Qutbuddin's sons assaulted by Burhani Guards

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Akhtiar Wahid
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Re: Qutbuddin's sons assaulted by Burhani Guards


Unread post by Akhtiar Wahid » Tue Jul 08, 2014 5:46 am

yeah what would you expect from a 7TH grade failiure, SU THAYU SU THAYU CALL CENTRE JAI TOH ZINA THAI JAA, I.T. AA KIWI FASHION CHE!

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Re: Qutbuddin's sons assaulted by Burhani Guards


Unread post by silvertongue » Tue Jul 08, 2014 5:49 am

@silvertongue ....if its fishy then why dont you just get lost??? thats what i said earlier ... if you dont like it then leave it ... but dont abuse it...and moreover you seem to be the grand grand kids of muawiya who has been having adawat since birth for Ale Muhammed. Its none of your business what we do , what we spent and how we spent....
Fine lines by the one who says he follows Aale Mohammed. Its not your fault either brother. What ever is preached comes all way along. A million thanks to Allah swt and Panjetan that their teachings reside in our hearts and we not just know things but we seriously understand it unlike you abdes who are not faithful at all. Learn some manners of speaking from you Dai first brother.. Ohh sorry I forgot he speaks the same way you do.. May Allah show you the true path through Maula Ali a.s the way he lived and act....

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Re: Qutbuddin's sons assaulted by Burhani Guards


Unread post by tasneempati » Tue Jul 08, 2014 5:52 am

What about those 9 grand children of SMS/SKQ who are currently with their mothers, would you also call them Pillas/ Pillis. May be one of them be 55th Dai !
hussaimu wrote:Wow thank god ... So glad to see you Munafeqeen ni Jamaat to have a Leader like KQ ,who is your true father leader and DAi... Well done guys keep it up... you were towards the hell anyways but now you have boarded to a concard which will lead to your destination faster... Best Of Luck......
KQ's Pillas will never be allowed to do ziarat regardless whatever the court says ... court has nothing to do with our religion an belief... They have insulted our religion and belief by denying the NASS... which has nothing to do with the LAW.... in the same way their punishment and harrasment has nothing to do with LAW.... atleast those pillas as better then you ..atleast they came in their real face ...not like you bunch of cowards who comes to our masjid pretending a Mumin.... is there any brave among YOU?????? I am asking openly ... if there is and lives in london then come and meet me....... OPEN CHALLENGE TO ALL OF YOU BUNCH OF COWARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Qutbuddin's sons assaulted by Burhani Guards


Unread post by faalse_ka_faasla » Tue Jul 08, 2014 5:54 am

james wrote: Take a calculator and see what percentage is 40-50 out of 1 million odd people (-) 200 odd followers of Khuzema.0.005% approx. You want to chastise the Syedna TUS and the whole community for actions of 0.005%.A bit much generalization,don't you think?
If you take the number of people supporting the act of 40-50 people, then the % goes way upto 70-80%.
I have even heard a few people saying if i were there i would have done this and that to the sons of ex mazoon saheb.
Once again
let us accept that what we did was wrong

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Re: Qutbuddin's sons assaulted by Burhani Guards


Unread post by faalse_ka_faasla » Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:03 am

Invictius wrote: Okay I get your point. Let us assume that the KQs sons do have the right to bypass queue and perfom ziyarat. If so, why did the other 25-30 people accompanying them also break queue to perform ziyarat? What special rights do they have? Why should they be extended any preferential treatment at all? Shouldn't they have to conform to a normal queue like all other mumineen?
In that case why were only KQs sons assaulted and insulted instead of stopping only the 25-30 people accompanying them.

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Re: Qutbuddin's sons assaulted by Burhani Guards


Unread post by abde53 » Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:06 am

is there any brave among YOU?[/b]????? I am asking openly ... if there is and lives in london then come and meet me....... OPEN CHALLENGE TO ALL OF YOU BUNCH OF COWARDS!!!!!!!!!!!![/
Bhai are you brave if so why do not you give your ture ID and your address and name show some real bravity our Shafiq Moula gave it to us.
I am not brave that is why even though my child who name is Khuzema was taunted by laanats, I am still following Muffadal Moula because I am a Darpook and coward like most of us. So Bhai Hussain if that is your real name, show the Shujaat of Imam Hussain and tell all these Munafekeens and follower of 1-2-3 your real name and address where they can come and meet you as you said ----OPEN CHALLENGE TO ALL OF YOU BUNCH OF COWARDS
Last edited by abde53 on Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Qutbuddin's sons assaulted by Burhani Guards


Unread post by abde53 » Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:10 am

he same way we would give respect to any highly learned person in the academic world,
Bhai that is why we do respect Baba Ramdevm Narendra Modi Bhai and Bal Thackrey Saheb as well as Marhoom Saddam Hussain because all of them are learned person in the academic world and we donot care about Ashgarali Engineer as only the lovers of 1-2-3 considered him as learned person in academic and islamic world

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Re: Qutbuddin's sons assaulted by Burhani Guards


Unread post by notruthinreligion » Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:11 am

Ages ago in school, I read a story about a poor little guy raised by his Grandmother. The granny was poor, old and sight impaired, yet she had saved some money to buy her grandson a gift for ramzaan. A pair of slippers she thought was ideal yet she couldn't go out to buy it and hands over the money to her grandson. The grandson goes to the bazaar and picks up a pair of steel tongs for his granny; her fingers often burn when trying to bake chapatis on the naked flame. This simple but relate-able story has a lot to teach us. Ramzan is a time for love, a time to value relationships and thank Allah for his presence inside the human heart.

Reading from hussaimu pains my heart. What language, what audacity! Throwing an open challenge for what? You really want to manhandle folks who dont agree with your thoughts and your beliefs? It is folks with this attitude and mindset that have brought disrepute to Islam as a religion.

I lost my religious convictions some time back and I comply with neither MS nor KQ. But my roots belong to this community and today I am ashamed to be a Bohra.

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Re: Qutbuddin's sons assaulted by Burhani Guards


Unread post by zinger » Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:15 am

hussaimu wrote:thats what you people always get involved and dont see the real message... i know the spelling is wrong but my aim was to make you understand ok!!!! secondly in misaq its clearly said in the initial part that you can only come into Misaq if you are clean heart and have no doubt ...also it mentions clearly that you cant bring any doubts in your minds about the acts of DAI.... if you dont agree on these two then why did you give misaq????? you are still a munafiq / abubakar in my view... these message has nothing to do with my roza ... look yourself first ... i know far far more than you about islam... and ya if the cowards whose name you have mentioned they are literate enough to read my message and come to me if they are grown up enough!!!!
like i said, it was in a lighter tone. it was a simple joke, no offence intended

i have given my Misaq to Mufaddal Maula but i have the right to disagree. when i can ask Allah why has He done such and such, i can surely question my Dai.

you can call me munafiq or abu bakar or usman or umer or aisha or yazeed or shimr or abu lahab or anything else you so desire. see if i care!

and i admit... i know nothing about Islam. i just know la illa hi illah lah mohamddan rasulallah aliyun waliyulla, 3 times ni namaz, 30 roza ramzan na, ashura and imam Hussain nu shahadat. other than that, i admit i know nothing else

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Re: Qutbuddin's sons assaulted by Burhani Guards


Unread post by abde53 » Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:20 am

3 times ni namaz
Zinger Bhai
it is 5 times ni Namaz but we combined to 3 times, because if you say 3 times ni namaz then many think we do not do 5 namaz, just a small correction
Bhai Zinger, after a long time I am back on this forum posting and after reading your courage, I also decided to do the same. I agree with you that what happend is wrong, my son suffered because of his name and I still follow Muffadal Moula but after reading your post i decided to let my frustration come out too. thank you Bhai for speaking truth and showing some courage to say wrong is wrong. enough said

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Re: Qutbuddin's sons assaulted by Burhani Guards


Unread post by zinger » Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:24 am

this is a Dawoodi Bohra forum and as Dawoodi Bohras we pray 5 times, combined into 3. there is no need for me to clarify anything to anyone

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Re: Qutbuddin's sons assaulted by Burhani Guards


Unread post by tasneempati » Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:25 am

What about those 9 grand children of SMS/SKQ who are currently with their mothers, would you also call them Pillas/ Pillis. May be one of them be 55th Dai

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Re: Qutbuddin's sons assaulted by Burhani Guards


Unread post by hussaimu » Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:29 am

if you admit you dont know anything bro then you should seek knowledge....you cant just abuse without any knowledge..
how many times have you gone to anyone to seeks more knowledge??
Who told you that you can ask GOD that why did you do this to me ??? we are always taught that we should thank GOD in any situation and circumstances we are in ....
talk to me in PVT if you are eager to know more

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Re: Qutbuddin's sons assaulted by Burhani Guards


Unread post by SBM » Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:34 am

hussaimu wrote:if you admit you dont know anything bro then you should seek knowledge....you cant just abuse without any knowledge..
how many times have you gone to anyone to seeks more knowledge??
Who told you that you can ask GOD that why did you do this to me ??? we are always taught that we should thank GOD in any situation and circumstances we are in ....
talk to me in PVT if you are eager to know more
After reading your posts and if this is the knowledge you want to impart on Zinger in private, I will advice Zinger (as if he believes me and listens to me) to stay away.
Interestingly you said you can't just abuse without any knowledge while YOU HAD BEEN DOING THE SAME ABOUT THE INCIDENT IN RAUDT TAHERA AND ABOUT ALL THOSE KHALIFAS WHO ARE RESPECTED BY MORE THAN 90% OF THE MUSLIM WORLD but you are not Muslim you are Abde Syenda of Dawoodi Bohra,,,, my mistake equating people like you to Islam and its teaching..

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Re: Qutbuddin's sons assaulted by Burhani Guards


Unread post by tasneempati » Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:34 am

Hussaimu you did not answer my post "What about those 9 grand children of SMS/SKQ who are currently with their mothers, would you also call them Pillas/ Pillis. May be one of them be 55th Dai "

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Re: Qutbuddin's sons assaulted by Burhani Guards


Unread post by UnhappyBohra » Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:39 am

Invictius wrote:
think_for_yourself wrote: The Qutbuddin friends were behind the bhaisahebs. The video was shot from the front and published with a bragging message about how the nephews of SMB RA and grandsons of STS RA were done zalil etc. No need to speculate. It is CLEAR that the purpose of the video was to provide accompanying proof to the lowly bragging SMS about how the Qutbuddin sons were beaten up and harrassed in that sacred Qubbah. Please, as far as standing in line, let Malik BS stand in line first...In character and conduct These Qutbuddin sons rank far higher than that charlatan and conman. If he can jump line, so can the Qutbuddin sons.
Let me remind you that there were 25-30 of them. No self respecting mumin would shoot and post such a video since he/she would be aware of the ramifications. Okay I get your point. Let us assume that the KQs sons do have the right to bypass queue and perfom ziyarat. If so, why did the other 25-30 people accompanying them also break queue to perform ziyarat? What special rights do they have? Why should they be extended any preferential treatment at all? Shouldn't they have to conform to a normal queue like all other mumineen?
Their friends were there to ensure their safety! You saw the violence they were met with. You are losing this battle sir. First they should not have broken line, then it was their friends who shouldn't have, then they were there to shoot the video when the messages of your own people prove otherwise. You are tripping over the clutter of your own numerous ineffective defenses. I suggest you find another job. And your defenses prove that it is not the act itself that embarrasses you but being caught behaving in this way that embarrasses you. You did not say that no self respecting mumin should behave this way but rather that no self respecting mumin would shoot such a video! I suggest to you that no self respecting mumin should defend such behavior!

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Re: Qutbuddin's sons assaulted by Burhani Guards


Unread post by hussaimu » Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:43 am

@SBM why dont you just mind your own business ???? who has asked you to consider us anything ??? we dont care who you are .. we just dont want our community / religion to be abused by munafiq like u. What happened in Raudat Tahera was nothing .... they were lucky as they managed to escaped....

@tasneempati... kids who were kidnapped by KQ are innocent they dont know whats hapening around... Your KQ kidnapped kids of TAHA BS and IBRAHIM BS..... as far as the adult kids of KQ are concerned they are pillas and will be called pillas....kids of Mufaddal Moula TUS have not betrayed Burhanuddin Moula RA..

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Re: Qutbuddin's sons assaulted by Burhani Guards


Unread post by SBM » Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:46 am

@SBM why dont you just mind your own business ???? who has asked you to consider us anything
I am minding my business because I am on Progressive Forum it is you who is interfering in our business but you know I do welcome you because that way we know the level of your knowledge and etiquette you learned from your Aamil in the secret Sabaks

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Re: Qutbuddin's sons assaulted by Burhani Guards


Unread post by tasneempati » Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:52 am

hussaimu wrote:@SBM why dont you just mind your own business ???? who has asked you to consider us anything ??? we dont care who you are .. we just dont want our community / religion to be abused by munafiq like u. What happened in Raudat Tahera was nothing .... they were lucky as they managed to escaped....

@tasneempati... kids who were kidnapped by KQ are innocent they dont know whats hapening around... Your KQ kidnapped kids of TAHA BS and IBRAHIM BS..... as far as the adult kids of KQ are concerned they are pillas and will be called pillas....kids of Mufaddal Moula TUS have not betrayed Burhanuddin Moula RA..
Hussaimu but kids of TAHA BS & IBRAHIM BS are also kids of pillis - if you call adult children of SKQ so.

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Re: Qutbuddin's sons assaulted by Burhani Guards


Unread post by hussaimu » Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:54 am

yes you are right tasneempili .... their wives are pillis who kidnapped the kids and have kept them away from their father

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Re: Qutbuddin's sons assaulted by Burhani Guards


Unread post by tasneempati » Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:57 am

hussaimu wrote:yes you are right tasneempili .... their wives are pillis who kidnapped the kids and have kept them away from their father
OMG " so easily surrendered" . In the end you accepted that those kids having blood of SMS/SKQ in their veins are Pillas/Pillis. That is your class.

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Re: Qutbuddin's sons assaulted by Burhani Guards


Unread post by zinger » Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:58 am

hussaimu wrote:if you admit you dont know anything bro then you should seek knowledge....you cant just abuse without any knowledge..
how many times have you gone to anyone to seeks more knowledge??
Who told you that you can ask GOD that why did you do this to me ??? we are always taught that we should thank GOD in any situation and circumstances we are in ....
talk to me in PVT if you are eager to know more

where have i abused anyone Hussaimu bhai? you are the one showering abuses on everyone.

who told me how i can ask God why he did what he did to me???? i'll tell you who told me. Allah did. He always says talk to Me and I will hear you. Of course we thank God for everything and He has given us the right to question Him too. That is why we are His children

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Re: Qutbuddin's sons assaulted by Burhani Guards


Unread post by zinger » Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:02 am

hussaimu wrote:yes you are right tasneempili .... their wives are pillis who kidnapped the kids and have kept them away from their father

Yo do realise that the same blood of Taher Saifuddin Maula (RA) and Burhanuddin Maula (RA) runs in their veins too!!!

You my friend, are sick!!!

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Re: Qutbuddin's sons assaulted by Burhani Guards


Unread post by hussaimu » Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:11 am

Yes i know that its a same blood ...thats what a matter of shame is ...
same blood was Noh Nabis son as well ... he didnt follow the religion... what would you call him

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Re: Qutbuddin's sons assaulted by Burhani Guards


Unread post by james » Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:16 am

zinger wrote:
james wrote: BIB: This gem deserved a post of its own.You are very quick to take responsibility for the actions of 40-50 people. ( 5 if one were to look at Mumbai Mirror ) I wonder if you feel you are responsible for the various kidnappings and killings done by Boko Haram as well ? After all they are your brothers in Islam and you are complicit in their acts.What's the difference between you and an Islamophobe ? He/she blames the whole of Islam and its various sects for the actions of the few. The same way you do it. Take a calculator and see what percentage is 40-50 out of 1 million odd people (-) 200 odd followers of Khuzema.0.005% approx. You want to chastise the Syedna TUS and the whole community for actions of 0.005%.A bit much generalization,don't you think?

Personally,I think you should be tried in a court of law for your role in 9/11. After all what you did was wrong,being a Muslim,etc.

And regarding your mention of private conversation,it's no bother.Feel free to distribute or talk about it to anyone you like.I have always tried to follow "If you can't put your sign to it,don't say it".Forum world is capricious, :wink:
Sorry, but way too many words which are beyond me;
1. BIB?
2. Capricious?

Besides, im really surprised you dont feel ashamed about people acting like animals in the place where 2 Duaats are sleeping.

i havent heard even one word of condemnation from you.

Should i assume that you justify and approve of what has happened?
BIB means Bit in Bold.
Capricious means fickle.

Why should I be ashamed over the actions of others? It takes two to tango.I condemn the mob accompanying Khuzema's sons for disrupting the peace and harassing the people standing in the queue and I also condemn that subsequent reaction to it.

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Re: Qutbuddin's sons assaulted by Burhani Guards


Unread post by james » Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:24 am

And this is where your line of thinking falls like a pack of cards.Aliasgar Engineer's house was allegedly ransacked during the era of 52nd Dai RA by "US" (scoffs).Do you blame the 52nd Dai RA like you are blaming the 53rd Dai TUS for the lack of condemnation ? Post your reasons for different benchmark you apply to different Duat.
I'm sorry,I missed the bus.Is this what we are passing off nonsense these days ? By calling it a joke ?

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Re: Qutbuddin's sons assaulted by Burhani Guards


Unread post by way2go » Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:27 am

To all who are responding to James, Invictious and especially hussaimu....
Kindly refrain from doing so is my earnest request. Stooping to the lowest levels they are provoking you all to break the holy sanctity of Ramzan. Please 'eva loko na moey na laago'. They are not worth it.
Ramzan 'no bijo dusko Mubarak thai. Dua maa yaad!
(BTW...I hope the three named are aware that 'bijo dusko' is when one forgives and forgets).

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Re: Qutbuddin's sons assaulted by Burhani Guards


Unread post by Rebel » Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:41 am

Akhtiar Wahid wrote:yeah what would you expect from a 7TH grade failiure, SU THAYU SU THAYU CALL CENTRE JAI TOH ZINA THAI JAA, I.T. AA KIWI FASHION CHE!
Lol....the message is clear, MS doesn't want women to grow and be independent, he wants them slaves for men entertaining them all their lives in various ways and forms. If half of the workforce sits at home most of the time how the economy would grow and how women will achieve their freedom from the clutches of men. I wonder if the bohras ever has had any women scientists or lawyers. I know there are women doctors and IT professionals are doing well in their respective fields however, it seems that MS is now bent of breaking women's bones if they were to achieve success in their lives. I know for sure that he has a recruitment team to recruit bohra women in armed forces ready to devour and devastate people coming from the opposite side to perform ziarat - one small scene was previewed before us a few days ago.

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Re: Qutbuddin's sons assaulted by Burhani Guards


Unread post by Invictius » Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:51 am

Invictius wrote: It is worth speculating who shot that video in Raudat Tahera in the first place. Surely it must have been one member of HQs entourage? They came prepared, knowing there would be a reaction to the scene they had planned to create. No mumin would ever take such a video and publish it in the first place.

Let me remind you that there were 25-30 of them. No self respecting mumin would shoot and post such a video since he/she would be aware of the ramifications. Okay I get your point. Let us assume that the KQs sons do have the right to bypass queue and perfom ziyarat. If so, why did the other 25-30 people accompanying them also break queue to perform ziyarat? What special rights do they have? Why should they be extended any preferential treatment at all? Shouldn't they have to conform to a normal queue like all other mumineen?

Their friends were there to ensure their safety! You saw the violence they were met with. You are losing this battle sir. First they should not have broken line, then it was their friends who shouldn't have, then they were there to shoot the video when the messages of your own people prove otherwise. You are tripping over the clutter of your own numerous ineffective defenses. I suggest you find another job. And your defenses prove that it is not the act itself that embarrasses you but being caught behaving in this way that embarrasses you. You did not say that no self respecting mumin should behave this way but rather that no self respecting mumin would shoot such a video! I suggest to you that no self respecting mumin should defend such behavior![/quote][/quote]

Hahahahahahaha those claiming to be on haqq should have faith in Allah to provide them with safety and not a bunch of cronies. I am not fighting any battle sir. Simply stating hard facts. You obviously have no answer to my facts and questions, so you claim my 'defences' are 'ineffective' without being able to argue to that conclusion. It seems your 'unhappiness' has taken over your cognitive faculties and it is you who is swimming in the sea of utter derision. I have mentioned before and I will say it again - This event is indeed unfortunate and should not have occurred. It is true that the mumineen should not have behaved the way they did. I have never condoned these actions and never will. Notwithstanding this, our Maula Burhanuddin RA has told all mumineen to live in peace with one another; to sort out disputes amicably; to not take matters to court even as a last resort, and to NEVER initiate police action against a fellow mumin. Kq and his sons have taken matters to court and filed complaints with the police against mumineen- a direct defiance of Burhanuddin Maulas RA instructions. I do agree that mumineen also acted in an unbecoming way at Raudat Tahera the other day. Now Let Allah decide who is right and who is wrong.

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Re: Qutbuddin's sons assaulted by Burhani Guards


Unread post by zinger » Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:55 am

james wrote:
And this is where your line of thinking falls like a pack of cards.Aliasgar Engineer's house was allegedly ransacked during the era of 52nd Dai RA by "US" (scoffs).Do you blame the 52nd Dai RA like you are blaming the 53rd Dai TUS for the lack of condemnation ? Post your reasons for different benchmark you apply to different Duat.
I'm sorry,I missed the bus.Is this what we are passing off nonsense these days ? By calling it a joke ?

lets agree to disagree and move on