Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
S. Insaf
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Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?


Unread post by S. Insaf » Fri Apr 10, 2009 2:14 pm

Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?
And Dawat-e-Hadiya will get reduce to a mere Property Trust?
The Community and the Doctors are doing their best to save ailing Sayedna Saheb but its still in Sayedna Saheb's hands to save the situation

The doctrine of "Nass" is the most important and fundamental to Shia Ismaili and Dawoodi Bohra faith. According to this doctrine of Nass a successor to Imam or Dai to the high religious office must be specifically appointed by his predecessor Imam or Dai in his life time without any ambiguity (Nasse-Jali). The doctrine of "Nass" provides a strong sense of being followers of the holy family of the Prophet (Ahle-bait).
Due to this doctrine of "Nass" already spits have been taken place in the chain of Imams as well as in the chain of Dais. First Shia Muslims got divided in Ismailis and Ishna-Asharis and then Ismailis further got divided in to Mustalis, Nizaris, Tayebi. And then Bohras in India got divided into Dawoodis, Sulemanis, Alias, Mehdi Baughwalas etc. This shows the importance of clear and unambiguous "Nass".
Again Death is most inevitable even for Prophets, Imams, Dais and Vali-ullahs, and for every one high or low. Though it's time is unpredictable. It comes all of a sudden. There is no fix time or place for it.

Therefore though 51st Dai lived up to 80 years the "Nass" on him was declared when he was just 27 years old and on 98 years old 52nd Dai "Nass" was declared when he was just 20 years old.Today 52nd Dai has reached to the age of 98 years and all his sons are 60/70 years old and his brothers 80/90 years old. His youngest brother Mohammadul-Baqir died recently on 23rd Fab. 2009, at the age of 70. But still he has not declared "Nass" on any one.

Agreed that when 80 years back "Nass" was declared on Taher Saifuddin Saheb and then on Burhanuddin Saheb, the financial conditions of Dais were normal. So much wealth, luxury of life and with that so many vested interests had not developed. Neither Dai had such large family and such big uncontrollable army of greedy Amils. There was no such infights among the members of Dai's family.
Sayedna Saheb is not keeping well since last few years. He is been taken regularly to London and Germany for medical treatment. Last month his health became so serious that he was admitted in ICU of Saifee Hospital - Bombay.
His Central Ministry (Al-Wazarat) instructed Bohras all over through SMS to do Dua, Matam, slaughter goats and walk to different Dargah and pray for his safety and early recovery. Thousands of goats were slaughtered in one day and hundreds of Bohras walked from far away places to Rozat-Tahera-Bombay, Dargahe-Hakimi-Burhanpur, Hasan Peer Saheb-Delmal and Fakhri Mazar-Galiakot etc.
Orthodox as well Reformist Bohras prayed for his health.
It is unfortunate that in this 21st century of enlightenment Dawoodi Bohras are deeply drawn into superstition and contradictions. On one hand they take pride in the community hospitals with most modern machineries and facilities where hundreds of doctors are treating Bohras as well Sayedna Saheb and on the other hand they are involved in the most outdated practices of slaughtering of goats and walking to far away Dargahs to pray to save Sayedna Saheb, keeping him under treatment of doctors in the hospital.

52nd Dai is one lucky Dai whom Allah has given the longest life. But every one who is born has to die one day. There is no escape from death for any one. Whatever the situation it is obligatory on every Dai to appoint his successor by clear and unambiguous "Nass" in his life time. We should not forget this most important aspect of our religious faith in rituals of Matam and sacrifice. Otherwise this community will be henceforth ruled by Dais without "Nass" and Dawat-e-Hadiya will reduce to a mere property Trust.

We all know that the only religion for the selfish members of Sayedna's family is to accumulate as much wealth as possible and they hardly care about "Nass".

Today there seems to be a systematic effort by the vested interests in Dai's family to gradually erase the identity of Bohras as Dawoodi Bohras. And then do away with all the basic traditions and doctrines of the faith. Dawoodi Bohras are known as 'Mumineen', Dawoodi Bohra properties are known as 'Saifee' and 'Burhani', Dawoodi Bohra Jamats are known as 'Anjumans', their Dais are known as 'Aqa Maula' etc.

The reformist Dawoodi Bohras are the only ones who are keeping the name of Dawoodi Bohras alive as they have registered their central organization as "Central Board of Dawoodi Bohra Community" and all their Jamats as "Dawoodi Bohra Jamat".

Therefore it is us to remain steadfast on the path of Islam and chain of Ahle-bait. We should all in one voice insist that Sayedna Saheb declares "Nass" on his successor in his life time.

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Re: Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?


Unread post by Al-Muizz » Fri Apr 10, 2009 2:45 pm

Man, you guys are giving me a major headache...and I'm a surgeon!!!!!!

Which side are you on? On one hand, you curse, revile, ridicule, rebuke the Dai....on the other hand, you "insist" that the "Dai" perform a nass so you are your jokers are in peace with it?!?!? Uh, double-take, double-take......I know very well the impact of drugs on a human brain, and I'm telling you, as a neurosurgeon, a piece of free advice.....you need to get your head checked!

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Re: Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?


Unread post by profrog » Fri Apr 10, 2009 4:28 pm

This insap the snake is least bothered about nass or our moula tus ,the whole purpose is to create mischief suddenly our moula has become their dai,and remember he is talking about syedna who is sick at present if this is not mischief what is it?
his photoshop pic of moula tus on india tv backfired on him so now he is trying another way this is a sugarcoated cynide pill he wants us to swallow,he has shown himself to be a biggest hypocrate and a liar on this website even the progs should be embrassed and ashamed of him,

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Re: Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?


Unread post by profrog » Fri Apr 10, 2009 4:32 pm

And by the way how do you know that the nass has not been done its non of your bussiness since you are a part of group which disowned the nass of gadhire khum on moulana ali by rasullah,

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Re: Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?


Unread post by accountability » Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:57 pm

I pity those you operate on.

Just go through the pages of this board, you will acquire some knowledge about dawoodi bohras, about the faith. There is an abundance of it. But have some patience, read, research do some investigation, you will get there.

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Re: Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?


Unread post by like_minded » Sat Apr 11, 2009 1:06 am

These guys (orthos) are in obedience business, cannot expect them to be patient, investigate and research.

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Re: Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?


Unread post by Maqbool » Sat Apr 11, 2009 1:21 am

Dr. Al-Muizz,

I think doing operations on the dumb brains of fanatic bohries your mind has become dumb. Get advise of a better doctor then you.

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Re: Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?


Unread post by like_minded » Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:21 am

profrog wrote:This insap the snake is least bothered about nass or our moula tus ,the whole purpose is to create mischief suddenly our moula has become their dai,and remember he is talking about syedna who is sick at present if this is not mischief what is it?
his photoshop pic of moula tus on india tv backfired on him so now he is trying another way this is a sugarcoated cynide pill he wants us to swallow,he has shown himself to be a biggest hypocrate and a liar on this website even the progs should be embrassed and ashamed of him,

It is disgusting to hear people like you talking about hypocrisy and lying... considering the fact that your beliefs are based on lies dished out by the Kotharis day in and day out.

The drugs injected into you by Kothar since your childhood has made you dependent and the craving is ever increasing.... any threat to your dope, and you react.... like a cat cornered. Don't you think its high time, you uproot the drugs out of your system? because only then can you have the taste for good nourishing diet. You need rehab.. the sooner the better...

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Re: Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?


Unread post by voice » Sat Apr 11, 2009 6:20 am

To my knowledge His Holiless cannot make any decision of his own. Even in all the waaz done by him he recites from paper handed to him and forgets if they get misplaced. So Naas is far beyond his hands. Have patience inshaAllah his departure will be eyeopener equally for all, including Doctors.

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Re: Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?


Unread post by Al-Muizz » Sat Apr 11, 2009 1:10 pm

Again, what side are you on?

You have some jokers saying they can't wait for the Dai to pass away. Then you have others who are praying for him. It is apparent that you guys have ulterior motives here. This is the age old story of greed and power. Mr. Engineer did not get a piece of the pie from the kothar, and now he is hell bent on getting his piece of the pie. How else can you explain the foolish juvenile behaviour of saying you are Bohras and then saying the Dai is better off dead?????

What happened? The Kothar didn't give you the sheikhood so now you are sulking? What, you wanted some of the dough and since you didn't get it, now you want the hive?

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Re: Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?


Unread post by Dar.Bohra » Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:55 pm

Has anyone of you read the book "Last Emperor of China"?. You can also watch a film. He was made emperor when he was 2y old. His household was controlled by corrupt eunuchs, who stole his food and other items, negotiated treaties on his behalf. He never ventured out of his forbidden city. Unfortunately our Mowla is like Pu Yi (Last Emperor of China). He has no authority. Everything is done by his sons and other selfish relatives, who think that they own Dawoodi Bohras. You bet this issue of "naas" will be decided in a special meeting. Just like Indian Politicians (Goonda). Badru Jamalee and his agents, mazoon and his agents and also mowlanas sons, they will do a deal. Each having a cut..

S. Insaf
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Re: Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?


Unread post by S. Insaf » Sun Apr 12, 2009 12:13 am

There is one condition in “Nass” which I had deliberately omitted. That is “Nass” must be done by the predecessor Dai on his successor with intuition from Allah and with consultation by the Imam in existence or Imam in seclusion.

The first reason for omission is that late Sayedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb in as back as 1925 during “Burhanpur Dargah Case” addressing the dispute of “Nass” on 47th Dai, Sayedna Yusuf Najmuddin Saheb (also known as Sayedna Abdul Qadir Najmuddin) had said on oath in front of Judge Stephen that “Existence of hidden Imam is imaginary”.

Secondly because today except celebrating the birthday of Imam Tayyeb and collecting salaam for Imamuz-Zaman there is no mention of him anywhere.

Thirdly today there are so much malpractices, fraud, corruption and exploitation in Dawat’s administration that I personally do not think Imam would keep any connection with such infidels.

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Re: Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?


Unread post by Dar.Bohra » Sun Apr 12, 2009 2:19 am

Brother Insaf, You are 100% correct. May ALLAH give you courage and wisdom to fight these people who invent lies in the name of ALLAH.

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Re: Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?


Unread post by profrog » Sun Apr 12, 2009 7:30 am

Insaap snake you are making a fool of yourself here first you say that there was no nass since 46 th dai then you want our moula to give nass but by consultation of imam who according to you does not exist, you should stick to the job you do best making photoshop pics and getting your face rubbed in shit,anyway now that moula tus is well you may claim its progs prayers for syedna you do not believe in or listen to which have made him well, better first pray for your own long life since hell awaits you

S. Insaf
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Re: Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?


Unread post by S. Insaf » Sun Apr 12, 2009 8:54 am

Dear profrog,
What I have said is late Sayedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb in as back as 1925 during “Burhanpur Dargah Case” addressing the dispute of “Nass” on 47th Dai,. Late Sayedna Saheb had to address the subject of "Nass" as it came up in the court during arguments. Where is my opinion here?
Please note that whether Sunni Shia dispute or disputes of successions of Imam or Dai they are all the part of the bygone history. We, the reformist Bohras do not want to fall in thoes disputes, we are concern with the present prevailing social condition of the community in which we are born and matters related to it.
It is a fact that there is rampant corruption in Dawat’s administration today because during Late Sayedna’s time the Dawat is tuned in to a monarchy. Dai is known as Sultan, his children as prince and princess, his residents as Mahal and his lavish style of life of extreme luxury making every one as “slaves” having his undemocratic absolute control over the community’s affairs, which is against Islamic spirit.
Now you will ask me where does issue of "Nass" come in the social reform? It definitely comes because we believe in the office of Dai and hence we believe in all the qualifications prescribed for rightful Dai and all the rules prescribed for the appointment of Dai's successor. We do not want further divisions in the Dawoodi Bohra community. We are very much a part of Dawoodi Bohra community though pushed aside by illegal, inhuman and un-Islamic "Baraat".

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Re: Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?


Unread post by profrog » Sun Apr 12, 2009 9:50 am

If as you say you believe in office of dai but not present dai tus, then why dont you appoint your own dai who is and will be how you want him, appoint him or elect him and maybe ask your boss ajger for advice who is the best candidate i dare you to bring somebody like our moula. Do not quote all bullshit about no separation we are not the same with you and will never be.even if you burried in bohra cemetery.
The bottom line is all about adawat of moula tus. Burn with envy all your life now and forever

East Africawalla
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Re: Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?


Unread post by East Africawalla » Sun Apr 12, 2009 10:01 am


You are as extreme as Zulfikar , you do not give the mainstream a good name, you seem to be too easy to slag off anyone with a view, people living in glass houses should not throw stones, what right does it give you to judge people like you do

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Re: Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?


Unread post by profrog » Sun Apr 12, 2009 10:22 am

In the present which islamic spirit are you talking about,all the sects are different and most probably hate each other as can be seen in middle east,women do not have rights in most muslim countries so do not talk about islamic spirit because it suits your agenda and sounds nice,and do not call yourself you personally (do not know about other progs) a dawoodi bohra because you disowned the nass of moula ali sa of ghadire khum in your previous posts by calling those who usurped him hazrats ,even the progs should disown you because you are not even a shia,

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Re: Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?


Unread post by profrog » Sun Apr 12, 2009 10:29 am

I am only judging insaap the snake buy his posts in which he wants to make mischief and mischief only,to me he is a hypocrate and a liar and not consistent at all,correct me if i am wrong about him

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Re: Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?


Unread post by Humsafar » Sun Apr 12, 2009 1:34 pm

al-Muizz wrote:What happened? The Kothar didn't give you the sheikhood so now you are sulking? What, you wanted some of the dough and since you didn't get it, now you want the hive?
Al Muizz, whether Asghar Ali got his piece of pie or not is moot, but this much is certain that the Kothar is in "dough" and "pie" business!!!

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Sun Apr 12, 2009 5:52 pm

the responses of muizz, the great neuro-surgeon, clinch the fact that this syedna and his family are mercenaries who look upon the community as a bakery business. 'bhatti chalu chhe, bharpur rotli seki lo..'

is that how the prophet and ali -whose shias we are - view their own leadership? fight the kafirs and enemies of islam in order that they dont take away their share of the loot?

the more u talk, the more u put yr stinky foot in yr mouth!

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Re: Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?


Unread post by like_minded » Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:57 am

profrog wrote:I am only judging insaap the snake buy his posts in which he wants to make mischief and mischief only,to me he is a hypocrate and a liar and not consistent at all,correct me if i am wrong about him

I told you earlier, people like you shouldn't talk of hypocrisy and lies.

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Re: Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?


Unread post by profrog » Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:54 am

For once you are right people like me tha real bohras should not descend to levels of people like insaap and his kind who are not even shias

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:08 pm

profrog wrote:For once you are right people like me tha real bohras should not descend to levels of people like insaap and his kind who are not even shias
profrog, since u a real bohra and shia, pls mention why the syedna does not talk about the simple life of ali, his strict adherence to maintaining accounts of moneys donated by muslims and his shunning the opulent life of an emperor?

btw, when are we celebrating the urus of syedna taher saifuddin's wife and present syedna's mother? and did u enjoy the hunting trip in africa with syedna? how many lions and elephants did u kill for him?

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Re: Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?


Unread post by profrog » Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:44 pm

Do not compare today with time of moula ali sa only instead why dont you compare it also with times of fatimid imams who lived also in palaces and lived oppulent lives,and for that matter he is our emperor and our leader and if we give him our money, why are you burning,... As for the wife syedna taher saifuddin aq show me one dai of the previous 51 duats whose wives urus majlis or whatever is done,even our moula tus wife presently burried in london and who died on day of miladun nabi even her urus is not celebrated.
Finally where does it say in islam that hunting is not allowed or that its haram,

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Re: Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?


Unread post by profrog » Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:47 pm

And thanks for confirming the fact that insaaf or insaap is not a shia ,try for once to reply without abuses

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Apr 14, 2009 5:22 pm

profrog wrote:And thanks for confirming the fact that insaaf or insaap is not a shia ,try for once to reply without abuses
"Ulta chor, kotwal ko daate". Your abuses against Insafbhai speak volumes about yourself and you want others to restrain from abusing you. A healthy debate can be conducted more efficiently without abuses which please note.

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Re: Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?


Unread post by profrog » Tue Apr 14, 2009 5:29 pm

First tell your insaap bhai to come and state that he has not called those who usurped moula ali sa nass on ghadire khum hazrats and then tell me not to call him a liar,ask him to say what his beliefs about moula ali sa are?

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Tue Apr 14, 2009 7:43 pm


first of all i have not abused you, i simply asked u a few questions in perfectly respectable language. if asking questions to yr great frog self is abuse, then i know where u are getting that habit from, yr masters, who cannot and will not tolerate any criticism. the words and language u use against others shows what level of character u are.

secondly u compare the syedna, a lowly dai, with imams????!! the fatmid imams were rulers of kingdoms and thus religious and temporal leaders. the syedna has no kingdom or country to rule, then how dare he and his family enjoy a lavish life of pomp and luxury at our expense? its not just your lousy 2 paisa, but mine and lakhs of other bohras halal ni kamai.

as for syedna doing shikar for sport, Allah and His Quran has enjoined respect and compassion for all living creatures and beings. not one ant or bird is to be harmed unless it is necessary for yr sustenance and survival. to kill them for sport is the work of a jaahil and zaalim. is this the unislamic things that they teach u in yr sabaks? how to utter laanats on others, how to speak lies, how to earn haraam ni kamai and then donate it to syedna and get a hollow title of posterior licking milk-sheikh?

as for yr statement that insafbhai is a sunni and anti-shia because he used hazrats for the first 3 khalifas, so according to u he shud use gaalis to address them in order to be qualified as a shia???? no wonder u are not worth even to be called a human being. even an animal is more qualified than u to be classified as god's creation.

S. Insaf
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Re: Henceforth Dais without "Nass" will rule us?


Unread post by S. Insaf » Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:18 am

Brother profrog,
To be a Shia is one thing and to be a follower of Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Mohammad is quite another thing.
There was no Shia Sunni division during Hazrat Mohammad and Hazrat Ali's time.
If you have gone through the Islamic history you would know that the word "Shia" was coined first time by Amir Maowiyah when he wanted oppose Hazrat Ali under the pretext of taking revenge (Qisas) of Hazrat Usman and formed a body "Shiane-Usman".
After the tragedy at Nenawa, which thereafter came to be known as Karbala (place of tragedy) during the rule of Umayyads the slaves of foreign origin, the artisans and petty workers from Persia were greatly exploited percularly in Kufa, the resentment among those exploited lot built up and rebellion got canalized through religious channels and under Persian feudal influence a new doctrine of hereditary succession to the holy Prophet evolved in the name of "Shia".
By following Hazrat Mohammed and Hazrat Ali means to act on their Seerat (way of life). All those whom Shias curse today were close companions both of the Prophet and Maulana Ali. The Prophet and Maulana Ali never hated them.