Poverty in Ahmedabad

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by SBM » Mon Jul 01, 2013 12:43 pm

LionHunter wrote:orphans of karbala

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVXG8NW4 ... edded#t=2s
Can I request everyone not to post any other thread except to talk about Poverty and collection of funds druing the month of Ramadan ONLY on this thread Admin can you please move this post from this thread.

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by bohraji » Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:30 am

Salaam Alaikum.
Below are the contributions received chronologically to date:
IRS 30,000.00
IRS. 5000.00
IRS 10,000.00
IRS 50,000.00.

Almost all of the money has been used up.Prices have risen drastically and help is always welcome. I again appeal to the readers to be generous and pray that Allah guides you fo recognise rhe legitimate people who deserve your Zakat and your Muawasat. I hope that you do not become a clog in the evil machinisation called kothar

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by murtaza2152 » Wed Jul 10, 2013 8:10 am

A simple question Bohraji 2nd time , hope you will answer this time.
Is this poor people knowing
where is this money coming from ? what is the source of
money ? who are giving this money ?
If they don't know please inform them that this money is
from the ones who abuse your Dai, not whole amount but most
part of it , then also if they agree its cool .

Bohraji you will be accountable to Allah if you give
money without informing the source.

Bohra spring
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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by Bohra spring » Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:33 am

murtaza2152 wrote: Bohraji you will be accountable to Allah if you give
money without informing the source.
Why is it Bohraji's responsibility to explain the source ?

Does the dawat mention who and how they source the funds when they allegedly give out for good causes?

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by SBM » Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:48 am

Murtaza 2152
Money I sent to help Mumineen in Mumbai and other places do know about me and they really do not care since my help gives their children a better education and food on their table. They could care less what my feelings are. Because they are unfortunately poor and made that way by your Kothari Mafia Goons asking them to pay Wajebaats/Sabil/Najwas regardless if they can afford it or not.
On the other hand I never question them why despite being poor they still want to kiss the a-- of these goons. I seek my reward from Allah( while your seek your rewards from the comatose Dai and yes your reward is kick in your a-- all the time)

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by murtaza2152 » Wed Jul 10, 2013 4:35 pm

Question was to Bohraji . Anyways thanks SBM for your reply that people know you and despite knowing you taking your money.

Back to Bohraji , Can you answer me ?
Do people in Ahmedabad know from where and whom this money is coming from ??

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by seeker110 » Wed Jul 10, 2013 4:38 pm

Do people in Ahmedabad know from where and whom this money is coming from ??

The people in Ahmebad know where and whom this help is not coming from..

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:18 pm


bohraji makes it clear to the poor recipients that this financial and other help is NOT COMING FROM DAI..!!

now are you satisfied?

if you wish to see this help stopped (which seems to be your real agenda), then will you visit each and every poor bohra helped, and replace the money with your own? let us see if you have the guts and generosity to do this! you talk a lot, but are just an empty stinking gasbag like your masters!

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by Maqbool » Fri Jul 12, 2013 6:26 am

Everybody on this forum knows your intention about your Question.
I know very well that the recipient who are really in need never bothers from where the money is coming. They are in need and thanks God that he has send thru this person.

Please note that once when I guide any needy to go to kothar for help they always says that " sa mate amary maskary karo cho tyathi je najivi rakam aaveche te to Amil ane tena chamchao mate che."

As a human being please give some thing to some one, and if you are not interested please do not come in the way of needy and that too in this holy month.

I think Bohraji should not give answer to this type of person. Bohraji you are doing a great job and the reward will be from God. Always ignore shaitans.

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by SBM » Wed Jul 17, 2013 10:09 am

Subject: FW: [GG] Fwd: The Fasting & The Starving.

The Fasting & the Starving

By Imran Ali

I awake in the morning,
From the warmth of my bed.
He sleeps not, due to hunger,
He has no tears to shed.

I descend my stairs,
Food I can smell.
He struggles to stand,
As he walks to the well.

I have so much to choose,
There is food to spare.
He gathers water with dirt,
And drinks without care.

I am full from my feast,
The rest goes to waste.
He ate nothing, drank filth,
He has nothing to taste.

I make my intention.
Then to prayer I stand.
There is no water left,
Instead he uses sand.

My stomach is full,
Satisfied, I sleep.
His stomach is empty,
In pain he weeps.

I awake later on,
My sleep, satisfactory.
He has not sleeped at all,
And now works in a factory.

I relax in my home,
With the leisures of the West.
From dawn 'till dusk,
He has no rest.

I read the Qur'aan,
And Hadiths of my Prophet.
He yearns for such knowledge,
But only works for a profit.

I enjoy the holidays,
Time away from school.
He would cherish education,
As it is Life's greatest tool.

The Sun is setting,
I help prepare the meal.
He returns from work, exhausted,
His fingers can no longer feel.

I break my fast with my family,
We complain how it was tough.
He shares a date with his Sister and Mother,
For now, it has to be enough.

I finish the banquet prepared,
Taking it all for granted.
He says "Shukran Alhamdulillah"
And thus his fast has ended.

Later I turn on the TV,
To see images of poverty.
He is monitored by patrolling cameras,
That come from a higher economy.

My screen then shows a boy,
I am told he is my age.
He stares into the camera,
Pondering deeply like a sage.

Our eyes now meet,
We stare at each other.
His eyes see through me,
Just like a brother.

In his eyes I see pain,
I see hunger and poverty.
In mine he can see hope,
A land of opportunity.

I realise that we are brothers,
We belong to one Ummah,
I hear words of my Nabi,
And the echoes of his Sunnah.

I whine when I am hungry,
I have not felt his hunger.
I cry when I am hurt,
Yet he has heard cries like thunder.

Tears stream down at his sight,
As his tears, in my heart, are carving.
Oh Allah, diminsh the difference between,
The Fasting and the Starving.

"No amount of guilt can change the past, and no amount of worrying can change the future. Go easy on yourself, for the outcome of all affairs is determined by Allah's decree. If something is meant to go elsewhere, it will never come your way, but if it is yours by destiny, from you it cannot flee"

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by seeker110 » Wed Jul 17, 2013 12:47 pm

need paypal account info

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by bohraji » Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:54 am

Salaam Alaikum. We did not make vigorous appeal as last year but this is the amount that but this is the amount that we have recievedfor this Ramadan :
A : Rs 30,000
A : Rs 30,000
B :Rs 10,000
C: Rs 50,000
D :Rs 25,000.
Bhai ' A ' made two donations.
This year we helped mainly with cash abd a lot of people needed money for medical needs as well as surgeries like cataract.
The cataract is performed in a few thousand rupees by an organisation and a Bohra gentleman has helped with the making of food kits from his provision shop. In some cases we bought medicines ourselves at 18 percent special discount. However cash was given in most cases tso that tuition fees and basics could be taken care of. We will keep helping throughout to widows , the poor and the sick.They need help after Ramadan as well. I will oist the detailaafter Eid.

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by SBM » Tue Aug 06, 2013 12:22 pm

Asalam U Aleum
On behalf of Bohraji and his wife:
So far for this Ramadan they received donation of Rs. 1.5 Lachs from the board members. As I had mentioned that Bohraji is between the job and unable to update and his wife has requested me to update everyone about distribution
Without giving names of the recipients as all donors have requested not to mention the names of recipients I will just briefly describe the amount distributed
Rs 10K was used to make food packets and were distributed to many deserving MUMINEENS
Rs 5 K was given to an old Mumin for his medical supplies
Rs 5K was given to a 54 year Mumin who is deaf and has no relatives and gets no help from anyone.
Rest of the money was distributed in amounts ranging from 1K to 3k to various ladies some of them beg near the Roza in Ahmedabad
Alhamadullilah all the money received has been distributed to all deserving Mumineens.
Thank you Brother Bohraji and your wife for all the good deeds and May Allah reward you and your family and all those who believed in this cause and donated towards helping true deserving Muslims instead to giving to high class flying Mullahs and Zadas

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by SBM » Tue Aug 06, 2013 6:49 pm

In addition to the above donations as outline by Bohraji, I was informed by Admin of this forum that they have received another $ 245.00 this year. We now have $ 585.00 dollars still and we shall transfer all this to help Mumineens in Ahmedabad and elsewhere once more sum and donations are collected
Once again thank you everyone for their generosity and specially Administration for giving space for a wonderful noble cause. All those who question what does this forum or Administration does besides letting everyone exposing the corruption and Aayashi by Kothari Goons. Through this forum, people are helping those who needs the most help.

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by bohraji » Sat Jul 05, 2014 2:00 am

Salaam Alaikum Everybody.
Ramadan Kareem.
It is that time of the year again and almost one third of the month will pass soon.
Yes I may not be active on the forum but we, over here in Ahmedabad are still working and doing our best in helping the less fortunate. Ours is a year round job.
A lot has happened, and all hopes of the new dai being more compassionate or helpful or even holistic is nothing more than wishful thinking.
We received donations last year and as usual people from both the sides contributed. The accounts and hisaab of every pie was given to SBM bhai and one of the major donors also came to meet me personally here in Ahmedabad itself. The same gentleman has already given RS 50,000 last week to spear head this years campaign and another gentleman has contributed RS. 10,000. They are both friends, from the same town in India and also working in the same country in the Gulf. They are both members of the forum but request anonymity.
No matter what they post here on the forum and what harsh words that they may use. All the donors are very humble when it comes to charity and have all requested tat their names not be revealed. May Allah bless them always.
This year we have had a record number of requests for help. We have never seen such a rise in hardship and such apathy at the hands of the Amil and his cohorts at the Devri located at Teen Darwaza. These people first approach the devri for help but are humilitated to such an extent that it surprises me that they still hold fast to their beleifs. But things are changing. People are raising questions. Many will not pay high charges set by the Amil. A few will not pay altogether. All this is thanks to the media and Whats app. Even die hard Abdes are seeing light and they will soon realise that Jannat will not be granted by paying huge sums to the dai but by their own amaal.
We now help people with medical bills and cheap cataract operations,plus emergencies, school fees and uniforms and ofcourse with food packets.
I appeal to all those who have helped in the past,to dig deeper if possible this year. Prices keep rising in India and generosity keeps decreasing. I qappeal to the new donors that even RS 100 makes a BIG difference. As usual I will request SBM bhai and a few others to co-ordinate with Admin and also to keep the hisaab and if necessary to check out the work done.
Remember the zakaat and Sabil that you pay to the dai is being misused. A small fraction may be used for good causes but the majority goes into financing their lavish lifestyles. You have all seen on whats app the pictures of the luxurious holiday palaces in Sri Lanka costing RS 170 Crores, the palaces at Indian Hill Stations and other exotic locales. We all have to answer Allah one day and let us have the right answers when He will ask about our Zakaat,Muawasaat or Sadaqa or Charity.

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by Habeel » Sun Jul 06, 2014 5:51 am

How can I donate to your organization? Donate using this website? Let me know.

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by humanbeing » Mon Jul 07, 2014 7:44 am

May I suggest, if SBM bhai or other can list the contributions and how it was divided under medical, education, sustenance categories. Those who do not wish to be named can be called out as “ek-mumin-bhai/behen”

This exercise can be carried out from day 1 of Ramadan to day 30 .. I m only suggesting as per feasibility of time and effort.

Transparency & Accountability will encourage others to realize the virtue of why “Hisaab” is important

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by SBM » Mon Jul 07, 2014 2:46 pm

humanbeing wrote:May I suggest, if SBM bhai or other can list the contributions and how it was divided under medical, education, sustenance categories. Those who do not wish to be named can be called out as “ek-mumin-bhai/behen”

This exercise can be carried out from day 1 of Ramadan to day 30 .. I m only suggesting as per feasibility of time and effort.

Transparency & Accountability will encourage others to realize the virtue of why “Hisaab” is important
Br Humanbeing
I am not clear what you mean exactly by the list of Contributions, if you look at earlier posts you can see Bohraji has listed the individual contributions by putting A-B....etc, I can tell you that donations were received from Dubai-Saudia-USA-Canada and India.
Contributors included many Die Hard Abdes who have always disagreed on everything except for this cause
BTW this scheme did put Kothari Goons on shame and when they found out they issued a fatwas and few of the die hard decided to pull out of the scheme later
But as I said so far nearly over 80 thousand rupees has been collected and there are pledges of another one lakh as soon as we sort out how to transfer the money to India to help
regarding your second question about distribution if you look up Bohraji has given the breakdown how money was distributed. We have decided that we will not release the name of the recipients to general public except few who are monitoring.

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by alam » Mon Jul 07, 2014 3:52 pm

SBM, bohraji,

Please inform newbies how to participate in this donation, and how to donat.e. thanks

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by Spectator » Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:11 pm

Bhai bohraji please let me know how I can donate. I presume this would entail transferring money to an Indian account for those of us who live abroad?

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by seeker110 » Mon Jul 07, 2014 10:40 pm

My wife would put in a 25c coin in the galla every day after my son leaves for school. I used to make fun of her saying is he only worth that much. During tests and finals she would up the ante to 1.25. This money becomes a nice gift for Bikis Ehdhi trust at the end of the year. We get so many chances during the year for small gifts for the poor on the street but this bigger amount is so satisfying in Ramzan.
My brother in law has a good system, he buys a 11lb bag of rice and drops it off at the local sunni masjid every month. I like the idea very much myself. I also donate a full turkey dinner to my local food kitchen on thanksgiving and Chirstmas. I like to hear about more ways to help the poor during the whole year. Like note books and pencils during the start of school year etc.,

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by DisillusionedDB » Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:31 am

bohraji wrote:Salaam Alaikum Everybody.
Ramadan Kareem.
It is that time of the year again and almost one third of the month will pass soon.
Yes I may not be active on the forum but we, over here in Ahmedabad are still working and doing our best in helping the less fortunate. Ours is a year round job ... ...
Salam Alaikum ... I have been a regular visitor to this forum since many years but registered just today. A belated Ramzan Mubarak to all. May Allah accept our fasts and prayers in this auspicious month and forgive our sins.
@ bohraji
I have sent you a PM. Hope you received it.

Today, I was reading this thread and decided to register on the spur of the moment. Inshallah, I shall try to take part in the various threads if I do have my 2 cents to share and as time permits.

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by james » Tue Jul 08, 2014 3:07 am

bohraji wrote:Salaam Alaikum Everybody.
Ramadan Kareem.
It is that time of the year again and almost one third of the month will pass soon.
Yes I may not be active on the forum but we, over here in Ahmedabad are still working and doing our best in helping the less fortunate. Ours is a year round job.
A lot has happened, and all hopes of the new dai being more compassionate or helpful or even holistic is nothing more than wishful thinking.
We received donations last year and as usual people from both the sides contributed. The accounts and hisaab of every pie was given to SBM bhai and one of the major donors also came to meet me personally here in Ahmedabad itself. The same gentleman has already given RS 50,000 last week to spear head this years campaign and another gentleman has contributed RS. 10,000. They are both friends, from the same town in India and also working in the same country in the Gulf. They are both members of the forum but request anonymity.
No matter what they post here on the forum and what harsh words that they may use. All the donors are very humble when it comes to charity and have all requested tat their names not be revealed. May Allah bless them always.
This year we have had a record number of requests for help. We have never seen such a rise in hardship and such apathy at the hands of the Amil and his cohorts at the Devri located at Teen Darwaza. These people first approach the devri for help but are humilitated to such an extent that it surprises me that they still hold fast to their beleifs. But things are changing. People are raising questions. Many will not pay high charges set by the Amil. A few will not pay altogether. All this is thanks to the media and Whats app. Even die hard Abdes are seeing light and they will soon realise that Jannat will not be granted by paying huge sums to the dai but by their own amaal.
We now help people with medical bills and cheap cataract operations,plus emergencies, school fees and uniforms and ofcourse with food packets.
I appeal to all those who have helped in the past,to dig deeper if possible this year. Prices keep rising in India and generosity keeps decreasing. I qappeal to the new donors that even RS 100 makes a BIG difference. As usual I will request SBM bhai and a few others to co-ordinate with Admin and also to keep the hisaab and if necessary to check out the work done.
Remember the zakaat and Sabil that you pay to the dai is being misused. A small fraction may be used for good causes but the majority goes into financing their lavish lifestyles. You have all seen on whats app the pictures of the luxurious holiday palaces in Sri Lanka costing RS 170 Crores, the palaces at Indian Hill Stations and other exotic locales. We all have to answer Allah one day and let us have the right answers when He will ask about our Zakaat,Muawasaat or Sadaqa or Charity.
Walekum Afzalus Salam,

It is one thing to appeal to people to give to charity and other noble acts but quite another to put down others for legitimizing your cause.

If you feel so strongly that the Dai TUS misuses the Zakah ( Nauzobillah),then you should make it known to the people you are helping like one or two members have suggested in this thread. Disclose to them that you help only because the Dai TUS allegedly doesn't do anything to help them and then see their response.Don't be astonished to see them cling to their Maula in prosperity and in hard times.Your jealousy will eat up your insides if you ever tried to contemplate the amount of love and walayah people have for their Maula.

Also,I see you got reeled in by the stupidity of sufi monk and his various alias when you quote the figure of 170 crores.Could you please furnish any evidence that the bungalow was allegedly brought for $28million ?

You are devious yet incredibly stupid as well.Ironic!

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by DisillusionedDB » Tue Jul 08, 2014 3:39 am

Let's assume for a moment that the wajebat funds are not misused and each and every rupee is used for the welfare of the bohra community. Even in this scenario, we still have to admit there is poverty (abject poverty, in some cases) in our community and even all the funds at the Dai's disposal are not enough to remove the poverty. So, if some people wish to contribute over and above their wajebat and sincerely help the momins in need, then what's the harm ? Charity does not need any raza nor does the person receiving charity bothered about its source as he/she is busy struggling to eke out a living.

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by Maqbool » Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:24 am

All who are concerned about poverty in our community, I request ignore james. He is here to do fitna. He knows very well that major part of vajebat money is not reaching to the needy and he also knows that if mumeneen start giving charities like this his master's income will be reduced. This is the reason he is discouraging.

Those who are in need of money for medical, food, education or for any other purpose will never bother that where this money has come from. they only see the intention of the donor and nothing else.

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by james » Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:42 am

Maqbool wrote:All who are concerned about poverty in our community, I request ignore james. He is here to do fitna. He knows very well that major part of vajebat money is not reaching to the needy and he also knows that if mumeneen start giving charities like this his master's income will be reduced. This is the reason he is discouraging.

Those who are in need of money for medical, food, education or for any other purpose will never bother that where this money has come from. they only see the intention of the donor and nothing else.

Do you believe Anti-Maula tirade is necessary to encourage people to give to charity of your choice?Like I said,it is one thing to appeal people to give to charity but quite another to put down others based on hearsay and wild allegations.

Here,I have an experiment for you.Go to any Masjid (Not necessarily Bohra's),say you want to make a donation and tell them the said money has come from Rasulullah SAW haters. Do report back with your findings.

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by SBM » Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:51 am

money has come from Rasulullah SAW haters. Do report back with your findings.
Only Moron like can compare Rasulullah to current Dai and his greedy Goons

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by james » Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:55 am

DisillusionedDB wrote:Let's assume for a moment that the wajebat funds are not misused and each and every rupee is used for the welfare of the bohra community. Even in this scenario, we still have to admit there is poverty (abject poverty, in some cases) in our community and even all the funds at the Dai's disposal are not enough to remove the poverty. So, if some people wish to contribute over and above their wajebat and sincerely help the momins in need, then what's the harm ? Charity does not need any raza nor does the person receiving charity bothered about its source as he/she is busy struggling to eke out a living.
If you believe the receiver wouldn't care then what is the harm in telling them that the money comes from people who believe that the Syedna TUS is misusing zakah (Nauzobillah) ?

The problem is putting down others to legitimize one's own pet project.bohraji is trying to take people away from Haq by saying don't pay zakah to Maula TUS because it gets misused.(Nauzobillah) Do you endorse his views?

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by SBM » Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:58 am

Do you endorse his views?
delete since it was addressed to dillusionedDB which is 99% of Abdes..
Last edited by SBM on Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Poverty in Ahmedabad


Unread post by james » Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:59 am

SBM wrote:
money has come from Rasulullah SAW haters. Do report back with your findings.
Only Moron like can compare Rasulullah to current Dai and his greedy Goons
Let me elaborate further so that your pea size brain cells don't get over worked and bloated.

Go to Sunni Masjid and say Money has come from Abu Bakr Umar Hater.

Go to Shia Masjid and say Money has come from Ali AS Hater.

Go to Aga Khani Jamatkhana and say Money has come from Agha Khan Abuser.

The basic premise is non-disclosure to the community members who have immense love for their respective leader who are in need. Capishe ?