Dialog with Wahhabis on this board, Part 2

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
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Dialog with Wahhabis on this board, Part 2


Unread post by porus » Sun Jul 18, 2010 8:24 am

College Graduate: anajmi, I see that you have given up participating on the ShiaChat forum. Why is that?

anajmi: I came to the conclusion by my 3 posts that all the Shia who participate there are idiots and idol worshipers and I have no time for those.

College Graduate: Sunnis and Wahhabis participate there too. What do you think about those?

anajmi: I have no arguments with Sunnis and Wahhabis. It would be pointless for me to discuss anything with them as I agree with them absolutely as they all follow Quran and Sunnah.

College Graduate: So why do you participate here as you also think that the Bohras are idiots and idol worshipers too?

anajmi: I love calling the Shia idol worshipers and this is the only forum that lets me do that. The ShiaChat forum would immediately ban me if I behaved like that over there. Besides, I have a God-given duty to clear any confusion about the Quran and Sunna that atheists like porus create over here.

College Graduate: porus points out the basis of Bohra beliefs in their metaphysics which Bohras may find interesting. You pour scorn over Bohra metphysics and derail any discussion by ‘Quran and Sunna’ mantra.

anajmi: That is the whole point of my participation. Bohras should never be allowed to discuss their beliefs in a public forum like this. It is my God-given duty to covert each and every thread into a discussion based only on Quran and Sunna according to Wahhabis.

College Graduate: As an interested outsider, I would like to learn about Bohra metaphysics and, maybe, if you did not interfere by derailing the subject, people here may participate more and we can all learn a bit more.

anajmi: Hogwash! There is nothing to learn about Bohra or Shia beliefs. They are deviant philosophies leading only to hell. As my devotee, Muslim First says, this batin and taawil bullshit behind which the Shia hide their true intentions to idol worship is ‘the last refuge of the scoundrels’.

College Graduate: And Admin lets you derail all threads?

anajmi: That is the beauty of it. Admin is dedicated to ‘free speech’. If it seems that my posts threaten to make a thread into Sunni-Shia debate, he transfers the thread to Islam Today Forum. That suits me fine.

College Graduate: So, every thread must be transferred there?

anajmi: That is my real intention. I will not let Bohras discuss their religion in any way without attempting to put in a Wahhabi view.

College Gradute: Isn’t that a bit counter-productive for ‘free speech’?

anajmi: Look, I believe in my ‘free speech’. Others must also believe in my ‘free speech’.

College Graduate: Hmmmm!

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Re: Dialog with Wahhabis on this board, Part 2


Unread post by anajmi » Sun Jul 18, 2010 11:19 am

College Graduate: I tried to get rid of anajmi by sending him off to shiachat.com. That web site has 10 times more idol worshippers than this one. anajmi will have a great time over there.

Smarter College Graduate: I don't think that is going to work.

College Graduate: Why not?

Smarter College Graduate: you see, anajmi was a bohra. He is more interested in bohras and their idol worshipping ways than others.

College Graduate: He derails all threads.

Smarter College Graduate: He has decided not to participate on shiachat as he didn't get smart enough responses. So if you move over to shiachat, he won't bother you over there. Besides, you were smart enough to get him to use the same id and not give him yours, so he won't be coming after you on that forum.

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Re: Dialog with Wahhabis on this board, Part 2


Unread post by porus » Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:12 am

Shia: anajmi, we are not idol-worshipers as you allege. We are the true followers of Islam and worship Allah alone.

Muslim First: Here goes the weasel again. These people never learn the error of their ways, do they? What is he smoking? Is he attempting his taqiyya on us again?

anajmi: Leave them to me, dear brother Muslim First. I will sort these Mushriks out. Hey, you idol-worshiping Shia, when did you last pray to your idol Hazrat Ali (r.a.)?

Shia: For the last time, we do not worship Ameerul Mumineen, Mawlana Ali (a.s.).

anajmi: Yes, you do.

Shia: No, we don’t!

anajmi: Yes you do, you hell-bound Mushrik. You will sit on the lap of Shaytaan in aakhirat, you idiot.

An FBI expert on Islam and an Iraq war veteran were listening to this conversation and they started talking amongst themselves.

War Vet: What are they talking about? They seem to be at each other’s throats.

FBI Expert: That is an example of an age old feud between the Shia and Sunni. We, Christians, gave up on this sort of dispute between our various sects centuries ago. We believe in everyone’s freedom to worship anyone and we don’t much care who they worship or none at all.

War Vet: Is that why al-Qaeda blow up Shia mosques in Iraq and elsewhere?

FBI Expert: Yes, al-Qaeeda are Wahhabis, an extreme Sunni group, who believe in killing Muslims who do not agree with the Wahhabi sect and they will kill Sunnis too if they stand in their way.

War Vet: Yes, al-Qaeda has killed more Muslims than they have killed non-Muslims.

FBI Expert: Which suits us fine. Muslims are involved in pointless feud which has lasted 1400 years and the two Wahhabis on this board will not let anyone calling themselves Muslims if they do not agree with their Wahhabi beliefs. Can you imagine the Western Democracies preventing Hindus from worshiping their Gods, Christians from worshiping Christ, Bohras from building their temple to worship their Dai, Ismailies from building their Jamaatkhanas and so on?

War Vet: Yes, I noticed these Muslims pay more attention to their feuds than to advance themselves economically and socially.

FBI Expert: That is perfect. In this they are our allies. We keep them fighting one another and we cart away their resources like oil etc. In any case, the best among them will tire of living among them and steadily move out to the West to pursue better lives. These too will become our natural allies when they see how peacefully we let everyone practice their religion in any way they like.

anajmi: I overheard that. You jaahils will never understand that what we are doing is Almighty God’s command in accordance with Abdul Wahhab’s interpretation of the Quran and Sunna. What face will we show to Allah if we do not do his bidding and prevent the Shia from calling themselves Muslims? We have already ousted Ahmadiyyas from the fold of Islam and we are actively working to get the Shia out too.

FBI Expert: Good job. Keep doing God’s work. We are with you all the way.

Shia: I thought you were in Iraq to establish freedom.

FBI Expert: Of course. And we will make sure that you get all the resources to fight the Wahhabis and Sunnis who prevent you establishing that freedom.

War Vet: Are you not being two-faced here?

FBI Expert: Only single-faced. I have face of an American and don’t you ever forget that!

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Re: Dialog with Wahhabis on this board, Part 2


Unread post by Humsafar » Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:34 am

Porus, cannot agree more. Self-righteous muslims are the worst enemies of muslims.

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Re: Dialog with Wahhabis on this board, Part 2


Unread post by incredible » Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:47 am

wahabis have harm islam more then jews.

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Re: Dialog with Wahhabis on this board, Part 2


Unread post by anajmi » Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:25 pm

porus: You are a wahhabi anajmi.

anajmi: No I am not a wahhabi.

porus: Yes you are a wahhabi you wahhabi bigot.

anajmi: I have no idea what a wahhabi is.

porus: You are a wahhabi. Humsafar and incredible agree with me.

anajmi: I have never seen Abdul Wahhab's translation of the Quran and I have said a million times on this board that killing of innocents is not allowed in Islam and is haraam.

porus: Why should I believe you you wahhabi wahhabi wahhabi. Even members on the shiachat forum call you a wahhabi wahhabi wahhabi. Wahhabi's murder people so either you have to agree with me or you are a wahhabi murderer. If you pray five times a day, you are a wahhabi murderer. If you tell people they are idol worshippers, you are a wahhabi murderer.

anajmi: Well, that actually makes you a single faced American FBI Expert doesn't it?

porus: huh? You are a wahhabi.

anajmi: Well..

porus: Wahhabi.

anajmi: But

porus: Wahhabi.

anajmi: Listen

porus: Wahhabi.

anajmi: Please

porus: Wahhabi Wahhabi Wahhabi.

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Re: Dialog with Wahhabis on this board, Part 2


Unread post by porus » Tue Jul 20, 2010 1:57 pm

College Graduate: You keep calling anajmi a wahhabi. Yet anajmi flatly denies being a Wahhabi. What do you have to say about that?

porus: Denial is no proof. After all, Shias keep denying that they are idol worshipers, but anajmi insists that they are.

College Graduate: anajmi offers ‘evidence’ that the Shia are Mushriks by saying that they address their prayers directly to their saints. What evidence do you have for calling anajmi a Wahhabi?

porus: I have several Sunni friends who would never refer to the Shia as idol worshipers. They all believe that they are asking for intercession from their saints in the here and now. They also believe that the Shia expect that their saints will, with Allah’s permission, intercede for them on the Day of Judgment.

College Graduate: And anajmi calls the Shia idol worshipers and mushriks. Is that why you call him a Wahhabi?

porus: When I was in Saudi Arabia, I had several Wahhabi friends. I am still in touch with at least two of them. They would regularly insult the Shia and call them mushriks and idol worshipers. I have yet to find a Sunni who calls the Shia mushriks unless he is also a Wahhabi. These Wahhabis have extensive presence on the Internet and Youtube. Unfortunately there are very few authentically Sunni sites.

College Graduate: But anajmi does not approve of killing innocents like Wahhabis do.

porus: Not all Wahhabis hold extremist views. Most will not condone killing of innocents. However they will not deny that death penalty is appropriate for all apostates. The Shia, in their view, are apostates. Abdul Wahhab has clearly interpreted the Quran and Sunna to determine that killing of the Shia is justified.

College Graduate: Is there anything else that separates Wahhabis from Sunnis?

porus: Plenty. Sunnis have established reputation in scholarship in Islam which Wahhabis denounce. They have one very literal interpretation of Quran and Sunna. You need to go through the history of Wahhabi rampage against Sunni fuquha and how they destroyed scholars in the name of ‘Pure Islam’.

College Graduate: Can you give specific examples of such Wahhabi vehemence against scholars and scholarship?

porus: That would take too long. However, let me tell you that Wahhabis would denounce Ghalib, Iqbal, Faiz Ahmed Faiz, Rumi, Nizami, all the Sufi treasures along with Sunni cultural treasures coming out of the Indian subcontinent, Indonesia , and Arab intellectuals like Naguib Mahfouz.

College Graduate: Why would they denounce such fabulous treasure?

porus: According to them, they are idol worshipers and mushriks engaged in Shirk.

College Graduate: I will let that sink in before asking more.

porus: Yes, and good luck.

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Re: Dialog with Wahhabis on this board, Part 2


Unread post by anajmi » Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:13 pm

anajmi: I have several friends who believe such and such.

porus: But I have several other friends who believe such and such.

anajmi: I also have other friends who believe such and such.

porus: But my friends believe such and such.

anajmi: What do you believe?

porus: I do not disclose my beliefs on this forum.

anajmi: So you hide behind your friends beliefs?

porus: Pretty much.

anajmi: And how do you know if your friends aren't like you and hiding their own beliefs behind their other friends beliefs?

porus: hmmm.

anajmi: In your earlier dialog you brought in an Iraq War Vet and a single faced American FBI Expert.

porus: Correct.

anajmi: was it because anajmi is a wahhabi denouncing Ghalib and Iqbal or was it because anajmi is a murdering wahhabi?

porus: umm...

anajmi: Why can't anyone disagree with Ghalib and Iqbal without being labelled a murderer?

porus: Freedom of speech requires that they be labelled as murderers.

anajmi: has anajmi denounced these scholars?

porus: Yes.

anajmi: Can you point out the evidence?

porus: Do your own research.

anajmi: You said that these are fabulous treasures. Why do you believe that?

porus: I do not disclose my beliefs. My friends have said that they are fabulous treasures. Remember I deny having any belief. I just know what you believe and you are a wahhabi murderer who denounces Ghalid and Iqbal and the others.

anajmi: hmmm ok!!

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Re: Dialog with Wahhabis on this board, Part 2


Unread post by anajmi » Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:22 pm

porus: anajmi believes that shia are apostates and they should be killed.

anajmi: Actually I don't. Infact in a dialogue with La Uqul I have stated that marriage to shia is allowed in Islam because shia believe in Allah and his prophet, when shias actually consider that union to be haraam.

porus: I don't believe you. You are a wahhabi murderer and you will believe what I say you believe.

anajmi: So you won't listen to reason but just your idiotic reasoning?

porus: This is not my reasoning but the reasoning of great sufi scholars. I do not disclose my reasoning on this forum. Besides, you are a wahhabi murderer and cannot be reasoned with. As soon as you say "Quran and Sunnah" you are a wahhabi murderer.

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Re: Dialog with Wahhabis on this board, Part 2


Unread post by anajmi » Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:46 pm

porus: I have yet to find a Sunni who calls the Shia mushriks unless he is also a Wahhabi.

anajmi: Could there be exceptions?

porus: No.

anajmi: Why not?

porus: Just because I say so. One who calls shia mushriks is a wahhabi.

anajmi: Is it possible that some people call shia mushriks because they have studied shiaism and not wahhabism?

porus: No that is not possible. You are a wahhabi murderer. Shias are not mushriks.

anajmi: Do you know what shirk is?

porus: You are a wahhabi.

anajmi: Shirk is associating partners with Allah.

porus: Shirk is when you believe someone created the Andromeda galaxy. You are a wahhabi murderer.

anajmi: You said shirk is when you perform sajda to anyone other than Allah.

porus: Yes. You are still a wahhabi murderer.

anajmi: Most bohras perform this sajda correct?

porus: Yes you wahhabi bigot.

anajmi: Do you know of shias who use the sand of karbala and put their heads on it while performing sajda?

porus: You are still a wahhabi murderer denouncing Ghalib and Iqbal.

anajmi: Would you consider that kind of sajda as a sajda to karbala (and hence to Imam Hussain), and hence shirk.

porus: You denounce Ghalib and Iqbal hence you are a wahhabi murderer.

anajmi: Shias believe that Hazrat Ali hears their prayers.

porus: You are a wahhabi murderer shias are not mushriks.

anajmi: If Hazrat Ali can hear your prayers, then he is All-Hearer correct?

porus: You are a wahhabi murderer. You denounce Ghalib and Iqbal and other great scholars.

anajmi: Aren't you associating a quality of Allah with Hazrat Ali thereby committing shirk.

porus: Shias are not mushriks but you are a wahhabi murderer.

anajmi: Shias believe that Hazrat Ali is closer to Allah and will be able to convey your prayers to Allah sooner than if you pray directly to Allah, even though Allah says in the Quran that He is closer to us than our jugular. Isn't that shia belief akin to shirk when Hazrat Ali is made out to be closer to us than Allah is?

porus: Shias are not mushriks but you are a wahhabi murderer who denounces Ghalib and Iqbal.

anajmi: Did you read anything that I posted?

porus: Let me tell what what this FBI Expert and Iraq Vet are saying. They are saying that they will attack muslim nations and steal their oil because of you you wahhabi murderer denouncing Ghalib and Iqbal.

anajmi: Sigh!!!

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Re: Dialog with Wahhabis on this board, Part 2


Unread post by anajmi » Tue Jul 20, 2010 3:02 pm

porus: anajmi. You bring up valid points about shia beliefs and most of my friends do not believe these things.

anajmi: So we agree that shias who do believe in these things are mushriks right?

porus: Shias are not mushriks and you are a wahhabi murderer who denounces Ghalib and Iqbal.

anajmi: C'mon man, give me a break.

porus: Ok, here is the deal. I cannot disprove anything you've said. I also have indicated that my friends (nudge nudge wink wink) do not believe in these things, but I cannot agree with you. And since I cannot disprove it either, I have to discredit you by labelling you as a wahhabi murderer. Hence, you are a wahhabi bigot and a wahhabi murderer who denounces Ghalib and Iqbla. And the American FBI Expert agrees with me. :wink:

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Re: Dialog with Wahhabis on this board, Part 2


Unread post by anajmi » Tue Jul 20, 2010 3:37 pm

anajmi: Allah says in the Quran that he is closer to us than our jugular.

shai: Here we go again with this wahhabi murderer and his literal interpretation of the Quran.

anajmi: So what is the interpretation of that ayah of the Quran.

shia: According to my friends who are experts in Taawil, the knowledge of which was given to Imam Ali (as) we have to go into extreme mystical analysis of Imamat to understand that ayah.

anajmi: huh? So what is the interpretation of that ayah.

shia: The interpretation has to be understood in the light of the light upon the light. The noor of Allah which is the Imamat of Ali and his sons.

anajmi: So is Allah closer to us than our jugular or not?

shia: What is the jugular? In the mystical sense the jugular need not be the jugular at all. And if jugular is further away from us than Allah then how can the jugular be a part of us? Is the jugular a part of us? If not, then there could be space between us and the jugular that can be filled with space.

anajmi: What?

shia: And this space can include the Imams. Hence Allah is close to us than our jugular but since the jugular is not a part of us, there is extra space in between, hence Imam Ali and the other intercessors occupy that space.

anajmi: Wow!! That is a great non literal interpretation.

shia: Correct. And wahhabi murderers like you will never understand.

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Re: Dialog with Wahhabis on this board, Part 2


Unread post by anajmi » Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:29 pm

shia: We want to learn bohra metaphysics but anajmi won't let us.

Smarter College Graduate: anajmi is going to refrain from posting anything on this board till at least the end of the coming month of Ramadan. You can learn as much metaphysics as possible. Hopefully, that will help you figure out how to avoid committing shirk.

shia: Yeah Right!!

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Re: Dialog with Wahhabis on this board, Part 2


Unread post by porus » Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:52 am

College Graduate: anajmi has promised to refrain from posting on this forum until the end of Ramadan. He has kindly given us the opportunity to learn Bohra Metaphysics without his interference. Isn’t he so gracious?

porus: Indeed that is a great sacrifice on his part. This forum is his life. It is unbelievable that he would keep away for that long. But here is to hoping!

College Graduate: anajmi’s parting shot was a torrent of posts which made almost no sense but he touched upon a number of his perennial charges of Shirk against the Shia.

porus: Yes. Wasn’t that hilarious! From spirited defence against being called a Wahhabi through denouncing the Shia practice of touching a piece of Karbala’s earth in sujood to dismissing tawassul because he literally believes Allah to be closer to him than his jugular vein, he revealed a tortuous and exasperated stance. I almost felt a pity for him, even though he generated more heat than light.

College Graduate: I am more interested in Metaphysics than in anajmi’s tortured soul. Can we discuss that?

porus: I will answer anajmi on the points he raised in subsequent dialogs but now, I want to give you a taste of Taawil.

College Graduate: I am all ears.

porus: Do you know the taawil behind Adam’s expulsion from paradise?

College Graduate: No, but is taawil needed here? It was because Adam disobeyed Allah and approached the forbidden tree.

porus: That is too literal. The real reason and the taawil is that God gave him taste buds and stomach which he had not given to angels and jinns. God knew that after eating, Adam would have to eliminate himself. That would have rendered Paradise unclean, najis. God would not allow him to spoil the holy beauty of Paradise. So he ejected him. So, according to taawil, the whole point of Adam’s fall and existence of this wretched earth is Adam’s need to go to toilet.

Can you imagine why this world is in a mess? It is all due to Adam’s need to sh*t!

College Graduate: Holy sh*t!! Is that so? I never would have guessed that!

porus: :lol:

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Re: Dialog with Wahhabis on this board, Part 2


Unread post by Mubarak » Wed Jul 21, 2010 4:31 am

porus wrote:College Graduate: No, but is taawil needed here? It was because Adam disobeyed Allah and approached the forbidden tree.

porus: That is too literal. The real reason and the taawil is that God gave him taste buds and stomach which he had not given to angels and jinns. God knew that after eating, Adam would have to eliminate himself. That would have rendered Paradise unclean, najis. God would not allow him to spoil the holy beauty of Paradise. So he ejected him. So, according to taawil, the whole point of Adam’s fall and existence of this wretched earth is Adam’s need to go to toilet.

Can you imagine why this world is in a mess? It is all due to Adam’s need to sh*t!

College Graduate: Holy sh*t!! Is that so? I never would have guessed that!

porus: :lol:
Hi Porus,

I don't wish to be rude, but, that is not per Dawoodi Bohras taweel.

Per se Taweel, there is only a fraction of truth in what you wrote, just a fraction.

If later today I got time I will try to share whatever little bit I know in this reference otherwise sometime later, Inshallah.

Should that plant/fruit/treee (Isnashari and some others believe it to be Wheat, balance others believe it to be Apple) be forbidden for Aadam then it should have been 'HARAM' for his childerens too, isn't it? Wheat/Apple was not the bone of contention, these are not haram! Hence those non-Bohras sects have illogical premise.

One important point to note:

Sunni believes that the current physical body will go to heaven and will enjoy river of milk, wine, ....

Dawoodi Bohras believes that 'rooh' will go to 'roohani' world (heaven) and not this physical body...

If same milk, wine, etc will be there in heaven like Earth, then heaven resident will shit/piss in heaven and make heaven like 'Dharavi'...!!!

If Sunni theory to be assumed right then what difference will be there between Heaven and Earth?

Heaven have to heaven and not like 'Dharavi' per Sunni version!

Thus, Dawoodi Bohras theory is logical and rest all theories are otherwise.

Out of hundreds of sects in Islam only one is right and rest otherwise. On above premise you can figure which is that one sect.

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Re: Dialog with Wahhabis on this board, Part 2


Unread post by Aarif » Wed Jul 21, 2010 11:52 am

Porus: Wahabism is an fundamentalist and extremist form of Islam which breeds hatred against those who do not agree with the followings of their sect. They consider Shias as Idol Worshippers and will not rest in peace until they get rid of them from planet earth.
Anajmi: Shias are Idol Worshippers who commit a shirk by going via their Imams instead of praying directly to Allah as mentioned in holy Quran.
College Graduate: That's interesting...

Porus: Wahabism is an fundamentalist and extremist form of Islam which breeds hatred against those who do not agree with the followings of their sect. They consider Shias as Idol Worshippers and will not rest in peace until they get rid of them from planet earth.
Anajmi: Shias are Idol Worshippers who commit a shirk by going via their Imams instead of praying directly to Allah as mentioned in holy Quran.
College Graduate: I have read this before. I am well aware of this debate between you guys.

Porus: Wahabism is an fundamentalist and extremist form of Islam which breeds hatred against those who do not agree with the followings of their sect. They consider Shias as Idol Worshippers and will not rest in peace until they get rid of them from planet earth.
Anajmi: Shias are Idol Worshippers who commit a shirk by going via their Imams instead of praying directly to Allah as mentioned in holy Quran.
College Graduate: Oh! its getting monotonous

Porus: Wahabism is an fundamentalist and extremist form of Islam which breeds hatred against those who do not agree with the followings of their sect. They consider Shias as Idol Worshippers and will not rest in peace until they get rid of them from planet earth.
Anajmi: Shias are Idol Worshippers who commit a shirk by going via their Imams instead of praying directly to Allah as mentioned in holy Quran.
College Graduate: Oh!! not again. This is getting soooooo boring... Please spare us from this fruitless and endless debate.

Porus: Wahabism is an fundamentalist and extremist form of Islam which breeds hatred against those who do not agree with the followings of their sect. They consider Shias as Idol Worshippers and will not rest in peace until they get rid of them from planet earth.
Anajmi: Shias are Idol Worshippers who commit a shirk by going via their Imams instead of praying directly to Allah as mentioned in holy Quran.
College Graduate: I am feeling sooooooo sleeeeeppppppyyyy.... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Re: Dialog with Wahhabis on this board, Part 2


Unread post by seeker110 » Wed Jul 21, 2010 6:06 pm

All religions create hatred.Its always us and the them.Even in Bohras the first saf in masjid is reserved for certain people.Who look down on others as unequal.Look at the followers of any religion,and you see them feeling better than others. Religion divides people.Leaders do that for personal gain.