Why Is The DAI Not Held Responsible For Evils In Bohraism ?

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ghulam muhammed
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Re: Why Is The DAI Not Held Responsible For Evils In Bohrais


Post by ghulam muhammed » Thu Aug 02, 2012 5:26 pm

Posted by Mwamugonda Masalakulangwa Mgosi Wakaya on August 31, 1999 at 21:42:39:

I believe that the bohras approach to dealing with religious matters is highly questionable. We consider ourselves to be the true shia of Imam Ali. Why do the Amils tell us that of all the people in the world, we are the only ones who are right. Everyone else will go to Hell but we Mominee will be blessed with the rivers of milk, fruits of heaven......Can somebody help?

I come from East Africa where since the nineties the kothar and their entourage have enjoyed brilliant hospitalities at the expense of hardworking bohra individuals. Take Tanzania for example. In Tanga, I used to go to the mosque with my grandfather since I was a kid. I started fasting at the age of seven and prayed three times a day. I would not get food if I had not prayed. I attended all the majalises for I believed in the value of the days that were commemorated. When I got married and had children, I remember my father having taught me how to recite the Quran. I taught my children. There were madressas at the time but all they taught there was to recite the quran for the sake of recititing. No effort was made to improve the child's pronounciation of the words and the correct pausing techniques during recitation.

I started paying the wajibat and sabil and was very surprised when the amounts that we paid during my grandfathers times separately were amalgamated to give a lumpsum. There was no record of how much sila and fitr was paid or how much was paid as nazrul makam, khumus etc. The local priest was interested in a lumpsum amount that he dictated. For them it was very easy to say, "If you dont want to pay, leave". We were born dawoodi bohra why should we leave?.

I am still within the community but what will happen to my children. the questions that I ask myself are if we are really on the right path then why are we afraid to perform what is preached in public. I have no comments about the money laundering and thefts within the community. The Amils, kothar and others are all business minded people. Can anyone tell me why arent we supposed to touch our forehead during the recitation of bismillah in public. I have heard everyone being told not to do that during the arrival of mowla (TUS) at the airport. Why do we also not stand with our arms at our chest (Haat jodi ne ) when we are in front of Mowla in public. Why do we do that in the mosque?.

I also remember very well how the amil in Dar had acquired US$3000 from the jammat for leading the prayers during the Lailatul Qadr some few years ago. When we recite "Mautamam bil Imam" in the niyat for nammaz we say that the Imam will lead the prayers and we believe that He will lead them rightously. What does that mean? We all prayed under a corrupt person. How disgusting?money for namaaz?.

In the presence of the same Amil, one who is now in some place called Koimbuktur, there was a Quran recitation contest held by the National Muslims council of Tanzania. During one day of the contests, the Bohra jammat invited all the kadhis including the chief kadhi shk Hemed bin Jumaa and other non bohra contestants. Since it was the Holy month of Ramadhan, and the contest went on until the time for maghrib namaaz, the Amil extended an invition to the invitees for namaaz and Iftaar. To our astonishment and surprise, the reciter of the azaan, one yemeni who was a moalim at Madrasa al mohamediya, Mulla Abdulla, during the azaan did not recite the verses "Ashadul anna Mowalana Aliyan waliyu Allah"...just because the chief kadhi was a sunni. The azzan was like the ones recited by sunnis. WHY??????Are we that cowards that we do not remember mushkil Kusha?. I remember one Indian singer, Manzar Bhopali had sung in a Qawwali...."Ya Ali keh kar guzar jaate the har mushkil se hum......Ya Ali keh kar guzar jaate the har mushkil se hum.....Chuup rahe to lutgaye isbar ya Mushkil Khushaa...." Very true, we were looted of our identity. This is the real picture of our community.

We did not have any vehicle for carrying corpses from the hospitals to the mosque or for carrying coffins to the cemetary. This was done through hiring of double cabin pickups from community members. I would say, it was a shame because we were able to donate buses and ambulances to the Muhimbili Medical Centre during Mowla's salgirah just to get a picture in the leading newspapers. Millions of shillings are deposited in the ghals every Muharrum. There used to be an address by the secretary of the Jamaat in old days to inform the public on the amount collected and how that would be used. These days nobody knows where the money goes. For example the Molana Ali Scholar ship fund. Give me just one name, just name of a mumin child who was awarded a scholarship. Many children indulge in business at a very young age. What is their future in a country where their is an uncertainty of what is to happen tomorrow. It is money and only money that governs the running of the community. We are not true muslims.

Recently there is an interest for hunting in the game reserves of Tanzania. Mowla(TUS) has visited Tanzania more than three times. Corrupt people like Zoeb Sarkar (Black cobra), kishungi, Shahi, Adamjee MP, Fakhru Morbi, and others get special permits by bribing people in the Wildlife department. Once Mowla hunted an elephnat which was a mother. The calf was orphaned and to their excitement, they sang that the Elephant was lucky, Mowla sent its soul to heaven. they said that a majestic sajda was performed by the elephant. Stupid people do notunderstand that if a fire arm is used, any living thing will fall. On his second visit , a Lion was hunted. At that time there was a ban on all Lion products due to the fact that some 130 lions had dies in the Serengeti because of some unidentified illness. The outcome, the guy who undertook the hunting responsibilities, Mustafa Jin, was awarded the family name of Shikari and a title of Sheikh. Someone who walked with a can or bottle of beer in his hand, after a weekend of hunting becomes a Sheikh, GREAT!!!!

Where are we heading???????????????

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Why Is The DAI Not Held Responsible For Evils In Bohrais


Post by ghulam muhammed » Thu Aug 02, 2012 7:09 pm

They have hearts wherewith they understand not, they have eyes wherewith they see not, they have ears wherewith they hear not {the truth}. They are like cattle, nay even more astray; Those! They are the heedless ones.
[Soorah Al-A`raaf: 179]

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Re: Why Is The DAI Not Held Responsible For Evils In Bohrais


Post by porus » Fri Sep 14, 2012 1:34 am

Dbc1 wrote:Does any1have any info or insights on the 4 ustaads from jamia and what hoped to them .. GM?. Mnoorani?? Anything will be of help however little..

YN was the rector of Jaamiya Saifiyya (Daras), Surat, in 1970's. His wrath was directed against six ustaads of Jaamiya, upon four of whom 'baraat' was declared.

The six were;

1. Shaikh Sajjad Husain Sarangpuri. He hailed from Sarangpur, Madhya Pradesh. He was the ustaad of Sayedna Taher Saifuddin, the 51st Dai. He was the Principal of Jamiya Saifiya. He was stabbed by two Jamiya students and died from his injuries. The students were arrested and through the power pf Kothar exonerated in court.

2. Shaikh Hasan Ali. He was the brother of Shaikh Sajjad.

3. Shaikh Ali Ahmed. He was the nephew of both Shaikh Sajjad and Shaikh Hasan Ali

4. Shaikh Ali Ahmed Udaipuri, also known as Shaikh Ahmed Ali Raj because, I gather, he was originally from Rajasthan. He headed for Udaipur following the Reformist revolt there and became a leading light for Reformists in Fatimid theology.

The above four had baraat declared against them and were attacked by Bohra goons.

5. Shaikh Ameenuddin. He was smart and got an early whiff of trouble brewing against Ustaads. He escaped to Karachi before the attacks. He made some accommodation with Kothar and accepted a post in the Karachi Jamiya.

6. Shaikh Muhammad Misri. He also reached accommodation with Kothar who bought his 'silence' for a small pension for life.

As to the reasons leading to this explosion of hate against the outstanding repository of Bohra religious knowledge, we have to look at how Daras changed beyond all recognition (to former students and ustaads) at the behest of YN. That is another story.

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Re: Why Is The DAI Not Held Responsible For Evils In Bohrais


Post by aflatoon » Fri Sep 14, 2012 9:39 am

the basic question is that why they were ostracized from the community?
Any news about their progeny?

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Re: Why Is The DAI Not Held Responsible For Evils In Bohrais


Post by think » Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:07 am

there are many more mysteries of the kothar .
one of my relatives suddenly died of heart attack. He was very instrumental in the building of a mosque in Karachi,when one fine day he was asked by a visiting zada to give up all his authority during the building supervision of this mosque . All his efforts were in vain and he died of heart attack.
Another relataive of mine whop was the general secretary of the karachi jamaat at one time was asked by the then amil to come and see him at adam masjid. On his visit when he was walking down the stairs, acid was trhrown on his face and after many a operations he died in pain.
who can be blamed when the blind is leading the blind.

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Re: Why Is The DAI Not Held Responsible For Evils In Bohrais


Post by accountability » Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:04 pm

Shiekh Amir bhai burhani ( rawalpindiwala) was a die hard fanatic. He was intrumental in implementing Dadhi, Saya topi etc in mid eighties, There were lot of resentment against him in local bohras. After acid throwing incident, he was almost abondoned by Jamat. they did nothing to eleviate his suffering. that is very typical of our jamat. as long as you serve them well and grease them you are in, as soon as you become useless, you become nothing. He used to own one market in saddar, so far as i know, they have made his widow to give up and donate it to jamat. the irony is amir burhani used to treat ordinary bohras very badly, to the extent of torturing them, when the whole drama of dadhi and saya was going in mid eighties, malik ul ashtar was sitting in karachi, and supervising the transformation.
he was brutal in his approach. But as soon as his utility expired, he was abondone like a tissue paper.

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Re: Why Is The DAI Not Held Responsible For Evils In Bohrais


Post by ozmujaheed » Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:10 pm

Abdes what responsibility , look in our case the not one iota of announcement to show concern what is happening in Australia . Spoke to a few people and they are worried they do not know did they do the right thing.

Mansoos and his zadas would constantly keep intouch if they need wajebat and money but when there is trouble pretend it is a bad sapnoo and it will in a few days go away.

What responsibility are you talking. Whatever the case some of the bohras in Australia will wake up from this dark experience realizing what the heck, is it worth it being a stupid slave of a master who does not care, who is happy enjoying his lavish life.

I had a young girl from my friends family ask how can our leader allow this practise? That is enough words! I opened the Internet and showed the meaning of leader and she took a deep breath.