Bohra WhatsApp Duniya -2016

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
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Bohra WhatsApp Duniya -2016


Unread post by bohrabhai » Fri Jan 01, 2016 2:27 pm

pls post relevant topics here

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Re: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya - 2015


Unread post by Dumbledore » Fri Jan 01, 2016 9:27 pm

Another number game

As recvd on whats app

2016 may be a gregorian year but it is made up of 2 significant numbers - 20 & 16.
20th Rabiul Akhar Moula RA was born 16th Rabiul Awwal Moula's rehlat.

May 2016 be a blessed year for us under the saya Mubarak of Aaliqadr Moula T.U.S.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya -2016


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Jan 03, 2016 7:33 pm

Forwarded as Received :-

Bohras Inc :

From a community serviced by a spiritual leader, Dawoodi Bohras are now a CORPORATE ENTITY. Let us look how it functions :-

1. Qasre Ali are the shareholders/owners of the Corporation.
2. Baite Zaini are the controlling shareholders.
3. Syedna is the CEO for lifetime.
4. Mazoon, Mukasir and some key shehzadas constitute the board of directors.
5. There are various levels of factotums, (Aamils, Sheikhs, Mullas, NKDs etc etc ) equivalent to various managerial positions.
6. Common Bohras are the workers.

The whole thing, like any corporation is about money and profits. The surplus generated by the efforts of workers and skills of the managers are channelised upwards to the shareholders as dividends.

Bohra Inc. business model is based on the sales of promise to Paradise (Jannat) and it claims an exclusive monopoly of it. The sales is based on an annual contribution plus a need based contribution. Threats about marriage and burial are used to prevent people from shifting to other options.

The only difference between Bohra Inc. and other businesses is that others pay a salary to workers, whereas here the workers create their own income and pay the surplus money, time, energy and mind space to the bosses.

A Fantastic Business indeed !!

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Re: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya -2016


Unread post by Dumbledore » Thu Jan 07, 2016 12:47 pm

As recvd on whatsapp
Now raza for education :mrgreen:

salam e jamil

very important msg

3 wars si 28 waras na saglaj farzando je education lai rahaya che. ye sagla ne moula ma si education lewani raza mubarak ni site par jai ne lewani che.
aje sagla aalm e iman na farzando raza waste arz karse. ane kale moula ma sagla ni raza ane kamiyabi waste dua ni arz thai jase.
tesi koi ek bhi farzand aa sharaf lewa si mehrum na rahe.

Right now araz can be done only for this classes -
Pre primary
5th to 7th
8th to 10th
11th to 12th
Post graduation
Diploma/ other courses

Also je farzand ni araz karvu che ehna its sej login kariney araz thai saksey

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Re: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya -2016


Unread post by bohra_manus » Thu Jan 07, 2016 6:12 pm

Dumbledore wrote:As recvd on whatsapp
Now raza for education :mrgreen:

salam e jamil

very important msg

3 wars si 28 waras na saglaj farzando je education lai rahaya che. ye sagla ne moula ma si education lewani raza mubarak ni site par jai ne lewani che.
aje sagla aalm e iman na farzando raza waste arz karse. ane kale moula ma sagla ni raza ane kamiyabi waste dua ni arz thai jase.
tesi koi ek bhi farzand aa sharaf lewa si mehrum na rahe.

Right now araz can be done only for this classes -
Pre primary
5th to 7th
8th to 10th
11th to 12th
Post graduation
Diploma/ other courses

Also je farzand ni araz karvu che ehna its sej login kariney araz thai saksey
Another way to track all potential professionals (doctors/engineers/lawyers/CAs) for maximum wajeebat extraction.

Kaka Akela
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Re: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya -2016


Unread post by Kaka Akela » Thu Jan 07, 2016 7:29 pm

No, No, NO ----- People with their hard work and toil get education and get ahead in life, the kothar wants to steal away even that last morsel of self-respect from them and want to advertise that these people succeeded due to Mola's raza and doa.

They have 4 schemes in place of qarzan hasana i.e' Taheri, Mohammedi, Burhani and Husaini scheme. Outwardly they claim that they give scholarships from it. but I have not seen or heard anyone getting a penny from it. all these schemes are fraud except may be the Husain Scheme, which truly acts like qarzan hasana where you get your money back after a time, others are just donations to their ayyashi funds. Only qasr e aali kids go to foreign universities and live luxuriously there and get all their expenses paid from these 4 fake funds. I have never heard of widow or her children get any stipend or scholarship from these funds.
Legally kothar is on very shaky grounds in collecting moneies for any qarzan hasana or even giving out loans from it (if any), because it is a banks work and it is not in their charter of non-profit organization, also none of the qarzan hasana scheme collectors and secretaries have any training or certification from their States to be doing this kind of work. Specially in USA it is totally ill-legal.

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Re: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya -2016


Unread post by Al-Noor » Fri Jan 08, 2016 12:21 am

I have never heard of widow or her children get any stipend or scholarship from these funds.
this is very true, its best to give money directly to people instead of going through these fake funds.

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Re: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya -2016


Unread post by alivasan » Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:38 am

ghulam muhammed wrote:Forwarded as Received :-

Bohras Inc :

From a community serviced by a spiritual leader, Dawoodi Bohras are now a CORPORATE ENTITY. Let us look how it functions :-

1. Qasre Ali are the shareholders/owners of the Corporation.
2. Baite Zaini are the controlling shareholders.
3. Syedna is the CEO for lifetime.
4. Mazoon, Mukasir and some key shehzadas constitute the board of directors.
5. There are various levels of factotums, (Aamils, Sheikhs, Mullas, NKDs etc etc ) equivalent to various managerial positions.
6. Common Bohras are the workers.

The whole thing, like any corporation is about money and profits. The surplus generated by the efforts of workers and skills of the managers are channelised upwards to the shareholders as dividends.

Bohra Inc. business model is based on the sales of promise to Paradise (Jannat) and it claims an exclusive monopoly of it. The sales is based on an annual contribution plus a need based contribution. Threats about marriage and burial are used to prevent people from shifting to other options.

The only difference between Bohra Inc. and other businesses is that others pay a salary to workers, whereas here the workers create their own income and pay the surplus money, time, energy and mind space to the bosses.

A Fantastic Business indeed !!
there are many notable difference. unlike corporate governance which is instilled by regulators in all areas of operations and everything accordance to companies act 1956 law; internal and external audits..the kothar inc does not abide by any rules whatsover. Workers are motivated to resort to any illegal ways to make earnings provided they pass on share to there reporting hierarchy.

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Re: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya -2016


Unread post by alivasan » Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:40 am

ghulam muhammed wrote:Forwarded as Received :-

Bohras Inc :

From a community serviced by a spiritual leader, Dawoodi Bohras are now a CORPORATE ENTITY. Let us look how it functions :-

1. Qasre Ali are the shareholders/owners of the Corporation.
2. Baite Zaini are the controlling shareholders.
3. Syedna is the CEO for lifetime.
4. Mazoon, Mukasir and some key shehzadas constitute the board of directors.
5. There are various levels of factotums, (Aamils, Sheikhs, Mullas, NKDs etc etc ) equivalent to various managerial positions.
6. Common Bohras are the workers.

The whole thing, like any corporation is about money and profits. The surplus generated by the efforts of workers and skills of the managers are channelised upwards to the shareholders as dividends.

Bohra Inc. business model is based on the sales of promise to Paradise (Jannat) and it claims an exclusive monopoly of it. The sales is based on an annual contribution plus a need based contribution. Threats about marriage and burial are used to prevent people from shifting to other options.

The only difference between Bohra Inc. and other businesses is that others pay a salary to workers, whereas here the workers create their own income and pay the surplus money, time, energy and mind space to the bosses.

A Fantastic Business indeed !!
there are many notable difference. unlike corporate governance which is instilled by regulators in all areas of operations and everything accordance to companies act 1956 law; internal and external audits..the kothar inc does not abide by any rules whatsover. Workers are motivated to resort to any illegal ways to make earnings provided they pass on share to there reporting hierarchy.

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Re: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya -2016


Unread post by dawedaar » Mon Jan 11, 2016 5:20 am

बोहरा समाज एक विषलेशण (Bohra Community - An analysis)
-शांति पि्य (Peaceful)
-100% शीक्षा (100% educated)
-आधूनिक विचार वाले परन्तु अपनी संस्कृति से जुड़े हूवे. (People with modern mindset yet attached with the culture & tradition)
-इस्लाम के उसूलो पर चलने वाले ( One who uphold and follow Islamic tenets and principles)
-100 % स्वरेज़गार ( 100% self employed)
-सारे विश्व मैं फेले हुवे (Spread across the world)
-जहा भी रेहते हे, उस देश के वफादार रेहते है ( Wherever they live, they tend to be loyal law abiding citizens)
-हर समाज के साथ घुलमिल कर रेहने वाले (Secular - live harmoniously with all other communities)
-कानुन व्यवस्था मे विश्वाश रखने वाले एवं सहयोग करने वाले ( One who believe in laws and justice system and fully cooperate with them)
-देश के विकास के सहयोगी (Contributors to Nation development)
-कभी किसी ऐसी गतिविघीयो का हिस्सा नही बने जिससे समाज मे रोष पैदा हो अथवा विकास मैं बाधा आऐ अथवा देश को किसी भी तरह का नुकसान उठाना पड़े (Never indulge in any anti social activities or any practices that is against the nation or its development)
-आर्थिक गतिवीघीयो मे ब्याज व्यवस्था से दूर (Interest free)
-घन्य हे हमारे घर्म गूरू जिनहोने हमे उत्तरोत्तर विकास का मार्ग बताया एवं समाज मैं फेल रही बुराईयो से हमे सूरक्षित रख (Praise be to our spiritual leader who taught us overall development and saved us from ills of the society)
-हमारे बोहरा होने पर हमे गर्व हे ( We are proud to be bohras)

अपनी योग्यता से आगे बड़ो एवं हर तरह के आरक्षण का विरोघ कर हमारे देश का नाम विश्व मैं उंचा करो ( Progress with your talent and ability and protest all forms of reservations and quotas and make the name of the country praiseworthy in the world)

गर्व है मुझे अपने बोहरा समाज पर जिसने कभी किसी आरक्षण की माँग नहीं की। ( We r proud of our bohra community that has never demanded any reservation)

अपने निजी स्वार्थो के लिए किसी आन्दोलन का हिस्सा नहीं बनें, बल्कि देश के विकास में सहयोग दिया! ( We have never participated in any protest for our personal benefits but alwats cooperated towards nation development.

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Re: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya -2016


Unread post by BohriBakra » Mon Jan 11, 2016 12:38 pm

Koi bhi watsup par profile picture ma aqa mola na picture na raakhe, Mola Ghana naaraz thaai che....

Reason ..... FOKAT ma deedar Mola ne gala ma utartu nathi.  :D

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Re: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya -2016


Unread post by SBM » Mon Jan 11, 2016 1:43 pm

Good punch line

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Re: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya -2016


Unread post by Al-Noor » Mon Jan 11, 2016 2:40 pm

BohriBakra wrote:Koi bhi watsup par profile picture ma aqa mola na picture na raakhe, Mola Ghana naaraz thaai che....

Reason ..... FOKAT ma deedar Mola ne gala ma utartu nathi.  :D
muffy bhaiyya, aisa kaam hi kyu karte ho jisse chehra chipana pade :lol:

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya -2016


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Jan 11, 2016 6:12 pm

A sad story of a Bohra family. They came in trouble as the Bohra Rubat manager gave wrong instructions to its van driver and were dropped at wrong airport. They missed their flight. Listen, what happened the next.

Vas Salam
Asghar Vasanwala ...

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya -2016


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Jan 11, 2016 6:20 pm

Padhramni Tamasha at Surat Railway station, just before Moharram 2014

This is video of SMS Padhramni at Surat railway station, when he arrived from Mumbai for Moharram Waez. Moharram is a sad occasion when Bohras and other Shia’s immerse in sorrow remembering massacre of our beloved Prophet‘s family at instance of Yazid. During Waez, audience is told how Yazid enjoyed life of pomp and power on Damascus Umayyad throne. Looking at video it seems that those who curse pomp and injustice are not far behind.

SMS and his Chamchas hustle Bohras to go and stand in line for hours, wherever SMS goes for promoting him as a tycoon of blessing (Dua) industry. Bhaisahebs and Miyasaheb are slave drivers doing herding of Bohra folks. Bhaisahebs and Miyasaheb are slave drivers doing herding of Bohra folks.

Standing on streets and platforms for hours waiting for “Deedar” without going to bathroom, without food and drink, in cold and hot weather, is cruel and taxing especially those Bohra men, women, children, young, old, heart patients, patients with arthritis, persons with knee problem and breathing problems. However, Syedna is insensitive to these gullible Bohras' medical problems. He just wants to promote himself and showoff of his power to corrupt politicians. Such showoff is against teachings of Molana Ali. Strangely, Syedna claims to be Molana Ali’s successor. His actions speak louder than his claims.

“Deedar Tamasha” is a waste of time. That time could be used for helping flood victims, natural disaster victims, feeding the hungry, and taking care of the poor, as Molana Ali did. Mother Teresa was a better follower of Molana Ali’s Seerat (સિરતسیرت ) than Bohra Syedna. ...

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya -2016


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Jan 11, 2016 6:27 pm

SMS padhramni પધરામની drama at Pune Railway station during 1st week of January 2016

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Re: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya -2016


Unread post by dawedaar » Thu Jan 14, 2016 2:00 pm

Check this out!
(24.2 MiB) Downloaded 41113 times

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Re: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya -2016


Unread post by Al-Noor » Thu Jan 14, 2016 2:44 pm

^ @ dawedaar

dont be surprised its just one another form of yoga....Enjoy :lol:

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Re: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya -2016


Unread post by SBM » Thu Jan 14, 2016 3:24 pm

I donot see anything wrong with it, women are having a good time. Only because they are wearing Qomi Libas of Rida, we are talking about it, if these ladies were wearing regular dress, no one would know who they are.
Atleast here they are not being pushed and pulled like they get doing DEEDAR of MOULA at the Stations.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya -2016


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:36 pm

Nikah for Zahid, son of Mohammadi Gulamhuseinwala was fixed on 5th Jan 2016 in Godhra Jumatkhana. Mohammadi Bhai had invited his relative Dr. Shujat Vali, a well-known Gynecologist, for a pre Nikah Jaman. The next day Godhra Amil refused to perform Zahid’s Nikah saying why did Mohammadi Bhai invite Dr. Shujat, a Bohra outcast. They gave lot of hustle to Bhai Mohammadi before performing Nikah. Now both Bhai Mohammedi and Dr. Shujat are filing case against local Amil

Please read following legal documents.



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Re: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya -2016


Unread post by Al-Noor » Fri Jan 15, 2016 5:50 am

Salute to both brothers for standing for each other, all brothers must stand for each other.

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Re: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya -2016


Unread post by Al-Noor » Fri Jan 15, 2016 6:03 am

this video is not related to dawoodi bohras, but this is very very important video and all Indian muslim must be aware of it. SHARE WIDELY.
(11.41 MiB) Downloaded 40840 times

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya -2016


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Fri Jan 15, 2016 6:10 pm

Why is extortion rising in Bohras?

In 1965 when the 51st Dai expired, there were said to be 10 lakh Bohras. Since then the World's population has grown by 2.5 times. So, by natural growth, the Bohras should have been 25 lakh. But presently there are only 6 lakh card holding Bohras today. Where have the 19 lakh Bohras gone? Drifted away, considering the state of the community. The population of the community has been reduced to 25% of what it should have been. This has happened in the last 50 years. This means that the Bohra community has a half-life of 25 years.

On the other hand the family of the Dai, which was less than 100, considering the sons and daughters of the 51st Dai and called Qasre Aali has grown by leaps and bounds. They don't have to work to earn, so can afford to breed like rabbits.

This so called 'Royal' family, the Qasre Aali now numbers more than 2500. Of this the inner circle, the Baite Zaini, number a few hundreds.

So the host population is decreasing and the parasite population is increasing. No wonder they have to think of new schemes of extorting money.

How long do you think this is sustainable?
Money is their lifeline and who controls the source?
WE, the common Bohras! Bohras for Change. Small things lead to big changes .

Asghar Vasanwala

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Re: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya -2016


Unread post by salaar » Sat Jan 16, 2016 7:11 am

A large number of bohra folks like myself are wearing masks and assuring the community higherups of being their humble raiyyat, this is being done largely to stay away from unnecessary troubles and to keep the ball rolling, a few days back i met somebody who is my thaal member outside the masjid, that fellow considers me to be among the staunch core and on seeing me he started his usual mola mola as is being done in the thaal, i knew that guy was entirely different and liberal from inside but due to the peer pressure he used to behave that way, i at once asked him to stop the bull shit and revealed my true face on knowing that he seemed relaxed and then shared his true concerns and problems that we are all facing as stakeholders but acting dumb and deaf, i believe a good number of people from the community are aware of the evils but prefer to remain in disguise........ but for how long ?

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Re: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya -2016


Unread post by Al-Noor » Sat Jan 16, 2016 10:34 am

this is a true story, if you die under such hypocrisy it will be really problematic, but please do one thing, even if you are wearing that mask on daily basis, when you see some thing wrong happening on some mazlum at least then throw your mask and stand for justice.

maut no koi bharoso nathi....

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Re: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya -2016


Unread post by seeker110 » Sat Jan 16, 2016 3:45 pm

My heartiest congratulations and best wishes for the Mohhammadbhai Ghulamhussainwala & family.

Let us see a stupid Amil get what he deserves. Let this be a lesson for the others.

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Re: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya -2016


Unread post by dawedaar » Sat Jan 16, 2016 4:41 pm

Indian judicial system is so overloaded that this case will drag on without any outcome. Nothing is going to happen to the Aamil or anyone.
seeker110 wrote:My heartiest congratulations and best wishes for the Mohhammadbhai Ghulamhussainwala & family.

Let us see a stupid Amil get what he deserves. Let this be a lesson for the others.

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Re: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya -2016


Unread post by seeker110 » Sat Jan 16, 2016 4:52 pm

dawedaar bhai , qatra qatra darya banta hai.

Just a little stone in his shoe. Its going to get costly.

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Re: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya -2016


Unread post by Al-Noor » Sun Jan 17, 2016 1:09 am

I dont care whats the result of filed cased or if Amil will be punished or not, but I am happy that one brother stood up for another against kothar, also that Amil now has to go to court and police station....this will make him realize that dont do stupidity again.

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Re: Bohra WhatsApp Duniya -2016


Unread post by think » Sun Jan 17, 2016 2:13 pm

why ask amil or bhaisaheb in the first place and give these cheap crooks importance. when ever you need a question answered accurately and without any hocus pocus best ask google bhaisaheb.