Call for Volunteers for Ashara 1427 H Khidmat in Houston

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Call for Volunteers for Ashara 1427 H Khidmat in Houston


Unread post by heavenoheaven » Wed Sep 21, 2005 3:58 pm

Message is sent with the instructions of Janab Amil Saheb Shk. Quraish bhai Fakhruddin

It is Aqa Moula's (TUS) Karam and Ehsaan that Huzurala (TUS) accepted the Araz of Aliwaqar Shehzada Malekul Ashtar Bhaisaheb Shujauddin (DM) and the Mumineen of Houston to be considered for Ashara Mubaraka 1427. In fact Huzurala (TUS) mentioned the candidate cities for Ashara 1427 from the Takhat in Waaz at Urs Mubarak of Aqa Taher Saifuddin (AQ), for which we are eternally grateful.

The Mumineen of Houston and North America will participate at the Ashara conference during Zikra in Surat this year and present a comprehensive plan and araz document. Insha'Allah!! We request Mumineen and Mumenaat to participate in large numbers at Zikra and this conference in supporting the Houston araz. Details will follow.

In the meantime, we call upon the all Houston, North America and Mumineen from Bilaad-e-Emaniyah to volunteer for the Houston Ashara 1427. Planning is in full force and all the committees (per structure of the superbly organized International Ashara Committee-IAC) meeting on a daily basis. We are looking for committed volunteers who can give even little time to the planning process right now. The idea is to create communication links with the pool of Khidmat Guzaars so that we can progress as a team during the year and everyone's input is taken intro consideration; so that if (when) Huzurala (TUS) fasal Houston for 1427 Ashara Mubaraka, we as a TEAM are ready to execute a 'world class' event and gain the Khushi Mubarak of our beloved Moula (TUS).

We will also use this information to request your khidmat at local Jamaat events.

This form is also available on

We are requesting that you fill out the form below and mail it back to

May Allah (TA) grant us the sharaf of Dai-il-Imam-ul Husaain Dr. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Saheb (TUS) for Ashara 1427 in Houston, and may Allah grant our beloved Moula a long life till Roze-e-Qayamat with Sehat Taama. (Ameen!)

Abde Syedna (TUS),
Taher Ezzi (IAC Mushrif, Houston), Abeezar Shk. Saleh Tayebji (HAOC-Houston, 1427, Project Manager)

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Re: Call for Volunteers for Ashara 1427 H Khidmat in Houston


Unread post by zulfikaranis » Thu Sep 22, 2005 12:01 pm

Houston Bohra should worry about "RITA" for now.

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Re: Call for Volunteers for Ashara 1427 H Khidmat in Houston


Unread post by kabeer19922001 » Sun Sep 25, 2005 6:09 am

I am disturbed to read the post from heaven. My suspicison that Bohra's are not muslims is proved by this post. While the whole Muslim Ummah is preparing for the Holy month of Ramadhan, Bohri's have jumped three months to talk about Moharram.

Dear Brothers read the Quran to understand the significance of Ramadhan. This is the month of forgiveness and salvation. We may not live to see another Ramazan and please do not make it second to Moharram.


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Re: Call for Volunteers for Ashara 1427 H Khidmat in Houston


Unread post by anajmi » Sun Sep 25, 2005 4:18 pm


That is because Moharram is a month of festivities for the bohras. Check out the jamans and the sherbat and everything else that happens during Moharram. It is also the time when in the name of Imam Hussein, kothar is on a mission to fill its coffers.

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Re: Call for Volunteers for Ashara 1427 H Khidmat in Houston


Unread post by mbohra » Sun Sep 25, 2005 6:15 pm

Perhaps the Houston and other unaffected Bohris should volunteer to re-build New Orléans, Mississipi, and Texas and the unfortunate victims rather than what Janab Amil Saheb Shk. Quraish bhai Fakhruddin has been demanding.

Service to humanity is service to Allah

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Re: Call for Volunteers for Ashara 1427 H Khidmat in Houston


Unread post by jinx » Sun Oct 23, 2005 7:28 am

Khotars were doing a good business for previous Ashura. Perhaps they were going for a similar "stealler performance" before the old man dies.

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Re: Call for Volunteers for Ashara 1427 H Khidmat in Houston


Unread post by kabeer19922001 » Mon Oct 24, 2005 11:23 am

Dear Heaven

So did you get your volunteers???

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Re: Call for Volunteers for Ashara 1427 H Khidmat in Houston


Unread post by heavenoheaven » Mon Oct 24, 2005 12:20 pm

Salam Kabeer,
U pray for urself in this holy month. Inshaallah bohra jammat will get enough volunteers for MOharram. Inshaallah.



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Re: Call for Volunteers for Ashara 1427 H Khidmat in Houston


Unread post by Bohra-cpl-in-Houston » Mon Oct 24, 2005 3:37 pm

u made such a good point that bohris in houston were fortunate and should spend their hard earned dollars to help victims of katrina, or even the earthquake. what better form of zakaat this year than to help those unfortunate people.
And to anajmi's point-moharram is the time of celebration and festivities - totally agree. Heck bohris r the only community that prepares new clothes for the occasion.


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Re: Call for Volunteers for Ashara 1427 H Khidmat in Houston


Unread post by kabeer19922001 » Tue Oct 25, 2005 9:07 am

Dear Heaven

By "this month" I hope you are referring to Ramzan and not Moharrram. Ramzan is the month to ask for forgiveness as clearly referred to in the Quran. Mohrarram has its importance but cannot supercede Ramzan.


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Re: Call for Volunteers for Ashara 1427 H Khidmat in Houston


Unread post by Anwar » Tue Oct 25, 2005 8:22 pm

heavenoheaven writes: we as a TEAM are ready to execute a 'world class' event and gain the Khushi Mubarak of our beloved Moula (TUS).
Houston jamaat wants to make a world class event out of Ashura. They want it for khushi of moula.
they want to beat Dubai´s record?
Come on bohris, gear up for a free bording and lodging.come one, come all enjoy moharrams and ashuras feast.(jamela ala Dubai)

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Re: Call for Volunteers for Ashara 1427 H Khidmat in Houston


Unread post by tahir » Wed Oct 26, 2005 4:49 am

In India, during the Muharram and Urs galas,bohras not just enjoy the lodging boarding and an overall festive environment (and yeah the most important - jaman!!). Many young guys and girls go with the primary motive of hunting for a life partner. The bohra mothers specially groom their daughters for such occassions and the mama's (as well as daughter's) eyes are forever roving in all the congregations. Even if they dont find someone for life, most of them come home with the sweet memories of hooking up temporarily (or atleast flirting or being teased) with someone all the while when the old clergy is remembering and ruing the death of Hussain.

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Re: Call for Volunteers for Ashara 1427 H Khidmat in Houston


Unread post by alsojinxed » Mon Oct 31, 2005 5:31 am

What is the contingency if the 52nd Dai is no longer around?