Dawoodi Bohras

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras


Unread post by Mubarak » Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:13 am

mr mubarak

please clarify if syedi sadiq ali saheb has catagorically written anywhere in his nasihat that the 46th dai would be the last dai ul mutlaq.so far u have alluded to symbolism-thats not hard evidence

(Kind contribution by Insaf sahib:) There is a verse in the Diwan of Shaikh Sadiq Ali at page 103 of the second volume of 1233 edition which runs as under:-
Dai Zoeb pehla ne chhe Badruddin khatim
Meaning: Dai Zoeb (Sayedna Zoeb bin Musa) was the first Dai-ul-Mutlaq in order and 46th Dai Badruddin (Sayedna Mohammad Badruddin bin Abdeali Saifuddin) was the last Dai-ul-Mutlaq.
This was construed to be a prophecy as Shaikh Sadiq Ali had died before the death of Sayedna Mohammad Badruddin Saheb. Late Sayedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb had also refered this verse in his book "Zue-Nure-Haqqul-Mubin at page 99-103 and refuted it as misprint.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras


Unread post by Mubarak » Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:14 am

as far as ur reference to nabi yaqub and nabi yusuf is concerened as per my beliefs a nabi is a born nabi though nubuwwat may be conferred on him after a particular age-thus nabi yusuf had the perfect stature and capability to prophess-syedi sadiq ali saheb is a great scholar no doubt but he couldnt have superceded any dai in rutba and thus couldnt hv foreseen what a dai couldn’t

You wrote, “as per my belief”, as per Dawoodi Bohras Ismailiya Shia, which is the only right sect among all the existing sects in Islamic world and Dawoodi Bohras are the only pristine form of Islam – a mumin is not allowed to have personal belief on religion matter. You have to believe what the religion says and cannot have your personal belief. If you do so then you are like Iblees (satan) who contended that in my belief I am made of fire and Aadam is made of mud and as above the sky, fire is above the sky and mud is below the sky i.e. below the fire thus I am superior and will not prostrate to Aadam.

Moreover, you are getting confused between general Nabi and Mustakar Imam. Mustakar Imam are only born Imam and FYI at age four they achieve ‘Hekel’, i.e. ‘Lahoot’ gets along with ‘Nasoot’, thus at age four onward they can offer Imamat Namaz. At any given time there will be only one boss though his deputy may become boss after the death of former. Like Syedi Hakimmuddin (Burhanpur) was blessed with ‘nuss’ to become the next Dai but he demised before the then present Dai-al-Mutlaq have demised. So, though Syedi Hakim was conferred with ‘nuss’ and was deputy to Dai but at any point in that era Dai will be the only boss and not Syedi Hakimuddin (r.a.) likewise Molana Yaqoob (a.s.) will be the boss in his time and not Molana Yousuf (a.s.).

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras


Unread post by Mubarak » Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:16 am

East Africawalla:
Interesting but there might be a the chance that in future we might have a Dai called Badruddin than your argument does not stand

Any message is conveyed/understood/heard in two forms:
1. Lisan-a-Kaal (voice/noise involved)
2. Lisan-a-Haal (voice/noise not involved – generally by appearance)

Example of Lisan-a-Haal is: An intelligent person saw droplets on the outer surface of a water glass. By looking at it he can infer that the water inside is cold and not hot. Though there is no voice/noise produced by the water glass but still that water glass is speaking by its appearance.

Sheikh Sadik Ali Sahib:
• Dai Zoeb pehla ne chhe Badruddin khatim
• Nuss vager che Dai but’on barabar, mat sir nit u phod mitti na devta per – this verse was written on 47th stanza, 23 stanzas were written left hand side and 23 stanzas were written on the right hand side and below that was written that 47th stanza – nuss vager che… The inference is quite clear: 23 Dai in Yemen and 23 in Hindustan and after that from 47 onward all ‘nuss vager’.

None of the rightly appointed 46 Dai- al-Mutlaq left their ‘Zazira’ after becoming Dai-al-Mutlaq as Dai Mutlaq are not allowed to leave their Zazira, even they cannot go for Haj after becoming Dai because if they go to Haj then they have to cross their zazira limit and they are not allowed to do that. But Burhannuddin sahib you can see every other fortnight they breach their zazira!

Read my earlier post in the same thread on Dai Molana Ismail Badruddin, Mukasir Syedi Khan Ji Pheer – they all have presented the account books but Burhannuddin sahib he hide accounts book!!!

Tahir Saifuddin sahib wrote in his book (I do not have name of that book handy but if you need I will provide) that Molatina Umme Salma wife of Prophet Mohammed (s.a.) dressed black and near to Masjid-a-Nabvi, Medina she camped a black colored tent and expressed her grief on Imam Hussain (a.s.) martyrdom and when Bohra Youth (PDB) follows the same spirit and their ladies wear black dress like Molatina Umme Salma (r.a.) then Burhannuddin sahib opposes the same and orders to harass and beat Bohra Youth mummeen mumeenat, tear the Sabeel black clothing and ordering Bohra Shabab ladies to wear not black but colorful wears!!! Though Burhannuddin sahib is highly intelligent in all materialistic things but he is severely poor in Spiritualistic things!!!

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras


Unread post by Mubarak » Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:18 am

the point is that syedna mohammed badruddin aqa is a dai ul mutlaq and so had the blessings of the imam uz zamaaan-and if he didnt prepare the dawat for trnsition as some of u believe there was a transition-then its a myth to believe that badruddin aqa was the last in line of dai ul mutlaq-imam aamir billah did prepare the dawat for transition as his minor son was to go in seclusion....why wud a rightful dai leave the dawat in commotion?

As said in Daim-ul-Islam, there will be time when a mumin will run from one mountain to another to save his faith! This is the last stage of Daur-a-Satr, there will be no 8000th year from Aadam (a.s.) and before that the present Daur (period) will change to Daur-a-Kashaf with Molana Imam Quaim be coming.

Replying to your question, “why wud a rightful dai leave the dawat in commotion?” Sayyedina va Molana Dai Mohammed Badruddin (r.a.) has left without appointing his successor is because that was the wish of the then Imam-uz-zaman.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras


Unread post by Mubarak » Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:21 am


mumineen dont hv to worry abt the 53rd dai-its the prerogative of the 52nd dai to appoint hi successor as and when he deems fit

Dear Brother Mutmaeen, your contention is totally wrong and it is very sad that you wrote like that. To appoint any one as Dai is NOT the prerogative of present Dai but the sole prerogative of Imam-uz-zaman. Please correct yourself, will you?

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras


Unread post by mutmaeen » Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:46 am

mr mubarak

again i would stress that the contention that aqa badruddin is the last dai ul mutlaq is unproven as aqa himself didnt prepare the dawat for it and syedi sheikh sadiq alis nasihats u refer are taken as pure symbolism and are not hard evidence

yes i erred in stating that its the prerogative of the 52nd dai to anoint his successor.i agree that its the sole prerogative of imam uz zamaan to direct his dai uz zaman to do the needful .which will be done at the time chosen by imam uz zaman

as a majority of dawoodi bohras believe and rightly so that the 52nd dai is the dai ul mutlaq and so are all his predecessors

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras


Unread post by Mubarak » Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:51 pm

Shri Burhannuddin friend of Sunni leader Shri Yazeed ibn Shri Maviya and enemy of - his father Shri Taher Saifuddin, Molatina Umme Salma (r.a.) wife of Prophet Mohammed (a.s.) and Imam Hussain (a.s.):

Book Name: Agr’rul Majalis
By: Shri Tahir Saifuddin (father of Burhannuddin sahib)
Published by: Sigtul Ishaat, Al Jamiya Saifiya, Surat, Gujrat, India
Precise Location: Last page of the book

When Molatina Umme Salma (r.a.) received the news of Imam Hussain (a..s.) martyrdom, (to mourn/grief) she placed black color clothed tent in Masjid-a-Nabwi and clad herself with black color cloths.

Shri Taher Saifuddin has issued this book and have categorically instructed all Aamils that during Moharram (Ay’yam-a-azadari) black color clothes should be used.

In the Fatimi Dawat literatures there is this statement that - in grief and mourn of Imam Hussain (a.s.) martyrdom the curtains of Kaba turned from some other color to black color .

Dawoodi Bohra Youth and Dawoodi Bohra Roshan Khayal Jamat be-hamdolillah clad themselves with black color clothes during ay’yam-a-azadari where as Burhannuddin sahib went against - the categorical and written orders of his own father and the established Islamic practice of all people beginning from Molatina Umme Salma (r.a.) wife of Prophet Mohammed (a.s.) and ordered his all followers a Yazeedi flavored order to wear colorful, rang-biranga clothes on martyrdom of Imam Hussain (a.s.) during ay’yam-a-azadari!!!

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras


Unread post by mutmaeen » Mon Mar 23, 2009 7:37 am


how sacrosanct is a tradition started by the wife of prophet[saw]? if syedna taher saifuddiin had instructed his amils to wear black during ashura why cant syedna burhanuddin make changes to that farmaan? just because you have antipathy towards the dai does not mean that you can throw canards at syedna

the prophet[saw] prayed 5 times a day we pray for 3 times a day does that mean u will throw tirades at the person who brought the change?

prophet[saw] sighted the moon for ramadan roza.do we do so now? so will u throw canards at the person who changed this tradition?

in our azaan mohammadun wa alaiyun khairul bashar has been a late addition so throw canards at the one who added it?

u cud just have pointed out that syedna made this changes and rested there instead of throwing unwarranted tirades

as moulana ali said-a man is hidden behind his tongue-or maybe his keyboard

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras


Unread post by Mubarak » Sun Apr 05, 2009 5:44 am

mutmaeen wrote:mubarak

how sacrosanct is a tradition started by the wife of prophet[saw]? if syedna taher saifuddiin had instructed his amils to wear black during ashura why cant syedna burhanuddin make changes to that farmaan? just because you have antipathy towards the dai does not mean that you can throw canards at syedna

the prophet[saw] prayed 5 times a day we pray for 3 times a day does that mean u will throw tirades at the person who brought the change?

prophet[saw] sighted the moon for ramadan roza.do we do so now? so will u throw canards at the person who changed this tradition?

in our azaan mohammadun wa alaiyun khairul bashar has been a late addition so throw canards at the one who added it?

u cud just have pointed out that syedna made this changes and rested there instead of throwing unwarranted tirades

as moulana ali said-a man is hidden behind his tongue-or maybe his keyboard

Dear Brother Mutmaeen,

Kindly find my humble comments in blue color below your contentions:

how sacrosanct is a tradition started by the wife of prophet[saw]? if syedna taher saifuddiin had instructed his amils to wear black during ashura why cant syedna burhanuddin make changes to that farmaan? just because you have antipathy towards the dai does not mean that you can throw canards at syedna

For your informatiom: Molatina Umm-a-Salma (r.a.) was a ‘nek’ good wife of Prophet Mohammed (s.a.) and Allah in Quran says that she is the mother of all mumineen

[Quran reference: 24-79-30: Aur Fir’aun ne kaha ki me Rab-a-Aala hoon] Shri Burhannuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin is not mumineen because he claims like Fir’aun that he himself is a ‘Khuda’, (Me zameen ka Khuda hoon!!!)

Officially, mumineen mother Molatina Umme Salma (r.a.) started the rituals of cladding in black clothes to express grief on the Martyrdom of Imam Hussain (a.s.) by Sunni leader Shri Yazeed. But practice to express grief on Imam Hussain martyrdom was from Aadam Safiyullah (a.s.), when ark of Noah Nabi passed Karbala he too expressed grief… and like wise other Prophets including Prophet Mohammed (a.s.)

Shri Tahir Saifuddin has not started this ritual to clad black clothes. He is categorically making sure with written text that this practice of cladding in black clothes is applied strictly than loosely.

Can you kndly enlighten us all that how Shri Burhannuddin has authority to change the ritual started by ‘nek’ wife of Prophet Mohammed (s.a.), mother of all mumineen Molatina Umm-a-Salma?

the prophet[saw] prayed 5 times a day we pray for 3 times a day does that mean u will throw tirades at the person who brought the change?

Mutmaeen bhai, your statement is false and untrue.

Prophet Mohammed (s.a.) in a non-abnormal and daily course - did prayed five different ‘salat’ in five different time a day, as well as he prayed five ‘salat’ within three times a day.

Because Prophet Mohammed (s.a.) did prayed three times a day covering five ‘salat’ in a normal course that is why Dawoodi Bohras Ismailiya Shia (the only pristine and right faith) have adopted this practice of Prophet Mohammed (s.a.). If anyone offer five prayers in five times a day is also right and anyone offer five prayers in three times is also right. Both practices are in line with Prophet Mohammed (a.s.). Besides Dawoodi Bohras, Sunni scholar Shri Bukhari also acknowledges that Prophet Mohammed (a.s.) in a normal conditions did offer five prayers in three time in a day.

prophet[saw] sighted the moon for ramadan roza.do we do so now? so will u throw canards at the person who changed this tradition?

Mutmaeen bhai, your statement is again false and untrue.

If you think more, you will notice that yours current contention and your last contention (namaz times) are indeed conveying that Sunni practices are right and vice-a-versa.

Not only did Prophet Mohammed (s.a.) used Calendar but also Calendar is in practice since Molana Aadam Kulli (a.s.). Note: I have written Molana Aadam Kulli (a.s.) and not wrote Molana Aadam Safiyullah (Tekhoom bin Bahla) (a.s.).

And because Calendar was in practice that is why the date of Prophet Mohammed (a.s.) celebrating Lailatul-Qadr was fixed one date and should Prophet be citing moon then fixed date cannot be worked out as Ramdan has to be of thirty days. Even Sunni quotes Shrimati Aaisha, “Prophet Mohammed, never observed Ramdan fasts less than thirty days.”

“Ana Madinatul ilm va Aliyun baboha”, because Sunni people chose ‘Saqifa wala’ and we chose Mola Ali (a.s.) thus we have same practice that of Prophet Mohammed (a.s.).

in our azaan mohammadun wa alaiyun khairul bashar has been a late addition so throw canards at the one who added it?

From the first man on planet earth Molana Aadam Kulli (a.s.) till the life of Earth, there will be unbreakable chain of Mustakar Imam. To take decision in matter of the Shariyat is the sole prerogative of Mustakar Imam. Unlike Shri Burhannuddin, Mustakar Imam’s are masoom and flawless in their decision. Thus, if Imam decides to add a sentence in the Azan it same as if Rasoolallah (s.a.) is doing.

Shri Burhannuddin has no authorities like Mustakar Imam. To clad with black clothes was ritual started by mother of all mumineen Molatina Umm-a-Salma (r.a.) and Shri Tahir Saifuddin too has ordered his followers in written recorded form to strictly clad in black colors to observe Hussain (a.s.) martyrdom.

Enlighten us all how Shri Burhannuddin has authority to alter the practice of Molatina Umm-a-Salma (r.a.) wife of Prophet Mohammed (a.s.) and order his followers to clad strictly not in black color clothes and wear only colorful, rang-biranga clothes as if instead of mourning he is celebrating martyrdom of Imam Hussain (a.s.)?

Hence, as Shri Burhannuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin has ordered against the practice of Molatina Umm-a-Salma (r.a.) wife of Prophet Mohammed (a.s.) to strictly not to clad in black clothes to express grief on Imam Hussain (a.s.) martyrdom and to wear strictly colorful clothes - thus Shri Burhannuddin is enemy of Molatina Umm-a-Salma (a.s.) and Imam Hussain (a.s.).

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras


Unread post by Safiuddin » Sun Apr 05, 2009 2:14 pm

LOL!!!!! This thread is most entertaining - please do continue........................ :P

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras


Unread post by mutmaeen » Fri Apr 10, 2009 9:30 am

mubaarak bhai

can u subtantiate the fact that a calender was in vogue from day one-that is from times of adam e kulli? is thgere any proof that rasul ekhuda or amireel mumeneen used a calender? if praying thrice a day was the norm how did imam hussain observe his prayers on the day of his shahadat?

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras


Unread post by Mubarak » Sun Apr 12, 2009 11:54 am

mutmaeen wrote:mubaarak bhai

can u subtantiate the fact that a calender was in vogue from day one-that is from times of adam e kulli? is thgere any proof that rasul ekhuda or amireel mumeneen used a calender? if praying thrice a day was the norm how did imam hussain observe his prayers on the day of his shahadat?

Mutmaeen: can u subtantiate the fact that a calender was in vogue from day one-that is from times of adam e kulli?

Mubarak: When Aadam-Kulli (a.s.) pledged, “Allah-hu” (there is God) same like that in Ruhani Aalam when Akal-a-Awwal pledged “Allah-hu” (Ref: http://dawoodi-bohras.com/forum/viewtop ... 25&start=0 ), Aadam-Kulli (a.s.) was blessed with ‘vahi’ and he become the first Mustakar Imam. Since then till the last moment of planet Earth life, son after father chain in the progeny of Molana Aadam-Kulli (a.s.) will be unbrokenly be maintained as Mustakar Imam. As per Dawoodi Bohras faith, a Mustakar Imam is omnipotent and knows everything of past, present and future, this faith statement per-se infers that Molana Aadam-Kulli (a.s.) encompassed all knowledge about Lunar Calendar.

Mutmaeen: is thgere any proof that rasul ekhuda or amireel mumeneen used a calender

Mubarak: Re-read my original post, if you read carefully the answer is already there. Further, in a non-calendar state there cannot be constant year-on-year 30 days in Ramdan, there can be year where as per moon citation Ramdan may have 29 days, like in our time we can see that non-Bohries observe some year 30 fast and other time 29 fasts during Ramdan.

Book Name: Daim-ul-Islam Part-I
Written by: Molana Kazi Noman (r.a.)
Approved by: Molana Imam Moiz (a.s.)
Chapter: ‘Kitab-ul-Som val A’atiqaf
Further location guidance: Last paragraph of topic - “Roza iftaar karne ka bayan”

Mola Ali (a.s.): “In Ramdan…till you have not completed thirty ‘roza’ do not stop doing ‘roza’.”

Inference: Mola Ali (a.s.) was following calendar and he does what Rasool Allah (a.s.) did.

Mutmaeen: if praying thrice a day was the norm how did imam hussain observe his prayers on the day of his shahadat?

Mubarak: Read carefully again my post. In a normal day Prophet Mohammed (a.s.) observed five prayers within three time that he has joined Zohar and Asar; and then joined Magrib and Isha i.e. five prayers in three time and also in the same type of normal circumstances he observed five prayers in five times. Mumeen’s are free to adopt any practice at their own convenience and both are valid and not void.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras


Unread post by Mubarak » Sun Apr 12, 2009 4:43 pm

Khuda ki kitab aur hidayat a Rasool per jo amal nahi karte who kafir hai

Kullu bid atin zalalatun va kullu zalalatin phin naar
(har biddat gum rahi hai aur her gum rahi ka thikana jahannum hai)

Quran kya kehta hai: Jitne sajde hai who Allah ka haq hai (18-72-29).
(i) Aur sirf us Khuda ko sajda karo jis ne in nishaniyon ko paida kiya agar tumko Khuda ki ibadat karna hai (37-41-24)

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Mulla Ji apne aap ko sajda karvate hai

Quran kya kehta hai: Aur Fir’aun ne kaha ki me Rab-a-Aala hoon (24-79-30).

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Me zameen ka Khuda hoon

Quran kya kehta hai: A Rasool Musalman mardon se keh deejiye ki apni nigahen neechi rakhen (30-24-18)

(i) Aur isi tarha Musalman auraton se bhi keh leejiye ki who apni nigahen neechi rakhen. (31-24-18)

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Gair mehramat auraton se haath-paaon ko bosa dilwate hai aur be-pardagi karte hai.

Quran kya kehta hai: Aur jhoothi baat se Kinara kash raho (30-22-18)

(i) Aur woh jhoothi shahadat me shamil nahi hote 972-25-19)

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Mulla Ji ne jhoothi gavahi di hai (Chanda Bhai Galla Case)

Quran kya kehta hai: Jhoothe per Allah ki Laanat hai (Al-a-Imran 2 Ruku 14).

(i) Aur Jhoothe ke liye halaki hai (7-45-25).

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Mulla Ji jhooth (lie) bolte hai.

Quran kya kehta hai: Aur jo log sood khate hai kabr se nahi khade honge magar jaise aisa khada hoga jisko Shaitan lipat kar khapti (mad) bana de aur sood ko haram kar diya hai (275-2-3).

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Mulla Ji ne sood dena-lena jayaz rakha hai.

i) Mulla Ji Najmuddin ne Rs 511.75 sood ada (pay) kiya yeh sabit hai aur usne Misaaq tod dala hai (Dargah Case - faisla Judge G.B. Kher).

ii) Sultan Brothers Co. Ltd. me Yusuf Najmuddin vagerah ne 6% ke sood ada karne ka resolution kiya hai.

Quran kya kehta hai: Aur us shaks se zalim kon hoga jo Khuda-tala ki masjidon me Ibadat ke liye jane se bandish kare aur iski kharabi me koshish kare (114-2-1).

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Mullaji Masjid me aane se rokte hai.

Quran kya kehta hai: Jo logon per zulm karte hai aur na-haq duniya me sir’kashi karte hai unke liye dardnak azab hai (42-25).

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Mulla Ji quom ke afrad per insaniyat soz (anti-human) zulm dhate hai.

Quran kya kehta hai: A Musalmano tum sab bhai-bhai ho, apne do(two) bhaiyon ke darmiyan sulha kara diya karo aur Allah se darte raho (10-49-26)

Tum neki ke aur taqva aur khulk ke islah ke kaam karo (224-2-2)

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Mumeen bhai-behno me jhagda fasad karvate hai, bar'aat (boycott) karte hai, maan-baap, bhai-behan, beti-beta me ta'far'raqa dalwate hai.

Quran kya kehta hai: Aur tum apne maan-baap ke saath husne salook kiya karo, un me se koi budhape (old age) ko pahunch jaye to unko mat jhidakna aur adab se baat karna aur unse shafqat aur inksari se pesh aana aur dua karna ki parverdigar unper Rahmat fermae, unhone muzko bachpan me pala pervarish kiya hai (23/24-18-15)

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Bete-betiyon se un ke maan-baap per Lanat padhwate hai.

Quran kya kehta hai: Aapas me eik doosre ka maal na-haq mat khao (188-2-2)

Beshaq tumko Allah tala hukm karta hai ki ahle-haqook ko unko haq pahooncha do (58-4-5)

A imaan walo tum Allah aur Rasool ke haq me khayanat mat karo (27-8-9)

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Yateemo’n, bevao’n ka haq marte hai, khayanat karte hai, betul maal apne aur apne khandan ke musarraf (istamal) me late hai, rishvat (bribe) dete hai.

Quran kya kehta hai: Aur jab Haj aur Umra karna ho Allah tala ke vaste poora karo (196-6-2)

Aur Allah ke vaste logon ka zimma Haj karna hai jisko is’per is’ta’taat (capability) ho (97-3-4)

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Mulla Ji apni raza ke bager kisi ko haj nahi jane dete, haj ke baad bhi Haji vaapas aaker Mulla Ji ke kadam’ bos na ho tab tak haj ki tamamiyat nahi hoti – aisa inka hukm hai (‘Kaaf’ se Kaaba’tal musalleen, Tahir Saifuddin (Khuzaima Quaida))

Quran kya kehta hai: Zameen per itra ke mat chal Allah tala kisi taqqabbur karne walo ko pasand nahi karta (18-31-21)

Allah-tala jer-jabir mutakkabbar ke kalb (heart) per muhar kar deta hai (35-40-24)

Karoon quom me Moosa se tha who kasrat-a-maal se taqqabbur karne laga uske maal ki itni kasrat thi ki kai zorawar shaksiyaton ko garan’baar (to put under weight) kar deti thi uski quom ne usko kahan ki tu maal wa hasmat per taqqabbur mat ker Allah tala mutak’kab’bur ko pasand nahi karta (76-28-20)

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Kasrat-a-maal se mutaqabbar ho gaye hai.

Quran kya kehta hai: Khuda ke saath kisi ko Shareeq mat karna shirk karna bada bhari zulm hai (13-31-21)

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Is asmaye-ilahiya (Allah ke naam) aur Alqaab Hazoor-Sarware-Qayenat apne naam ke saath mansoob karte hai aur kehte hai Aa’hazrat jaise muze akhtiyarat (powers) hai ‘Khuzaima Quaida’ shaya kiya hai usme likha hai (‘Rey’ (Arabic ‘R’: se Rahmat’ar Rehman…Syedna Tahir Saifuddin, Kaaf (Arabic ‘K’) se Kazi-al-Hazaat Tahir Saifuddin, Khai (Arabic ‘Kha’ se Kherul-Anam Tahir Saifuddin, Gain (Arabic ‘G’ se Gaus-al-Ibaad Tahir Saifuddin)

Quran kya kehta hai: J0 Aurt’en (ladies) tumko pasand ho Nikah kar lo (2-3-4)

Aur tum me jo be-nikah ho unka nikah ker liya karo (32-2-18)

Aur tum shoharon (husband) se nikah karne ko mat roko (232-2-2)

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Mulla Ji unki raza ke bager Nikah na-jayaz thehrate (consider) hai aur nikah rokte hai.

Quran kya kehta hai: Aur Allah se darte raho, un auraton ko ghar se mat nikalo aur na woh auraton khud nikle magar wahan koi kharabi ho to aur baat hai (1-65-28)

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Shohar ko majboor karte hai ki bivi ko talaq de de aur bivi ko majboor karte hai ki who talaq le le.

Quran kya kehta hai: Kya tumne us shaqs ki bhi halat dekhi jisne apna Khuda apni khawahish–a-nafsani ko bana rakha hai aur Khuda ne isko bavjood sooj-booj ke gumraha kar diya hai. Khuda tala ne uske kaan aur dil per mohar laga li hai aur uski aankh per parda daal diya hai (23-45-25)

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Mulla Ji duniya’dari khawahish-a-nafsani , duniyavi shoharat khitabat (titles) haasil karne aur daulat jama karne me galta hai (busy hai).

Quran kya kehta hai: Aur koi kisi ki geebat (back biting) na kare (12-41-26)

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Mulla Ji geebat karte hai.

Quran kya kehta hai: Satan un logon se jhoothe vade (promise) karte hai aur hawas dilate hai (120-4-5)

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Mulla Ji jhoothe vade (promise) karte hai nai-nai (new) scheme quom per lad’te hai.

Quran kya kehta hai: Aur bahut se aise hai jo daud-daud (running) ker gunaha aur zulm aur haram khane per girte hai unke mashaiqh (plural of Sheikh) aur ulama gunaha ki baat kehne aur haram maal khane se kyon mana nahi karte (63-50-6)

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Mullaji unke mashaiqh aur unke ulama ki maarfat jabardast daawaton (parties) ka intizaam karate hai aur badi-2 rakam talab karte hai.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras


Unread post by Mubarak » Tue Apr 14, 2009 5:38 pm

Dear Forum members/visitors,

Should you be interested in enlightening yourself on the subject of Molana Imam Ismail (a.s.) bin Molana Imam Jaffer Sadik (a.s.), I can email you a 16 page PDF document written in Hindi and inked as per faith of Dawoodi Bohras Ismailiya Shia / Fatimi Dawat. Please send me your email address as private message to me and I will be pleased to immediately email you that book.

Yours brotherly and sincerely,


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Re: Dawoodi Bohras


Unread post by Mubarak » Sat Apr 18, 2009 2:08 pm

Dear Admin, Forum members and Visitors,

Audio commentary on the Quran as per Dawoodi Bohra Ismailiya Shia in the voice of Al Mukkaddas Ustad Ahmed Ali Raj is available. The original book version (‘Quran ki Ismaili Tafseer’) is in four volumes and totals three thousand plus pages.

As per ‘Haqiqat’ knowledge of Fatimi Davat an audio is available in voice of Ustad Ahmed Ali Raj – on subject “Imam Hussain (a.s.) ke Shahadat ki haqiqat.

With inference how to perform Haj, Umra and Jiyarat as per Fatimi Dawat – audio by Ustad Ahmed Ali Raj.

As per Dawoodi Bohras, two year – two hours X 10 day Moharram Mazlis by Ustad Ahmed Ali Raj performed at Vazihpura Mosque, Udaipur, Rajasthan.

Should anyone be interested in getting them then kindly email or private message me your email address and I will be glad to send you these audio data.

Dear Admin,

In the Multimedia section of our website don’t you think it is prudent to publish these audios for benefit of our Dawoodi Bohras community members and also for others interested in our philosophy?

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,


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Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2007 4:01 am

Re: Dawoodi Bohras


Unread post by Safiuddin » Sun Apr 19, 2009 12:29 am

We can infer from the above contentions that there would have been world before this world where everyone was alike justifying the faultless equality and justification rule of Allah. Then there in that world some as per their will did as per Allah’s liking and others otherwise, and our this world is second world, those who did good there are rewarded here and those who did otherwise are punished = born handicapped/healthy, rich/poor, smart/ugly, free/slave, resourceful/deprived, etc
This is hysterically funny :lol: :lol: I hope I was pharoah pharoak of egypt - that would have been cool. But alas, maybe, according to Mubarak i am now suffering for what i did in the "other, first world". Ha Ha Ha. . . ....

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras


Unread post by Mubarak » Mon Apr 20, 2009 2:33 am

Safiuddin wrote:
We can infer from the above contentions that there would have been world before this world where everyone was alike justifying the faultless equality and justification rule of Allah. Then there in that world some as per their will did as per Allah’s liking and others otherwise, and our this world is second world, those who did good there are rewarded here and those who did otherwise are punished = born handicapped/healthy, rich/poor, smart/ugly, free/slave, resourceful/deprived, etc
This is hysterically funny :lol: :lol: I hope I was pharoah pharoak of egypt - that would have been cool. But alas, maybe, according to Mubarak i am now suffering for what i did in the "other, first world". Ha Ha Ha. . . ....

Dear Brother Safiuddin,

Kindly note the wisdom that you quoted to me is not authored by myself, I am just sharing it on this forum. It is as per knowledge base of Fatimi Dawat, the true and only pristine Islam.

With best regards,

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras


Unread post by Admin » Mon Apr 20, 2009 3:54 pm


Please send us the audio files, we'll put them up in the multimedia section.


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Re: Dawoodi Bohras


Unread post by Mubarak » Sun May 03, 2009 10:15 am

Admin wrote:Mubarak,

Please send us the audio files, we'll put them up in the multimedia section.


DearAdmin sahib,

There are over 150 audio clips and each have approx sixty minutes audio and is equal to 50+MB size/clip. Thus it is not getting transferred via emails.

If anyone can kindly suggest any alternate way to send them from my end to Admin - I will greatly appreciate.

Admin saheb, I will courier you DVD of same. Can you kindly suggest on what address and to whose attention may I courier it?

Thanks and best regards,


Posts: 471
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Re: Dawoodi Bohras


Unread post by Mubarak » Sun May 03, 2009 5:23 pm

Mubarak wrote:Khuda ki kitab aur hidayat a Rasool per jo amal nahi karte who kafir hai

Kullu bid atin zalalatun va kullu zalalatin phin naar
(har biddat gum rahi hai aur her gum rahi ka thikana jahannum hai)

Quran kya kehta hai: Jitne sajde hai who Allah ka haq hai (18-72-29).
(i) Aur sirf us Khuda ko sajda karo jis ne in nishaniyon ko paida kiya agar tumko Khuda ki ibadat karna hai (37-41-24)

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Mulla Ji apne aap ko sajda karvate hai

Quran kya kehta hai: Aur Fir’aun ne kaha ki me Rab-a-Aala hoon (24-79-30).

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Me zameen ka Khuda hoon

Quran kya kehta hai: A Rasool Musalman mardon se keh deejiye ki apni nigahen neechi rakhen (30-24-18)

(i) Aur isi tarha Musalman auraton se bhi keh leejiye ki who apni nigahen neechi rakhen. (31-24-18)

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Gair mehramat auraton se haath-paaon ko bosa dilwate hai aur be-pardagi karte hai.

Quran kya kehta hai: Aur jhoothi baat se Kinara kash raho (30-22-18)

(i) Aur woh jhoothi shahadat me shamil nahi hote 972-25-19)

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Mulla Ji ne jhoothi gavahi di hai (Chanda Bhai Galla Case)

Quran kya kehta hai: Jhoothe per Allah ki Laanat hai (Al-a-Imran 2 Ruku 14).

(i) Aur Jhoothe ke liye halaki hai (7-45-25).

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Mulla Ji jhooth (lie) bolte hai.

Quran kya kehta hai: Aur jo log sood khate hai kabr se nahi khade honge magar jaise aisa khada hoga jisko Shaitan lipat kar khapti (mad) bana de aur sood ko haram kar diya hai (275-2-3).

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Mulla Ji ne sood dena-lena jayaz rakha hai.

i) Mulla Ji Najmuddin ne Rs 511.75 sood ada (pay) kiya yeh sabit hai aur usne Misaaq tod dala hai (Dargah Case - faisla Judge G.B. Kher).

ii) Sultan Brothers Co. Ltd. me Yusuf Najmuddin vagerah ne 6% ke sood ada karne ka resolution kiya hai.

Quran kya kehta hai: Aur us shaks se zalim kon hoga jo Khuda-tala ki masjidon me Ibadat ke liye jane se bandish kare aur iski kharabi me koshish kare (114-2-1).

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Mullaji Masjid me aane se rokte hai.

Quran kya kehta hai: Jo logon per zulm karte hai aur na-haq duniya me sir’kashi karte hai unke liye dardnak azab hai (42-25).

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Mulla Ji quom ke afrad per insaniyat soz (anti-human) zulm dhate hai.

Quran kya kehta hai: A Musalmano tum sab bhai-bhai ho, apne do(two) bhaiyon ke darmiyan sulha kara diya karo aur Allah se darte raho (10-49-26)

Tum neki ke aur taqva aur khulk ke islah ke kaam karo (224-2-2)

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Mumeen bhai-behno me jhagda fasad karvate hai, bar'aat (boycott) karte hai, maan-baap, bhai-behan, beti-beta me ta'far'raqa dalwate hai.

Quran kya kehta hai: Aur tum apne maan-baap ke saath husne salook kiya karo, un me se koi budhape (old age) ko pahunch jaye to unko mat jhidakna aur adab se baat karna aur unse shafqat aur inksari se pesh aana aur dua karna ki parverdigar unper Rahmat fermae, unhone muzko bachpan me pala pervarish kiya hai (23/24-18-15)

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Bete-betiyon se un ke maan-baap per Lanat padhwate hai.

Quran kya kehta hai: Aapas me eik doosre ka maal na-haq mat khao (188-2-2)

Beshaq tumko Allah tala hukm karta hai ki ahle-haqook ko unko haq pahooncha do (58-4-5)

A imaan walo tum Allah aur Rasool ke haq me khayanat mat karo (27-8-9)

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Yateemo’n, bevao’n ka haq marte hai, khayanat karte hai, betul maal apne aur apne khandan ke musarraf (istamal) me late hai, rishvat (bribe) dete hai.

Quran kya kehta hai: Aur jab Haj aur Umra karna ho Allah tala ke vaste poora karo (196-6-2)

Aur Allah ke vaste logon ka zimma Haj karna hai jisko is’per is’ta’taat (capability) ho (97-3-4)

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Mulla Ji apni raza ke bager kisi ko haj nahi jane dete, haj ke baad bhi Haji vaapas aaker Mulla Ji ke kadam’ bos na ho tab tak haj ki tamamiyat nahi hoti – aisa inka hukm hai (‘Kaaf’ se Kaaba’tal musalleen, Tahir Saifuddin (Khuzaima Quaida))

Quran kya kehta hai: Zameen per itra ke mat chal Allah tala kisi taqqabbur karne walo ko pasand nahi karta (18-31-21)

Allah-tala jer-jabir mutakkabbar ke kalb (heart) per muhar kar deta hai (35-40-24)

Karoon quom me Moosa se tha who kasrat-a-maal se taqqabbur karne laga uske maal ki itni kasrat thi ki kai zorawar shaksiyaton ko garan’baar (to put under weight) kar deti thi uski quom ne usko kahan ki tu maal wa hasmat per taqqabbur mat ker Allah tala mutak’kab’bur ko pasand nahi karta (76-28-20)

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Kasrat-a-maal se mutaqabbar ho gaye hai.

Quran kya kehta hai: Khuda ke saath kisi ko Shareeq mat karna shirk karna bada bhari zulm hai (13-31-21)

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Is asmaye-ilahiya (Allah ke naam) aur Alqaab Hazoor-Sarware-Qayenat apne naam ke saath mansoob karte hai aur kehte hai Aa’hazrat jaise muze akhtiyarat (powers) hai ‘Khuzaima Quaida’ shaya kiya hai usme likha hai (‘Rey’ (Arabic ‘R’: se Rahmat’ar Rehman…Syedna Tahir Saifuddin, Kaaf (Arabic ‘K’) se Kazi-al-Hazaat Tahir Saifuddin, Khai (Arabic ‘Kha’ se Kherul-Anam Tahir Saifuddin, Gain (Arabic ‘G’ se Gaus-al-Ibaad Tahir Saifuddin)

Quran kya kehta hai: J0 Aurt’en (ladies) tumko pasand ho Nikah kar lo (2-3-4)

Aur tum me jo be-nikah ho unka nikah ker liya karo (32-2-18)

Aur tum shoharon (husband) se nikah karne ko mat roko (232-2-2)

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Mulla Ji unki raza ke bager Nikah na-jayaz thehrate (consider) hai aur nikah rokte hai.

Quran kya kehta hai: Aur Allah se darte raho, un auraton ko ghar se mat nikalo aur na woh auraton khud nikle magar wahan koi kharabi ho to aur baat hai (1-65-28)

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Shohar ko majboor karte hai ki bivi ko talaq de de aur bivi ko majboor karte hai ki who talaq le le.

Quran kya kehta hai: Kya tumne us shaqs ki bhi halat dekhi jisne apna Khuda apni khawahish–a-nafsani ko bana rakha hai aur Khuda ne isko bavjood sooj-booj ke gumraha kar diya hai. Khuda tala ne uske kaan aur dil per mohar laga li hai aur uski aankh per parda daal diya hai (23-45-25)

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Mulla Ji duniya’dari khawahish-a-nafsani , duniyavi shoharat khitabat (titles) haasil karne aur daulat jama karne me galta hai (busy hai).

Quran kya kehta hai: Aur koi kisi ki geebat (back biting) na kare (12-41-26)

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Mulla Ji geebat karte hai.

Quran kya kehta hai: Satan un logon se jhoothe vade (promise) karte hai aur hawas dilate hai (120-4-5)

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Mulla Ji jhoothe vade (promise) karte hai nai-nai (new) scheme quom per lad’te hai.

Quran kya kehta hai: Aur bahut se aise hai jo daud-daud (running) ker gunaha aur zulm aur haram khane per girte hai unke mashaiqh (plural of Sheikh) aur ulama gunaha ki baat kehne aur haram maal khane se kyon mana nahi karte (63-50-6)

Shri Burhanuddin s/o Shri Tahir Saifuddin kya kehte hai: Mullaji unke mashaiqh aur unke ulama ki maarfat jabardast daawaton (parties) ka intizaam karate hai aur badi-2 rakam talab karte hai.

Newspaper Name: Jaam Jamshed
Eidtion: 24-April-1949

Sister Amatullah Bai wife of Ali bhai Aadam Ji Peer Bhai: Behen Amatullah Bai ni laash ni 21-December-1928 ni kabar ma si nikali ni kafan kari Tahir Saifuddin yeh tehna gundaon maarfat sadak per fenkavi didi thi.
(Tahir Saifuddin through his goons dug the grave of Sister Amatullah Bai, then clad dead body with cloth (kafan) and then thrown it on road.)


Book Name: Herat-angez Inkeshafaat
Published: December 1987
Printed: Avami Press, Malegaon
Kitabaat: Mohammed Yousuf Tashna, Malegaon
Published by: “Tanzeem” – Ishaat-a-Islami Taleem, 66, Dr. Zakir Hussain Marg, Boharwadi, Udaipur, Raj, India
Mollif: Ahmed Ali Raj

Page 82: Photo: Bohra Shabab neta, CHARACTERLESS and IMMORAL Shri Burhanuddin son of Shri Tahir Saifuddin - gair mehram (neither maternal nor paternal and not spouse relations) auraton (ladies) se salam le rahe hai.

Page 167: Photo: Bohra Shabab neta, CHARATERLESS and IMMORAL Shri Tahir Saifuddin gair mehram auraton ke deedar se musharraf ho rahe hai.

Page 168: Photo: Khozema Mazoon gair mehram auraton se haath ko bosa (kiss) dilva rahe hai

Page 168: Photo: Shabab Bohra neta Shri Burhanuddin ke sister Maryam bai urf Mana behen benakab va bepardah Amreeka ke mayor ke samne - uski beti peeche chasma lagaye Mariyam ke Shohar Yahya bhai sahib.

Page 209: Photo: Sura Yaseen in one page and in its center a photo of Tahir Saifuddin. Sura Yaseen is the heart of Quran but Shabab Bohra neta Shri Tahir Saifuddin claims that he is the heart of Sura Yaseen.

Page 210: Shabab Bohra neta Shri Burhanuddin and Sri Tahir Saifuddin ke ghar se be-pardagi ki biddat – Be-parda photos of: (1) Amatullah Saifuddin, (2) Sakina Zainuddin, (3) Bint Safiddin, (4) Wife of Ibrahim bhai Zainuddin, (5) Eemaan Saifuddin, (6) Wife of Mansoor bhai Shabbir bhai

Page 293: Photo: Shabab Bohra neta Shri Khozema Mazoon shaking hand with white madams (British ladies): Gasib (thief) Najmuddin ne apne farzando ki shadi me asraf-a-beja (unreasonable waste of money) kar ke ‘Daawat’ ka kazana khali kar diya. Us waqt Angrezon ki haqoomat thi. Najmuddin ne Judegs aur Aala huqqam ko Dawat di thi. Najmuddin ne unki memo (madam/wife)se Shake-Hand kiya tha.

Allah ki chakki chalti dheere hai magar peesti bareek hai. Allah has punished Shabab Bohra neta Characterless and immoral Burhanuddin, Tahir Saifuddin and Khozema Mazoon with harsh punishments: Tahir Saifuddin was murdered with poison and his face turned black, Egypt mafias murdered Khozema Mazoon over real estate money dispute and his dead-body never could not get "do gaz zameen", and Characterless Burhanuddin s/o Tahir Saifuddin was punished by Allah by bending his neck in front of all creatures and he cannot raise it even in front of dog/kafir.

Woh (Tahir Saifuddin black face due to poison effect) apna mooh chhupa (hide) ke gaye the aur yeh (Burhanuddin) apna mooh jhuka ke jayenge!

Wa aakhiro davana anil hamdo lillah a Rabbil aalameen.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras


Unread post by Mubarak » Sun Jul 19, 2009 4:24 am

Post Makka victory, Mola Ali (a.s.) climbed on the back of Prophet Mohammed (s.a.) and destroyed all the idols placed on the terrace of building of Kaba. This event should unambiguously convey to all Shababi Mumeen brothers and sisters that Photo worshipping of Shri Burhanuddin and Shri Taher Saifuddin is against the spirit of Islam.

All true spiritual leaders from Sayyedina Prophet Mohammed (s.a.) till 46th Dai Molana Mohammad Badruddin (r.a.) none of their sketches / idols / photos were made. The only three idols that are authenticated by Islam are that of Satan which are pelted during haj and as per the only pristine Islam = Dawoodi Bohras those three idols of Satan are: first papi, second (murderer of Molatina Fatima a.s. and Molana Mohsin) and third (who burned Quran).

Wa aakhiro davana anil hamdo lillah a Rabbil aalameen.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras


Unread post by anajmi » Sun Jul 19, 2009 10:45 am

More wild Mubarak imagination. If the three pillars represent the first three khalifas, then why are the sunnis and the wahhabis pelting them? And if they are, then you should be friends with them. I can say that the three pillars represent Mubarak, Sheikh Raza and whoever else you like!!

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras


Unread post by SBM » Sun Jul 19, 2009 12:37 pm

Can you please post your qualifications regarding your knowledge of Islam, which Jamiya did you go to? It seems you are playing the same game as Syedna did by cursing Khalifas in public and causing a riot. I wonder if you are the Kothari sheep planted to discredit this forum and cause trouble.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras


Unread post by accountability » Sun Jul 19, 2009 3:28 pm

Mubarak saheb the only proof of your literacy is, you can read and write english on this forum. Otherwise your have touched the limits of ignorance and indecency. Your rhetoric about islam is a real fitna. You have fabricated each and every hikayat and historical refrence. If what you say is the basis of bohra faith, which i am sure is not, then god forbid this faith stands in void. Please do yourself and us a favour, stop writing nonsense and just disappear from this forum.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras


Unread post by accountability » Sun Jul 19, 2009 3:37 pm

Egypt mafias murdered Khozema Mazoon over real estate money dispute and his dead-body never could not get "do gaz zameen",
Mubarak this shows your total ignorance and authenticity of your rhetorics. Mazoon Khozema bhaisaheb is still alive and mazoon. It was yousuf najmuddin who died in mysterious conditions in egypt. This also proves that you are a self centered vengful soul, who for some reason has grudge against present syedna and his family, and it has nothing to do with religion or reform.

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras


Unread post by Mubarak » Sun Jul 19, 2009 11:59 pm

accountability wrote:
Egypt mafias murdered Khozema Mazoon over real estate money dispute and his dead-body never could not get "do gaz zameen",
Mubarak this shows your total ignorance and authenticity of your rhetorics. Mazoon Khozema bhaisaheb is still alive and mazoon. It was yousuf najmuddin who died in mysterious conditions in egypt. This also proves that you are a self centered vengful soul, who for some reason has grudge against present syedna and his family, and it has nothing to do with religion or reform.
Salam alekum,

Dear Accountability,

Thanks for prompting on the typing error. I made a typing error and tender regrets for same. The person in context is Mazoon: YN (Yusuf Najmuddin) and not Khozema (current).

Thanks and best regards,


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Re: Dawoodi Bohras


Unread post by JC » Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:46 am

I simply fail to understand WHY bohras have to do lanats to first three Caliphs and H. Ayesha?? OK, you disagree with them, you hate them .... OK given ... there is simply NO point cursing them in public and in all your functions... what purpose does that serve?? Only you are spreading hatred, trying to instigate only your point of view, giving people a target so that they can divert their anger to them ........... its simply playing with human psychology (not that I am expert..!!!)

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Re: Dawoodi Bohras


Unread post by ozmujaheed » Tue Jul 21, 2009 8:10 pm

It is psychological mind games

When one repeatedly curses they mentally accept that Khalifas are enemies, when Khalifa is an enemy then everything associated with the Khalifa i.e. culture, practises, history etc is bad and evil...

But Khalifa as person is not the real enemy in Bohra or Shia case it is the threat of the Sunni ideology as practised by the masses. The threat is to the Diais and Ayatollah power base and ideology. If one diffuses the power base...zakat money, subjects and everything they control and suck becomes scarce.

Religious leaders will find needle in a haystack to justify their cursing. Vice versa when Sunnis curse Shias they do so for same reasons. Regrettable but true religion is a convenient tool for greedy men to pursue power and control similar to politics, communism, etc.

Muslim First
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Re: Dawoodi Bohras


Unread post by Muslim First » Tue Jul 21, 2009 8:49 pm

BR. ozmujaheed said:
Shia case it is the threat of the Sunni ideology as practised by the masses.
Can you explain This!

I thought Sunni ideology consist of 5 basic tanents of Islam.

Perhaps I will learn something.


Posts: 265
Joined: Fri Jan 09, 2009 2:36 am

Re: Dawoodi Bohras


Unread post by mutmaeen » Wed Jul 22, 2009 12:36 am

a very recent addition to the sunni ideology is-suicide bombing