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by natkhat pari
Mon Mar 23, 2015 10:00 am
Forum: Bohras and Reform
Topic: Blast outside Karachi Bohri Masjid
Replies: 50
Views: 16133

Re: Blast outside Karachi Bohri Masjid

Currency of Pakistan against $ is week travelling to war torn country is risky All illitrate Pakistan muminei are with ms bs so why risk one life for this low return country why not Egypt and then Arabian safari with kun safar where international munimen can be slaughter in name of only raza wala mu...
by natkhat pari
Sat Mar 21, 2015 3:05 am
Forum: Bohras and Reform
Topic: Saifuddin v/s Saifuddin: Child custody case judgment
Replies: 240
Views: 81470

Re: Saifuddin v/s Saifuddin: Child custody case judgment

Taha and ebrahim are real topic and their sex life . If both knew that their wife was against ms bs from weding . Where 9 children were born as punishment for their belives. Would they have really accepted skq as 53 dai if theirs wife told to do so after retruning from srilanka. Could Taha and ebrah...
by natkhat pari
Fri Mar 20, 2015 4:43 am
Forum: Bohras and Reform
Topic: Sticky: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court
Replies: 3965
Views: 1269119

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court

On 27 April cross examination of skq court room no 46 audio system Gutam patel orders it to be installed Aa skq is having problem with speech. Will judge allow his cross examination in mike. So skq can be clearlly heard by judge. Will he be allowed to sit in box during cross ? As skq is senior citiz...
by natkhat pari
Wed Mar 18, 2015 10:19 am
Forum: Bohras and Reform
Topic: Saifuddin v/s Saifuddin: Child custody case judgment
Replies: 240
Views: 81470

Re: Saifuddin v/s Saifuddin: Child custody case judgment

As kid are again back with mothers
teenager kid has again given misaq to skq.
As they will be having another vistation next month kids will given dual misaq onki basis of dual citizen ship proposed by modi to usa NRI
so they can enjoy jahanam and janat together
by natkhat pari
Wed Mar 18, 2015 10:08 am
Forum: Bohras and Reform
Topic: Sticky: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court
Replies: 3965
Views: 1269119

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court

Court ask to make audio video arrangment ?
So there will be live telecaste of 15 / 27 /28 April court proceding in all masjid and on you tube by fatemi dawat.
by natkhat pari
Wed Mar 18, 2015 10:07 am
Forum: Bohras and Reform
Topic: Sticky: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court
Replies: 3965
Views: 1269119

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court

Court ask to make audio video arrangment ?
So there will be live telecaste of 15 / 27 /28 April court proceding in all masjid and on you tube by fatemi dawat.
by natkhat pari
Fri Mar 13, 2015 7:47 am
Forum: Bohras and Reform
Topic: Sticky: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court
Replies: 3965
Views: 1269119

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court

16 march ms bs returns to Mumbai vai London.
As defendent will be present on 18 march as plantifs will make personal aperance in court for cross.
by natkhat pari
Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:47 am
Forum: Bohras and Reform
Topic: haqiqat of baitul khala na bese to daba pouve par jore ape
Replies: 2
Views: 2081

Re: haqiqat of baitul khala na bese to daba pouve par jore ape

Skq is true waris of smb
Skq is utheren (she camel) of smb.
Saleh nabi utheren (she camel) slaughtered by dushmanoe of that time.
Dushman of present time has slaughter utheren of smb.
by natkhat pari
Wed Mar 11, 2015 9:17 am
Forum: Bohras and Reform
Topic: Saifuddin v/s Saifuddin: Child custody case judgment
Replies: 240
Views: 81470

Re: Saifuddin v/s Saifuddin: Child custody case judgment

As one of kid is balig was he forced to give remisaq to ms bs.
Or its diferrent set of rule for quser Ali specics
by natkhat pari
Wed Mar 11, 2015 4:29 am
Forum: Bohras and Reform
Topic: haqiqat of baitul khala na bese to daba pouve par jore ape
Replies: 2
Views: 2081

Re: haqiqat of baitul khala na bese to daba pouve par jore ape

Garh na bahare nekle to mardo matha par topi pehnene nikle.
Par haj ane umra ma mathue khulu rakhe ame bayan che ?
by natkhat pari
Tue Mar 10, 2015 3:12 am
Forum: Bohras and Reform
Topic: Saifuddin v/s Saifuddin: Child custody case judgment
Replies: 240
Views: 81470

Re: Saifuddin v/s Saifuddin: Child custody case judgment

10 day vistion will be over soon.
9 kids will return to their mother.
15 day usa tour will end .
High court hearing judgement on 23 march.
So what was real resons for this family vaction of usa ?
What did it achive after so many fancy dress mokib in which female bagpipper is called to led in skirts.
by natkhat pari
Tue Mar 10, 2015 2:47 am
Forum: Bohras and Reform
Topic: haqiqat of baitul khala na bese to daba pouve par jore ape
Replies: 2
Views: 2081

haqiqat of baitul khala na bese to daba pouve par jore ape

In today nass drama very basic adab of baitul khala . Why are we told to put pressure on left leg in baitul khala. The zahir meaning is known to every madresa going kid. When discussing with ustad of jamea regarding nass . Very interesting haqiqe explanation was put forwad in defense of present nass...
by natkhat pari
Tue Mar 10, 2015 2:28 am
Forum: Bohras and Reform
Topic: Sticky: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court
Replies: 3965
Views: 1269119

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court

Aprox after every miliniunm there is nass conterverse in Bhora comunity . Our present generation is not aware of true history . What is taught in maderesa are history to our convenince. Last Surat ashara a 9 year kid who was sitting next to me was shouting " ya imam us zaman" While waiting...
by natkhat pari
Mon Mar 09, 2015 10:00 am
Forum: Bohras and Reform
Topic: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya - 2015
Replies: 1241
Views: 427188

Re: Bohra SMS Duniya - 2015

Ms bs bayan on 1 urs laeen jafar wanted to do dawat in jamnagar when mazoon of zaman did araz " moula yeh laeen yeha avse to zinda pachoe nahi jaye " So if skq comes to high court and ziyarat under full police protection then also his life is in danger as in code languege farman has been i...
by natkhat pari
Mon Mar 09, 2015 8:22 am
Forum: Bohras and Reform
Topic: Sticky: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court
Replies: 3965
Views: 1269119

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court

18 march will skq be present for cross examition personally .
As senior citizen can do video conference.
If skq will come under police protection will he first do ziyarat in rozat tahera
by natkhat pari
Fri Feb 06, 2015 9:40 am
Forum: Bohras and Reform
Topic: Saifuddin v/s Saifuddin: Child custody case judgment
Replies: 240
Views: 81470

Re: Saifuddin v/s Saifuddin: Child custody case judgment

By calling kids pillas.
By calling lanat on kids.
This is love and affection of their fathers towards 9 kids
they are just symbolic trophy they want back
how can a father stand by watch when 1.2 millon peolpe are calling his kids pillas and showering
by natkhat pari
Mon Feb 02, 2015 1:17 am
Forum: Bohras and Reform
Topic: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics) - 2015
Replies: 1217
Views: 422934

Why is mufadal bs not staying in mumbai for month in mumbai.
Even in month of ramazan.
Even in first urs mikat .
What is reason for this ? why is he always on tours . Has mumbai jamat being over loooted is there security risk in mumbai
by natkhat pari
Sat Jan 31, 2015 7:28 am
Forum: Bohras and Reform
Topic: Discussion: Saifee Mahal Thread - Inside Stories
Replies: 340
Views: 69598

Re: Saifee Mahal - The Inside Stories

goes upto adam nabi
by natkhat pari
Thu Dec 25, 2014 4:39 am
Forum: Bohras and Reform
Topic: Shahzadas Custody & US Court
Replies: 7
Views: 5357

Re: Shahzadas Custody & US Court

what was verdict in domestic violence case in usa.
kindly update us at earliest
by natkhat pari
Fri Dec 19, 2014 7:51 am
Forum: Bohras and Reform
Topic: True ashiq of syedna mohamed burhanudin (ra)
Replies: 6
Views: 2645

Re: True ashiq of syedna mohamed burhanudin (ra)

all BG Mumbai are call for round a clock duty in upcomming urs. 24 hrs sabil kidmat for zaireen of syedna mohamed burhanuddin(ra) 24 mawaid at richadson mill transport facility for pass holder of ziyarat from respective accomadation center gilaf and flower chaders can be purchased at center itself t...
by natkhat pari
Fri Dec 19, 2014 7:37 am
Forum: Bohras and Reform
Topic: Bohra SMS Duniya
Replies: 2710
Views: 782450

Re: Bohri SMS Duniya

what is hikmat of kerelaite Sunni having billons of dirhams kissing forehead.had mufaddal bs returned from umara ?
had mufaddal bs won a war against issil ?
had mufaddal bs won some major sports event ?
by natkhat pari
Mon Dec 15, 2014 9:01 am
Forum: Bohras and Reform
Topic: Dabba Thali hygiene concern
Replies: 325
Views: 96761

Re: Dabba Thali hygiene concern

Ben then why not cook itself in our kicthen and save thali amout.
as cooking and garnishing take almost same time
by natkhat pari
Thu Dec 11, 2014 9:48 pm
Forum: Bohras and Reform
Topic: Sticky: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court
Replies: 3965
Views: 1269119

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co

they are not ready for common translator of Arabic and lisan ul dawat text.
so ms bs can chalenge every word in document submitted as per his favour
ms bs wants case detail on low profile for period of urs so he can his coronation thakhtnassen programe grand with presence of pm modi
by natkhat pari
Thu Dec 11, 2014 2:11 am
Forum: Bohras and Reform
Topic: Sticky: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Court
Replies: 3965
Views: 1269119

Re: Dawoodi Bohra's Succession of Dai Case in Mumbai High Co

todays hearing at 3pm 11Dec
can we have latest update on it
by natkhat pari
Wed Dec 10, 2014 1:51 am
Forum: Bohras and Reform
Topic: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)
Replies: 2215
Views: 590016

Re: Mufaddal Saifuddin (and related topics)

Dubai shaik had sent his personal jet for smb (ra) and stated my father had told me to take good care of you as state guest.
in today times theres is no official receving but paid ad in khaleej times for ms bs arrival.
a speech has prove we are not shia but DB which is new religion on this planet
by natkhat pari
Tue Dec 09, 2014 4:44 am
Forum: Bohras and Reform
Topic: Why Mufaddal did not accept MUBAHILA challenge?
Replies: 175
Views: 37821

Re: Why Mufaddal did not accept MUBAHILA challenge?

more skeleton will tumble out from this mess as we know they exist and untold stories of why smb (ra) gave permission of marraige between skq daugters and qausra Ali and qausere burhani
by natkhat pari
Mon Dec 08, 2014 9:34 am
Forum: Bohras and Reform
Topic: True ashiq of syedna mohamed burhanudin (ra)
Replies: 6
Views: 2645

Re: True ashiq of syedna mohamed burhanudin (ra)

kumbh mela in Mumbai on occasion of 1 urs Mubarak of syedna mohamed burhanuddin (ra ) passes issused for ziyarat as in near future pass for dedaar will be also issued as Ms bs will travel in black bullet proof car and emrged on hydrolic takht after hydolic bridge
by natkhat pari
Sat Dec 06, 2014 12:25 pm
Forum: Bohras and Reform
Topic: True ashiq of syedna mohamed burhanudin (ra)
Replies: 6
Views: 2645

Re: True ashiq of syedna mohamed burhanudin (ra)

Breaking news 7 lacs for urs in Mumbai
rest will be termed munafic who did not have taufeq of prestent on urs
they will be looked with suspection of skq followers
by natkhat pari
Wed Dec 03, 2014 2:15 am
Forum: Bohras and Reform
Topic: True ashiq of syedna mohamed burhanudin (ra)
Replies: 6
Views: 2645

Re: True ashiq of syedna mohamed burhanudin (ra)

All the demolised bldg in sbut with shop on ground floor are converted into gaint tents like tayiyebi mohamemdi bldg. This will be permanent tents as can be used in upcoming urs ; takhnaseen program ; milad smb ;urs sts ;ramazan. As Bjp gov has cancelled order of previous cong gov for cluster devlop...
by natkhat pari
Mon Dec 01, 2014 9:24 am
Forum: Bohras and Reform
Topic: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport
Replies: 454
Views: 156308

Re: The Quran on hunting and killing of animals for sport

I remember in some asahra waaz malekul aster bs doing bawan of african safari resort over looking a pound on which all aminals were drinking water in evening .agar hame hota tu machine gun layene sagla janvarioe sihkar kari nakhta . Par mola ye na farmaue. This represnt the killer mindset ...