The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport

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Al Zulfiqar
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The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Thu Apr 16, 2009 5:53 pm

This should be a fitting reply to the blind and brainless slaves of the syedna who wholeheartedly support the hunting and killing of animals for sport by the syedna and his family. They have repeatedly asked where it says in the quran that this is a haraam and banned activity, one on which Allah has himself frowned and the Prophet expressed strong displeasure.

Here are some passages I am reproducing from various sources:

Islam and animals

There is not an animal on earth, nor a bird that flies on its wings, but they are communities like you...
Qur'an 6:38

Muslims believe that:

all living creatures were made by Allah
Allah loves all animals
animals exist for the benefit of human beings
animals must be treated with kindness and compassion

Muslims are instructed to avoid:

treating animals cruelly
over-working or over-loading animals
neglecting animals
hunting animals for sport
hunting for food is permitted if the animals are killed humanely
cutting the mane or tail of a horse
animal fighting as a sport
factory farming
Using animals is permitted

The Qur'an explicitly states that animals can be used for human benefit.

It is God who provided for you all manner of livestock, that you may ride on some of them and from some you may derive your food. And other uses in them for you to satisfy your heart's desires. It is on them, as on ships, that you make your journeys.
Qur'an 40:79-80

Muhammad and animals

There are many stories and sayings of the Prophet (pbuh) that demonstrate his concern for the welfare of animals.
Once someone travelling with the Prophet took some eggs from a nest, causing the mother bird great grief. The Prophet saw this and told the man to return the eggs.When the Prophet was asked if Allah rewarded acts of charity to animals, he replied: "Yes, there is a reward for acts of charity to every beast alive." The Prophet said "Whoever kills a sparrow or anything bigger than that without a just cause, Allah will hold him accountable on the Day of Judgment." The Prophet explained that a killing would be for a just cause if it was for food.

Although the Qur'an considers humans to occupy the highest place, it nevertheless strongly enjoins Muslims to treat animals with compassion and not to abuse them. The Qur'an states that all creation praises God, even if this praise is not expressed in human language (e.g. see Qur'an 17:44).[2] In verse Qur'an 6:38, the Qur'an applies the term "ummah", generally used to mean "a human religious community", for genera of animals. Encyclopedia of the Quran states that this verse have been "far reaching in its moral and ecological implications."[8]

"There is not an animal (that lives) on the earth, nor a being that flies on its wings, but (forms part of) communities like you. Nothing have we omitted from the Book, and they (all) shall be gathered to their Lord in the end." Qur'an 6:38

Muhammad is reported to have said:"For [charity shown to] each creature which has a wet heart (i.e. is alive), there is a reward." Muhammad opposed recreational hunting saying: "whoever shoots at a living creature for sport is cursed." He is also reported to have said: "There is no man who kills [even] a sparrow or anything smaller, without its deserving it, but Allah will question him about it [on the judgment day]," and "Whoever is kind to the creatures of God, is kind to himself."

Animals live in communities with each other - they are not lesser beings - they will join people with Allah at "the end". Muhammed repeatedly forbade cruelty to animals.

Whoever is kind to the creatures of God is kind to himself (Hadith)

Whoever kills anything bigger than a sparrow without a just cause - Allah will hold him accountable for it (Hadith)

The Prophet (Muhammad) once saw a man sharpening his knife in front of the sheep he was about to kill. He rebuked him saying "Do you intend to make it die two deaths?" (Hadith)

It behoves you to treat animals gently (Hadith)

This general teaching in Islam of care and respect for all creatures, because Allah loves every creatrure He has made, means that in everyday life Muslims have certain established principles:
It is forbidden to be cruel to animals - domestic and farm animals should be treated well: properly fed and housed. Work animals should nver be made to carry excessive loads.
Hunting for sport or pleasure is forbidden.
Hunting for food must be done without deliberate cruelty and with hunting animals (dogs etc.) properly trained and controlled. Any weapons used must be in good condition and never blunt.
Killing animals for human vanity, such as for the fur or ivory trade, is forbidden.
Animal Experiments and Vivisection for cosmetic or luxury goods purposes is forbidden. Any animals killed for research purposes should be killed by halal methods (see below).
Factory Farming is forbidden by Islam. Many animals bred by factory farming methods would be haram for Muslims (see below) because of cruel conditions, and artificial feeding with hormones and chemicals.

From all the above, it should be abundantly clear to any muslim, whether shia, sunni or bohra that HUNTING FOR SPORT IS CONSIDERED AN ACT OF CRUELTY TO ALLAH'S CREATION, HARAAM IN HIS EYES AND PUNISHABLE AFTER DEATH.

It would be excusable if an illiterate and jaahil person were to commit such acts, but the syedna, who claims to be an islamic scholar, a man of peace, and religious leader to 1.5 million Shia's of Ali, hunts and kills elephants, lions, buffaloes, ostriches etc is totally inexcusable and a great sin against Allah!

now let us hear from the brainless fools like frog, pig, africawala, gulf, muizz and other retards what they have to say about their syedna being a criminal in the eyes of Allah. can such a cruel person be fit enough to call himself even a muslim, let alone the religious and spiritual leader of bohras? is this a man of peace or cruelty?

it will be interesting to see what contortions these thugs will perform trying to explain away this one. they have been clamouring since long, even shouting from the rooftops, show us the proof where it is written in quran about not hunting animals, who said so, it is not forbidden and therefore allowed, and so on. Now you have proof beyond any doubt that ALLAH and his Rasool himself have forbidden this and called it Haraam. can u reply?

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Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport


Unread post by Al-Muizz » Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:27 pm

Give me a break! Engineer DRINKS! You are going to lcture us on WHAT IS HARAAM????

Dude, you sound like the stupid Somali out coz we Americans are damn good with our snipers:)

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Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport


Unread post by anajmi » Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:00 pm

Looks like the surgeon needs brain surgery. Is that the best you could come up with you moron? Who gives a shit if Engineer drinks? Your mawla is the murderer of innocent animals. Do you give a shit? you might want to use that sniper on your maula cause he is the biggest pirate looting morons like you.

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Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport


Unread post by Al-Muizz » Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:00 pm

Anajmi, man, you think you can actually talk trash with Americans-one piece of advice, don't play with fire if you're not ready to get burned! Where did you go to school...the taliban academy of stupidity?

Engineer DRINKS.....he is breaking the MOST BASIC rules of Islam...YOUR SO CALLED LEADER! Even I ,a born and bred American, have not touched alcohol (my belief in ISLAM makes me not do this, see $hithead?).....and all you a$$hole can argue back is that it is Engineer's prerogative to drink or not????ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MARBLES? This is the guy who you let lead you in namaaz????? A DRUNK??? This guy DRINKS and then proclaims he prays the Quran and claims he understands the taawil and baatin...when he DRINKS???

Dude, you are trippin.' I have talked to some whacked out talibans in Afghanistan, but man, this is as absurd as the arguement that Moula Ali A.S. "willingly" accepted the three so-called caliphs!

As for hunting, I love hunting. The best place in the midwest is in Wisconsin, in the West definitely Washington, and east you can't beat New Hampshire. See, we actually have hunting seasons where we can go shoot deer, turkey, etc. Some of the best eats, I tell ya!

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Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport


Unread post by SBM » Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:12 pm

Engineer DRINKS.....he is breaking the MOST BASIC rules of Islam
Where the hell did you learn that one AL-MORON
Taking people's Zakat and not distributing to the poor and needy is breaking the most important and one of the seven(according to Bohra) and 5 pillars of Islam according to rest of Ummah. Drinking is forbidden and nowhere it says it is HARAAM but using Zakat money and looting Bait Ul Maal is definitely HARAAM which Kothar is doing very conveniently.
AL MORON get your facts together I did not know that there is a JAMIYA in America which teaches you this kind of education
Last edited by SBM on Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport


Unread post by anajmi » Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:12 pm

Engineer is not my leader you moron. Haven't you been reading anything? Maybe your stupid brain needs surgery. I didn't go to school, so if I am stupid, I can be excused. But your stupidity is for the museums. We are not talking about Maula Ali or the caliphs or Engineer's drinking habits. If you want to discuss that open a new thread. We are talking about your animal murdering maula. Do you perform surgery on the butt when a person is brain dead? You obviously do, don't you? You are a butt head aren't you?

Now listen to something that my daughter is learning in school and recited to me today.

The prophet Muhammad (saw) spoke about a women who used to have a cat. She didn't feed the cat and wouldn't let the cat go out to search for food. When she died, Allah threw her into hell fire.

The prophet (saw) also spoke about a man who was thirsty and when he came near a well, used his shoe to draw water to quench his thirst. He then saw a dog who looked thirsty too. He thought about his own thirst and how it felt, so he dropped his shoe in the well one more time and helped the dog quench his thirst. Allah forgave all his sins and sent him to heaven.

This is how the prophet teaches us to treat animals.

Now your shooting and sniping American shit for brain probably won't understand, so I suggest you and your Maula go for hunting together and do a Dick Cheney on each other. God bless America!!

Fatwa Banker
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Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport


Unread post by Fatwa Banker » Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:12 pm

Based on what has been posted by AZ about Quran's love for animals, Bakri Eid is against the Quran.

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Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport


Unread post by Biradar » Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:44 pm

The question if Engineer drinks or not is totally irrelevant to this post. S. Insaf has clearly shown that this is just fabricated lies against him.

Al Muizz may be a neurosurgen by profession but he has proved himself a fool in practice. I am now really worried about the education imparted in American neurosurgery schools. Al Muizz, you should be ashamed of your self. Try and behave yourself as a well educated person would. Shame on you. I suggest you not stoop to the level of the other fool mullahs and alims on this board. Show yourself to be a decent and kind human being first. You are a shame on your own Aqua Mola. Shame on you. You have done a great disservice to your profession and education. You are lucky to obtain such education and should set a higher standard for the discourse. Shame on you.

Anyway, Ismalic law does not prohibit hunting. So this is not illegal. However, it can be judged unethical as Aqua Mola is not just an ordinary Muslim. He could lead by example and show compassion towards animals by refraining from hunting. It is asking for too much, though.

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Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport


Unread post by Baskin » Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:40 am

This is Al-Zulfiqar's 1001 post on sayedna and animal hunting... what is the your ultimate aim (besides animosity to sayedna and dawat) by raising this issue again and again... are you an animal lover or a moron...

Everyone here on the forum both Shabab and Youthi, got it loud and clear that how much love you have towards animals and hatred towards Dai.

PS. There is a vacancy in Maneka Gandhi's organization People for Animal.

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Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport


Unread post by like_minded » Fri Apr 17, 2009 2:19 am


You don't necessarily have to be an animal lover to oppose those who hunt animals for fun. By hunting animals for fun, Syedna proves the fact that he has no respect for life.

If the abdes see nothing wrong in this practice, it is because they are not aware, they do not have a sensitive heart, they are brain-washed to the extent that tomorrow if Syedna starts hunting human beings for fun, they surely will see nothing wrong in it too!!

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Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport


Unread post by Baskin » Fri Apr 17, 2009 2:58 am

Why is that your life revolves around the Sayedna, whom you don't follow and Abde-Sayedna, whom you believe are people without brain and heart?

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Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport


Unread post by profrog » Fri Apr 17, 2009 4:11 am

It shows why you have great feelings for the snakes insaap and ajger,tell me are you veg or non veg,do you eat meat or not,
your reformist leader insaap has just denied the nass of moula ali sa by rasullah and you are worried about what rasullah said about dogs and cats,why dont read the quran about friends of elephants because thats what you are

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Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport


Unread post by profrog » Fri Apr 17, 2009 4:24 am

Again state specifically where it is written in quran about hunting being haram,i do not want hadith from questionable surces ,bring something from quran,and become a veggie from now

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Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport


Unread post by profrog » Fri Apr 17, 2009 4:30 am

The only time the holy quran has forbiden hunting is when you are on pilgrimage otherwise its allowed,so stop lying
but tell engineer that drinking alcohol is forbiden all the time

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Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport


Unread post by like_minded » Fri Apr 17, 2009 6:47 am

Baskin wrote:Why is that your life revolves around the Sayedna, whom you don't follow and Abde-Sayedna, whom you believe are people without brain and heart?
Actually my life revolves around cricket :mrgreen: I am a die-hard cricket lover, can't wait to watch IPL-2, which starts tomorrow. :D

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Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport


Unread post by like_minded » Fri Apr 17, 2009 6:50 am

profrog wrote:The only time the holy quran has forbiden hunting is when you are on pilgrimage otherwise its allowed,so stop lying
but tell engineer that drinking alcohol is forbiden all the time
Syedna and his kids can actually visit South Africa where IPL-2 is all set to kick start..... Out there, they can indulge in their favorite sport.... HUNTING :mrgreen:

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Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport


Unread post by anajmi » Fri Apr 17, 2009 8:20 am

Based on what has been posted by AZ about Quran's love for animals, Bakri Eid is against the Quran.

What is allowed in the quran and what is not is beyond you to understand. Haven't we established that already?

Fatwa Banker
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Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport


Unread post by Fatwa Banker » Fri Apr 17, 2009 8:39 am

anajmi wrote:I didn't go to school, so if I am stupid, I can be excused.

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:48 am

stung by the irrefutable proof from the quran and the prophet of islam that the hunting and killing of animals for sport is haraam and those who do so will be punished in the afterlife, what do the brainless retard slaves of the syedna do?

they just proved the old adage, "when you have no defense, go on the offense". and thus try your best to obfuscate the issue. that is the classic ploy of a cowardly and dishonest person.

when the ex-syedna taher saifuddin lost the chandabhai galla case and was ordered to return the monies stolen from the galla under cover of darkness, plus pay for court costs, when he was on several occasions during the trial shown to be lying and making false claims, incl. that he was ilah-il-ardh, allah on earth, what did he do?

he blatantly and most shamelessly took out a huge victory procession in the streets of mumbai the next day to celebrate his 'fateh mubin', such was the level of his dishonesty and arrogance! not only was he then summoned by the court and strictly reprimanded but was also warned that any repetition of such behaviour would lead to his being held on contempt of court and even jail. all these records are available for verification incl. the complete transcripts of proceedings for anyone who wishes to get them.

the behaviour of the fanatics here on this forum and elsewhere is a reflection of the shameless example set by the last 2 syednas who have taught them to lie and cheat, speak in forked tongues, say one thing to show how staunch muslims they are in public and then do the completely opposite unislamic thngs in reality.

its is well said, "jaisa raja, waisi praja." these 2 syednas have created an entire community of brain-washed people who believe that lying, cheating, corruption, distortion, are ok as long as you quietly and cleverly fool the rest of the muslim world into believing you are a part of them.

you will not achieve anything by attacking your legitimate accusers and trying to discredit them by hook and by crook. all it does by default is, it more deeply validates your guilt and complicity in the crimes against humanity your syedna commits everyday in the name of islam. your conscience may have died but ours hasn't, and i am not deterred by your vengeful comments. the quran states clearly that abuses and lies that you shower on others, are DEBITED to your account and 10 times its value is CREDITED to the account of those whom you falsely curse. so continue with your lies and gaalis and know the fate that awaits you.

as for this american rooster who keeps shouting himself hoarse here and proclaiming his loyalty and pride on being american and a neuro-surgeon etc blah blah and blah. your tone, language and arrogance betrays yr poor education, bad upbringing and low class. we do not think you are whatever u claim to be at all. a man of education and refinement would never resort to such cheap language. a man engaged in noble service to humanity would never accept nor condone the killing of wild animals for sport.

but when u have a corrupt sultan like the syedna, what can one expect but the worst from his 'slaves'....???

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Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport


Unread post by Humsafar » Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:27 am

Sayedna saheb's hunting is not a terribly important matter, but it is one of - as Briadar pointed out - bad ethics and also bad optics. The thing is that the Sayedna is a religious leader by position but "royal" and feudal by mindset. And religion has for long been pressed into the service of power and money, so hunting for sport is seen something natural and befitting for the Sultan. That ignorant bohras should rush to his defence shows just another side of the coin; where there are feudals there are serfs, where there are royals there are subjects.

As for Al-Muizz, he is a disgrace for all educated people and all Americans. He touts his Americanism and his profession - both irrelevant to the discussion here - as trophies to make himself look and feel superior. That he should need to do so shows how empty and meaningless his life otherwise is. Take away his Americanism and his profession and he will be left with nothing. Despite his education and wealth he is indeed an ignorant and poor man. And beyond the narrow focus of his specialty - brain surgery - he does not know how to use his brain. I feel sorry for him.

Biradar, just want to let you know that your posts have a certain freshness and depth. Do keep writing.

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Fri Apr 17, 2009 11:42 am

although what the syedna does in his spare time for sport or pleasure is his to be answered to allah on his death, it is central to proving what a morally corrupt and unfit person he is to lead this community or any religious community.

that a person who claims to follow islam and lead us also towards it, himself violates all basic principles of morality, ethics and human decency, how can one in all fairness accept that?

how is anyone going to reform a man, his family and his system, when that man is arrogant, cruel and shows no mercy or compassion for allah's creations? can he be a true muslim? is he even fit to be called a human being?

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Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport


Unread post by Humsafar » Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:24 pm

Zulfiqar, maybe I'm speaking out of turn. My apologies, but I think you're overstating your case. Your last post was so unnecessary.

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:44 pm

Humsafar wrote:Zulfiqar, maybe I'm speaking out of turn. My apologies, but I think you're overstating your case. Your last post was so unnecessary.
yes perhaps it was, but my verbal overkill is definitely better than syedna's animal kill... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport


Unread post by Al-Muizz » Fri Apr 17, 2009 8:29 pm

You guys are incredible! Anajmi, kudos to your daughter's teachers who correctly demonstrate that the Prophet was against CRUELTY to animals. Meaning abusing animals, STARVING them, NOT giving them water, etc, etc. Herein lies the problem. You are stating the religion allows cruelty to animals-or humans-for that matter. Hunting is not cruelty to animals. Have you gone fishing? Are you being cruel because you fish for the sport of it?

You are criticizing my language. I apologize for the use of such "strong" language. However, Anajmi's language is very flowerful as well. I understand it's his crib and the dogs will bark I will try and refrain from using such strong language, even if Anajmi uses it.

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Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport


Unread post by anajmi » Fri Apr 17, 2009 8:51 pm


See what I mean? You still can't figure out the literal from the not. You aren't capable of talking about the quran. So please, continue letting me slap you around. :wink:


According to your American masters, their torture is also not torture. You are stating just what your masters have taught you. If hunting for sport is not cruelty, then what classifies as cruelty to animals? sleeping with them? Making them your willing partners? (ala farte :wink: )

Instead of trying to refrain from "strong" language, I would advise you to refrain from language itself and keep your mouth shut. Try not to expose worthless American universities and dangerous hospitals where people like you were educated and practice medicine.

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Sat Apr 18, 2009 1:20 am

Al-Muizz wrote: Hunting is not cruelty to animals. Have you gone fishing? Are you being cruel because you fish for the sport of it? .
Hunting for food invoking the name of Allah is a lawful activity, provided the animal is not caused unneccessary pain. Please re-read my first post on this thread, where it is clearly spelt out.

those who fish for sport, usually release the fish once they have reeled it in and removed the hook from its mouth. the rules in north america are very strict and it is a seasonal licensed activity. only certain varieties, sizes and qty's of fish may be caught. what a person is allowed to keep, he will usually consume. those who violate the rules of the hunting and gaming license are heavily fined and their licenses suspended. they could even be criminally prosecuted and jailed.

muizz, no matter how many loopholes u look for, to absolve the syedna from his heinous crimes against the animal 'ummah', the more u fall flat on yr face. its like building up a whole edifice of lies to hide one lie. you have no defence and neither does the syedna, so quit making a complete fool of yrself anymore.

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Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport


Unread post by Smart » Sat Apr 18, 2009 11:19 am

I don't understand the hullabaloo by Al Muizz about him being an American. So are George Bush and Madoff! Does it give them any superior set of capabilities?

Then being a brain surgeon, is a self proclaimed capability. Is there is any independent verification of that. From my childhood I have learnt "Heera mukh se na kahe, lakh hamara mol".

What is Dr.(?) Al Muizz trying to imply by stating these trivia?

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Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport


Unread post by anajmi » Sat Apr 18, 2009 11:44 am


Good point. Also, Bush was educated in Yale. Does that tell you something about bush or about Yale?

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Sat Apr 18, 2009 12:36 pm

it only proves the old saying..

'bhanya che, pan ganya nathi.."

an apt description of the bohra community today.

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Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport


Unread post by Biradar » Sat Apr 18, 2009 3:31 pm

anajmi wrote:Fart,

See what I mean? You still can't figure out the literal from the not. You aren't capable of talking about the quran. So please, continue letting me slap you around. :wink:
Witness the enlightened state reached by one who has read all possible translations of the Quran and hadith. Wow, what a shining example of a heroic Muslim male! Maybe reading too many religious texts has softened our resident alim's brain leading to such nasty and wicked language. An analysis of all the religious fools, progressive, orthodox, Sunni, Wahabbi and Ismaili on this board certainly shows that religious learning does not correlate to politeness or civil behavior.

May it be too much to ask to keep discourse civil? Or is the education one receives as neurosurgeons and software architects when combined with madrassa teachings lead to such behavior?