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ghanu jeevo.. ta qayamat ghanu jeevo...

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 1:58 pm
by Al Zulfiqar
assuming that all over the world from the east to the west wherever bohras are spread, every day thousands of majlises are held where the above is prayed by the sheep in unison; then after every namaaz, the 2 rakats for burhan is prayed for his sehat and aafiyat and immortal life, add the taabudat na amals and siparas and quran recitations dedicated to the same purpose, etc. this adds up to millions and millions of special petitions sent to god directly from his 'chosen ones', (as per the fanatics), the only ones guaranteed heaven.

and then not forgetting of course that burhan is the direct representative of allah on earth, the veritable kaaba on earth, the one who will lead us by hand directly into the highest janna, i.e. janatul firdaus, and then he still dies..GOD FORBID!!!

then does that negate all the prayers of the pure and spotless white mumineen? does it mean that ALLAH is either deaf (astakferullah!) or that he is angry with burhan or that the prayers of his innocent flock are worthless?

this is causing great consternation to bohras and its high time an enquiry commission is constituted in advance to analyse why it happened when it does happen. I.e. the death of their beloved aqa and sultan-al-.....

by all reasonable logic as above, all these prayers and beseechings and mannats cannot go in vain and the moula MUST live till qayamat.

Re: ghanu jeevo.. ta qayamat ghanu jeevo...

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 2:17 pm
by Al Zulfiqar
are the haiwaans still searching for an answer to this question, about whom to blame..??

speechless or just too scared to confront the fact that yr sultanul bawasir will soon have to go..?

please answer to the point, dont try to divert the topic like the cowards you are.. the same way yr syedna left with a police escort after publicly cursing the first 3 khalifa's while innocent bohras were attacked and killed.

Re: ghanu jeevo.. ta qayamat ghanu jeevo...

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 12:10 pm
by Al Zulfiqar
kem jaanwaro, looking for an escape route from this question and can't find one...??!!

or still fighting amongst yrselves to see whom to blame when yr roohani bawa passes away, like the 'she'zaadas are fighting for power and their share of the loot?

Re: ghanu jeevo.. ta qayamat ghanu jeevo...

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 12:17 pm
by Al Zulfiqar
normally the fanatic haiwaans on this forum rush en masse to bark and do gaali galoch as per their training from the surat daras, but in certain glaring instances they hide and tremble with fear as in this case...!

if yr roohani bawa's shaan is niraali, then will he live till qayamat as u pray..?? if not whom to blame? obviously u cannot blame the progressives, because then u will be acknowledging that their prayers are stronger than yours...!!!!!!!!!

not that the progressives are praying for his death (that is in god's hands), on the contrary they wish that your prayers actually come through and he lives to an age when his very existence will be a burden and punishment to him..

Re: ghanu jeevo.. ta qayamat ghanu jeevo...

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 12:24 pm
by Al Zulfiqar
where is that professional suwwar and dedko and TB and that guy with the big empty GULF on top and in his behind....?

c'mon guys, its no fun when you do not stay true to yr syedna-given qualities and do not come as you always do to do some light hearted gaali galoch...if you are tired and need some more energy, go quickly and get some phookelu paani, that usually works wonders on guys who have run out of abuses.!!!!!

Re: ghanu jeevo.. ta qayamat ghanu jeevo...

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 6:42 pm
by JC
Bro Al-Zulfiqar

Kotharis are not capable of answering anything excpet Gali Galooch and Lanat Malaamat exactly done by Burhan. Do not expect anything sensible from them.

I had also asked one very basic question rather a few basic questions on which rests the very foundation of bohraism.

1. Why do you do so much purjoosh matam and crying when in your own words, Hussain laid down his sword and accepted martyrdom as a Wish and Desire of God?? In every Majlis the amil tells us that Khuda Nee Reda Daykhee Hussain aay Zulfikar nay Mayan Ma Kareelee Leedee.

2. How come Jabriel came to Hussain?? Every religion on earth agrees he use to come to Prophets only??

3. The famous 'Bar Butha Rugra' on Hussain's throat - WHO counted and SAW that?? As per bohra lectures, Shimer was on top of Hussain and was doing that - how on earth someone witness that?? Even if some one was able to witness that, it must have been someone from Yazid's army. Can you believe that. The stupid borha reply at times is 'Ravi Jasoos'!!!

4. Who heard the conversation between Hussain and Shimer?? Who heard Hussain asking to get up from his chest and let him do the Sajda??

There are many more. The fact is that this is all dramatized, and this drama and acts were written way back and continues to date. Like talking of birds and stuff which is said on Ashara.

No one esle has brought bad name to Hussain and Ali then these corrupt burhani kothari bohras. They chant live like ali and die like hussain but they and their corrupt dai do exactly the reverse. They USE Ali and Hussain for their own dirty purposes. To me first three caliphs were far better than these kothari goons.

Re: ghanu jeevo.. ta qayamat ghanu jeevo...

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 7:31 pm
by Shahu
Brother JC,

Whole Karbala event is created by Abu Makhnaf. Tabari has included this in his history book. Please read Karbala: Fact or Fiction

Re: ghanu jeevo.. ta qayamat ghanu jeevo...

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 7:55 pm
by anajmi
This is like saying that the Iraq war is created by Al-Jazeera.

Re: ghanu jeevo.. ta qayamat ghanu jeevo...

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 1:11 pm
by Zeal
The most amazing sentence to me is when amil takes the drama to its peak by saying "arsh par khuda roya che"

Now imagine khuda who created Husain cries when he attains martydom on earth.
Two basic questions even a child of understanding can raise : does amil understand that khuda is free of all emotions ?
second : who on the earth conveyed Raavi or aamil that khuda cried?

Re: ghanu jeevo.. ta qayamat ghanu jeevo...

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 1:17 pm
by JC
Thanks Shahu and Zeal.


One more addition to 'Khuda Arsh Par Roya Chay'

Even if God had to cry, OK leave God aside, even why a person would cry if something is being done for him, for his happiness and per his wishes and desire. Amils bark that it was God's wish that Hussain accept martyrdom, right??!! then a. Why would God cry???!!!! and b. Why should we all cry and do purpush matam??!!

The bohras are the one crazy creatures on earth!!


The Karbala incident is right, but the acts and dramatization is wrong - thats what we are saying. Hussain and his followers were slain in Karabala by Yazid's army - this is a historic fact. The question is HOW.

Re: ghanu jeevo.. ta qayamat ghanu jeevo...

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 1:46 pm
by Al Zulfiqar
i have said this on another place in this forum, but repeating it here for your benefit:

"all so called reformists, please recite this line everyday atleast ten times first thing in the morning and before going to sleep - "BOHRAISM HAS GOT NOTHING TO DO WITH RELIGION". so please dont waste yr time trying to teach bohras about the quran or hadees or the recorded history of islam and arguing with them in a scholarly manner..."

Re: ghanu jeevo.. ta qayamat ghanu jeevo...

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 1:23 pm
by Zeal
so please dont waste yr time trying to teach bohras about the quran or hadees or the recorded history of islam and arguing with them in a scholarly manner..."
Bro Al Zulfiqar,
Then what do you think reform means and does?

I believe if the bohras get their religion right , they can analyze and realize the wrong practices of Kothar and abondon it.

Re: ghanu jeevo.. ta qayamat ghanu jeevo...

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 4:10 pm
by Al Zulfiqar
the reform movement should be about fighting the corrupt kothar and its rotten head, not along religious grounds - because they are beyond redemption - but along temporal and moral grounds. cut their power links by which they rule over us like dictators and curtail their income. the blow on their wallets is the best weapon, because with money comes power, influence and corruption.

trying to educate the vast majority of bohras is an uphill task for which you would need regular access to the community - en masse - as the kothar has in the masjids/marakaz's. is that practically feasible? is it even possible to gain access to them outside the masjids, except in a very limited way? this site has very limited reach amongst the majority. lack of access to computers is an important factor. most bohras are not even aware of this site, and those who do, really dont bother to read it and spread the message amongst their brethren. the print media is expensive, so is the broadcasting media like TV/radio. one of the popular and effective channels is the mumbai samachar which does its bit by running the weekly column "vohra vartman".

i do not mean to belittle the efforts of the reformists in whatever sterling work they have done so far with their extremely meagre resources, but i personally feel that a more effective fight is to strike at the very roots of this corrupt establishment and severely curtail their incomes by exposing their financial secrets, frauds, and hera-pheri.

inform the indian govt, foreign govts and all the media at the correct levels and expose their deception and cheating of our community in the name of religion. fighting them on religious grounds to reform them is like trying to reform a huge gang of powerful goondas whose sole business is extorting money in billions and expecting them to have a change of heart.!!!

it is an unequal fight as everyone knows, but its time to identify their weak points, their achilles heel as it were, and make surgical strikes there. even an elephant will fall in agony if an ant gets inside its ear and does what it does best.

thats all that i'm trying to say and my personal weapon against them is exposing the immoralities of the last 2 syednas and their parasite families. whenever confronted with awkward questions on that topic they run like the shameless cowards they are and scatter like cockroaches.

p.s. all kothari haiwaans are welcome here for their usual gaali galoch. we are always thankful to them for their selfless service in providing us so much free entertainment with the raza of their bhagwan shri burhanuddin!

Re: ghanu jeevo.. ta qayamat ghanu jeevo...

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 8:30 am
by Zeal
Kothar has brainwashed ordinary bohras in the name of religion.
This is the reason they cant imagine Kothar should be accountable for any of their deeds.

You can recall the fact that all the changed/reformed bohras right can think properly between right and wrong , justice and injustice just because they have their religion right.

Basic Islam and its modesty is something Kothar have deprived each ordinary bohra from and its of vital importance to get that first.

I am sure reform will get easy after the basics are in place insha-allah

Re: ghanu jeevo.. ta qayamat ghanu jeevo...

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 2:24 pm
by jayanti
This is free entertiment site. when i get bored i check this site its like orkut, its fun in the name of religious prog dawoodi bohra. for last couple of years this site has not upgrade.same article and same pic.come on mr insaf n zulfiqar look for your site now if u need to change some on change yourself and your family first.
mrinsaf(saifuddin)he dont like qaq maula n syedna tahir saifuddin insaf need to change his name first.
all prog r like dogs they know to bark but they dont bite.

Re: ghanu jeevo.. ta qayamat ghanu jeevo...

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 4:04 pm
by SBM
Now we know finally Pig has changed his name to JAYANTI

Re: ghanu jeevo.. ta qayamat ghanu jeevo...

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 4:16 pm
by SBM
Quote from Jayanti
This is free entertiment site. when i get bored i check this site its like orkut, its fun in the name of religious
I am glad that atleast you know how to enjoy some entertainment rather than doing PURJOSH MAATAM and crying all the time in the Majaalis.
Atlest we are providing some relief to your grief given by Aqa Moula

Re: ghanu jeevo.. ta qayamat ghanu jeevo...

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 5:08 pm
by jayanti
for your kind information i know prog pig bec of him i have enroll in this form.dont be hyper.

Re: ghanu jeevo.. ta qayamat ghanu jeevo...

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 2:30 am
by pro_pig
Now we know finally Pig has changed his name to JAYANTI
om what made u think that n i know jayanti v r best friends.
prog cannot handle now ;)

Re: ghanu jeevo.. ta qayamat ghanu jeevo...

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 8:17 am
by Zeal
all prog r like dogs they know to bark but they dont bite.


Ordinary and dignified dogs are limited to biting ordinary human beings.

They cant dare to bite dogs specially of breeds like 'pit bulls' which is the most dangerous breed in the world.

yes got it right!

Re: ghanu jeevo.. ta qayamat ghanu jeevo...

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 6:46 pm
by Al Zulfiqar
this is specifically addressed to that new idol-worshipper who has recently joined here, some hindu bohra called jayanti, who kisses his bhagwan burhanuddin and his dead father's photos and hands and knees, does sajdas to them and prays 2 rakats to them and recites ghanu jeevo...begging god to give his bhagwaan immortal life, all the hallmarks of being a first-class murti-pujak hindu.

this hindu has the impudence to come here and abuse the hospitality provided to him by a free site which does not charge him any membership fees, does not question his religious beliefs or edit his mails, allows full freedom to visit as often as he wishes and say whatever he likes within the bounds of normal human decency.

but what dos he do? like the kothari haiwaan he is, he partakes of all the freebies and then like an ungrateful dog, lifts up his leg every time and pees as per his natural animal instinct, having nothing useful or intelligent to contribute except his pee and the garbage which is festering in his rotten mind.

i say to such low-lifes, you too, ghanu jeevo...alongwith yr bhagwan burhanudin may you upto qayamat too be mired in this form of a haiwaan doing what you do best.

Re: ghanu jeevo.. ta qayamat ghanu jeevo...

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 7:00 pm
by Al Zulfiqar
and as for this bohra hindu's comment about the harmless bark of the reformists, maybe he has forgotten about the supreme court case still going on against the syedna re: excommunication and how it has forced the kothar to stop doing baraat against anyone officially, how his ex bhagwan taher saifuddin had to accept defeat in the chandabhai galla case filed by the reformists and was severely reprimanded for his lies and deception, how he was deported from tanzania and banned for many years from re-entering due to money laundering and smuggling of currency and precious stones, all because of the strong action of the reformists there, how bhagwan burhan had to apologise on national television for hurting the sentiments of millions of sunni muslims by uttering laanats against the first 3 khalifa's, again because of the strong undercurrent of influence from the reformists.... shall i go on???

do not be so complacent of the bark, as the bite whenever it comes, will take away yr measly little manhood and give u hydrophobia.....

Re: ghanu jeevo.. ta qayamat ghanu jeevo...

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 10:49 pm
by jayanti
zulfiqar chandabhai case...hahahahah man dont compare with us u little shih tuz.what else u have to say come to hear frm u

Re: ghanu jeevo.. ta qayamat ghanu jeevo...

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 12:43 pm
by Al Zulfiqar
now that the syedna is ailing and struggling with life in saifee hospital, once again the question needs to be asked, what about all the ghanu jeevo's and quran khatams and compulsory 2 rakat namaz after every faraz for his long and healthy life...?

have they all gone in vain?
are the prayers of the entire bohra community worldwide not acceptable to Allah?
is the syedna a sinner that Allah is not granting his wish for immortal life?
are bohras stupid that they pray for something which is impossible?

i would like the abde-syednas to give us some answers on this.

p.s. pls note that i wish him health and long life, and the final call is only upto Allah.

Re: ghanu jeevo.. ta qayamat ghanu jeevo...

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 4:20 pm
by Al Zulfiqar
can anyone please post the complete wordings of this nonsensical song Ghanu jeevo?

i may have heard it hundreds of times but for some unearthly reason can never remember the lyrics completely...(yes, in a movie song)

Re: ghanu jeevo.. ta qayamat ghanu jeevo...

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 5:29 pm
by jayanti
############now that the syedna is ailing and struggling with life in saifee hospital, once again the question needs to be asked, what about all the ghanu jeevo's and quran khatams and compulsory 2 rakat namaz after every faraz for his long and healthy life...? ####################################
waaz was good & i think u heard it.again"ghanu jeevo"
have u pray 2 rakat namaz for his long life?

Re: ghanu jeevo.. ta qayamat ghanu jeevo...

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 6:30 pm
by ponga bhori
pray 2 rakat namaz

Yes on his JAYANTI: may be four

Re: ghanu jeevo.. ta qayamat ghanu jeevo...

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 7:01 pm
by porus
This is an abridged version, which I believe, is the one normally rendered in majaalis. I may post the full version if any one desires.

ay saifuddeen na jaani, ghanoo jeevo, ghanoo jeevo
muhammad noor qudsaani, ghanoo jeevo, ghanoo jeevo

imam-ul-asr na naa'ib, khuda-na ism-e-aazam ni
karoo.n mei.n mad'h man maani, ghanoo jeevo, ghanoo jeevo

ay aqa aap par sadqe, ay mawla aap par qurban
chho bawa aap roohaani, ghanoo jeevo, ghanoo jeevo

jahannum-maa.n hazaaro saal jalse aap na dushman
kahe chhe saglaa qudsaani, ghanoo jeevo, ghanoo jeevo

imam-ul-asr ni daawat na khatir, mumineen khatir
dua chhe em sagalaani, ghanoo jeevo, ghanoo jeevo

yamaani abd-e-khaki ni chhe tasbih raat deen mawla
zamee.n par mooki peshaani, ghanoo jeevo, ghanoo jeevo

Re: ghanu jeevo.. ta qayamat ghanu jeevo...

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 7:18 pm
by mbohra

Isn't this an adaptation or plagiarized from the following Jay Swami Narayan's version?

He Jee Me To Harakhe

he jee me to harakhe nihaalyaa naatha,
(I have seen God with love)
aaja maaro jhaalyo svaameee haatha...
(Today, Swamiji has held my hand)

parama punita enee drashti krupaathee, dhanya thayo avatara;
(With his ultimate, divine vision of grace, this birth has become blessed)
shreejee samaa evaa pramukha svaameee;
(Pramukh Swamiji has a unique oneness with Lord Swaminarayan)
aaja mahera karee maare maatha... he jee...
(Today, he has blessed me on my head)

bhavanaa bandhana badhaa chhootee gayaa ne, kholyaa aksharanaa dvaara;
(All bondages of birth are freed - the doors to ultimate liberation have opened)
daga re bharu hu to svaamee sangaathe;
(I take every step with Swamiji)
aaja paamyo alaukika saatha... he jee...
(Today, I have obtained a divine association)

heta ghanaa evaa svaameenaa paamee, aaja 'indra' thayo re nihaala;
(After all the love that Swamiji gave, Indrabhai has become affluent)
ghanu re jeevo maaraa pramukha guruhari;
(Please live long, my master Pramukh Swamiji)
aa chaanda-soorajanee sangaatha... he jee...
(Along with the moon and the sun)

Re: ghanu jeevo.. ta qayamat ghanu jeevo...

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 5:43 am
by seeker110
Death must be hard for someone who spent all his life collecting.Who prized ambition and power and wealth.Person who thought can never be defeated.Now its time to face death,the inevitable.This person has to giveup everything he so loved.Maybe it pleased him hearing all these people singing Ghanu Jevo.Maybe he thought he could conquer every disease,as he controlled all the gullable folks.But death is inevitable.
He fears death because somewhere beyond the dark night of dying there is a divine light that may expose him for what he really is.He fears that Someone will see that he is not as good of a person as he pretended to be.
Fear for the lonely dark path into the unknown. It will be fearsome,for you choose long life,the very thing you want to keep will be taken away from you.We all must be willing to pay for our sins,two rakats and all the singing will do you no good.We all will taste death.Its the enemy who always wins.
How can I feel sorry or sad for someone who robbed the poorest of the poor.Destroyed so many innocent people.I want to see Allah's insaf.Live long and enjoy.You deserve everything you get.
Ghanoo jivo, ghanu jivo.