45 years of hardwork..

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
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45 years of hardwork..


Unread post by ozmujaheed » Wed Dec 30, 2009 9:31 pm

I heard Sayedna read on the 9th Muharram (of course some one wrote his speech) that he has had to put in 45 years of hardwork defending the onlought of dushmanao who wanted to sink the dawaat...interesting topic

My view point in last 45 years..more a question of whether the glass is half full or half empty..so my con can be seen as a pro depending where one stands:
Pros for the opposition:
Opposition is a threat that we are now mentioned in waez ..
PDB is such popular that the forums and threads are searchable via Google

Bohras and PDB is now mentioned in major Terrorism watchdog website security.org and publicly recognised that there is an official opposition to Orthodox Bohra, this was also stated in the 500 most influential website

Mr Aliasger is recognised flag bearer of Bohra opposition (even thought not all opposition is associated with his or PDB's agenda)

Cons for opposition:
PDB has not grown from a minority to credible and broadly available community across the globe that would make Kothar to stand up and take serious notice and force them to change.

Pros for Orthodox:
Bohras have become materially and socially wealthy as global economy grew from post colonial transition and skilled migration, Kothar indirectly lay claim for that success, even though large number of poverty in India and Pakistan remain however that is a reality for many indigenous populations worldwide.

Kothar have struck a strategic win of exploiting the niche requirement of finding what keeps Bohras loyal, i.e. International trips, social services for marriage, birth and death, providing cultural and knowledge services , identity and isolated environment from external influences..more like China or North Korea.

Bohras completely segregated from Islamic society and many cases of Bohras identifying themselves tribally as Bohras rather than Muslims…they have their own language, traditional dress, cultural practise..in other words they can survive independently!

Identifying an easy (noisy) opposition which can be managed and is not too big a threat to general Bohra dawaat.

Surprise rise of loyalist educated youth and fanatics possible output of the childhood Bohra sabaqs, sermons and madrassas. This is a major and direct threat to the success of the Opposition as they have no major strategies to counter while rely on modern professional education to provide logical and tolerant thinking amongst toe Bohras.

Cons for Dawaat:
45 years organic growth..no new converts infact possible loss of Yemeni bohras. Fewer converts from marriages.

Loss of Islamic ideology and created a mystical, superstitious , pagan like faith further away from mainstream Shia or Sunni.

No major publicity claim or recognition from Islamic scholars or Western democratic leaders however a lot of effort to get photo opportunities, more to convince internal Bohra loyalists rather than any philanthropically or broader influence.

Unexplained reasons why Bohras are no longer recognised by Iran, Saudi Arabia or Egypt as a Islamic theology..but rather tolerated as a leader of an Indian Muslim sect. This does not reflect Sayedna as an influencing Islamic leader or scholar.

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: 45 years of hardwork..


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Thu Dec 31, 2009 10:10 am


no need for such lengthy analysis of pros and cons. in the case of kothar, it is "heads i win and tails you lose".

all that has happened in the last 45 years of the present syedna's tyranny is untold accumulation of wealth for his parasitic family and further enslavement of the community to a point where they have only 1 choice: confirm or leave.

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Re: 45 years of hardwork..


Unread post by broadminded » Thu Dec 31, 2009 10:40 am

AZ bhai..Very interesting observation! I always enjoy reading your posts and really impressed by your knowlege and style of writing..You are one of the best contributors on this forum..May Allah give you Afzal-us-jaza for the trouble you go through to stir our conscience. Please keep it up..shukran..

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: 45 years of hardwork..


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Thu Dec 31, 2009 1:50 pm

broadminded wrote:AZ bhai..Very interesting observation! I always enjoy reading your posts and really impressed by your knowlege and style of writing..You are one of the best contributors on this forum..May Allah give you Afzal-us-jaza for the trouble you go through to stir our conscience. Please keep it up..shukran..
brother bm,

thanks very much for your compliments, which are surely not deserved by me, esp. when i compare myself with the great stalwarts like bhai insaf, asgharali engineer and countless others who have led the reform movement from the front at great cost and risk to their life and limb and to their social and monetary standings.

your comments are a great motivation to me to carry on, when honestly i feel often that i am fighting a losing battle against a monolith.

S. Insaf
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Re: 45 years of hardwork..


Unread post by S. Insaf » Fri Jan 01, 2010 3:33 am

Mazoon Burhanuddin Saheb became 52nd Dai after the sudden and shocking death of his father and 51st Dai in 1965. His 45 years of hard work is perhaps is counted after he assumed the high office.
The hard work that goes to the credit of Sayedna Burhanuddin Saheb was all along committing blunders and then worked hard to do the damage-control.

1966 - 24th June, Mulla Abbas Aurangabadi was burnt alive in his house at Karachi by hired goons of Burhanuddin Saheb who had thrown petrol on him and had set him to fire. Mulla Abbas tried to protect wakf and trust properties and other funds of the community. For this attacked he took Yusuf Najmuddin’s name in his dieing declaration at Civil Hospital Karachi on 26th June 1966. This was the first crime committed by Burhanuddin Saheb immediately after assuming the highest office of Dawat-e-Fatemi.

1967 – Daiz-Zaman imposed an Authoritarian Constitution on Jamaat of East Africa withdrawing democratic constitution given by 51st Dai, thus proving his own father and 51st Dai wrong.

1968 – Daiz-Zaman tried to transfer a huge amount violating exchange control laws, was expelled from Tanzania. This was third crime in 3 years after his becoming Dai.

1970 - Burhanuddin Saheb interfered with the local Municipal Election in Udaipur where 4 of his nominated Bohra candidates on Congress tickets lost their deposits against the Bohra candidates of Bohra Youth Association (BYA). The humiliating defeat of the candidates officially blessed by him became a turning point in struggle for reform in Udaipur. BYA became more popular after victory of its candidates and founded a Co-operative bank. Sayedna sitting at Bombay took defeat of his nominated candidates as challenged to his religious authority.

This year Dawoodi Bohra candidates and among them Rehana Banu of Bohra Youth has won the election with thumping majority because the Bohras on both sides of divide worked together for their success. This once again proves that he had to pay a heavy price for indulging in politics in 1972 being a religious guide.

1972 - Burhanuddin Saheb gave a written order to close down the Udaipur Urben Co-operative bank which is flourishing day by day and his orthodox followers are account holders and share-holders in the same bank even today.

1973 -1st March, An attack on innocent Bohra women of Udaipur was pre-planned at Galiakot and they were beaten, their cloths were torn and they were molested in front of Sayedna, Yusuf Najmuddin and Qaid Johar. This was the most outrageous crime committed by Daiz-Zaman. Thereafter Burhanuddin Saheb declared a full-scale war against the supporters of BYA. The attacked on the supporters of BYA by instigated Shabis became the order of the day.

1973 - His name again appeared in newspaper with the surreptitious property deal of Sandoz House situated at Shivesagar state in Bombay. His brother Yusuf Najmuddin entered into a deal to buy the building in Rs. 8.5 million, with the usual break up of 3.5 million in white and s. 5 million in jet black. But Government of India got suspicious when deal got stuck due to section 230A of Income Tax Act and clearance from Charity Commissioner. It was a clear case of cheating and under-valuation of the property.

1974 - 22 November, Huge demonstrations all over against Congress M. P. Shashi Bhushan alleging that he described Sayedna as ‘Shaitan’ in his speech from a reformist’s platform in Bombay.

1974 -23 November, Instigated BY Yusuf Najmuddin, the rector of Jamiya-Saifia in Surat a large crowd went to houses of four senior Ustads of Jamiya and beat them mercilessly thus killing one of them, Shaikh Sajjad Husain.

1975 – 16 March, Inspite of several requests from the Bohras and citizens of Udaipur and intervention of then Prime Minister, Mrs. Indira Gandhi Sayedna refused to solemnise the pending marriages of 300 couples. That led to the formation of the Central Board of Dawoodi Bohra Community (CBDBC) and independent mass-marriages.

1977 - 13 March, Yusuf Najmuddin expelled from Kenya for harassing and excommunicating certain Bohras in that country.

1977 - 14 March, Sayedna’s direct attacked on 1st World Conference of Dawoodi Bohras by CBDBC and his defeat in stopping it. And then to divert public attention he created a most ridiculous Tamasha of Miracles of blood and water oozing out of mazars at Galiyakot and Bombay.

1977 – 14 June, Planned murderous attack by a huge crowd on Noman Contractor and Saifee Pawagadwala at Godhara, imposing of curfew, matter reaching to Jai Prakash Narayan leading to formation of Justice Tarkunde/Justice Nathwani Inquiry Commission.

1978 – 14 January, He instigated a murderous attack on Asghar Ali Engineer at Calcutta.

1978 – 18 April, Justice Nathwani Inquiry Commission sent him a letter requesting him to co-operate with the Commission and send his representatives. But Sayedna Saheb refused and instead organized worldwide opposition to the Commission.

1979 – 16 to 18 February, violent opposition to Second World Dawoodi Bohra Conference held at Udaipur.

1980 – The report of Justice Nathwani Inquiry Commission was made public. Daiz-Zaman’s atrocities committed on his own followers were well documented. The outcome of the report was shocking to the world out side. The newspapers and magazines all over the world kept on questioning for months the ‘monstrous’ powers enjoyed by the Bohra Dai.

1981 – January, Daiz-Zaman’s visit to Egypt in the name repairs of Masjid Jam-e-Anwar and involvement of shady property deals in which Yusuf Najmuddin lost his life.
In order to make a show of his strength he gathered a large crowd of Bohras in Cairo under the pretext that the hidden Imam will reappear. 10 day Moharram sermons were organised in Cairo and thereafter it became a custom to hold Moharram sermons in far away countries like Karachi, Dubai, Columbo etc. making a mockery of the solemn month of Mohrram.

1981 – February, 3rd World Conference of Dawoodi Bohras was organized in Bombay to challenge the lion in its own den. Daiz-Zaman again organized a violent opposition. Most shocking and shameful was the scene outside Islam Gymkhana where Daiz-Zaman had used Rida clad Bohra women and made them sleep all over the road and ground so that the cars and buses carrying delegates could not move.

1981 – Second attacked was carried on the lives of Professor Alam Khundmeri and Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer at Haidrabad in an open seminar by fanatics follower of Daiz-Zaman.

1982 – May, Sudden agitation on large scale against Bombay Mercantile Bank in order to seek control over it rendering thousands of Bohras jobless in the process.

1983 – Desecrating and demolition of grave Reformist leader, Noman Contractor and its concern reaching in Maharashtra Assembly.

1984 – April He organised once again a murderous attack on Asghar Ali Engineer inside Jam-e-Anwar mosque in Cairo. Thus Daiz-Zaman was called a ‘Holy Terror’ in the newspapers.

1984 – September, Faiz-e-Husaini’s office in Bombay raided and ‘Hawala’ racket run by Daiz-Zaman was exposed.

1985 – March, The valuable land of Dawood Baugh in Bombay on which then President of India, Dr. Radhakrishnan had led down a foundation stone for ‘Saifee Golden Jubilee Technological Institute was sold of by Daiz-Zaman.

1988 – August Daiz-Zaman created a riot between Bohras and Muslims by openly cursing the first three caliphs of Islam resulting in heavy lose lives and properties. He had to tender a public apology thus losing his claim of “infallible”.

The List of Sayedna Burhanuddin Saheb’s “Hard Work” is very long. This is just an ice-burg.

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: 45 years of hardwork..


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Fri Jan 01, 2010 4:23 pm

excellent compilation bhai insaf.!

please continue for the years after 1988 as i am sure there are more instances of syedna's atrocities. these sort of facts help to open the eyes of ordinary bohras who still continue showing blind faith and love and staunch affection for syedna.

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Re: 45 years of hardwork..


Unread post by Hussain_KSA » Sat Jan 02, 2010 3:44 am

Insaf Saheb,

Could you put some light on the events that leads to death of 51 syedna Taher Saifuddin in Matheran. It is said that it was sucide case as the government of India has come to know about his financial support to Pakistan and CBI was after him to arrest. His face was blue due to poison and no one did his last deedar.

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: 45 years of hardwork..


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Sat Jan 02, 2010 4:20 am

Bro. Hussain,

i do not know about the part whether it was suicide or murder, but it was widely discussed at the time that his face and lips were bluish due to either poison or suffocation. it is also true that his body and face were never shown to anyone from public.

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Re: 45 years of hardwork..


Unread post by Human » Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:43 pm

I found this thread and all the list of events summarised by S. Insaf. Very shocking to read all that even just in summary. Posting this comment so the thread is visible up the front and orthies can read it and remove their blindfold.

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Re: 45 years of hardwork..


Unread post by Alhumdollilah » Tue Mar 09, 2010 12:14 am

thanx for digging up this thread,as most of you are great grave diggers :P

ooo syednaa is so bad (naudobillah) now i am gonna join reformists.rofl

ps-all of above points are bogus :roll:

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Re: 45 years of hardwork..


Unread post by Human » Tue Mar 09, 2010 12:19 am

Yes, exactly what I was hoping of you. The blindfold is glued with an industry grade glue, won't come off so easily!

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Re: 45 years of hardwork..


Unread post by Alhumdollilah » Tue Mar 09, 2010 12:22 am

btw i am not a sharp shooter appointed by syednaa but if i personally find Ali asger some where ill definately slap him or may kill him for disrespecting prophet of ISLAAM with all his bullshiit written in his books.islaamic world shud issue a fatwa against this maluun asap.

he is nothing but a salman rushdi

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Re: 45 years of hardwork..


Unread post by Human » Tue Mar 09, 2010 12:23 am


Here's the bogus version: http://www.malumaat.com/archives/articles/syedna52.html

S. Insaf's version deserves more credibility than malumaat scribble.

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Re: 45 years of hardwork..


Unread post by Human » Tue Mar 09, 2010 12:25 am

Alhumdollilah wrote:btw i am not a sharp shooter appointed by syednaa but if i personally find Ali asger some where ill definately slap him or may kill him for disrespecting prophet of ISLAAM with all his bullshiit written in his books.islaamic world shud issue a fatwa against this maluun asap.

he is nothing but a salman rushdi
you want to speak about islam? what do you know about islam? if you want to contribute, please go to islam today and join the discussion on the thread "what is the purpose of religion?". We'll see how you go there.

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Re: 45 years of hardwork..


Unread post by Human » Tue Mar 09, 2010 1:25 am

Alhumdollilah wrote:thanx for digging up this thread,as most of you are great grave diggers :P
Ok fine, I'm a grave digger but I'd be happy to dig the grave if I'm digging for truth. The question here is why do you want to put the truth in a grave and seal it? If you are so honest then why not let the truth out?

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Re: 45 years of hardwork..


Unread post by Smart » Tue Mar 09, 2010 5:19 am

Alhumdollilah wrote:btw i am not a sharp shooter appointed by syednaa but if i personally find Ali asger some where ill definately slap him or may kill him for disrespecting prophet of ISLAAM with all his bullshiit written in his books.islaamic world shud issue a fatwa against this maluun asap.

he is nothing but a salman rushdi
The moment the truth is exposed. He lashes out, and like his master starts their favourite activity: Gaali galoch. Can't stand the light of truth?

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Re: 45 years of hardwork..


Unread post by jungle999 » Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:26 am

I was reading about A Brief Profile of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Saheb and it says that he was Born on Saturday the 20th Rabiul Akhar 1333h, 06th March 1915 now can abds explain how he is going to be 99 yrs old if iam not wrong Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin sould be 95 yrs is there some kind of conspiracy's in the kothar s land about his age.

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Re: 45 years of hardwork..


Unread post by Hussain_KSA » Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:50 am


Every year there will be difference of 11 or 12 days in Islamic and English years. If you calculate 11 days or 12 days per year than in 95 years it would be approximately 3 years more according to Islamic calender. Hence his age will be more than 98 years.

I can send you a date converter if you like. you can find difference in your age too according to Islamic and english calender. Send me you email in PM.

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Re: 45 years of hardwork..


Unread post by jungle999 » Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:15 am

Hussain_KSA thank you for explainig about the age .But what i was taught is that islam calanderis forward one yr from english calander.I WILL GIVE YOU EXAMPLE.IF i was born on the 1st of dec 08 and that day suppose to be 1st day of ramzaan ok know then next yr i will be one yr old in 1st dec 09 with english calander.ANDwith islam calander i will be two yrs old
PS i know that there is few days diffrent in islam calander this was just example.

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Re: 45 years of hardwork..


Unread post by Smart » Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:44 am

The difference is not all that much. There is a difference of a year every 32 years. So the difference in 96 years is about 3 years. That is how the age of 98 years is accounted for.

The Misri / Hijri calendar that we follow is a lunar calendar of 354 / 355 days, whereas the Gregorian calendar is a solar calendar and has 365 / 366 days. The difference is cumulative.

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Re: 45 years of hardwork..


Unread post by mumin » Tue Mar 09, 2010 4:40 pm

bro Zulfiqar: those days of blindfold faith in the Dai is a thing of the past. The new generation in the western countries that have to read and write in order to earn a living are finding out that the dai is g a hoax.. My only fear is the dawat madrassas like jamia in Karachi and surat where the young generation of poor folks are brainwashed. somehow they need to be given the true facts. secondly, in the western world the educated attend only very few religious events. They have to pay a heavy price to mingle with their own culture. If an alternative social place is available for the bohri to meet and socialize, then automatically the power will be weakened. The think tanks of the haqiqi progressive dawoodi bohras should come up with a viable alternative to stop the kothar from creating these so calleed mulla thugs of jamia.

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Re: 45 years of hardwork..


Unread post by Smart » Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:04 pm

Agree with you. What is needed is that a few core reformists come together in each city and act as a nucleus. I am sure the time has come for the change. One telling example that educated youngsters are no longer in the clutches of the establishment, is that this site comes up at no. 1 position, whenever you search for Dawoodi Bohra on google.

I suppose the Central Board should take the initiative of supporting these nucleii and this website can be the medium through which these centres can be promoted. Initially at least, a lot of care will have to taken while disclosing the names and addresses of these core group members, till they gather a critical mass to enable them to withstand the onslaught of the orthies.