Bohra issues: archive of eye-opening articles and posts
This website and Forum have many interesting and thought-provoking posts submitted by various members over a period of many years, and which are difficult to locate. We have gathered this material in one place to provide easy access, and a starting point. Do yourself a favour, read this today.
News & Events
- Reformist conference in Udaipur, March 11-12, 2017
The Central Board of Dawoodi Bohra Community has announced the 15th All World Dawoodi Bohra Conference which will be held in Udaipur on March 11-12 at the Lok Kala Mandal auditorium.
- A novel with a grand sweep of contemporary history
- It is no easy task to survey and present a comprehensive view of the contemporary history of a close-knit Shia Muslim community to a broad public audience without compromising on the scholarly rigour demanded by the subtle nuances of that history. In an ambitious endeavour to do precisely that, Shaukat Ajmeri masterfully executes just such a task in his debut novel Keepers of the Faith, setting an exemplary standard that ought to be followed by aspiring writers in the genre of historical fiction. more
Islamic perspective
- The concept of ijtihad in Islam
- Change is inevitable in human life and society. Dr Allama Iqbal, the noted poet, also says that it is only revolution which is permanent and everything else keeps on changing. In the event of constant change, can religion and religious law remain unchanged? more
Bohras and Reform
- The issues in the Bohra reform movement
- Many questions often arise about the aims and objects of the Bohra reform movement. Some even go to the extent of saying that there are contradictory views and confusion. more
- Reform and social change among Bohras - Part 2
- The Bohra reform movement, as emphasized, earlier, is mainly directed against misuse of religion and religious authority and not at reforming the basic doctrines of the Shia Ismaili faith, much less reforming the religion out of existence. more
- Interviews and talks
- Few people understand what the reform movement is about. They think reformists are against the Dai. This is not true. Check out a series of long-ranging interviews and talks to understand why reformists are fighting and what they are fighting for. more
Your story
- Victim of Sayedna's diktat
- As kids we were subjected to some sort of confusion at home... there was my Mom telling us to do sajdah and kiss the feet of the Sayedna whenever he was in town and on the other hand, my Dad scoffed at even the thought and reprimanded us for having done so. We wondered why the disparity in thoughts when all we could see around us was an insane sort of worshiping for the High Priest. more