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Reform faith..

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:25 pm
by Conscíous
I've acknowledge one thing the years I've spent on my near and dear one's, so they might look at this community and our culture in a differently light, has failed :( I've tried discussing with bohra psychologist, bohra doctors, bohra engineers, bohra sheik, bohra Mulla, common bohra, abdes, bohras that indulge in prostitution, adultery, alcohol, chewing "miraa" eat "pan" with tobacco, smoke and I've even tried talking to the poorest bohra but no one is ready or willing to say a word against our Dai, syedna mohammed burhanuddin or the Dawat.. Sorry for this stupid example, but even if I had shown a photo with a pig, or holding a bottle of alcohol or a naked women sitting on his lap, they just don't care because they have faith and believe in him..

So my question to you all is...,.. ;Is it possible to reform someone's faith??

Re: Reform faith..

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:26 pm
by Conscíous
Come on guys (Not you Zulfiqar :wink: ), I'm asking a serious question.. How many of you reform minded people have managed to change someone attitude or even managed, someone to leave the community??

Re: Reform faith..

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:00 pm
by Conscíous
No one :cry: ?? Oh well then, I'll just keep on rambling..

The new year is right around the corner and it's time of the year, were i have to analyze my year and have my resolutions ready.. Standing up for justice and the underprivileged bohras has brought me nothing but enemy's with those who once held a good opinion about me..
I don't know how stupid and ignorant I could have been to give up the luxury I've had in this community.. the last muharam I went to, I got to choose which hotel i wanted to live in, while thousands had to sleep in schools, big halls, one and two stars hotels, while I was in a four star resort right on the beach.. While the abdes fight and stand in line for hours, and many come day after day, just to see and if very lucky, they might get a chance to meet our Dai, while I'm invited to ziafat here and there and get chances to digest lavish food.. I could travel almost anywhere in the world and get first class accommodation as long I said those magic words " Moula ni dua che" and kept my mouth shut..

Damn you people for putting such good thoughts in my head,,.. I wish, I had never seen stumbled on this site :evil: To hell with justice for this people.. They will never wake up and they don't deserve it..

I'll just apologize to my dear and near one for hurting them, and then stand in line with my hands folded and my back bent.. and I'll even start doing sajda to the T.V set, ever time I see syedna mohammed burhanuddin tus and force others bohra to follow, just to make me look more loyal, and maybe put some pictures of our dai on my facebook profile, praise him a little here and there and I'm back in..

I'm going back to my deluded world of miracles were our syedna mohammed burhanuddin tus is the true god of this world and the hereafter.. I don't know, how I'll cope with the bread thing.. maybe I'll start with some antidepressant, so I can handle the brainwashing secessions, doing mataam while watching the documentary of syedna saheb, while listening the qawwali of maula hussain (as), and a finishing touch of the crying, scare looking face, with those crocodile tears..

So idiotic of me to throw some many years and all those discussion on nothing.. Damn, this people love to be slavish and I'm going to use it to my advantaged.. I was thinking about also change my real name to burhanuddin, but it would be a over kill, so I'll just change my screen name here and leave it there..

Re: Reform faith..

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:41 am
by like_minded

Yes I admit that blind faith of the abdes is getting stronger by the day and frankly, In my personal capacity, I have not been successful in transforming people around me.

The primary reason for it is basically because people with blind-faith disconnect themselves with reality, They live in a world where there are "imaginary answers" for all their questions provided by the kothar.

Re: Reform faith..

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:35 am
by humanbeing
Hi Boom

Your priority seems to be misplaced about the idea of reforming faith. From your post, your efforts more seems to downgrade or bad name Sayedna Saheb and Kothar.
If we really wish to reform faith, then lets pay attention on true spirits of Islam / Humanity rather than name calling, blame game or mud slinging.

In general perception, reformist movement is recognized as Sayedna Basher than intellectual reformists trying to bring humane change. I feel story is same one both sides (Progressive and orthodoxy). Some hot headed reformist and orthodoxies are name calling each other, abusing each other’s beliefs, ideas, opinions etc. To be frank orthodox are more rigid headed when it comes to opinions different than their’s. Whereas reformist seems to be adamant on pulling the system of daawat down (reasonable developments also).

If you are trying to change a mind of a bohra mumin on basis of hatred specially against a sytem which we are strongly attached and dependent on would be futile effort. Instead everyone can politely create awareness of rights and wrongs with humble and patient justifications. Instead of dumping abuses, accusations, slinging mud and ridiculing everything in one or regular flow.

I agree Orthodox Bohra mumin get angry, violent, abusive and apprehensive moment anything is uttered against their beliefs. The idea is to introduce a point of reason with credible argument and leave it there. Instead of prolonging the debate turning into ego fights. All fingers are not same. People are product of their experiences and perceptions.

Reform in faith can happen with more education, awareness, knowledge, humble and patient discussions. Instead of questioning left right and centre mixing petty issues with major concerns deviates from the intention of reform. If I may clarify as per my opinion petty issues are :

Dress Code, Public Conduct, Appearance, Function ability of Schemes.

Major concerns are :

Financial distribution, Future projects, Taxation, Sermon contents

I feel the main issue resolves around money, money, money, instead of bull fighting over other issues, first work towards clarifying accountability of enormous funding. One issue at a time, concentrate on money flow, question, question question where is money coming from ?.. where is money going ? how projects are funded ? question at local levels ? street levels ? discussions ? debates ? sabaks ? Sermons ? Darees ? Question, but question politely, give no room for deviations. They try to provoke, mislead and repaint the query into blasphemy and we gullible, hot headed, egoistic people fall for the bait and major concerns are completely forgotten and one is thrown out of the social system.

Re: Reform faith..

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:20 am
by Conscíous
Thank you for your honesty and I totally agree with you..

Re: Reform faith..

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:32 am
by Conscíous
Hey humanbeing,
I don't know, but you might have you've misunderstood me.. I'm not talking about this forum but the real world.. I agree with you about how we have been behaving towards the abdes on this forum..

When I've tried to reach and talk to all those kind of people I've mentioned in my first post, were on the grounds of humanity, equality and the oneness of Allah subhanallah.. I want everyone in our community to enjoy and share the same rights as I have today.. A life free of slavery, oppression, submission, a life free of fear, worries, and a life to choose whatever and whenever,.,

So you think, it's possible to reform someone's faith??

ps. money is not an issue for me..

Re: Reform faith..

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:56 am
by like_minded
I want everyone in our community to enjoy and share the same rights as I have today.. A life free of slavery, oppression, submission, a life free of fear, worries, and a life to choose whatever and whenever,.,


Most people in our community don't know what's freedom... because they've never tasted it. Their conditioning is such that they cannot see anything beyond moula, majlis, darees, matam, ziafat, kadambosi, nazrul mukam, etc etc......

Their conditioning will never allow them to think out of the box.....

Re: Reform faith..

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:03 am
by profastian
like_minded wrote:I want everyone in our community to enjoy and share the same rights as I have today.. A life free of slavery, oppression, submission, a life free of fear, worries, and a life to choose whatever and whenever,.,


Most people in our community don't know what's freedom... because they've never tasted it. Their conditioning is such that they cannot see anything beyond moula, majlis, darees, matam, ziafat, kadambosi, nazrul mukam, etc etc......

Their conditioning will never allow them to think out of the box.....
Your conditioning by Ajgar, Insap and co. will never allow you to see the good in "moula, majlis, darees, matam, ziafat, kadambosi, nazrul mukam, etc etc...... "

Re: Reform faith..

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:07 am
by like_minded
I've tried my best to somehow see one good in all this.... Unfortunately I couldn't

Re: Reform faith..

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:19 am
by Conscíous
I also have the same problem.. every time I'm with this community, I feel violated and abused in every manner.. This ashura they made us watch syedna saheb, be carried around and how the community was crying and praising him, then he was carried to grave worship, and while watching this we are made to do mataam and cry on Maulana Husain (as)..
Talk about brain twisting huh

Re: Reform faith..

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:54 am
by Conscíous
humanbeing wrote: Reform in faith can happen with more education, awareness, knowledge, humble and patient discussions.
I doubt you'll not find a community that is so educated like ours and the ismaili khoja and yet, we are still moving backwards and away from the true spirit of Islam and the oneness of Allah (swt).. trying to reform someones bohra faith, is like getting a Hindu in believing in one God or the other way around, try a Muslim into believing in multiple gods..

Re: Reform faith..

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:24 am
by humanbeing
Hi Boom

I understood your post is in general sense and not limited to this forum, my response was also in general. What goes on in this forums also goes on outside world during social interaction amongst bohra mumin, during get togethers, Thaals, Majalis and during other functions, people come together and gossip, discuss, debate, argue also fight with 2 different point of views which are debated here.

Majority of commoners and few sheikhs, mullas; complain, crib, whine, gossip about wrong doings in the local jamat and then discussion graduates to national and internatonal levels (Kothar levels)

With regards to freedom and rights, justice etc. Tell me honestly where is justice ?? We cant fight for someone else !! one has to realize his / her own rights and strive for freedom, justice, rights. In this world, the rule is “to each its own” and another saying “ Jo Jaage .. Uskaa Savera” (One who strives gets the truth)

Money is an issue !! because any manipulation, persuasion, force, oppression, injustice happens for the money, by the money, of the money !! Money brings power !!

Yes ! it is possible to reform faith. But only when Allah wishes and then when Allah’s banda wishes !! I have realized criticizing Sayedna Saheb or Kothar is not reforming faith !! (I m not accusing you, just making a general statement) (I too apologize for being hypocritical in this regard, I m in process of reforming my faith too ).

Explore the righteous teaching of Islam, practice common sense, logic and humane reasoning. I think this exercises are not rocket science, but we have become so terribly lazy or scared of truth.
What ‘like-minded’ said is true, people live in denial of truth and living in imaginary justifications !!
Dear Profastian

With reference to your search of goodness in the events your mentioned does not really hold true ! (in my opinion)

Majlis : Audience is; sleeping, playing on mobile phones, Chit-chatting, Brooding and Listening to the Majlis (marsiya, noha, zaroori elaan etc) now compare the percentage !!

Darees : Its is an event where relatives and friends are called for a lavish feast, followed after hurried recitation of Surat-el-yaseen, marsiya-e-husain (1 – 2 at the most) followed by flattering Amil Saheb or Presiding Janab by Hand / Knee kissing, plum salaam cover and extra ordinary lavish feast for his thaal. I attended one darees where an elderly man was doing salaam to young Presiding Janab and kissing his knees !! salaam ok !! but kissing knees ?? is this acceptable !! is this goodness ??

Maatam : Dear friend, ask your conscience, what is happening to maatam !! I m not asking you a question to answer me, but answer yourself. Is Maatam an act of grief and pain so intense for Imaam Hussain & Shaheed – e - Karbala or a ritual for long life of Sayedna ?

Ziafat : What is the latest rate ?? Across the levels ?? Do I need to say more ??

Kadambosi : What form of Ibadat of Allah can be Kadambosi ? There are 10 ways of showing respect to someone without degrading your ownself !! have you experienced how commoners are treated during Kadambosi session, young and old are stuffed like cattle in lines and blocks, then they are allowed the sharaf of kadambosi like a prisoner and pushed / shoved aside like a heap of garbage. If you justify rush and crowd !! is it really a need by sayedna sahib to allow such treatment of his beloved farzando !!

Nazrul Makam : I had asked you this question earlier also, but did not get any response. Never mind. Keeping aside some cash as a bribe / insurance to get your work done. Who are we bribing ?? Allah ?? Allah is merciful my friend, just call out Allah and you shall be blessed with what you deserve.

There is goodness in all this events my friend.. only when …..

Majlis : Is a gathering of people to listen to Islam’s stories of compassion, honesty and brotherhood, where orator hold the audiene by his content.

Darees : Is organized in praise and contentment of Allah, Praise of Rasool, ahlebayt, Imaam and Dai Zamaan followed with lavish feast to celebrate an occasion in the house.

Maatam : Is when its done by expressing genuine grief for Shaheed – e – karbala, be it rare, be it little, be it less, be it slow, be it low, but honest. What sayedna says is also right – “ Ek aansu to Imam hussain maate aave che” Hey profastian, Gam – e – Hussain is so pure and intense, you don’t need any cajoling or encouragement, just remember the event, if your eyes fill with tears, it’s a Maatam in itself !!

Ziafat : Is when Sayedna Saheb, visits mumin house with compassion, generosity and to give blessing and barakat, by givin money..!! visit houses of the poor, give them money, (not crores, not lakhs) but enough to solve their chronic problems. Give ziafat to sick and needy, Conduct Test / Examination and proof of credentials before allotting or awarding titles.

Kadambosi : Abolish it !!

Nazrul Makaam : Sadaka is much better form of pleasing / bribing Allah. Give sadaka, not only by money, but by kind, by time, by words, by actions, by behavior, by respect.
Dear Like-minded
Yes there is goodness in this events !!

Re: Reform faith..

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:46 am
by Conscíous
humanbeing wrote:Hi Boom

I understood your post is in general sense and not limited to this forum, my response was also in general. What goes on in this forums also goes on outside world during social interaction amongst bohra mumin, during get togethers, Thaals, Majalis and during other functions, people come together and gossip, discuss, debate, argue also fight with 2 different point of views which are debated here..
I just got confused because in my part of the world, people never discuss or not even say a word openly against the establishment.. I can't say, I've ever meet a true reformist minded person in our community,.
humanbeing wrote: With regards to freedom and rights, justice etc. Tell me honestly where is justice ?? We cant fight for someone else !! one has to realize his / her own rights and strive for freedom, justice, rights. In this world, the rule is “to each its own” and another saying “ Jo Jaage .. Uskaa Savera” (One who strives gets the truth)
I really don't know, but I do carry justice around with me and uphold in those places, where it's totally absent.. I believe Allah (swt) has made some of us more resourceful so that we can help those, whom are weak and needy.. And I believe, I'm just playing my part..
humanbeing wrote:Money is an issue !! because any manipulation, persuasion, force, oppression, injustice happens for the money, by the money, of the money !! Money brings power !!
I totally agree with you..
humanbeing wrote:Yes ! it is possible to reform faith. But only when Allah wishes and then when Allah’s banda wishes !! I have realized criticizing Sayedna Saheb or Kothar is not reforming faith !!
So you agree, it's not possible for a human to reform someone's faith?? Remember, faith is not based on proof.. So no matter how much evidence we present it will not help, because this generation of abdes have been made to believe that Syedna saheb is god on earth and he has a "say", in the hereafter..

By the way, I enjoy reading your post :wink:

Re: Reform faith..

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:07 pm
by Zeal
So you agree, it's no possible for a human to reform someone's faith??
True, but are the reformists really reforming anyone's faith here?
The reform movement was triggered I believe with ill practices innovated by Kothar, such as baraat etc.

Reform, most of the times is related to social causes which affects humans on a daily basis.
Same is the case here...

Re: Reform faith..

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:51 pm
by Conscíous
Hey Zeal,
I might be wrong, but i believe most reformists believe that our Dai is corrupted both in religious matters and social affairs.. So in other words, we are saying their god is a criminal and a thieve hence we want the abdes to weak up by reforming them, in believing what we perceive to be the truth.. I don't if I'm the right person trying to explain this complex problem or I've answered your question.. And i agree, that reform is related to social causes..

Re: Reform faith..

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:49 am
by like_minded
Dear Human Being

A fantastic post by you!! Keep it up bro!!!

Yes I agree, there is goodness in these events provided it does not become a ritual. Because when it becomes a ritual, the goodness, spirit is completely lost.

I strongly believe that reform has to happen on an individual level, by realization, by seeking truth and more importantly understanding the in-born potential which each and every one of us are blessed with.

Kothar very well knows that if the bohras start looking inside for answers, they'll be out of business and that's the reason why they discourage people who seek truth... Because a person on a mission of seeking truth will very soon understand the hypocrisy and manipulation of Kothar.

Re: Reform faith..

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:03 am
by humanbeing
Hi Fellas
Thanks for your appreciation !
Hi Boom
I like / support your intention of creating awareness against injustice. Have you watched “Munnabhai MBBS” it’s a good story.

Re: Reform faith..

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:15 am
by Conscíous
like_minded wrote:A fantastic post by you!! Keep it up bro.
I second that..

Hey human being,
I'm not a big fan of watching hindi movies at home , but I'll surely watch the film your talking about :wink:

Re: Reform faith..

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:52 am
by Conscíous
Smart, ghulam, SBM,
It would be nice to hear, what you guys have to say about this, before I seal this up with Zulfiqar..

Re: Reform faith..

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:47 pm
by SBM
How do you reform FAITH. Being a Muslim and following the command of Allah in Quran is FAITH, if you talk about reforming faith then we have to be careful of our limits, I have blind faith in Quran and its commands and if I talk about reforming that then I am not Muslim, period, What can we reform is the UNDERSTANDING and interpretation of the Faith.
We have been bombarded by Islamphobes about 72 virgins in Jannat promised for Jihadis, again some Moronic Mullah will use that to justify to fulfill his own ego, people who follow that Mulla have blind faith in his saying and it will be difficult to reason with that person.
What we can do is EDUCATE people, This forum despite its shortcoming has achieved something, It is thru this forum that we talked about transperencies as well as certain things done wrong and even people like Aqs and other more knowledgable and intelligent Orthys have agreed that certain things can be reformed but the Faith in Dai and Dawat is off
limit, we have to respect that. I am e jamaat card carrying member but one who does not attend on regular basis, I had discussion with local Aamil on certain aspects and even though he agrees with me but at the end he says his hands are tied and he has to follow the Farman from Vazarat, it is through this discussion with him that he tries is best to reform the system as much as he can do. I am on free will is a member and I had discussion in private with certain members of both side on this forum about it. Some times we do loose our sense in the heat of discussion but if we can be civil and have a fruitful discussion, we can reform the SOCIAL SYSTEM but not the FAITH. Orthys believe that DAI is infallable but I believe if Prophet Mohammed can be corrected (Surah Abasa ) then every human being is prone to mistakes. We need a honest and powerful leader who thinks of the community before his own family and himself. Having said that, I think current Syedna is being manipulated by his sons and cronies due to his ill health. Money is the root cause of all corruption, be its Catholic hierarchy or Dawoodi.

Re: Reform faith..

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:57 pm
by profastian
SBM wrote: I think current Syedna is being manipulated by his sons and cronies due to his ill health.
Which son and which cronies?

Re: Reform faith..

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:55 pm
by Conscíous
Hey SBM,
SBM wrote:Boom
How do you reform FAITH. Being a Muslim and following the command of Allah in Quran is FAITH, if you talk about reforming faith then we have to be careful of our limits,

No one is talking about reforming Islam, but rather reforming bohrism. Bohras of this generation, believe and have faith in the dai "God on earth and the person who will lead us to heaven by holding our hands, when we died.. And this is the same person whom we are accusing for all the wrongs in our community and religion ..
SBM wrote:What we can do is EDUCATE people,
Seriously, why do you guys keep repeating about education, when we already know that our community, is one of most educated?? There must be a limit to how much you can educate someone before they can start to comprehend all that is happening around them, but that is not the case when it comes to this community.. Don't you ever wounder why??
We can educate a group of people all we want, but we can't make them more intelligent and their lies the differences..
SBM wrote:This forum despite its shortcoming has achieved something,
I've never denied that and I'm very grateful to this forum and it's members for bring a lot of things in perspective for me..
SBM wrote:It is thru this forum that we talked about transperencies as well as certain things done wrong and even people like Aqs and other more knowledgable and intelligent Orthys have agreed that certain things can be reformed but the Faith in Dai and Dawat is off limit, we have to respect that.
Aqs, is a very shrewd humanbeing and has agreed to certain things, only to save his image on this forum, but no one is buying his bullshit.. Do you ever wounder, why none of the big boys, never give or show any respect to him??
SBM wrote:I am e jamaat card carrying member but one who does not attend on regular basis, I had discussion with local Aamil on certain aspects and even though he agrees with me but at the end he says his hands are tied and he has to follow the Farman from Vazarat, it is through this discussion with him that he tries is best to reform the system as much as he can do.
This Amils consciences was totally absent, before that/those discussion you had with him??
SBM wrote:We need a honest and powerful leader who thinks of the community before his own family and himself.
Are you saying that syedna mohammed burhanuddin is dishonest and selfish??
SBM wrote:Having said that, I think current Syedna is being manipulated by his sons and cronies due to his ill health.
How can someone be manipulated into become, a hypocrite, criminal and a false god??

Re: Reform faith..

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:03 pm
by Conscíous
Come on guys, there are so many reformist on this site (whom we hardly hear from), surely you have your own thoughts and opinion about this so lets hear them..

Most of us have already agreed, that bohra faith (believe in Syedna saheb) can't not be reformed so in essences, we can't reform/touch the Dai hence we can't bring any social or religious change in this community right??

Re: Reform faith..

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:23 pm
by Conscíous
I'll just keep on rambling :(
The thing that astonish me is, most of the common/out going bohras ( plus some forum-members) I've talked to, have some kind of issues with the establishment, but no one is ready to put the blame on the Dai (because of faith), while the whole system is corrupted and everyone is blaming the poor underpaid Amils.. Is it so hard to understand that they are only the servants and just following orders of the Dai??
You people, should be ashamed..

Re: Reform faith..

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:19 am
by humanbeing
Aqs, is a very shrewd humanbeing and has agreed to certain things, only to save his image on this forum, but no one is buying his bullshit.. Do you ever wounder, why none of the big boys, never give or show any respect to him??
Hi Boom

M I misunderstood as Aqs ? I hope not !! Let me know if you require any clarification.

Re: Reform faith..

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:50 am
by Conscíous
Hey humanbeing,
No bro, I was just describing a forum member named "Aqs" and had to use the word " humanbeing" hehe

Re: Reform faith..

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:59 am
by like_minded
BooM wrote: I'll just keep on rambling :(
The thing that astonish me is, most of the common/out going bohras ( plus some forum-members) I've talked to, have some kind of issues with the establishment, but no one is ready to put the blame on the Dai (because of faith), while the whole system is corrupted and everyone is blaming the poor underpaid Amils.. Is it so hard to understand that they are only the servants and just following orders of the Dai??
You people, should be ashamed..

I totally agree with you! The "dai" is responsible for all the wrong-doings, corruption, exploitation etc prevailing in our community. If the dai is CLEAN I am sure his subordinates would be inspired to remain honest,transparent and accountable.

Re: Reform faith..

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:04 am
by Conscíous
like_minded wrote:If the dai is CLEAN I am sure his subordinates would be inspired to remain honest, transparent and accountable.
Excellent point and some of this people are so pathetic to come with all those lam excuses how syedna mohammed burhanuddin doesn't know about the dishonesty, corruption and oppression within our community but this is the same guy who can pull one fish ever minute for sixty minutes and can heal the sick, and the blind, and can weak up the dead and also appearer in places around the globe and even in there dreams, but everything that has to do with money and his health, Syedna saheb becomes helpless, naive and can't do a damn thing.. Wow what a great super deity he is..

Re: Reform faith..

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:43 pm
by Conscíous
Humsafar & Zulfiqar,
It's time for you guys to step in and put me out of my misery, and school me a little.. Are my thoughts so absurd? And If you disagree with me, can you please point out the flaw in my thinking..