Benazir' arrival

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Benazir' arrival


Unread post by accountability » Thu Oct 18, 2007 1:01 pm

Benazir Bhutto has arrived in Pakistan on Thursday, October 18, 2007. She unlike Nawaz Sharif was not able to land, but also show a grand reception. She had played her cards very smartly, ignoring so called media and political pundits, rather relying on her instincts, that people specially down trodden and deprived beings of Pakistan are still with us, she still stirs hope in them, hope that one day, their country will be theirs, and they will have dignity and self respect.

I want to recall the same event 21 years ago, in 1986 when she landed at Karachi, I along with Rafiq Nomani, Rashid Rabbani ( now president Karachi PPP) were with her convoy.
At that time, me and rafiq were govt officers, and that was Zia’s regime, we could have lost our jobs. But something was telling us, that she could reignite the hope and passion, that her father brought. Then she was not tainted by brief spells of governance or misgovernance. There were no corruption charges against her. I recalled Habib Jalib saying at Karachi press club: yeh gernel kernel darte hain ik nahti ladki se.

But it was then, benazir was the shadow of Zulfiqar ali Bhutto, A father, who was like none else, he was passionate, compassionate, he was a friend of poors, he wanted to do something for the masses, but simultaneously arrogant and boastful, obstinate and pertinacious. Yet sacrificed his life for dignity and steadfastness. He did not succumb to zia’s pressure. He did not go into exile, he did not leave politics for 10 years, he did not seek saudi’s or Washington’s help, neither his third world contemperories did anything to save his life beside lip service.

But today benazir is returning from self exile, which she underwent after being dismissed on corruption charges, yet enjoying a reception, which largely belongs to her father’s name.

If she had learned lessons from history, she will be a partner in people’s miseries and suffering. But I am skeptical. I hope I am wrong.

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Benazir' arrival


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Fri Oct 19, 2007 7:31 am

as events will unfold, u will be proved wrong...

all this talk of sacrifice and democracy is just hogwash..designed to get her crimes pardoned and to get back into power.

once she settles down as she wants, then complacency and her old ways will return..just wait and watch.

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Re: Benazir' arrival


Unread post by accountability » Fri Oct 19, 2007 12:28 pm

I said, " I am skeptical". Yesterdays bomb blast proved, that she is not welcome.

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Re: Benazir' arrival


Unread post by anajmi » Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:08 pm

Toeing the American line to please her white masters in washington,

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Re: Benazir' arrival


Unread post by anajmi » Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:09 pm

Toeing the American line to please her white masters in washington,

Bhutto blames attack on Taliban and Al-Qaida

Average Bohra
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Re: Benazir' arrival


Unread post by Average Bohra » Sat Oct 20, 2007 1:59 am

Anajmi & Humsafar,

Yes its America's fault.

To the rest,

It was extremely selfish and irresponsible of her to take the glamorous and showy route of a motorcade when the government (also a US puppet) strongly recommended that she take a chopper. A villager sold 2 goats to pay for the travel to this event; all this for a woman who is corrupt and not deserving of this affection nor has she done a thing to empower Pakistan.

Leads us back to the statistic that Turbo posted regarding education. Perhaps Humsafar can put a spin on this too and add nuances to explain this nonsense.

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Re: Benazir' arrival


Unread post by anajmi » Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:17 am

Bhutto Seeks Foreign Help to Find Attack Plotters

“We want the government of Pakistan to seek the assistance of the international community,” Ms. Bhutto told a group of foreign reporters, adding that she had discussed the issue with the United States and Britain. “They have antiterrorism experts who have the technical expertise to investigate attacks of this nature.”

Yes they do and they will tell you who did it without any investigation. Infact let me tell you what they are going to tell you - Al-Qaida and Taliban did it.

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Re: Benazir' arrival


Unread post by accountability » Mon Oct 22, 2007 12:34 pm

While Ms Bhutto was not becoming to ask foriegners to investigate a home grown terrorist attack. But the agencies, which investigates are not doing anything to uncover upteem numbers of such attack, and prevent it. What you said, was actually official version of govt of pakistan.

These were carried out by taliban and al qaeda. But the prepetrators of these attacks should not go scott free.

Ms Bhutto's life is not less or more valuable than any other life, she is the head of pakistan's largest party. Her safety is symbolic.

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Re: Benazir' arrival


Unread post by anajmi » Mon Oct 22, 2007 2:10 pm

Unless, it was Ms Bhutto who planned the attack to orchestrate a sympathy vote in the forthcoming elections. No human life is more valueable to the politicians these days than winning an election. These things are becoming pretty common these days. Plus there is a competition between Musharraf and Bhutto to see who is better in bed for the Americans. The Pakistani people are cannon fodder.

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Re: Benazir' arrival


Unread post by Humsafar » Tue Oct 23, 2007 2:50 pm


You're becoming paranoid. You see Humsafar where none exists. I've not mentioned a word on this subject and yet you drag my good name (sic) :) into it.

Caught between your market chauvinism and American jingoism, you seem to be showing symptoms of obsessive neurosis. Like the neo-cons and much of your 'free' media you seem to think everybody is out to get your pure and pristine America. That the rest of the jealous world blames America - the beacon of freedom and democracy - for everything.

You'd do yourself a favour if you stopped reducing every (and oft times valid) criticism of America to crass anti-americanism. Such an attitude does not sit well with intelligent people like yourself.

Average Bohra
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Re: Benazir' arrival


Unread post by Average Bohra » Tue Oct 23, 2007 9:30 pm

Originally posted by Humsafar:

I've not mentioned a word on this subject and yet you drag my good name (sic) :) into it.
Let's just say you are mighty predictable ;)

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Re: Benazir' arrival


Unread post by Humsafar » Wed Oct 24, 2007 12:35 pm

Now, now that's rich of course. Original thought and seminal ideas spew forth from you every time you put your fingers to the keyboard :) .

Sajid Zafar
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Re: Benazir' arrival


Unread post by Sajid Zafar » Fri Nov 09, 2007 6:52 pm

No metter, it is Miasaheb or Bibi, both of them are incompetent and corrupt. Both of them got a fare chance and see what they did. The dilemma of this ill-fated country is scarcity of geneune leaders. Leaders who can lead the nation through their thick and thin. The country which was found on a lame duck theory of two nations (hindus and muslims) how is going to survive. Keep fingures cross and just wait and watch.