan. Immigration process should have costed them fortunes, and when they come here, they had to show atleast 17000 dollars for a family of four. They are not eligible for any social assistance before they exhaust all their funds. Which they ultimately do.

Most of the times, it is difficult for them to find the jobs in their respective fields. After a certain time, it dawns upon them, that they have to work, come what may. Now they find meagre jobs in factories etc. Most of these immigrants donot bring enough money to start a business or buy a running business.

As the new immigrants are coming from Gulf countries, over there the Jamat is very assertive, so they have that stigma about intrest and banking. Therefore they are not able to take advantage of Government loans and other lending facilities. I have witnessed, that most of the families are struggling hard to make ends meet.

Suddenly Jamat comes up with the idea that each member should contribute this hefty amount.

Jamat while planning did not take the above factor into consideration. As our jamat do not work on an accountable sytem, so input from ordinary people are neither sought nor welcome. They approved a project, that was well beyond the reach of the common folks. The whole project could have been planned into phases, stretching over such time lengths, which would be facilitating for ordinary mumin.

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Re: Toronto masjid fund drive


Unread post by jamanpasand » Wed Mar 22, 2006 9:45 pm


What will be the consequences of non-payment?

Will there be a total submission or some reaction to be expected?

$21000 is a big amount from any standard.

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Re: Toronto masjid fund drive


Unread post by observer » Thu Mar 23, 2006 12:06 am

submission of course! Is that not what we bohoras are programmed to do. Otherwise no mishaq, no wedding, no invitations etc..... It will only end when bohoras start looking around at the big world. If they do not, there children will surely do so.

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Re: Toronto masjid fund drive


Unread post by accountability » Thu Mar 23, 2006 1:58 am

Jamanpasand: I will resist that for my sake and for the sake of others. They have no right to make people's life more miserable. This is totally ridiculeous. I dont know which relgion teaches to be so cruel to its followers.

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Re: Toronto masjid fund drive


Unread post by galelio » Thu Mar 23, 2006 3:42 pm

Dear Accountability,

Please let it be known to you and your friends that there is an alternative to this madness. Come to the functions organized by Progressive Bohras in GTA area.
Set yourself free from the bondage and help your friends/family do the same.
Good Luck ...

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Re: Toronto masjid fund drive


Unread post by mbohra » Fri Mar 24, 2006 1:19 pm

Every year the Toronto Jamaat holds a raffle at their mosque and the two winners get to go to Mumbai for Muqaddas Dai's Urus at Roza Taheri. I think this is also a practice in other Jamaats as well.

Again the bottom line - profit or Kothari fund drive-which obviously goes to the Kothar coffers in the guise of Dawat-e-Hadiya account/funds.

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Toronto masjid fund drive


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Tue Mar 28, 2006 9:25 pm

this amount they are asking is inspite and after the masjid plot has been donated for free by a fellow bohra bhai!!

what is the need for a lavish masjid with expensive chandeliers, engravings in gold, a luxury apartment for the bhaisaheb etc? even the masjid of our nabi(saw) was extremely simple. a place of worship where you are attempting direct communication with Allah, should be austere and should not have materialstic things which would distract you and make us aware of our power and status!! God does not need any show, esp from us.

we waste our jamaats money on jamans and useless things when our people are struggling in a new country and have no help in getting jobs and starting businesses. we have plenty of time for listening to imaginary moajiza's and the creation of a whole cult around the syedna and his family, to collect money etc, but not for helping our community to come up and earn a name for itself.

why do u think so many of our bohras go to shia centers in moharam when there is no food there, no ostentation or long hours of bakwas...?? we all know the answer.

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Re: Toronto masjid fund drive


Unread post by Suppresed » Thu Apr 13, 2006 1:11 pm

This is not the first time such an extortation bid has been made in the name of Allah on the poor hard working bohras of Toronto , most of whom are working on low paying factory jobs. Lastyear each family was forced to pay Dollars 2000 to renovate the exsting masjid, all they did was increase the kitchen, Jamaan space and a new office for the Amil Saheb, (and the jamaat assistant who happens to be a hindu lady )since he found the exsitng office too drab for his liking.
I wonder how many times will this Masjid be really used for Namaaz other than Ramadan where most of the people flock in for the Jamaan rather than prayer

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Re: Toronto masjid fund drive


Unread post by Musafir » Mon Apr 17, 2006 3:27 pm

If you would like to see the simplicity of Prayer halls or masjid then you should visit the Ismaili jamatkhanas around the globe and also in Canada and USA. In Mississauga, Ismailies were offering their prayers at a rented building in a church at and around south service road. The Imam and local council approved to built a simple jamatkhana at Hwy 10 and Matheson ave. A well to do Ismaili donated a section of his warehouse and walls and sheds were built with the help of local donations, with the help of volunteers, minimal outside labour and an Ismaili architect. Nobody was forced to pay anything everything was man-murad. Even if you go and see the Ismaili centre in Vancouver, you will find simplicity with the reflection of heritage and cause in it.

Hussain B
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Re: Toronto masjid fund drive


Unread post by Hussain B » Mon Apr 17, 2006 11:23 pm

The construction of a new Masjid in Canada has nothing to do with submission. You are helping in building the house of God. You not doing a favor to Aqa Moula or anyone else. You are doing a favor to yourself and your family. Give willingly. One should not question where the money is going. Who ever spends money intended for the construction of a new Masjid will be penalized by Allah. You should have nothing to worry about. Millions of muslims around the world look for opportunities like this. This is one of the best things you can possibly do as a muslim. I can not believe you people.

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Toronto masjid fund drive


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Tue Apr 18, 2006 2:55 am

bro. hussain,

on the one hand, the simplicity and innocence of your faith is touching and something to be admired, provided it was confined to allah and his prophets. on the other hand, it is also not wise to be so blind and trusting that you overlook even the glaring misuse and mismanagement of funds contributed by hard working, pious and faithful bohras like yourself.

every muslim worth his salt believes in the ideal, that he could construct a masjid with his funds where the faithful could come and pray and he indirectly receives his reward in heaven. but where does it say that we have to construct them with lavish interiors and expensive chandeliers, ornate carved woodwork, gold embossed scripts etc? where it is obvious that money has been siphoned off and has gone to line the pockets of a vested few?

to argue that 'we have given and done our bit, then why bother with the accounts'?..,that is an indirect encouragement to corruption and exploitation, which is precisely what the kothar is banking on. that is the same logic with which they collect the zakat and all the other umpteen dues from our community and refuse to give any accounts. a passive and subservient bohra is their trump card!

if the imam, moulana ali kept his accounts so clear and transparent, that any muslim could walk in and question him at any time, then who or what is the dai that he considers himself above any law; moral, religious or govt law?

your utterly simplistic thinking and blind faith is what has landed us in the terrible mess we are today.. either you are too good to be true or are perhaps attempting to 'fly a few kites' here, just to deliberately provoke comment or to create mischief.

i have been closely involved with the ithnashari shia's markaz's in various countries and have observed with admiration how they are so open and honest with their collections and accounts, even an outsider like me could go in and ask to see their books! often they stopped collection for a particular project when they got excess funds and used to ask people who came later, to reclaim their money.

there is no lavish food served there, or coercion or might is right, no pecking order to favour the raees' and sheikhs and mullas as we have, yet people religiously attend, maintain discipline and contribute generously, sometimes a collection target, for eg, to fix new carpets etc. is met within minutes!

multiple quotes are invited for every job, audits are carried out, and help is provided from reserve funds for widows, destitutes and those struggling to set up small businesses etc.

compare that with our community, where secrecy, bullying, persecution, threats, greed, corruption and naked ambitions are at work. its always either or else! and then you talk of our innocent syedna...? either he is totally unaware of all this, which is a complete and utterly foolish impossibilty and thus he is not in possession of all his faculties, esp, when he claims to be the 'gaib na malik, who can see the unknown! or; if he cannot perceive the filth and the stench around him, then again he is not fit to lead! on both counts he is the loser, but no..with people like you, the bohra community is the biggest loser and the establishment is laughing all the way to the switzerland!!

Hussain B
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Re: Toronto masjid fund drive


Unread post by Hussain B » Tue Apr 18, 2006 5:15 pm

I can assure you, money allocated for building a Masjid is well spent and well accounted for. I know this because of the duties I was responsible for during the building of a Masjid. You say why should masjids be built so lavishly? Why were masjids in the fatimid era built so lavishly? Jamea Anwar for example. And who took the responsibility to reconstruct that Masjid? Even when Egypt did not rebuild the Masjid, our beloved Aqa Moula rebuilt it to historical accuracy, along with numerous other masjids.

You cannot buy a shack and label it a Masjid. Have some decency.

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Toronto masjid fund drive


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Tue Apr 18, 2006 5:39 pm

br. hussain,

it is a common form of defence to always make an extremely opposite statement, so as to highlight and ridicule the other view.

this is what is termed as rhetorics, which is what you have done here by asking that 'should we take a shack and call it a masjid?" nowhere has anyone implied any such thing and neither would the city laws permit any such stupid enterprise. that is your own creation.

you say that you were personally involved in a masjid construction once, did you get to examine the accounts thoroughly? why does the toronto masjid employ a hindu lady in our muslim masjid? is there not a single bohra accountant in our community and one who will donate his free services instead of our money going to pay a hindu??!!!

and then you say that our money is being well spent? as for the fatimid masjids, did you see them 1300-1400 years ago? have you seen the masjid al nabawi today and its simplicity?

that you gave of your time and your effort to a construction is commendable but regrettably you do not have the whole picture.

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Re: Toronto masjid fund drive


Unread post by saif » Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:28 pm

I am sorry to point out again that you are again trying to be a racist, when you say:

"why does the toronto masjid employ a hindu lady in our muslim masjid? is there not a single bohra accountant in our community and one who will donate his free services instead of our money going to pay a hindu??!!! "

Canada, if you did not know, is a multi-cultural country - the only one by law. Isn't a Hindu allowed to earn an honest living? - whatever the ulterior motives of her employer! If the Hindu employers listened to your misplaced rationale, no Muslims would be employed in India by any Hindu either; or Muslims trade with Hindus for that matter.

You even haven't been able to respond to my earlier comments on you ridiculing and stereo-typing the blacks by lumping and comparing them to being knife and gun weilding swearers of indecent and obscene expletives etc.(on another post on this site).

Otherwise I have no problems with your other "holier than thou" posts on other subjects or issues on this website.

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Re: Toronto masjid fund drive


Unread post by Humsafar » Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:31 pm

There s a reason why the Toronto masjid accountant is a not a Bohra.

I don't know how true it is, but it is said that Kothar has asked the Bombay firm auditing its accounts to not to employ a Bohra.

Imagine a bohra looking into the Kothar's books. He would instantly lose both his faith and his mind.

Average Bohra
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Re: Toronto masjid fund drive


Unread post by Average Bohra » Tue Apr 18, 2006 7:04 pm

Since a bulk of its "receipts" are in cash, I am sure even the books do not reflect an accurate picture of its finances.

Hussain B
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Re: Toronto masjid fund drive


Unread post by Hussain B » Tue Apr 18, 2006 7:46 pm

To Al Zulfiqar

Obviously I didnt expect someone to "buy a shack" and call it a masjid. that is your way to discredit me. Did you comment on Moula's efforts to restore masjids around the world? And yes, I am highlighting the good that Moulana has done. Because he represents us in the world. I have been to Egypt and I have been to Jamea Anwar. A man there had seen me and asked me what group I was affiliated with (because of my outfit) and I told him. He smiled because he knew who we are and what we have done.

Have you asked those in charge of Toronto's bookkeeping why a Hindu is employed? This is not a matter of who they are employing. It is a matter of who is best qualified at the job. It may even be possible that no Bohra's wanted to work as a bookkeeper.

Apparently, YOU do not have the whole picture.

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Re: Toronto masjid fund drive


Unread post by SBM » Tue Apr 18, 2006 10:24 pm

This is an audit of Dawat-e-Hadiyah done back in 2002 but you can see the current audit and it seems that Trust has removed 2 non related member of the trust and appointed all the Princes to the Trust
The site is

. This report is a statement of the results of an inquiry under Section 8 of the Charities Act 1993 ("the Act"). 2. Dawat-e-Hadiyah Trust (United Kingdom) ("the Charity") was registered as a charity on 2nd July 1986. Its stated objects are "to carry out such purposes for the relief of poverty and the advancement of education or religion or otherwise for the benefit of mankind anywhere in the world as the Dai al-Mutlaq shall from time to time determine." His Holiness Dr. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin, is the fifty-second incumbent in the office of the Dai al-Mutlaq. The Dai al-Mutlaq is the supreme head of Dawat-e-Hadiyah who promotes and fosters the interests of the Dawoodi Bohra Community. The Charity’s turnover is in the region of £2M. Issues3. In March 2001, the Commission became concerned that the charity had failed to submit the Charity’s annual returns and accounts since 1995 despite a number of attempts by the Commission to obtain these documents. 4. The 1996 annual accounts were submitted in March 2001 and the 1997 annual accounts in June 2001. Review of these raised concerns about the large number of payments to persons related to the sole trustee, the Dai al-Mutlaq, and the Nominees. The Nominees are appointed by the Dai al-Mutlaq to administer the affairs of the Charity as de facto trustees. There are six Nominees of whom four are the sons of the Dai al-Mutlaq. As a result the Commission instituted an inquiry under section 8 of the Act on the 4th July 2001 with the aims to: · obtain up to date and accurate accounts and annual returns; · determine the Nominees reasons for not complying with their statutory obligations with regard to the submission of annual returns and accounts; and · investigate the connected person payments. Findings5. A series of payments had been made by the Charity to persons related and connected to the sole trustee, the Dai al-Mutlaq and the Nominees. 6. Whilst the Charity provided full details and explanations for all connected person payments, the Commission considered that restitution was necessary because the payments had been made in breach of trust. This was because, in determining whether the payments should be made, the personal interests of the Nominees were in conflict with their fiduciary duty as trustees of the Charity. Outcomes7. The Nominees have given the Commission full co-operation throughout the course of the Inquiry. The Nominees accepted that restitution was required and without delay paid back to the Charity some £365,000, which represented the vast majority of the sum requested. The Nominees made a case that the remainder of the payments were made in good faith in furtherance of the objects of the Charity and that it was therefore unnecessary to make restitution in respect of these payments. The Commission established that these payments did not conflict with the Nominees fiduciary duties and in view of this, restitution of the remaining amount was not required. 8. The accounts and annual returns for 1998, 1999 and 2000 were submitted in May 2002.The Nominees explained that accounts had been delayed due to concentrating all of their efforts on the extensive building project of the Northolt Mosque complex.

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Re: Toronto masjid fund drive


Unread post by tahir » Wed Apr 19, 2006 4:09 am

Originally posted by Hussain B:

You cannot buy a shack and label it a Masjid. Have some decency.
If you know how to pray decently, a shack can be your best Masjid any day. Chandeliers and gold written scripts do not impress God, a pure intention does.

The bohra dai and his followers miss this point by miles.

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Re: Toronto masjid fund drive


Unread post by Suppresed » Wed Apr 19, 2006 2:52 pm

Tahir : Agreed and even with Golden Chadeliers around wonder how much actual worship to Allah will be done here.? The Tronto amil ( on Majlis occaions ) during Maghrib skips the Sunnat Namaaz due to lack of time since he has to continue with his majlis of extolling the Dai which seems more of a priorty , but finds time to conduct two Rakats for Saydena
Is this two rakats more important than the Suunat Nammaz which is prescribed in the Quran .

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Re: Toronto masjid fund drive


Unread post by Simpleton » Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:55 pm

Any person or persons who accepts "donations" should, without even being asked, submit to the general public, Financial Statements. We have seen the Liberal gov't. go down because of non-accountability. Enron started a lot of issues.

Every Jamaat right across the world is a "profit centre" for the selected few in Mumbai and London, UK. How could the Jamaat ask for so much Sabeel and then turn around and "donate" that money to some unknown causes in India, US etc?

No wonder the Conservative Gov't. is having to enact a Bill to hold future Governments Accountable!!!

Why are the Mumineens being "forced" to "donate" funds for any cause?, and yet there is no accountability? And yet, WE are the chosen ones, WE are the best that ever walked this Planet, right?

Go to the Revenue Canada Website and see for yourselves how much money is being siphoned out of Toronto Jamaat !!!

We are here only to serve the interests and the survival of the few, who do not, cannot or will not "work" to earn a decent living !!!

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Re: Toronto masjid fund drive


Unread post by observer » Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:35 pm

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Re: Toronto masjid fund drive


Unread post by observer » Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:45 pm

2003 information:
ection E. Financial Information
E1 Please attach a copy of the charity's financial statements to this return. 4000
E2 May we make the attached financial statements available to the public? 4010
If the charity has indicated its financial statements are available to the public and you would like a copy, please contact us.
E3 Was the financial information reported below prepared on an accrual or cash basis? 4020
E4 Figures are shown to the nearest single dollar.
Cash, bank accounts, and short-term investments 4100
$ 913,497
Amounts receivable from non-arm's length parties 4110
$ 465,308
Amounts receivable from all others. 4120
$ 35,835
Investments in non-arm's length parties 4130

Long-term investments 4140

Inventories 4150

Capital assets 4160
$ 1,019,420
Other assets 4170

Total assets

Accounts payable and accrued liabilities. 4300
$ 5,346
Deferred revenue 4310
$ 450,000
Amounts owing to non-arm's length parties 4320
$ 671,251
Other liabilities 4330

Total liabilities

Amount included in lines 4150, 4160, and 4170 not used in charitable programs 4250
$ 1,019,420
E5 Figures are shown to the nearest single dollar.
Total tax-receipted gifts 4500
$ 1,585,418
Total gifts received from other registered charities 4510

Total specified gifts included in line 4510 4520

Total other gifts 4530

Revenue from federal government 4540

Revenue from provincial/territorial governments 4550

Revenue from municipal/regional governments 4560

Total revenue from government 4570

Interest and investment income 4580

Proceeds from disposition of assets
· gross 4590

· net 4600

Rental income (land and buildings) 4610
$ 11,334
Memberships, dues, and association fees (non tax-receipted) 4620

Total revenue from fundraising 4630

Total revenue from sale of goods and services (except to government) 4640

Other revenue 4650

Total revenue
$ 1,596,752
Expenditures (Enter all expenditures, whether or not on charitable programs)
Advertising and promotion 4800

Travel and vehicle 4810
$ 9,826
Interest and bank charges 4820
$ 4,831
Licences, memberships, and dues 4830

Office supplies and expenses 4840
$ 165,266
Occupancy costs 4850

Professional and consulting fees 4860
$ 13,802
Education and training for staff and volunteers 4870

Salaries, wages, benefits, and honoraria 4880
$ 111,190
Donated and purchased supplies and assets expensed for the fiscal period 4890
$ 323,498
Amortization of capitalized assets 4900
$ 6,773
Research grants and scholarships as part of charitable programs 4910

Other expenditures 4920
$ 190,885
Total expenditures before gifts to qualified donees
$ 826,071
Total charitable programs expenditures included in line 4950 5000
$ 642,172
Total management and administration expenditures included in line 4950 5010
$ 183,899
Total fundraising expenditures included in line 4950 5020

Total political activity expenditures included in line 4950 5030

Total other activity expenditures included in line 4950 5040

Total gifts to qualified donees 5050

Total expenditures
$ 826,071

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Re: Toronto masjid fund drive


Unread post by accountability » Wed Apr 19, 2006 11:28 pm

In a previous thread some times back, I posted the financial statement submitted to CCRA by anjuman e najmi, one miscelleneous expenditure was to tune of $268000.00 for stationery alone.

In the stated causes of the charity, one is, to eliminate poverty from the world. very twisted reasoning, this elimination of poverty excludes its own members, rather instilling poverty is the attained objective among the members.

In an above post a gentleman posted that he is the witness to proper utilization of masjid funds.

I have tried to collect the details of the projects that were initiated by jamats after 1980s. In almost all the cases, I found that there was vast embezzlement, wastage, and unkind spending.

If the above gentleman would name the masjid construction, he was attached to, i may be able to furnish specific details of the expenditures.

In case New of Jersey masjid, even travelling expenses of shahzadas and their cohorts were billed to masjid project. The whole construction porject was contracted out to two shiekhs, of indian origin, who in late 80's were not so well to do. During and after the project, they were able to purchase expensive houses etc. Hefty fees were paid to the architect(s).

If travelling expenses (Ist and business class) may be counted as honest and appropriate expenditures, then the whole concept of auditing needs new definition.

Hussain B
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Re: Toronto masjid fund drive


Unread post by Hussain B » Wed Apr 19, 2006 11:54 pm

accountability: you do not know the whole truth about anything in regard to the New Jersey Masjid Project. I advise you not to comment about those issues unless you are confidently sure you know what you are talking about.

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Re: Toronto masjid fund drive


Unread post by accountability » Thu Apr 20, 2006 1:36 am

please enlighten us.

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Re: Toronto masjid fund drive


Unread post by accountability » Thu Apr 20, 2006 1:38 am

Or refute with proof that travel expenses were not borne out of masjid funds.

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Re: Toronto masjid fund drive


Unread post by Simpleton » Thu Apr 20, 2006 12:20 pm

As "Observer" and "Accountability" have stated, there is mis-management of funds on a grand scale. Well, here is some more food for thought. Observer was able to procure numbers for 2003 because of the Canadian Laws. Now try to procure these kind of numbers from say, India, Pakistan, East Africa, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore etc. No wonder Mumbai is a tax haven for our Head Office.

If Toronto Jamaat is rolling in unaccounted millions of dollars, can you imagine what our London Jamaat has been doing? And that too in Sterling Pounds !!! No wonder all the top men and their families are permanent residents of UK, USA and Canada huh?

A community of about a million people, supporting a totally corrupt and unaccountable 600 or so family members, all in the name of faith, who are enjoying life at our expense and couldn't give a damn whether we feed our families or not, educate our children or not, look after our parents or not, but pay we must, for WE have been promised a life and death that no one else can achieve !!!

Remember, we ARE the chosen ones. It is only because of us, and us alone that this whole world survives...ya right!

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Re: Toronto masjid fund drive


Unread post by accountability » Thu Apr 20, 2006 4:41 pm

Why has sayedna saheb taken upon himself to restore all the masjids and maqbaras around the world at the expense of this community.

The restoration of a masjid in Jordon costed us around million dollars, I was there in 1999, when syedna saheb had to inaugrate the mosque, but king of jordan did not confirm the date, later it was inaugrated. Immediately after the inaugration, the masjid was taken over by Jordon's auqaf.

My question is, why did syedna saheb spend so much money to hand it over to the auqaf, and for a sunni masjid, of course after the renovation, they will not allow us to pray behind a wahabi imam. One million dollars are a lot of money.

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Re: Toronto masjid fund drive


Unread post by accountability » Thu Apr 20, 2006 4:43 pm

HB I am waiting for your reply.