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This forum sucks

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 4:29 pm
by Aarif
I am very sorry to say this but this forum SUCKS. The recent threads on this forum will piss off any dawoodi bohra who is interested in any reforms whatsoever. The month of Muharram is extermely important from bohra stand point. Any bohra visiting this forum will be thouroughly disappointed with the kind of crap that is written out here in the name of religion. The basic question that comes to mind after reading all this is that are we really trying to reform our community OR are we trying to solidify the belief of abde-syednas in their Dai and his administration? The reason for asking this question is that if we continue to play this way with the sentiments of our community people, they would definitely prefer to stay miles away from reformists rather than supporting their cause. All the boundaries of decency and mud slinging have been crossed in-order to prove religious superiority. From a bohra standpoint this forum does not make much sense and looks like it will only deteriorate further in near future...

Re: This forum sucks

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 5:06 pm
by Fatwa Banker
Just because you are teed off at your mentor Anajmi’s well wishes for Yazid, does not mean you have to chastise the entire Forum. You egg him on and complement him when he is being a total idiot, I am sure he’ll understand if you single him out and rebuke him this time. Don’t be scared, he can’t reach through your monitor and choke you.

Re: This forum sucks

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 5:34 pm
by Aarif
Fatwa Banker wrote:Just because you are teed off at your mentor Anajmi’s well wishes for Yazid, does not mean you have to chastise the entire Forum. You egg him on and complement him when he is being a total idiot, I am sure he’ll understand if you single him out and rebuke him this time. Don’t be scared, he can’t reach through your monitor and choke you.
I think you have not been following the recent threads closely. I don't want to take specific names but most of the regular participants have been involved in useless and fruitless debates leading nowhere. Sorry to disappoint you but I am not afraid of anyone. If I was, I would have never started this thread. And please don't bring your fart angle in between to win few brownie points...

Re: This forum sucks

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 6:01 pm
by Fatwa Banker
If you truly want to elevate the level of discourse on this board then start by completing one post without using the word fart. Until then, you are part of the problem.....

Re: This forum sucks

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 6:14 pm
by Aarif
Fatwa Banker wrote:If you truly want to elevate the level of discourse on this board then start by completing one post without using the word fart. Until then, you are part of the problem.....
Sorry for the F word if it helps..

Re: This forum sucks

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 6:16 pm
by anajmi
The word "fa_t" appears as soon as you appear fa_t. So, maybe, just maybe, you are the problem? :wink: The very first post from Aarif has no fa_t in it, but that changed as soon as you appeared.

Re: This forum sucks

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 8:59 pm
by Fatwa Banker
anajmi wrote:What the heck are you talking about? What credibility?
For once, I agree with you... you have no credibility
anajmi wrote:All I need is a working login id and password
Fortunately for you, civility and objectivity are optional

Re: This forum sucks

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 10:51 pm
by anajmi
For once, I agree with you
Mission Accomplished. The fa_t agrees with me. My goal in life has been fulfilled. My credibility has been restored. Hallelujah!!
Fortunately for you, civility and objectivity are optional
Thank you. I will keep that in mind while dealing with fa_ts.

By the way, your post is on the wrong thread.

Re: This forum sucks

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 1:30 am
by asif786
Aarif wrote:I am very sorry to say this but this forum SUCKS. The recent threads on this forum will piss off any dawoodi bohra who is interested in any reforms whatsoever. The month of Muharram is extermely important from bohra stand point. Any bohra visiting this forum will be thouroughly disappointed with the kind of crap that is written out here in the name of religion. The basic question that comes to mind after reading all this is that are we really trying to reform our community OR are we trying to solidify the belief of abde-syednas in their Dai and his administration? The reason for asking this question is that if we continue to play this way with the sentiments of our community people, they would definitely prefer to stay miles away from reformists rather than supporting their cause. All the boundaries of decency and mud slinging have been crossed in-order to prove religious superiority. From a bohra standpoint this forum does not make much sense and looks like it will only deteriorate further in near future...
Bro Aarif

I absolutely agree with you
The people who are senior members and write on this forum are few but the majority are the DBs who come and only read the post . For a dawoodi bohra love of Ahlul bayt is very important and its a usoole din ( walayah) , and i have seen post on this forum making fun of matam , praising yazeed la etc . There has to be some sort of control on this forum or like you said it SUCKS .

Re: This forum sucks

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 2:02 pm
by candela
I should chime in with my own personal experience. I eventually realized about the corruption in the Dawoodi Bohra priesthood much in part due to the content on this website (the articles and the forum), but years before then when I had visited the website as a devout, status-quo-accepting Bohra, I rejected this website because of all of the frivolity and insensitivity to the hearts of devout Bohras happening on the forum. Similarly we may be losing the minds of those Bohras who would otherwise open their minds to the realities of the priesthood were it not for all of the joking around, mudslinging and insensitivity to the minds of the devout happening on the forum.

Some of us who visit this forum are already cognizant of the corruption within the Dawoodi Bohra priesthood, and so the joking around and whatnot is humorous to some of them (including me), but there are others who are not cognizant or are only vaguely cognizant of corruption within the Dawoodi Bohra priesthood, and for them certain things don't help, like blatant rejection of certain aspects of the faith, or dai-bashing.

Not all "abdes" are brainwashed, they just need a clear, unadulterated exposure to the truths about the priesthood... perhaps, insha-Allah, these are the people we should be keeping in mind when we make our posts. With that said, however, I'm still grateful for the level of activity on this website, I only wish I could learn more about what's happening in the majlises around the world via this website, and that those who have knowledge of acts of corruption generate strong evidence for them if possible, so that when I tell other Bohras about them, they don't dismiss everything as just "internet rumors/lies".

Re: This forum sucks

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 11:58 am
by aftabm
Aarif wrote:I am very sorry to say this but this forum SUCKS. The recent threads on this forum will piss off any dawoodi bohra who is interested in any reforms whatsoever. The month of Muharram is extermely important from bohra stand point. Any bohra visiting this forum will be thouroughly disappointed with the kind of crap that is written out here in the name of religion. The basic question that comes to mind after reading all this is that are we really trying to reform our community OR are we trying to solidify the belief of abde-syednas in their Dai and his administration? The reason for asking this question is that if we continue to play this way with the sentiments of our community people, they would definitely prefer to stay miles away from reformists rather than supporting their cause. All the boundaries of decency and mud slinging have been crossed in-order to prove religious superiority. From a bohra standpoint this forum does not make much sense and looks like it will only deteriorate further in near future...
Br. Aarif,

Some times, i also ponder that what do we achieve on this board. Probably nothing or may be we might loose couple of sympathiser to the reform movements.

But yet I have some how not lost hope. I continue to believe that by discussing here , making and saying things that no one otherwise does, in whatever small way, in midst of the mudslinging that is continually going on here, makes a small difference. Howmuchsoever, small it that difference may be, it might rekindle a small spark of reform.

May be some of our more erudite and more contributing members would take a note of this.... Lets not loose hope (We do not have anything else than strong conviction, steadfast faith and pinch of hope for our cause)