Qazayas of Amir-ul-Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (AS)

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Qazayas of Amir-ul-Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (AS)


Unread post by murtaza2152 » Sun May 15, 2011 3:35 pm

I request all members to post Qazayas Judgements of Mola Ali AS ......

First one from my side ....


A Case Against the Holy Prophet (SA)

A bedouin once came to the Holy Prophet (SA) with a camel and asked him whether he
wanted to buy the animal. The Holy Prophet (SA) asked him the price of the camel. The
bedouin said, “Two hundred Dirhams.” The Holy Prophet (SA) told him that the price he
asked for the camel was very small.
The bedouin then added some Dirhams to the original price, but the Holy Prophet (SA)
said to him that that was too small. This was repeated by the Holy Prophet (SA) and the
Bedouin raised the price of the camel till it reached to four hundred Dirhams, and the
Holy Prophet (SA) bought it for that price. But no sooner the price of the camel was
handed over by the Holy Prophet (SA) to the Bedouin, he (the Badouin) denied to have
received it and catching hold:of the reins of the camel he said to the Holy Prophet (SA) ;-
“Have you any proof that the Dirhams in the skirt of my cloak are yours.”
In the meantime, Abu Bakr happened to pass by that way.
The Holy Prophet (SA) said to the Badouin : “Let this old man decide the case between
you and me.” Saying this, the Holy Prophet (SA) turned to Abu Bakr and
related the whole story to him. Abu Bakr said to the Holy Prophet (SA).
“The case is quite manifest. The Badouin has both the camel and the money in his
possession. If you claim to having paid the price of the camel to the Badouin is correct,
you should produce witnesses to this effect, which are acceptable to the religion.” ,
Meanwhile, Omar also happened to pass by that way. The Holy Prophet
(SA) asked the Badouin if he agreed to the decision of the second man also to which he
replied in the affirmative. Then the Holy Prophet (SA) related the same story to
Omar also. Omar asked the Badouin what he had to say in the matter.
The Badouin said to Omar that both the camel and the Dirhams in his.pocket
belonged to him. However, if what the Holy Prophe! (SA) had said was correct let him
produce the witness to that effect.
Omar said to the Holy Prophet (SA). The Badouin has said on oath that both
the camel and the price, which you say you have paid, belong to him. This is acceptable
under the law of the religion. But if what you say is correct, you should produce
witnesses under the same law.
Only a few moments thereafter, Hazrat Ali (A) also appeared on the scene by chance and
asked the Holy Prophet (SA) as to what was the dispute about. Then having heard both
the parties involved in the case, i.e., the Holy Prophet (SA) and the Badouin, he brought
out his sword from its sheath and cut the head of the Badouin with one stroke. And when
the Holy Prophet (SA) asked him as to why he had done that, he replied.
“We have accepted into what you have said about the existence of Allah, the
revelation, the Day of Judgement, the reward by Allah for good deeds and punishment for
evil deeds on that day, the Hell and the Paradise, what is allowed by the religion and what
is forbidden thereby.” “How could we then, asked Hazrat Ali (A) proceeding further in
his speech, “reject what you say about the daily affairs in this world ?”
“ As”, continued Hazrat Ali (A), “the Badouin had rejected your claim and had even
ventured to blame you of telling a lie, he deserved what I did into him, “concluded Hazrat
Ali (A). Hearing this the Holy Prophet (SA) turned to Abu Bakr and
Omar and said : “This decision of Ali (A) is the righteous one and not that which
both of you had taken previously,”
(Abu Turab vol. 2, p. 35, also Qaza 89).

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Re: Qazayas of Amir-ul-Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (AS)


Unread post by murtaza2152 » Sun May 15, 2011 3:55 pm


Different Punishments For One and the Same Crime

Asbagh bin Nabata has reported that five persons who were accused of adultery were
once brought to Omar . He ordered for their punishment by stoning them all
to death.
Hazrat Ali (A) when heard of that, said that the judgement was wrong.
He then heard them separately and awarded them different punishments as follows:
To the first he awarded the punishment of beheading, stoning to death to the second,
whipping to the third and half of the full punishment to the fourth. He set free the fifth
after awarding him an ordinary punishment.
When Omar asked Hazrat Ali (A) to explain his above decision, he (Hazrat
Ali AS) said to him.
“The first of them is a Zimmi (the one who pays a certain amount to an Islamic State for
the safety of his life) who has committed adultery with a Muslim woman; the second is a
married man whose punishment under the religious law is stoning to death; the third is an
unmarried man, who stands to be punished under the same law by whipping; the fourth is
a slave whose punishment in case of adultery as fixed by the religious law is half of the
full punishment fixed by the religious law for that crime; the fifth of them is half-mad and
has therefore, been awarded an ordinary punishment for one and the same crime
committed by others as this punishment has been fixed for such men and women by the
religious law.”
Omar while accepting the above judgement of Hazrat Ali (A) said, “May I
not live in the nation wherein there is no Abul Hasan for solving such problems.”

(Manaqib, vol. 2, p. 183; Nasikhut Tawarikh, vol. 2, p. 732, Biharul Anwar vol. 9, p. 478)

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Qazayas of Amir-ul-Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (AS)


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun May 15, 2011 4:55 pm

There is not an iota of doubt with regard to the greatness, piety and brilliance of Mola Ali (a.s.) and there are volumes of literature to prove the same but anything mentioned in shia literature is to be viewed in its proper perspective as is the case here. There is no reason to doubt the judgements of Mola Ali (a.s.) but the one glaring similarity in all the above 3 cases is that the ones who are belittled in ALL the 3 cases are the 3 khalifas whom the shias hate from the core of their heart as the wrong judgements are attributed to them alone. No wonder these types of instances find place in abundance in shia literature. Moreover there is lot of literature available in the referred book 'bihar-ul-anwar' which humiliates Mola Ali (a.s.) and ahle bayts in the worst possible vulgar and pervert language.

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Re: Qazayas of Amir-ul-Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (AS)


Unread post by murtaza2152 » Sun May 15, 2011 5:04 pm

@ GM
Bro Please dont derail the topic . If u have any qazaya to contribute then plz ! !
Also post Qazayas of First three khalifas , if they have given any ........ Will be glad to read it ! !

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Qazayas of Amir-ul-Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (AS)


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun May 15, 2011 5:09 pm

murtaza2152 wrote:@ GM

Bro Please dont derail the topic . If u have any qazaya to contribute then plz ! !
Bro murtaza2152,

I have no intention to derail the topic and I would only be too glad if you quote some more because Iam an ardent believer of Mola Ali (a.s.) myself. I raised the issue because as is always the case, you will find some fanatics jumping over each other to point the alleged wrongs of the 3 khalifas instead of focusing on the merits of Mola Ali (a.s.). My post was with reference to them.

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Re: Qazayas of Amir-ul-Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (AS)


Unread post by anajmi » Sun May 15, 2011 6:10 pm

I think we can dismiss them all as fairy tales. There are shia tales which talk about Venus descending on the house of Hazrat Ali. Seriously???
Any shia story which shows Hazrat Ali coming out on top by trumping the first 3 khalifas can be considered a creation of an idol worshipping shia mindset bound to tell heroic stories about their idol.

When they post these stories, they should quote references. For eg. the story involving the prophet and the camel for 400 dirhams. Why would the prophet want to pay more for a camel? Where did he get that kind of money to throw away? If he was in a charitable mood, there were plenty of those who needed money. What was the speciality of the camel? Was it a magic camel? Who narrated this story?

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Re: Qazayas of Amir-ul-Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (AS)


Unread post by porus » Sun May 15, 2011 7:04 pm

Dear Murtaza,

I would be very happy for you keep posting these stories as long as they are not abusive of the other Khulafa. Apocryphal or not, they are designed to show Ali's superiority over other Khulafa in particular for well known reasons.

For Ghulam Muhammad and wahhabis, I would advise them to post stories from Bihar al-anwar etc showing unflattering views about Ali's character but not on these forums. They should post them on Wahhabi, neo-Salafi and Nasibi websites. I promise no one here is going to bat an eyelid, but they will be very welcome there especially those that show, if any, Abu Bakr's and Umar's or even Muawiya's superiority over Ali.

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Re: Qazayas of Amir-ul-Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (AS)


Unread post by stranger » Mon May 16, 2011 2:52 am

A man asked Moula Ali (a.s.) in Masjid-e-Kufa, "What is the distance between me and (pointing towards the sun) and the sun".
It is worth mentioning here about the complexity of this question. This man was an Arab. And in the Arabic language the numbers or count is limited upto one thousand (1000). The count in arabic does not exceed 1000. The answer to the question this man asked dealt in millions (distance).
It was like a challenge to Moula Ali (a.s.) to answer him in a convincing manner without confusing him.
Moula Ali (a.s.) answered: "If an Arab horse starts running from here and continues running for 500 years, then he (horse) will reach the sun."

The man got convinced and walked away.

But it is for us now to ponder on what Moula Ali (a.s.) said. This one sentence of Moula Ali (a.s.) shows and proves the genius that Moula Ali (a.s.) was.
Moula Ali (a.s.) said "If an Arab horse...” the average speed of an Arab horse is 22 mph (miles per hour).
If a horse runs the full day (24hours) it will cover approximately 520 miles. This gives us the distance the horse will cover in 24 hrs (one day).

To calculate the distance covered by the horse in one month we multiply it 520 by 29.5 (Taking an average of the number of months in urdu callender.
Assuming that 6 months are of 29 days and 6 months are of 30 days.). It gives us something around 15,500. The horse covers 15,500 miles in one month (30 days).
To get the distance that he will travel in one year we multiply it by 12. Since there are 12 months in a year. It gives you 186,000. Then multiply 186,000 by 500 as the horse should run for 500 years. It gives you 9,34,00,000 miles.
Now if you ask an astronomer about the distance of sun from the earth he will tell you that the distance is never constant. The orbit of the earth is oval in shape. Sometimes it comes nearer to the sun and on occasions it distances itself from the sun. When the earth is closest to the sun its distance is 9,10,00,000 miles and the distance when it is farthest from the sun is 9,48,00,000 miles. When you take an average on these two distances it comes around 9,30,000 miles.

Moula Ali (a.s.) 1400 years back told us about the distance of the earth from the sun!

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Re: Qazayas of Amir-ul-Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (AS)


Unread post by labbaikyaHussain » Mon May 16, 2011 3:01 am

^yeah i have heard this riwayat tooo....subhanallah...those three were not even near to wisdom of Imam Ali.

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Re: Qazayas of Amir-ul-Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (AS)


Unread post by feelgud » Mon May 16, 2011 3:37 am

Zarr Bin Hobeish relates this story: Two travelers sat together on the way to their destination to have a meal. One had five loaves of bread. The other had three. A third traveler was passing by and at the request of the two joined in the meal.

The travelers cut each of the loaf of bread in three equal parts. Each of the travelers ate eight broken pieces of the loaf.

At the time of leaving the third traveler took out eight dirhams and gave to the first two men who had offered him the meal, and went away. On receiving the money the two travelers started quarrelling as to who should have how much of the money.

The five-loaf-man demanded five dirhams. The three-loaf-man insisted on dividing the money in two equal parts.

The dispute was brought to Ali (RA) (the Caliph of the time in Arabia) to be decided.

Ali (RA) requested the three-loaf-man to accept three dirhams, because five-loaf-man has been more than fair to you. The three-loaf-man refused and said that he would take only four dirhams. At this Hazrat Ali (RA) replied, "You can have only one dirham." You had eight loaves between yourselves. Each loaf was broken in three parts. Therefore, you had 24 equal parts. Your three loaves made nine parts out of which you have eaten eight portions, leaving just one to the third traveler. Your friend had five loaves which divided into three made fifteen pieces. He ate eight pieces and gave seven pieces to the guest. As such the guest shared one part from your loaves and seven from those of your friend. So you should get one dirham and your friend should receive seven dirhams.

[ "My advice to you is to be conscious of Allah and steadfast in your religion. Do not yearn for the world, and do not be seduced by it. Do not resent anything you have missed in it? Proclaim the truth; work for the next world. Oppose the oppressor and support the oppressed. I advise you, and all my children, my relatives, and whosoever receives this message, to be conscious of Allah, to remove your differences, and to strengthen your ties. I heard your grandfather, Prophet Muhammad [may peace be upon him], say: "Reconciliation of your differences is more worthy than all the prayers and all the fasting."---Imam Ali ibn abi talib]

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Re: Qazayas of Amir-ul-Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (AS)


Unread post by murtaza2152 » Mon May 16, 2011 4:04 am

Thanks to all members !
Please contribute if you have any Qazayas !

@ Labbaik

Please dont derail the topic by irrelevant talks , we have discussed those matters plenty of times ! So please post some useful and knoledgeble stuffs . Thanks
Regards ...

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Re: Qazayas of Amir-ul-Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (AS)


Unread post by asif786 » Mon May 16, 2011 4:16 am

One day another Jewish person came to Imam Ali (AS). He was planning to ask Imam Ali (AS) such a question, which would take Imam Ali (AS) a long time to answer and because of that his Maghrib Prayers would be delayed.

He asked, "Imam Ali you say you know everything in the world, then tell me which animals lay eggs and which animals give birth to their young ones."

Imam Ali (AS) looked back at him smiled and said, "The animals who have their 'EARS' outside their body give birth to their young ones and the animals who have their 'EARS' inside their body lay eggs."

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Re: Qazayas of Amir-ul-Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (AS)


Unread post by stranger » Mon May 16, 2011 4:39 am

The Case of a Man Whose Son Differed in Colour with Him :

A Negro once came to Omar. His wife was also of black colour. The Negro complained to Omar
that he and his wife were both of black coloured, but his wife in contrast to their colour had given
birth to a child of red colour. He also said that his wife had obviously committed adultery with some
man who was of the colour of the child.

Omar could not decide the case and referred the matter to Hazrat Ali who in turn asked the Negro:
If I ask you a question, will you answer it correctly?

The Negro replied: Yes , by all means and quite correctly if I could.
Hazrat Ali asked the negro: Did you ever go to your wife i.e., had you ever had intercourse with
her during her monthly course?

The negro replied : Yes , I think I have.

Hazrat Ali said to him: The colour of the child is the result of that very act of yours.
You are, therefore, yourself at fault and not your wife.
The Negro was ashamed and went away.

Ref : Turuq-i-Hikmia by Ibne Qaiyyum: p. 47

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Re: Qazayas of Amir-ul-Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (AS)


Unread post by stranger » Mon May 16, 2011 4:43 am

A child who had two heads :

A woman gave birth on the bed of her husband to a child who had two heads and bodies
attached to one waist. His family were confused as to whether it was one or two.

They went to the Commander of the faithful, to ask him about that so that they might
know the law with regard to him.
The Commander of the faithful, told them: Watch him when he goes to sleep.
Then wake up one of the bodies and heads. If they both wake up at the same time,
then they are a single human being. If one of them wakes up and the other remains asleep,
they are two persons and their rights in inheritance are the rights of two persons.

Ref : Kitab al Irshad

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Re: Qazayas of Amir-ul-Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (AS)


Unread post by stranger » Mon May 16, 2011 4:51 am

How Moula Ali Weighed An Iron Gate.

Once a dispute arose between some persons who had ordered for an iron gate and the blacksmith
who had made it about the weight of the iron used therein.
The man who had ordered for it said it was not the weight he had ordered for, whereas the blacksmith
said that it was.
They could not obviously weigh such a huge gate there being no means available then to weigh such
big things as there are today. When the case was taken to Moula Ali for a decision between the
two opposite parties, he ordered them to place the gate on a boat and mark the point to which the
water of the river rose on either side of the boat.
The gate was then removed from the boat and some bags full ordates were loaded on the boat allowing
the water to rise upto the point of her sides to which it had risen under the weight of the gate.
He then ordered them to weigh the bags of the dates in an ordinary scale and find out the weight of
the gate thereby, because, he said the weight of the gate would be the same as that of the weight
of the total number of bags of the dates.

Muslim First
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Re: Qazayas of Amir-ul-Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (AS)


Unread post by Muslim First » Mon May 16, 2011 5:56 am

The Ass and Ali Maula(A)

AN ASS, being driven along a high road, suddenly started off and bolted to the brink of a deep precipice. While he was in the act of throwing himself over, Ali Maula seized him by the tail, endeavoring to pull him back. When the Ass persisted in his effort, Ali Maula let him go and said, "Conquer, but conquer to your cost."

A willful beast must go his own way

Muslim First
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Re: Qazayas of Amir-ul-Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (AS)


Unread post by Muslim First » Mon May 16, 2011 6:09 am

The Ass and His Masters

AN ASS, belonging to an herb-seller who gave him too little food and too much work made a petition to Ali Maula(A) to be released from his present service and provided with another master. Ali Maula(A), after warning him that he would repent his request, caused him to be sold to a tile-maker. Shortly afterwards, finding that he had heavier loads to carry and harder work in the brick-field, he petitioned for another change of master. Ali Maula(A), telling him that it would be the last time that he could grant his request, ordained that he be sold to a tanner. The Ass found that he had fallen into worse hands, and noting his master's occupation, said, groaning: "It would have been better for me to have been either starved by the one, or to have been overworked by the other of my former masters, than to have been bought by my present owner, who will even after I am dead tan my hide, and make me useful to him."

He that finds discontentment in one place is not likely to find happiness in another

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Re: Qazayas of Amir-ul-Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (AS)


Unread post by stranger » Mon May 16, 2011 6:21 am

To wives claimed to be the mother of one son.

Two babies, a girl and a boy, were born on a single dark night to two wives of the same man.
The father of the babies had passed away and both wives claimed to be the mother of the son.
Omar asked, Where is Abul Hasan , vanquisher of difficulties?

Moula Ali was called for and the case detailed to him. He called for two small vessels to be
brought and had them weighed and then instructed that equal amount of milk from each mother
be drawn into a vessel.
When they were weighed it again, was found that one was heavier than the other. Moula Ali
declared that the mother with the heavier milk was the mother of the boy and the lighter milk was
that of the girl’s mother.
Omar asked how he comes to this conclusion. Moula Ali replied that Allah has proscribed that :
For a male is the share of two females.

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Re: Qazayas of Amir-ul-Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (AS)


Unread post by sixfeetunder » Mon May 16, 2011 6:27 am

ghulam muhammed wrote:There is not an iota of doubt with regard to the greatness, piety and brilliance of Mola Ali (a.s.) and there are volumes of literature to prove the same but anything mentioned in shia literature is to be viewed in its proper perspective as is the case here. There is no reason to doubt the judgements of Mola Ali (a.s.) but the one glaring similarity in all the above 3 cases is that the ones who are belittled in ALL the 3 cases are the 3 khalifas whom the shias hate from the core of their heart as the wrong judgements are attributed to them alone. No wonder these types of instances find place in abundance in shia literature. Moreover there is lot of literature available in the referred book 'bihar-ul-anwar' which humiliates Mola Ali (a.s.) and ahle bayts in the worst possible vulgar and pervert language.
Such incidents are found in Sunni sources as well. As for the humiliating literature you're talking about, the Shias in the first place don't have 'Sahih' books. They have no qualms in admitting that a hadith or incident could be fabricated, false or weak!! If filth is found in Shia books, Shias have no qualms in admitting that it is false. Whatever is against the Quran and high character of Prophet and Ahl-e-bayt cannot be accepted. Each narration has to be judged on merit alone. Shias don't have the baggage of justifying 'sahih' hadith no matter how absurd they are - like the 'leg' of Allah in Bukhari!

Below is one example of why Ahl-e-bayt is needed. Qur'an alone is not sufficient, contrary to Umar's famous remark. The below incident proves that leadership comes from Allah. Ali is the true successor. If people elect their own leaders, follies are made like this:

Ibn Kathir relates:

Muhammad bin Ishaq bin Yasar narrated from Ba`jah bin `Abdullah Al-Juhani that a man from his tribe (Juhaynah) married a woman from Juhaynah. She delivered a baby after six months. So her husband went to `Uthman, may Allah be pleased with him, and told him about that. Thus, `Uthman summoned her. When she was getting dressed, her sister started crying. She asked her: "Why do you cry By Allah, no one has ever approached me (for sexual relations) of Allah's creation except him (my husband). So let Allah decree (for me) as He wills.'' When she was brought before `Uthman, he commanded that she be stoned to death (for adultery). `Ali heard of this, came to `Uthman, and said: "What are you doing'' He (`Uthman) said: "She delivered after six months! Can this ever happen'' `Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, said: "Don't you read the Qur'an'' He said: "Yes, of course!'' He (`Ali) then said: `Haven't you heard Allah's saying,
(and his gestation and weaning is thirty months), and;two complete years) (2:233) (Subtracting the two numbers) we are only left with six months.''

`Uthman, may Allah be pleased with him, said: "By Allah, I did not see that! Bring the woman back.'' But they found that she had already been killed.
Ba`jah continued: "By Allah, no two crows and no two eggs are more similar than that child turned out to be to his father! When his father saw that he said, `By Allah! This is my son without any doubt.' Later on, Allah afflicted him with a skin abscess in his face (because of his false accusation to his wife). It kept eating him up until he died.'

Over here, an innocent mother was stoned to death and a new-born rendered motherless because of Uthman's lack of Qur'anic knowledge. Indeed, Ali is the door of knowledge! Ya Ali!

Muslim First
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Re: Qazayas of Amir-ul-Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (AS)


Unread post by Muslim First » Mon May 16, 2011 6:36 am

Indeed, Ali is the door of knowledge! Ya Ali!
Indeed, Indeed,Indeed,Indeed,Indeed,

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Re: Qazayas of Amir-ul-Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (AS)


Unread post by stranger » Mon May 16, 2011 6:39 am

sixfeetunder wrote:
Such incidents are found in Sunni sources as well. As for the humiliating literature you're talking about, the Shias in the first place don't have 'Sahih' books. They have no qualms in admitting that a hadith or incident could be fabricated, false or weak!! If filth is found in Shia books, Shias have no qualms in admitting that it is false. Whatever is against the Quran and high character of Prophet and Ahl-e-bayt cannot be accepted. Each narration has to be judged on merit alone. Shias don't have the baggage of justifying 'sahih' hadith no matter how absurd they are - like the 'leg' of Allah in Bukhari!

Indeed, Ali is the door of knowledge! Ya Ali!
Seconded.....But lets not derail the topic bro. Otherwise this thread will turn into debate again. Even If followers of first three, hv some Qazayas ( if any :) ) of them, from sunni literature..then they r welcome to share.

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Re: Qazayas of Amir-ul-Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (AS)


Unread post by stranger » Mon May 16, 2011 7:35 am

Another Case of Two Women Claimed to be the Mother of the Same Child

During the caliphate of Omar two women were produced before Hakim, the then
Qazi of Medina. Both of them claimed the same child to be their own.
Hakim was puzzled and did not know what to do.

The case was, therefore, taken to Omar for decision, but he also could not decide it.
Hazrat Ali was then requested to decide the case. Hazrat Ali asked the women
as to whether they had any objection if the child were cut into two and one part given to
each of them. One of the woman agreed to it, but the other started crying.
She said to Hazrat Ali : “O’ Abul Hasan ! I forego my claim.
Give the child to this woman.” Thus the child was restored to its real mother who started crying.

Ref : Sarui, Irshad

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Re: Qazayas of Amir-ul-Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (AS)


Unread post by stranger » Mon May 16, 2011 7:37 am

The Case of a Slave Who Claimed to be the Master of His Master

During the ‘Khilafat’ (Caliphate) of Hazrat Ali two men, a slave and his master,
were traveling to Kufa after performing Haj (Pilgrimage).
The slave committed some mistake and the master beat him for that. The slave said to his master:
You are my slave, but still you are beating me for nothing.
Some other people wanted to decide between the two, but the slave did not admit his mistake,
but went on repeating that he was the master of the man accompanying him till they all entered Kufa.
The master then said to his slave: Let us go to Ameer-ul-Momineen for a judgement.

To that the slave agreed and they both went to Hazrat Ali , but while giving their statements before him
both claimed to be the master of each other. The one who was actually the master stated weeping that he
was the real master and that his father had sent him on pilgrimage to Mecca. He had taken a slave with him
who had committed a mistake on his way back home and he therefore beat him.
By saying that he was the master he wanted to take away all his possessions wrongfully.
But the slave also repeated the same story on oath. Hazrat Ali after hearing both, ordered them to present
themselves before him the next day.
Meanwhile, he ordered two holes to be made in a wall, each one large enough for the head of a man to pass through.
When the two men came to him on the following day, he ordered each of them to put his head into the two holes.
This done, he ordered his personal servant : Cut off the head of the slave. No sooner the slave heard this order,
he pulled out his head from the hole while the one who was the master did not move even slightly.
Hazrat Ali then reprimanded the slave, who went away with his master hanging his head in shame.

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Re: Qazayas of Amir-ul-Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (AS)


Unread post by stranger » Mon May 16, 2011 7:43 am

Dividing 17 Camels

A person was about to die, and before dying he wrote his Will which went as follows:
"I have 17 Camels, and I have three sons. Divide my Camels in such a way that my eldest son gets half of them,
the second one gets 1/3rd of the total and my youngest son gets 1/9th of the total number of Camels."
After his death when the relatives read his will they got extremely perplexed and said to each other that how can
we divide 17 camels like this. So after a long hard thought they decided that there was only one man in Arabia who
could help them: "Imam Ali ."

So they all came to the door of Imam Ali and put forward their problem.
Imam Ali said, "Ok, I will divide the camels as per the man's will."
Imam Ali said, "I will lend one of my camels to the total which makes it 18 (17+1=18), now lets divide as per his will."

The eldest son gets 1/2 of 18 = 9
The second one gets 1/3 of 18 = 6
The youngest gets 1/9 of 18 = 2
Now the total number of camels = 17 (9+6+2=17)
Then Imam Ali said, "Now I will take my Camel back."

Muslim First
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Re: Qazayas of Amir-ul-Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (AS)


Unread post by Muslim First » Mon May 16, 2011 7:47 am

Hazrat Ali asked the women

as to whether they had any objection if the child were cut into two and one part given to

each of them. One of the woman agreed to it, but the other started crying.

I read same story ascribed to Jahangir and other Kings but anyway looks good for Maula's Shan.

I hope and pray that Shia of Maula will not indulge in over praizing Maula or denigrading other Sahabas.

Muslim First
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Re: Qazayas of Amir-ul-Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (AS)


Unread post by Muslim First » Mon May 16, 2011 8:06 am

ثنا أَبُو بَكْرٍ ، ثنا وَكِيعٌ ، عَنْ شُعْبَةَ ، عَنْ أَبِي التَّيَّاحِ ، عَنْ أَبِي السَّوَّارِ الْعَدَوِيِّ ، قَالَ : قَالَ عَلِيٌّ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ : لَيُحِبُّنِي قَوْمٌ حَتَّى يَدْخُلُوا النَّارَ فِيَّ ، وَلَيُبْغِضُنِي قَوْمٌ حَتَّى يَدْخُلُوا النَّارَ فِي بُغْضِي “

Abu al-Suwar al-’Adawi said: ‘Ali ibn abi Talib (ra) said: “Some people will love me (so much) until they enter Hell-fire because of me and some people will hate me until they enter Hell-fire because of their hatred to me.”

sources: Ibn abi ‘Assim in “al-Sunnah” 2/675 #1017 (in other prints #817), Abu Nasr Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah al-Imam said in the commentary: “This Athar is Sahih“, al-Albani in Takhreej Kitab al-Sunnah #983 said: Sahih on the condition of the two sheikhs (Bukhari & Muslim).

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Re: Qazayas of Amir-ul-Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (AS)


Unread post by stranger » Mon May 16, 2011 8:13 am

Why women cant have more than one husband

One day some ladies came to hazrat Ali and asked : How come men are allowed to marry
up to four wives and we are not allowed to marry more than one.
Hazrat Ali said : Take this empty bottle each of You and come back tomorrow.
Fill these bottles with water from home when You come back.

On the next day when these ladies returned back with their bottles filled with water, he asked
them to empty them in a bowl provided. They did as instructed.

When they emptied the bottle hazrat Ali asked them to take their water back, but with the
condition that they should take their own water and not of anyone elses.

Obviously they were suprised to hear such condition. They said that this is not possible at all.
All the water is mixed and there is no way to take the water that we brought from our houses.

Hazrat Ali: Now try to understand what You asked me yesterday. If the women has more than
one husband, how are You going to identify the father of Your child ? Whereas a man having children
with four wives, the father will be still the same.

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Re: Qazayas of Amir-ul-Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (AS)


Unread post by aqs » Mon May 16, 2011 8:15 am

Muslim First wrote:
Hazrat Ali asked the women

as to whether they had any objection if the child were cut into two and one part given to

each of them. One of the woman agreed to it, but the other started crying.

I read same story ascribed to Jahangir and other Kings but anyway looks good for Maula's Shan.

I hope and pray that Shia of Maula will not indulge in over praizing Maula or denigrading other Sahabas.

their are numerous stories which are ascribed to Moula Ali(as) which are found in folklore and associated with other great leaders or kings of their time, you will find same stories and decisions being made by King Vikramaditya, Akbar, jehangir or any saint depending on whom you hear it from.

these qaziyaz make an interesting reading and should be taken with a grain of salt.

Muslim First
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Joined: Tue Jun 19, 2001 4:01 am

Re: Qazayas of Amir-ul-Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (AS)


Unread post by Muslim First » Mon May 16, 2011 8:24 am

these qaziyaz make an interesting reading and should be taken with a grain of salt
As far as Shia of Maula are concerned. Truth gets buried in "Grains of Salt"

Posts: 517
Joined: Tue Mar 15, 2011 8:27 am

Re: Qazayas of Amir-ul-Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (AS)


Unread post by stranger » Mon May 16, 2011 8:27 am

Muslim First wrote: As far as Shia of Maula are concerned. Truth gets buried in "Grains of Salt"
Please bro, Don't let the Thread turn into debate.