The tale about a little fish

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The tale about a little fish


Unread post by Conscíous » Sat May 15, 2010 4:08 pm

This fish went on a quest to find the meaning of "water" a mysterious force, or power, or quality, of which he had heard much but never ever seen.. Everywhere he flew, this little fish, he heard different stories, different legends, fables, and opinions.. But none of them ever seemed to agree, and so they only confused the fish all the more...

Water was the source of all life, said one..
Water is the figment of fools* imaginations, said another..
Water is everywhere and nowhere, and cannot be known directly, said a third..

When the little fish plucked up his courage and approached the wisest of all creature, the blue whale, he received only deep thunderous laughter for his response.. Finally, the blue whale settled down and told the fish the following;

"My dear little fish, I fear that nothing I can say will ever satisfy you..
If I told you what water is, and where to find it, you wouldn't belive me..
And if you did belive me, you wouldn't understand me..
I can only say that the answer is to your seeking is closer than you know."

Not to be discouraged by the such cryptic ramblings, the little fish continued on his quest. One day, his seeking reached such a fevered pitch that, unaware of what he was doing, the little fish threw himself out of the water and onto on dry land!
For a time, he thrashed and flailed there, in a paroxysm of terror and despair. And as he took his first and last gasps of air, his death but moments away, he realized, in a flash, what water was!!

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Re: The tale about a little fish


Unread post by Conscíous » Thu Oct 28, 2010 1:01 pm

It's almost been a year, since I've joined this forum & what a ride it has been.. Not so confused,,,.. as I was, when I first came here,.. But still the little fish..

I would like to thank those administrating this forum for letting me have the privilege to participate.. I apologize for my ignorance,,..My intension were NEVER to write ill about Allah, Islam or the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).., .. And while I'm on the same note, I would like to apologize Aqa Moula (TUS) for the same..

I will not deny the fact that my interest in Islam has grown, the time I've been here.. Thanks to you all...

I'm going to buy a few books in English & wanted to start with the Holy Qu'ran.. So could someone guide/advise me, which copy I should buy....?

thank you..

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Re: The tale about a little fish


Unread post by anajmi » Thu Oct 28, 2010 5:09 pm

You might want to start by reviewing the translations that are available on line. I have translations of the Quran by Mohammad Asad, Taqi uddin hilali and Muhsin Khan, Yusuf Ali and Arberry. I am not knowledgeable in Arabic, so I cannot say if the author has translated properly, but I think any of these would be a good start. However, if you get the copy by Yusuf Ali, do not mention it on this board, otherwise Arabic scholars will pounce on you and declare you a wahhabi.

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Re: The tale about a little fish


Unread post by Conscíous » Thu Oct 28, 2010 7:27 pm

Brother Anajmi,

Thank you for your fast respond.. I have read a few of the translations that are on line, but I want my Qu'ran in paper format.. After reading the review at ... ewpoints=1 , I have decided I'm going for "The Message of The Qu'ran" by Muhammad Asad..

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Re: The tale about a little fish


Unread post by mmv » Fri Oct 29, 2010 12:49 am

Salam Boom
U can visit ""
and order for free copy of translated Quran ..also the give other Islamic books for free..go through the site and order it.

Allah Hafiz
BooM wrote:Brother Anajmi,

Thank you for your fast respond.. I have read a few of the translations that are on line, but I want my Qu'ran in paper format.. After reading the review at ... ewpoints=1 , I have decided I'm going for "The Message of The Qu'ran" by Muhammad Asad..

Posts: 1491
Joined: Sun Nov 29, 2009 4:41 pm

Re: The tale about a little fish


Unread post by Conscíous » Fri Oct 29, 2010 7:35 am

Salaam Mmv,,

Thank you for the link.. I've already placed my order at with some other books, but I'll surely go through the site..