Jewish Power: The "0.002% World Problem Israel's Founding.

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Re: Jewish Power: The "0.002% World Problem Israel's Foundin


Unread post by Humsafar » Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:10 pm

anajmi wrote:Question is, if these guys are killing more muslims, then what is the problem? Haven't all Muslims being labelled as terrorists by the western bigots? It didn't take long for the Americans to start bombing Libya. One resolution in the UN was enough for them to get a hard on. There have been dozens of resolutions over decades of Israeli aggression against innocent muslims. Care to bomb them? Selective outrage anyone? or just pure bigotry? No amount of outrage (selective or not) against the western bigots will ever be enough. If the Americans had cared enough about civilians they would've solved this issue decades ago. American politicians care about their own political expediency and use the American war machine for business. They give crumbs to people like fa_t to drool over, people who are too dumb to realize the truth.
Well said, anajmi.

Fatwa Banker
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Re: Jewish Power: The "0.002% World Problem Israel's Foundin


Unread post by Fatwa Banker » Thu Mar 24, 2011 3:38 pm

People like you travel far and wide to pick up the crumbs we dole out :wink: so stop being a hypocrite and thank us now and then.

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Re: Jewish Power: The "0.002% World Problem Israel's Foundin


Unread post by Aarif » Thu Mar 24, 2011 4:18 pm

People like you travel far and wide to pick up the crumbs we dole out so stop being a hypocrite and thank us now and then.
You again screwed up.. This country is running because of immigrants like me. It is Farts like you who are surviving on our crumbs. Remember you guys force us to pay Social Security tax even on H1 visa so that your old farts can retire at our expense. This country has been built by immigrants. And it is the farts like you who are surviving on our handouts. And stop winking.. You neither have the talent nor any sense of humor to create an impact with a wink :wink:

Fatwa Banker
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Re: Jewish Power: The "0.002% World Problem Israel's Foundin


Unread post by Fatwa Banker » Thu Mar 24, 2011 4:57 pm

Oh, you are making a living off us too ? I thought you were living in an Islamic country based on your posts. Be sure to thanks us too then....

The immigrants that built this country had a love for it and were patriots, not thankless scum bags like you who exploit the country, bitch and whine.....except when depositing your pay check. The tax we collect is for anchor babies you leave behind :wink:

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Re: Jewish Power: The "0.002% World Problem Israel's Foundin


Unread post by anajmi » Thu Mar 24, 2011 5:05 pm


As always you missed my point. The crumbs that I was referring to are the couple of soldiers that are punished for their crimes so that fa_ts like you can live happy happy in yahudi-sney land.
People like you travel far and wide to pick up the crumbs we dole out
You dole out??? fa_t, you are surviving on those same crumbs. Or atleast that is how your father raised you!! :mrgreen:

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Re: Jewish Power: The "0.002% World Problem Israel's Foundin


Unread post by Aarif » Thu Mar 24, 2011 5:20 pm

The immigrants that built this country had a love for it and were patriots, not thankless scum bags like you who exploit the country, bitch and whine
The patriots left this country long back. What they left behind is inhuman exploiters. And what I am doing is exploiting the exploiters. Aint that fun? :wink:

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Jewish Power: The "0.002% World Problem Israel's Foundin


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Apr 04, 2011 3:32 pm

In Israel, Time for Peace Offer May Run Out

JERUSALEM — With revolutionary fervor sweeping the Middle East, Israel is under mounting pressure to make a far-reaching offer to the Palestinians or face a United Nations vote welcoming the State of Palestine as a member whose territory includes all of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem.

The Palestinian Authority has been steadily building support for such a resolution in September, a move that could place Israel into a diplomatic vise. Israel would be occupying land belonging to a fellow United Nations member, land it has controlled and settled for more than four decades and some of which it expects to keep in any two-state solution.

“We are facing a diplomatic-political tsunami that the majority of the public is unaware of and that will peak in September,” said Ehud Barak, Israel’s defense minister, at a conference in Tel Aviv last month. “It is a very dangerous situation, one that requires action.” He added, “Paralysis, rhetoric, inaction will deepen the isolation of Israel.”

With aides to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thrashing out proposals to the Palestinians, President Shimon Peres is due at the White House on Tuesday to meet with President Obama and explore ways out of the bind. The United States is still uncertain how to move the process forward, according to diplomats here. ... s&emc=tha2

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Re: Jewish Power: The "0.002% World Problem Israel's Foundin


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:46 pm

The Federal Reserve in the US is an institution controlled by the jews, Fed chiefs Allan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke are jews.

19 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve Is At The Heart Of American's Economic Problems

#1 "The Federal Reserve system is a debt-based financial system".
The way our system is designed, normally no money comes into existence without more debt being created.

#2 "The Federal Reserve and the bankers have a monopoly on the creation of this debt-based money".
Although the U.S. Constitution specifically gives Congress the power to create money, the U.S. Congress has given that power to the Federal Reserve and to the banking system.

#3 "The power of money creation and debt creation is in the hands of private individuals - not the government".
In fact, the Federal Reserve is about as "federal" as Federal Express is.As the Federal Reserve's own website describes, it is the member banks that own it....Well, when you trace the ownership of the member banks to the very top you find that the international banking elite are very strongly represented.

#4 "The Federal Reserve itself is not much of a profit-making institution. Rather, it is a tool that enables others to make obscene amounts of money".
As interest rates go up, this phenomenon is going to become even more brutal. Right now it is being projected that the U.S. government will be paying 900 billion dollars just in interest on the national debt by the year 2019.There are some very happy people out there that are becoming fabulously wealthy at our expense.

#5 "The Federal Reserve is a perpetual debt machine".
Did you know that the U.S. national debt is more than 5,000 times larger than it was 100 years ago?That's right - back in 1910, prior to the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, the national debt was only about $2.6 billion.

#6 "The Federal Reserve system is designed to cause inflation".
Most Americans believe that inflation is a fact of life, but the truth is that the United States has only had a major, ongoing problem with inflation since the Federal Reserve was created back in 1913.

#7 "The Federal Reserve has decided to play bizarre games with our money supply".
In a desperate attempt to revive the dying U.S. economy, the Federal Reserve has resorted to chucking gigantic quantities of cash into the financial system.

#8 "The Federal Reserve is undemocratic".
"So what makes the central economic planning that the Federal Reserve does different from the central economic planning that communist China does?" In both cases, a bunch of unelected elitists run the economy and make important economic decisions for the rest of us.

#9 "The Federal Reserve runs the U.S. economy".
But the truth is that it is the Federal Reserve that sets interest rates, it is the Federal Reserve that determines the money supply, it is the Federal Reserve that sets the "target rate" of inflation, it is the Federal Reserve that determines if unemployment is too high or too low and it is the Federal Reserve that watches over all of our banks.

#10 "The Federal Reserve favors the big banks".
Sadly, most of the "help" from the Federal Reserve always seems to go to the big boys. When "small enough to fail" banks need assistance, they are usually told to go sell themselves to one of the big banks.

#11 "The worse the debt problems caused by the Federal Reserve become, the more money the IRS needs to collect from the rest of us".
If the U.S. government could issue debt-free money, it is conceivable that we would not even need the IRS. You doubt this? Well, the truth is that the United States did just fine for well over a hundred years without a national income tax. But about the same time the Federal Reserve was created a national income tax was instituted as well. The whole idea was that the wealth of the American people would be transferred to the U.S. government by force and then transferred into the hands of the ultra-wealthy in the form of interest payments.

#12 "The Federal Reserve creates artificial financial bubbles".
The ridiculous policies of Greenspan and Bernanke have wrought disaster after disaster and yet most of our politicians still will not even consider major changes to the Federal Reserve.

#13 "The Federal Reserve is anti-free market".
In a true free market system, the marketplace would determine what interest rates are. In a true free market system, the marketplace would determine which financial institutions survive. In a true free market system, artificial financial bubbles would be far less likely. But we don't have a true free market system.

#14 "The Federal Reserve tells the rest of the our banks what to do".
For example, just last year Federal Reserve officials walked into one bank in Oklahoma and demanded that they take down all the Bible verses and all the Christmas buttons that the bank had been displaying.

#15 "The people currently running the Federal Reserve pretty much have no idea what they are doing".
In case anyone has not noticed, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has a very long track record of incompetence. Nearly every major judgment that he has made since taking over that position has been dead wrong.

#16 "Even though the Federal Reserve has such extraordinary power over the financial system, the American people are not permitted to examine their books".
The truth is that the Federal Reserve has never undergone a true comprehensive audit since it was created back in 1913.

#17 "The Federal Reserve has way too much power".
If the Federal Reserve did not exist, we would not have an unelected, unaccountable "fourth branch of government" running around that has gotten completely and totally out of control. Even some members of Congress are now openly complaining about how much power the Fed has.

#18 "The Federal Reserve is dominated by Wall Street and the New York banks".
The cold, hard reality of the matter is that the Federal Reserve is just another one of the tools that the Wall Street banking elite use to dominate all the rest of us.

#19 "The Federal Reserve has brought us to the brink of economic collapse".
If the Federal Reserve had never been created, the American people would not be so enslaved to debt. At the very core of our economic problems is debt. American consumers are swamped with debt, state and local governments are facing horrific debt problems from coast to coast and the federal government has piled up the biggest mountain of debt in the history of the world.

In 1922, Henry Ford wrote the following....

"The people must be helped to think naturally about money. They must be told what it is, and what makes it money, and what are the possible tricks of the present system which put nations and peoples under control of the few."

The amount of government debt that we have racked up is a great evil. We have stolen the future away from our children and our grandchildren. We have put them in a position where they will spend the rest of their lives paying off our debts to the bankers.

We owe it to future generations to fix the problems that we have created. ... c-problems

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Re: Jewish Power: The "0.002% World Problem Israel's Foundin


Unread post by anajmi » Sun Apr 10, 2011 8:31 pm

Bro GM,

Have you applied the 6 year old 30 second scientific law to this article? You don't want beavis and butthead coming after you now do you?

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Jewish Power: The "0.002% World Problem Israel's Foundin


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:50 pm

Banks Still Earning Interest on $1 Trillion Reserves Thanks to Federal Reserve ... rve_110331

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Re: Jewish Power: The "0.002% World Problem Israel's Foundin


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Fri Apr 22, 2011 5:43 pm

Do the Zionist Jews own Hollywood and the media? Are they using the media to mold and shape American opinion by constantly injecting Zionist propaganda and bias into news programs, movies, television shows, even children's cartoons and entertainment?

This fascinating, look-see article discussed how the Jews had for decades owned the media and now were competing; that is, vying, to buy one of America's most powerful media companies, Tribune Company, which owns 23 television stations, a baseball team, and many major newspapers, including the Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times.

"Today, the Newhouse Empire owns 40 local newspapers across the U.S.A. These include the Newark Star Ledger, the Cleveland Plain Dealer, the Portland Oregonian, and the St. Louis Globe-Democrat."

Then, there is the vast array of magazines run by the Jewish Newhouse family—including the New Yorker, Vogue, Golf Digest, Glamour, Gentleman's Quarterly (GQ), and the massively circulated newspaper insert, Parade magazine.

The fact that Zionists control virtually every media outlet in America is no doubt why the American citizenry hears only one version of events in the Middle East—the pro-Jew, pro-Israeli side. This led Dr. Kevin MacDonald, professor at California State University, to write:

"In the contemporary world, organized American Jewish lobbying groups and deeply committed Jews in the media are behind the pro-Israel U.S. foreign policy that is leading to war against virtually the entire Arab world."

This Zionist bias and propaganda spin by the Jewish-owned American media is not new. As far back as 1978, the noted Jewish political writer Alfred Lillienthal, in his revealing book, The Zionist Connection, stated:

"The most effective component of Jewish connection is probably that of media control. It is well known that American opinion molders have long been largely influenced by a handful of powerful newspapers, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the St. Louis-Post Dispatch (All Jewish Families)."

To further illustrate the breadth of Jewish media control, we note that Jewish magnate Arthur Sulzberger's media empire today includes not only the New York Times (which, in Stalin's day, systematically covered up the genocidal crimes of Jewish commissars in Communist U.S.S.R), but also the Boston Globe, the Lexington Dispatch (NC), the Gainesville Sun (FL), the Ocala Star Banner (FL), the Tuscaloosa News (AL), the Spartanburg Herald Journal (SC), and the Santa Barbara News Press (CA). Each of the newspapers Lillienthal mentioned back in 1978, in turn, owned and still owns dozens of others. So tainted is the news because of this that almost every newspaper in America endorsed President George Bush's radically pro-Israel policies in the Middle East, including Israel's savage butchery of Lebanon and Palestine.

There can be no doubt. It is easy for us to document the massive dominance over the media by evil Jewish shills who are continually hostile to pure American interests while, everyday, unabashedly spewing out reams of misleading Zionist propaganda.

Time magazine, Newsweek, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX—and many, many more are all owned or run by Jews and operated solely to further the aims of the traitorous, anti-American, ever-growing Zionist World Empire

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Re: Jewish Power: The "0.002% World Problem Israel's Foundin


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Fri Apr 22, 2011 5:50 pm

Jews totally run Hollywood." Stein proudly admits. He then goes on to provide a long, long list of Hollywood media chieftains—all Jews!—to prove his point. On his list: Fox News President Peter Chernin; Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey; Walt Disney CEO Robert Igor; Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton; Warner Brothers Chairman Barry Meyer; CBS CEO Leslie Moonves; MGM Chairman Harry Sloan; and NBC/Universal Studios CEO Jeff Zucker.

That's just the top brass at the studios. Then there are the actors and entertainers—predominantly Jews, from Barbara Streisand and Gwyneth Paltrow to Adam Sandler to Ben Stiller. Jew...Jew...and Jew again. As Stein wryly remarks, even the head of the actors' union, the Screen Actors Guild, Alan Rosenberg, is a Jew.

"The Jews are so dominant," writes Stein, "I had to scour the trades to come up with six Gentiles in high positions at entertainment companies." "But lo and behold," Stein says, "even one of that six, AMC President Charles Collier, turned out to be a Jew!"

"As a proud Jew," says Joel Stein, "I want America to know of our accomplishment. Yes, we control Hollywood."

Fatwa Banker
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Re: Jewish Power: The "0.002% World Problem Israel's Foundin


Unread post by Fatwa Banker » Sun Apr 24, 2011 12:20 am


What is the point of these posts ? What point are you making ? Muslims too can control Hollywood studios but they choose not to as it is hard to make movies with a woman unable to drive and covered head to toe in black cloth and the men quoting from a book in a language they do not speak. They prefer to own the convenience store and valet parking markets as it is their freedom to choose that line of work.

"As a proud Muslim," says Arif Anajmi, "I want America to know of our accomplishment. Yes we control the valet parking market.."

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Re: Jewish Power: The "0.002% World Problem Israel's Foundin


Unread post by aqs » Sun Apr 24, 2011 6:09 am

we always hear that jews control western media so they are biased against anything and everything Muslim, why cant rich Arabs buy out few media outlets in west which they can easily do with their truck loads of oil money. and with a lot of media houses going bankrupt, it looks feasible enough to reverse the tide of media bashing

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Re: Jewish Power: The "0.002% World Problem Israel's Foundin


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Apr 24, 2011 6:50 pm

Court approval of local anti-Islam ads raises questions

Ads against Israeli war crimes canceled by Federal judge citing"threats" earlier this year

DETROIT — A highly-controversial anti-Islam ad campaign has been approved on the basis of First and 14th Amendment rights in District Court in Detroit. But, in both Seattle, Washington and Ann Arbor, ads protesting Israel's occupation and U.S. financial support have been denied in spite of First Amendment rights.

In Detroit, Judge Denise Hood granted a preliminary injunction against the Southeastern Michigan Transportation Authority's (SMART) original rejection of the anti-Islam ads by ruling that the SMART bus system violated the aforementioned Constitutional rights when it rejected the ads, which show messages such as "Fatwa on your head? Leaving Islam? Refuge from Got questions? Get answers!"

But in Seattle, a different situation unfolded in late February as federal judge Richard Jones ruled that county officials didn't violate First Amendment rights, as argued by the American Civil Liberties Union, when they pulled contracted ads with the subject matter of Israeli war crimes on public buses. The judge did not rule simply by interpreting the Constitution, however. The ruling was handed down in large part because "threats of violence and disruption from members of the public (from e-mails, phone calls, and anonymous photographs) led bus drivers and law enforcement officials to express safety concerns, and the court (found) that it was "reasonable" for county officials to cancel the ads, according to court documents.

Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign, had carried the following message: "Israeli War Crimes – Your Tax Dollars at Work" with pictures of Palestinian children standing by a destroyed house. They were meant to coincide with the Operation Cast Lead Attacks on Gaza in late 2008-early 2009 that left more than 1,400 Palestinians dead, mostly civilians according to reports. SMAC has vowed to take the case further into the court system, however. ... ticle=4084

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Re: Jewish Power: The "0.002% World Problem Israel's Foundin


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon May 23, 2011 5:26 pm

Obama's Speech to Pro-Israel Lobby AIPAC on May 22, 2011


On Friday, I was joined at the White House by Prime Minister Netanyahu, and we reaffirmed that fundamental truth that has guided our presidents and prime ministers for more than 60 years-that, even while we may at times disagree, as friends sometimes will, the bonds between the United States and Israel are unbreakable, and the commitment of the United States to the security of Israel is ironclad.

As two vibrant democracies, we recognize that the liberties and freedom we cherish must be constantly nurtured. And as the nation that recognized the State of Israel moments after its independence, we have a profound commitment to its survival as a strong, secure homeland of the Jewish people.

Because we understand the challenges Israel faces, I and my administration have made the security of Israel a priority. It's why we've increased cooperation between our militaries to unprecedented levels. It's why we're making our most advanced technologies available to our Israeli allies. And it's why, despite tough fiscal times, we've increased foreign military financing to record levels.

You also see our commitment to Israel's security in our steadfast opposition to any attempt to de-legitimize the State of Israel. As I said at the United Nation's last year, "Israel's existence must not be a subject for debate," and "efforts to chip away at Israel's legitimacy will only be met by the unshakeable opposition of the United States."

So when the Durban Review Conference advanced anti-Israel sentiment, we withdrew. In the wake of the Goldstone Report, we stood up strongly for Israel's right to defend itself. When an effort was made to insert the United Nations into matters that should be resolved through direct negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians, we vetoed it.

Here are the facts we all must confront. First, the number of Palestinians living west of the Jordan River is growing rapidly and fundamentally reshaping the demographic realities of both Israel and the Palestinian territories. This will make it harder and harder - without a peace deal - to maintain Israel as both a Jewish state and a democratic state.

Moreover, we know that peace demands a partner - which is why I said that Israel cannot be expected to negotiate with Palestinians who do not recognize its right to exist, and we will hold the Palestinians accountable for their actions and their rhetoric.

Ultimately, however, it is the right and responsibility of the Israeli government to make the hard choices that are necessary to protect a Jewish and democratic state for which so many generations have sacrificed. And as a friend of Israel, I am committed to doing our part to see that this goal is realized, while calling not just on Israel, but on the Palestinians, the Arab States, and the international community to join us in that effort. Because the burden of making hard choices must not be Israel's alone.

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Re: Jewish Power: The "0.002% World Problem Israel's Foundin


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Jun 06, 2011 5:40 pm

Spook, Terrorist or Criminal? America’s Mysterious Files on Netanyahu

Netanyahu has lived both in Israel and the U.S.: first grade in Israel; second and third in the U.S.; fourth through eighth in Jerusalem; high school in suburban Philadelphia; military service in Israel; B.A. and M.A. at MIT. He held dual citizenship, which enabled him to travel freely between both countries, study in the U.S., receive federal loans to cover his education costs at MIT and work legally. Like every U.S. citizen, Netanyahu has a social security number, a credit account, and numerous other files in a variety of government offices.

Nevertheless, Netanyahu’s files differ from those of most U.S. citizens. The Israeli weekly Ha’irreports that four requests for credit approval appear in U.S. social security file number 020-36-4537. Under each request one finds a different name: Benjamin Netanyahu, Benjamin Nitai, John Jay Sullivan and John Jay Sullivan Jr.—one man, four names

Goren and Berkovitch then attempted to examine Netanyahu’s social security file, but were denied access. They did, however, find out that Netanyahu’s file has a different classification than most. They were denied access not merely due to the 1974 privacy act, but because the file had a “confidential” classification. Goren and Berkovitch have explained that such a classification only applies to five categories of people: those who work for one of three federal agencies—FBI, CIA, IRS—or those who are considered to be terrorists or criminals. Since it is unlikely that Netanyahu fits the latter two categories, or that he worked for the IRS, it appears that he was on the payroll of a security agency—the CIA or FBI. ... yahu-.html

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Re: Jewish Power: The "0.002% World Problem Israel's Foundin


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Fri Jun 17, 2011 4:24 pm

Pro-Israelis Turning U.S. into Islamophobic Police State

The recent call by U.S. Senator Charles Schumer for increased rail safety funding and the creation of a “no-ride” list for Amtrak trains is yet another reminder of just who is stoking fear of Muslims in America.

In an interview last year with a Jewish radio talk show in New York, Senator Schumer said he believed that HaShem (an Orthodox Jewish term for “God”) gave him the name “Schumer” — which means “guardian” — so that he could fulfill his “very important” role in the U.S. Senate as a “guardian of Israel.” Presumably, Schumer’s God-given role also includes turning the country he is actually paid to represent — the United States — into an Islamophobic police state.

Americans wondering what happened to their freedoms since 9/11 need to understand the key role played by ardent pro-Israelis like Schumer in undermining their civil liberties under the guise of protecting them from terrorism.

Benjamin Netanyahu let slip that the deaths of almost 3,000 Americans was “very good” for Israel. In particular, the mass murder proved to be very good for an emerging sector of the Israeli economy. In “Laboratory for a Fortressed World,” Naomi Klein detailed the post-9/11 “explosion of Israel’s homeland security sector.” Writing in 2007, Klein observed: “Before 9/11 homeland security barely existed as an industry. By the end of this year, Israeli exports in the sector will reach $1.2 billion — an increase of 20 percent.” ... ice-state/

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Re: Jewish Power: The "0.002% World Problem Israel's Foundin


Unread post by anajmi » Fri Jun 17, 2011 7:20 pm

Bro GM,

Has this article passed the 30 second 6 year old rule?

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Jewish Power: The "0.002% World Problem Israel's Foundin


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:52 pm

anajmi wrote:Bro GM,

Has this article passed the 30 second 6 year old rule?
I wouldnt know because the inventor of this rule is mysteriously missing from this forum since quite some time. :lol:

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Jewish Power: The "0.002% World Problem Israel's Foundin


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Jun 21, 2011 6:03 pm

Why Google Earth Can't Show You Israel

Since Google launched its Google Earth feature in 2005, the company has become a worldwide leader in providing high-resolution satellite imagery. In 2010, Google Earth allowed the world to see the extent of the destruction in post-earthquake Haiti . This year, Google released similar images after Japan 's deadly tsunami and earthquake. With just one click, Google can bring the world—and a better understanding of far-away events—to your computer.

There is one entire country, however, that Google Earth won't show you: Israel .

That's because, in 1997, Congress passed the National Defense Authorization Act, one section of which is titled, "Prohibition on collection and release of detailed satellite imagery relating to Israel ." The amendment, known as the Kyl-Bingaman Amendment, calls for a federal agency, the NOAA's Commercial Remote Sensing Regulatory Affairs, to regulate the dissemination of zoomed-in images of Israel .

When asked about the regulation, a Google spokeswoman told Mother Jones, "The images in Google Earth are sourced from a wide range of both commercial and public sources. We source our satellite imagery from US-based companies who are subject to US law, including the Kyl-Bingaman Amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act of 1997, which limits the resolution of imagery of Israel that may be commercially distributed."

And it's not just Israel . The regulation also applies to the occupied territories. It's why Human Rights Watch can't provide detailed imagery of the Gaza Strip in its reports. Of course, this regulation cuts both ways; one also cannot see the destruction in Sderot resulting from rockets sent out of Gaza .

But, the impact of the regulation might be dwindling; after all, the US can only regulate the actions of American corporations. Turkey recently announced that its GokTurk satellite will provide high-resolution imagery of Israel when it becomes operational in 2013. Israel is unhappy with this possibility: An Israeli official told Al-Arabiya, "We try to ensure that we are not photographed at high resolutions, and most (countries) accommodate us." The official adds: "Should we request this of the Turks? We won't ask for it. There is no one to talk to."

A serious point to ponder..!
Why "the blue eyed" State is different from the rest of the World?

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Re: Jewish Power: The "0.002% World Problem Israel's Foundin


Unread post by anajmi » Tue Jun 21, 2011 6:45 pm

Bro GM,

A 6 year old girl could figure this out in 30 seconds. Israel has been stealing land for decades. It's border changes every year. It's check posts go further and further into Palestinian territory every year. Satellite high resolution imagery of it's land grab would be devastating to its image amongst farts and other idiots!!

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Jewish Power: The "0.002% World Problem Israel's Foundin


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:12 pm

George Bush (biblical scholar)

This is not about the former United States Presidents, but rather a different George Bush, who lived from 1796 to 1859. He is the great-grand uncle of George H. W. Bush. In the 19th century, George Bush was a prominent American biblical scholar, pastor, abolitionist and Christian Restorationist. Christian Restorationism is a movement with the goal of returning the Jewish population to the Holy Land. It was a popular theme in the 19th century. The idea includes a set of political and religious motivations for the habitation of Jews in the area around Israel. In the context, it is suggested that Jews shall achieve national independence in the Land of Israel, and return to Judea, as prophesied in the Bible. The book continues to discuss the Second Coming of Christ, which is an attitude known as Christian Zionism.

In 1844, George Bush, who was a professor of Hebrew at New York University, published a book titled The Dry Bones of Israel Revived. In the text he denounced “the thralldom and oppression which has so long ground them (the Jews) to the dust,” and called for the elevation of the Jews to a rank of honorable repute among the nations of Earth. The majority of controversy surrounding George Bush has come as the result of his first book, titled The Life of Mohammed: Founder of the Religion of Islam, and of the Empire of the Saracens. The book was the first American biography written on Muhammad. In the text, George Bush refers to Muhammad as “a remarkable man” and “irresistibly attractive.” However, for the most part, he questions everything about Muhammad’s life and the history of Islam.

The book takes a dim view of the state of Christianity during Muhammad’s age. The Life of Mohammed by George Bush has been out of print for a long time. In 2004, clerics at Egypt’s Al Azhar University obtained a copy of the book. They were appalled by the text. Riots began in Egypt, and the state department was forced to put out a notice indicating that the book had not been written by the then current U.S. President Bush, and “has nothing to do with the attitudes of President Bush, who is respectful of Islam as one of the world’s great religions.” Towards the end of his life, the 19th century George Bush became a strong advocate for The New Church (or Swedenborgianism), which is based on the ideas of Emanuel Swedenborg, and is connected to freemasonry.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Jewish Power: The "0.002% World Problem Israel's Foundin


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:02 pm

Are These GOP Candidates Running For President of the U.S.—or Israel?

Although Sarah Palin was not among the seven Republican hopefuls who participated in the most recent June 13 GOP debates, she would have certainly found herself right at home with other high-profile politicians who have already pledged their allegiance to the Zionist agenda.

Aside from Ron Paul, the current lineup of pseudo-conservative presidential wannabes has demonstrated a biased affection for Israel at the expense of all other international relationships, and even over the best interests of the United States.

These Christian politicians even wear Israeli flag pins, yarmulkas and stars of David—whatever they can to convince Jewish voters and Christian Zionists they are on the side of Israel and “the chosen ones.” ... g_276.html

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Jewish Power: The "0.002% World Problem Israel's Foundin


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sat Jul 09, 2011 5:21 pm

Question: Which country alone in the Middle East has nuclear weapons?
Answer: Israel.

Q: Which country in the Middle-East refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and bars international inspections?
Answer: Israel.

Q: Which country in the Middle-East seized the sovereign territory of other nations by military force and continues to occupy it in defiance of United Nations Security Council resolutions?
Answer: Israel.

Q: Which country in the Middle-East routinely violates the international borders of another sovereign state with warplanes and artillery and naval gunfire?
Answer: Israel.

Q: Which American ally in the Middle-East has for years sent assassins into other countries to kill its political enemies (a practice sometimes called "exporting terrorism")?
Answer: Israel.

Q: In which country in the Middle-East have high-ranking military officers admitted publicly that unarmed prisoners of war were executed?
Answer: Israel.

Q: Which country in the Middle-East refuses to prosecute its soldiers who have acknowledged executing prisoners of war?
Answer: Israel.

Q: Which country in the Middle-East created 762,000 refugees and refuses to allow them to return to their homes, farms and businesses?
Answer: Israel.

Q: Which country in the Middle-East refuses to pay compensation to people whose land, bank accounts and businesses it confiscated?
Answer: Israel.

Q: In which country in the Middle-East was a high-ranking United Nations diplomat assassinated?
Answer: Israel.

Q: In which country in the Middle-East did the man who ordered the assassination of a high-ranking U.N. diplomat become prime minister?
Answer: Israel.

Q: Which country in the Middle-East blew up an American diplomatic facility in Egypt and attacked a U.S. ship, the USS Liberty, in international waters, killing 34 and wounding 171 American sailors?
Answer: Israel.

Q: Which country in the Middle-East employed a spy, Jonathan Pollard, to steal classified documents and then gave some of them to the Soviet Union?
Answer: Israel.

Q: Which country at first denied any official connection to Pollard, then voted to make him a citizen and has continuously demanded that the American president grant Pollard a full pardon?
Answer: Israel.

Q. Which Middle-East country allows American Jewish murderers to flee to its country to escape punishment in the United States and refuses to extradite them once in their custody?
Answer: Israel

Q. Which Middle-East country preaches against hate yet builds a shrine and a memorial for a murderer who killed 29 Palestinians while they prayed in their Mosque?
Answer: Israel

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Jewish Power: The "0.002% World Problem Israel's Foundin


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Jul 11, 2011 5:33 pm

Israel creates 'Obama' settlement, more obstacles for viable Palestinian state

Settlement named in honour of the US president forms part of an initiative aiming to Judaise Jerusalem

In a move that comes as gesture of deep gratitude, the Israeli government permitted an extreme rightwing Israeli association to name a new settlement Obama. The building of settlements makes the establishment of a connected Palestinian state an impossible task.

Bulldozers started to pave the way for the settlement a day after Obama gave his speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) annual conference. The construction of the settlement comes in the larger context of a Judaisation project that aims to link Jerusalem to the city of Ma'ale Adumim, north east of Jerusalem.

The location of the Obama settlement is along the main road that connects the West Bank’s northern and southern regions; a consequence of building the settlement would therefore be to separate those territories permanently.

In order to make concrete the reality of settlement in these territories, the Israeli government has decided to move its police headquarters next to the Obama settlement.

Israeli radio reported that this step came to honour Obama’s positions in solidarity with Israel which he disclosed to his audience at the AIPAC conference.

Israeli official sources mentioned that the Israeli step comes in the framework of the strategy “Greater Jerusalem,” which aims to change the demographic nature of Jerusalem, raising the number of Jews to one million, a project put forth by former Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon.

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Re: Jewish Power: The "0.002% World Problem Israel's Foundin


Unread post by anajmi » Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:23 pm ... 12669.html

Israeli policemen suspected of shooting dead a 10-year-old Palestinian schoolgirl in 2007 will escape prosecution after a court said that too much time had elapsed to allow a re-examination of the case.

Oops!! Mind you, the Israelis are all for justice. The girl should've waited till she got to 14 before getting shot, so the case would've been fresh. ... 13167.html

Women hoping to attend a management conference in Jerusalem last week were shocked to discover that the event was closed to females.

fart - Look over there, there is Saudi Arabia. No driver's license for women and 4:34.

Fatwa Banker
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Re: Jewish Power: The "0.002% World Problem Israel's Foundin


Unread post by Fatwa Banker » Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:11 pm

Ass Wipe,

I do not expect ignorant Wahabis to know the difference between a private institution banning women from their event vs. state mandated oppression and humiliation of women as a matter of public policy.

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Re: Jewish Power: The "0.002% World Problem Israel's Foundin


Unread post by anajmi » Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:04 pm

Women hoping to attend a management conference in Jerusalem last week were shocked to discover that the event was closed to females.

Looks like the women in Israel are ignorant wahhabis too. Why should they be shocked? Why? Why? Why? And why did anyone feel the need to report this? Why? Why? The paper belongs to an ignorant wahhabi too.

fart - look over there, there is saudi arabia, no driver's license for women and 4:34.

Fatwa Banker
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Re: Jewish Power: The "0.002% World Problem Israel's Foundin


Unread post by Fatwa Banker » Thu Jul 14, 2011 8:23 am

Ass Wipe,

They were "shocked" because the Prophet had "dictated" in his Hadith that "If you fear high-handedness from your husbands and they ban you from meetings, remind them [of the teaching of God], then ignore them when you go to bed, then hit them [lightly]". 4:34 (b)
