How to eliminate SOCIETAL FEAR from the bohras?

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
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How to eliminate SOCIETAL FEAR from the bohras?


Unread post by Dbc1 » Fri Aug 03, 2012 3:20 am

A major element in tightly and deeply looting the bohras is fear.. The fear is created from childhood and is passed on in family.. It exists in every bohra household and is part of the upbringing and the environment.

Although there are plenty of issues that bohra fear of in being silent. I want to discuss about fear from society. The close knit society that the bohra are in everyone knows each other, majority of the things are done to impress fellow bohras.. Like Jaman, wajebAt , khidmat etc. but when questions are raised in their mind regarding so much extortion of money, bohra rituals , mithaaq, salaam, raza, chamchagiri etc.. They don't question or keep silent.. The "fear of loss" kicks in . Losing there fake prestige , losing their status, losing their business, losing value, being talked about in the society. Fear of what others will think. What they will do to your family and children.

The fear of loss has been manipulated so gravely in the bohras physche that they stop questioning and just agree on everything. Cuz agreeing on fake religious beliefs saves them great time and evergy then fighting the society ( not to forget bohras are business minded) . The proud and pompous feeling that bohras enjoy is only till the masjid where they dress to impress, no one cares about them outside the masjid, but how can you forget the MASJID is the world for bohra. As its the place where majlis, Jaman, gatherings take place .. Where they meet and get to show off their new purchases or belongings.. Do u wana take all tht away from a bohra at a price of sabeel, hoob , wajebat. Most of them don't find worth it.

Losing (fear) all of their fake image and respect for giving away some money... I have been part of many society's Pune, Mumbai, London, Houston, kuwait, abu dhabi. Bohras all over suffer from tha same thing.. Societal pressure, the social norm of what others will say and think.. It's just everywhere.. I recently suggested one of my very close friend who thinks alike about this website, he instantly said " what if the website itself is created by dawaat to monitor and hunt people thinking against them" lol. How ignorant one can be.. He so easily said that.. Thats how most of the bohras are.. Ignorant.. Ignorant people under social pressure.. Jackpot for Kothari goons..

How to remove this fear from their minds and heart? How to reduce societal pressure? how to give them air to breathe and show them a world outside jamaat? My personal belief is that They simply won't stand up for reform until they realize they have Nothing TO LOSE BUT only to gain. How to do that?

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Re: How to eliminate SOCIETAL FEAR from the bohras?


Unread post by Dbc1 » Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:29 am

mustafanalwalla wrote:DBC1, i hope you view my question below in the right perspective, and not an attack on you


i am writing under my own name. i have nothing to fear. if you want to propogate fearlessness the first thing you need to do is prove your own.

like i said above, please do try and see this in the right perspective, not as an attack
Salaam bro.
Not taking it as an attack.

My name stands
Dbc- dawoodi bohra confused..

being in the confused stage and being enlightened gradually I m not using my real name.. There is so much I have left to read on this forum leaving other scholars or there books.
Regarding propagating fearlessness.. I thought of sharing my views on society to seek help.. With all the questions asked in the end. It's me who seeks help .. So brother any help that u can provide is valuable..

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Re: How to eliminate SOCIETAL FEAR from the bohras?


Unread post by Humsafar » Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:31 am

Dbc1 wrote:...I recently suggested one of my very close friend who thinks alike about this website, he instantly said " what if the website itself is created by dawaat to monitor and hunt people thinking against them" ...
What your friend said is very revealing, it is a symptom of deep-seated fear that is embedded in Bohra psyche. This is the result of living in a cult or fascist regime - everyone fears everyone else, and everything is suspect. We're all victims of fear psychosis and persecution complex - and that is why most of us are driven to write here under a different name.
The purpose of this forum is to provide anonymity to repressed and oppressed Bohras so that they come here and freely express their views. As far as I can see, revealing your real identity HERE does not advance the cause of change or reform in any significant way. Secrecy, anonymity, clandestine operations have been used throughout history to challenge powerful, well-entrenched regimes. In shia tradition "taqia", lying about one's beliefs, is a well-honoured practice. And going into "hiding" is another one. Why do you think our Imams went into hiding? Would you say they did not have balls? Our current Imam is still in hiding (and the mafia clergy has made sure that he remains there :) ). So the point is, it's okay to hide behind a pseudonym and write and work against the oppressor.
Of course, you can choose to reveal your real identity - and in one sense it is courageous too - but that courage is pretty much wasted if all you do here is defend the mafia clergy. Of course they are not going to come after you when you're defending them. So please don't feel bad that you write under a pseudonym, in fact you should because you can afford to and because you're supposed to. But there is a time when you can't hide behind a pseudonym - and that is when you confront the local aamil and challenge him. That is real courage. That is when you need balls. And of course, when you do it alone - as an individual or family - you will be thrown out in no time and forgotten. So, it's always important that we organise ourselves as a group and challenge the system, one aamil at a time, one jamat at a time. You know why the Udaipur revolt succeeded? Because we were a big mass and the mafia clergy could not browbeat us - and still cannot and they keep trying their damnedest.
So, don't get taken up by the non-issue of real identity, and instead organise your like-minded friends around real issues that affect your life, your conscience and your honour - and do something about it.

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Re: How to eliminate SOCIETAL FEAR from the bohras?


Unread post by londonwala » Sat Aug 04, 2012 5:49 am

Humsafar wrote “Of course, you can choose to reveal your real identity - and in one sense it is courageous too - but that courage is pretty much wasted if all you do here is defend the mafia clergy. Of course they are not going to come after you when you're defending them”.

This is a very valid point. Mustafa Nalwalla proudly boasts that he uses his true identity, but he generally takes the side of the kothar, albeit in a childish and immature way. Progressives are no threat to Nalwalla, because all progressives have family and friends who are blind followers and progressives mean them no harm. Moreover, it is clear from Nalwalla’s comments since he joined the forum that he is actually a pretty fringe bohra. If he was a sheikh, or a well known and well respected man in his jamaat and well known by the bhai sahebs and kothar, then he would be told to stop frequenting this forum. However, he would not be punished because he is defending the system.

It is those that criticise the system who face terrible consequences, which is why they can only do so anonymously. They know that many of their family and friends will turn against them and they will be cast out from the community in which they have spent their whole lives.

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Re: How to eliminate SOCIETAL FEAR from the bohras?


Unread post by Peace » Sat Aug 04, 2012 7:03 am

It is also a proof for the DBs that why almost all use pseudonym on this forum? bc we fear bad, unethical, unreligious practices that DB community will carry out if we reveal our true identity. It doesnt mean that we fear them, actually i dont fear them but i dont want to indulge in confrontation.

After all Allah is our protector.

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Re: How to eliminate SOCIETAL FEAR from the bohras?


Unread post by SBM » Sat Aug 04, 2012 9:26 am

londonwala wrote:Humsafar wrote “Of course, you can choose to reveal your real identity - and in one sense it is courageous too - but that courage is pretty much wasted if all you do here is defend the mafia clergy. Of course they are not going to come after you when you're defending them”.

This is a very valid point. Mustafa Nalwalla proudly boasts that he uses his true identity, but he generally takes the side of the kothar, albeit in a childish and immature way. Progressives are no threat to Nalwalla, because all progressives have family and friends who are blind followers and progressives mean them no harm. Moreover, it is clear from Nalwalla’s comments since he joined the forum that he is actually a pretty fringe bohra. If he was a sheikh, or a well known and well respected man in his jamaat and well known by the bhai sahebs and kothar, then he would be told to stop frequenting this forum. However, he would not be punished because he is defending the system.

It is those that criticise the system who face terrible consequences, which is why they can only do so anonymously. They know that many of their family and friends will turn against them and they will be cast out from the community in which they have spent their whole lives.
I am sure Br Nalwala can defend himself and does not need any support. In the past I was one of the person who ridiculed Br Nalwala and even used some harsh words. Over time I have respect for him for his open involvement with POVERTY IN AHMEDABAD project. Not only he had courage to accept the poverty among Bohras but with his real identity he has even criticized the establishment for their corrupt practices as well coming out and asking people to contribute. He is walking the walk unlike other Abdes like Adam-Progticide and Profstian and color changing Examiner and many more. Nalwala is on the forefront of working with everyone to help the needy and what he is doing is not as PR but he does mean well for the community. This forum has opened the eyes of many and atleast Nalwala should be commended for his courage and understanding, wish many from both side will join with his and bohraji's efforts to help Poor amongst us

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Re: How to eliminate SOCIETAL FEAR from the bohras?


Unread post by Hanif » Sat Aug 04, 2012 4:34 pm

How to remove this fear from their minds and heart? How to reduce societal pressure? how to give them air to breathe and show them a world outside jamaat? My personal belief is that They simply won't stand up for reform until they realize they have Nothing TO LOSE BUT only to gain. How to do that?
Very simple:

Ask them to read Qur'an with meaning. There are Shia versions available.

Ask them how the Ahle Bayt suffered during the 10 days of Mohorram? If they listen to bayans, they should know.

Now after the bayans, the jamans they devour, are they conducive to the events of Kerbala? Did the Shaheeds of Kerbala even have the luxury of water, let alone Sharbat, Haleem, etc.?

Then ask them to read the Fatimid history and see if what is going on in the Masjid was present at that time?

Ask them to read the Khutbas of Imams who clearly stated not to fear anybody accept Allah SWT.

And finally tell them" On the day of Qiyama, Allah SWT will ask them why did they go to Masjids and what did they do there? Will they then respond "to socialise, eat great jamans, etc. and do matam?"

All these and more the Bohoras practice are forbidden in Islam. Tell them.

If they fear their Amil, they should fear Allah SWT million times more.

I can't believe these people are sooooooo stupid.

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Re: How to eliminate SOCIETAL FEAR from the bohras?


Unread post by Dbc1 » Mon Aug 06, 2012 1:28 am

Br hanif..
I tried Spreading the word Asking them to read QURANICtranslations, Fattimid history and history of Imams but alll in vain.. They are in such a state now , they fear buying a tricycle without the raza from the kotharis.. And after all, the brainwashed belief, of only haq na Saheb doing the translations.. Can't believe one can be so gullible..

And to support that for coming generations we have a new scheme world over, M.S.B ... School that will train the child to be on auto mode ( pro dawat) for the rest of his/her life.. Setting them up to perceive all the good about dawaat.. And what when the over inflated balloon of lies burst which it surely will , inshallah, where will the child's confidence be? More of in what will the child's confidence be? EVIL AND DANGEROUS PEOPLE..

So many more of such evil schemes rather I must say strategys must be in the pipeline ..

How to change peoples perception.. It's just a shift of perception , that's all they need and the result will be a restored (factory settings) abde hungry for answers and ready to soak knowledge .
