karz e hasana

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karz e hasana


Unread post by mumin » Mon Apr 19, 2010 1:48 pm

Nowhere in any religion is it stated that one beg or borrow to do haj, or umra, or to visit the graves of any of the saints of Allah.,including essa nabi or Ibrahim Nabi. It is basically wrong to put some one in debt so he or she can go to karbala for ziarat, or mumbai for ziarat of Dai Tahir Saifuddin saheb. The Quran is very specific on the subject and clearly states that one perform haj with one's own savings. Besides your name has to be on Allah's list to perform Haj. collecting money by the goons of the dawat to send people to India for ziarat, Karbala etc is wrong as is also giving bohris money from karze hasana to perform haj. It is wrong to put some one in debt . This "do haj now and pay later scheme" may be good in the jewish religion but is against muslim faith. one does not want to die in debt not having paid forthe haj he has performed.
would like your views on this subject and correct if I am wrong in translating the Quran.

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Re: karz e hasana


Unread post by Human » Mon Apr 19, 2010 9:34 pm

Not sure about the translation from quran. But overall, I second your views.
Taking an example of Mr. A who can't afford hajj or karbala visit is now being selected to go there and will be provided with qarz-e-hasanah. His wife has to now deposit her wedding gold jewellery with the jamaat and they happily go to perform umrah. They come back and they have a huge debt. After a month they figure they can't afford to repay the debt, so they stop sending their younger daughter Miss B to school and save on fees and books etc. A month later, the man gets a heart attack out of stress of debt and the stress of repaying + getting the daughter married after 10-12 years and sending the elder son to college for studies. All their saving is now used up in hospitalisation of Mr. A. Extended time off a labour job means he's lost his job and now the son who's just finished Class 11th decides to leave his school and studies and start working. Although being a topper, now he has to work as a labourer and support his family. The loan (qarz-e-hasanah) still stays unpaid and so is the burden of marrying sister in some years. The situation keeps getting worse. They request jamaat to get help from other wealthy mumin community and emails are being sent out and published on malumaat and zeninfosys. No help from kothaar or jamaat, some good person contacts the family and donates some money. The story goes on. Current situation: Son still doing labour work, daughter got married and the wife or Mr. A is old but still does misc. work like cooking rotis for someone private jamans or doing some stitching work (korans/borders in ridas or jodis) etc.

The characters in the above story are all true and so is the story about their lives. All they achieved was an umrah at the cost of Mr. A's life, a permanent debt (they lost his wife's jewellery to the jamaat) and a long term poverty where none of the two kids were able to complete studies and the son got subjected to labour work for all his life.

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Re: karz e hasana


Unread post by humble_servant_us » Tue Apr 20, 2010 1:16 am

Any act of worship in islam is not merely a ritual to be observed but a way to reach closer to Allah(swt). We do salaat,haj,fasting etc not because we like it or we enjoy it but because it has been asked by the All Knowing Allah(swt) to do it .

islam is a simplistic religion which does not burden anyone with what he/she can bear.
For eg it is wajib(compulsory) to fast in the month of Ramzaan but if you are sick or travelling you cannot fast. The same act of fasting which when done while healthy is act of worship but when done in state of sickness or travelling would be an act of disobedience.

Haj is a wajib act to be done atleast once a lifetime with conditions apply. I do not know what is the religious injunction for going to Haj with a loan is OK or Not OK, but surely if you do not have money , haj does not become wajib and not performing it will not be a sin on your part.