Kashmir Unmarked Graves Hold Thousands Of Bodies.

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ghulam muhammed
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Kashmir Unmarked Graves Hold Thousands Of Bodies.


Post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:16 pm

Kashmir unmarked graves hold thousands of bodies

Three-year inquiry says remains of 2,156 people found along Indian side of disputed border

More than 2,000 corpses, believed to be victims of Kashmir's long-running insurgency, have been found buried in dozens of unmarked graves in the divided region, an Indian government human rights commission report has said.

The graves were found in dozens of villages on the Indian side of the line of control, the de facto border that has split the former kingdom between India and Pakistan for nearly 40 years.

"At 38 places visited in north Kashmir, there were 2,156 unidentified dead bodies buried in unmarked graves," the inquiry found.

Up to 70,000 people died in the 22-year insurgency in Kashmir, which pitted armed separatist groups, many backed by Pakistan, against New Delhi's rule.

Kashmir is India's only Muslim-majority state and the struggle rapidly took on a religious dimension. The victims in the mass graves had been buried by local communities.

One frequent accusation is that Indian security forces in Kashmir have killed innocent civilians in staged gun battles and passed them off as separatist militants to earn rewards and promotions. One such alleged incident last year provoked rioting throughout most of the summer

A US diplomatic cable leaked by WikiLeaks and published by the Guardian last December revealed a briefing to the US embassy in Delhi by representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross which described continuing torture and arbitrary detention by security forces.

The Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons, which estimates around 10,000 people have gone missing in the past 20 years, says many may have ended up in these unmarked graves.

http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/au ... y-link-box

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Kashmir Unmarked Graves Hold Thousands Of Bodies.


Post by ghulam muhammed » Fri Dec 07, 2012 6:29 pm

“Top Army, police officials involved in human rights abuse in Kashmir”

A human rights activists’ group, International People’s Tribunal on Human Rights and Justice in Indian Administered Kashmir (IPTK), along with Srinagar-based Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP), claimed on Thursday that hundreds of Army and police officers involved in gross human rights abuse have not been prosecuted in Jammu and Kashmir. The report alleges that three brigadiers of Indian Army, besides nine colonels, three lieutenant colonels, 78 majors and 25 captains, and 37 senior officials of federal Paramilitary forces were perpetrators of various crimes and human rights violations in the state.

While releasing the report titled ‘Alleged Perpetrators - Stories of Impunity in Jammu and Kashmir’, IPTK investigators said at a news conference today that the government agencies had not shown any inclination to hold a fair and transparent investigation. They alleged that the human rights abuse included murder, kidnapping, rape, enforced disappearance and torture.

“The report has been prepared from police records, judicial and quasi-judicial records and Government records”,

http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/t ... 171847.ece

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Re: Kashmir Unmarked Graves Hold Thousands Of Bodies.


Post by ghulam muhammed » Thu Jan 08, 2015 6:17 pm

What’s in store for Kashmiris if BJP is part of the Government ?

Ram Puniyani

The recent (December 2015) verdict of Kashmir elections has been fractured, so to say. While PDP has emerged as the largest single party, the BJP is a close second with substantial percentage of votes. Interestingly BJP has secured most seats and major vote share from the Hindu majority Jammu region of Kashmir. Now the dilemma for the other parties, National Conference, Congress is in which direction to go as for Government formation is concerned.

BJP is a part of the RSS combine which wants to achieve Hindu Nation. It has become quite obvious during the last over six months of Modi Sarkar, that the associated organizations of BJP are actively communalizing the society along religious lines. Those making statements contrary to the values of Indian Constitution (Gita as the national book, those not sons of ram are illegitimate, Godse was a nationalist), the aggressive Gharvapasi campaign (Reconversion to Hinduism), opposing the film PK, on grounds that it promotes love Jihad, have made it amply clear that under Modi’s leadership, BJP patriarch, RSS, wants to make a fast transition towards Hindu Nation and in this direction the religious minorities and Indian Constitution’s values are its major target. What this agenda will give to the Kashmir as a state and Kashmiri people as citizens needs to be assessed.

One can briefly go through the troubled history of Kashmir to understand this. The Kashmir Maharaja’s decision was to remain independent and the likes of Pandit Premnath Dogra (Praja Parishad, the predecessor of Bhartiya Jansangh, the previous avatar of BJP) also opposed Kashmir’s merger to India on the grounds that Kashmir is being ruled by a Hindu king (Raja Harisingh) so why should it merge with secular India. Later Kashmir was attacked by Pakistani tribal, and the intervention of Indian army took place after the treaty of accession to India with article 370 coming to fore, are too well known by now.

The article 370 gave the special status to Kashmir, giving it autonomy in all the matters barring defense, communications, and currency and external affairs. RSS was totally opposed to it. One of the Hindu Mahasbaha leaders, Shyama Prasad Mookerji raised the flag of opposition to this treaty and demanded total merger of Kashmir in to India right away. During this time India witnessed the ugly face of communalism, in the form of murder of Mahatma Gandhi by a RSS trained pracharak and active worker of Hindu Mahasabha, Nathuram Godse. At the same time RSS–HMS made loud and aggressive noises against the Article 370. This led to a bit of rethinking in the mind of Sheikh Abdullah, who started saying whether he has committed a mistake by acceding to India, as the major premise of his decision was Secular India and these acts showed the erosion of secular values. In this phase of his thinking he was arrested on the charges of sedition and put in jail, leading to great amount of alienation amongst Kashmiris. RSS stuck to its guns and gradually under its pressure the clauses of autonomy started getting diluted. The major example was re-designating Prime Minister of
Kashmir to Chief Minister and Sadar-e-Riyast to Governor.

The alienation of Kashmiris was taken advantage of by the US backed Pakistan, which encouraged and supported the militancy in the area. In 1980s with the entry of Al Qaeda elements in to Kashmir the militancy took a communal turn. The hanging of Maqbool Butt further accentuated the violent actions. This led to the fear amongst the Kashmiri Pandits, who were encouraged by the pro Hindutva Governor, Jag Mohan, to leave the valley. This complex fact has been constantly harped by the RSS combine and presented in the communal color. The Kashmiriyat as such is a synthesis of Vedanta, Buddhism and Sufi Islam. Sheikh Abdullah had implemented land reforms in right earnest, changing the complexion of Kashmir society towards democratic direction.

The prolonged militancy and intervention of Indian army, has added to the sour wounds of Kashmiri people. At one time RSS had proposed the prescriptions, which demanded that Jammu be made a separate state, Ladhak be made a Union territory and a separate union territory be carved out from the valley for the Kashmiri Pandits. These are the lines similar to what BJP had been demanding when not in power. This betrays their total communal ideology. Even in these elections the communal polarization, Hindu Jammu versus Muslim valley is what has been propagated for electoral benefit by BJP, and thus BJP has gained the ground on divisive basis. The issue of Amarnath yatra has also been used to polarize Kashmir along religious lines. Opportunistically, during election campaign Modi and company had been talking in a clever way about article 370, while their intentions on the subject are very clear.

This BJP gaining electoral ground in Kashmir is a major blow to the Kashmiriyat culture and is a sign of aggressive policies to abolish article 370 and to bring in the agenda of Hindu Nation. The trajectory of BJP in different states so far is that it allies in the beginning in the name of some common program and then gradually weakens its allies to come one up and grab the total power. What Kashmir needs is a representative Government, which respects the existing Constitutional provisions and upholds the Hindu Muslim unity, in the form of Kashmiriyat a valuable inheritance of Kashmir’s history.

Kashmir is standing on the cross roads. It has suffered a lot due to the militancy and the ways of army in the valley. In case the BJP is in the driver’s seat or in the driving car, the plight of Kashmir will worsen. Surely the next Government must focus on addressing the issues of Pundits, issues of Kashmir youth and evolve a development model for the state where the youth can get employment, pundits’ grievances are addressed and a surge for peace to promote tourism and development should be top most on the agenda. The rising tide of communalism has to be checked, at the same time congenial situations are to be created where separatism, dies its natural death and the peace inside and peace from outside is enhanced by inclusive politics of the state government.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Kashmir Unmarked Graves Hold Thousands Of Bodies.


Post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Feb 09, 2015 7:17 pm

I suggest that everyone MUST READ this article, it portrays the true picture of Kashmir and not what the paid media propagates 24x7 !!

Genocide In Kashmir: India’s Shame

Welcome to Kashmir! It is deep winter. The mountains are covered with snow and the naked trees above the lakes at sunset, look melancholic and magnificent, precisely like a completed Chinese brush painting.

Welcome to a nation overrun by the 700,000-strong security forces of the occupying power – India. Welcome to the continuous presence of barbed wire, of military columns, and ‘security checks’. Welcome to a brutality unimaginable almost anywhere else on earth!

Welcome to a land of joint military exercises conducted by the United States, Israel and India.

Kashmir! Still beautiful but scarred. Still proud but bleeding and thoroughly exhausted… Still standing, still resisting, still free and independent, at least in its heart!


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Re: Kashmir Unmarked Graves Hold Thousands Of Bodies.


Post by salaar » Tue Feb 10, 2015 10:43 am

Its people like Mr Ghul;am Mohammad who are honest in admitting the attrocities conducted by India and bring forth the subject here without considering his loyalties, well yes its a hard truth which will not change by denials of the secular india leaders, thousands of kashmiris have been butchered just because they want a free state and liberation from the hindu clutches, if indians claims themselves to be a great democratic nation that when there democracy and human right values evaporates when kashmir is been mentioned. if the British government has the courage to let the scottish decide their fate by the power of votes cant that be practiced here, No No just hush up might is right if kashmiris raise hue and cry for their freedom indias military might will kill them to silence....... SHAME UPON YOU.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Kashmir Unmarked Graves Hold Thousands Of Bodies.


Post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Mar 10, 2015 7:38 pm

Outrage about Masarat Alam's release: What about the draconian law that keeps thousands in jail without trial?

A Supreme Court judgment called the Public Safety Act a "lawless law."

The Jammu and Kashmir government's decision to release Masrat Alam, a hardline separatist leader, from prison has caused a political storm prompting protests from across the political spectrum. Lost in all the outrage over Alam's release is the simple matter that Alam, whom politicians have rushed to dub a "terrorist" was being detained under a draconian law that has seen more than 20,000 people imprisoned in J&K over the last two decades without trial.

The Bharatiya Janata Party, which is part of the ruling coalition in J&K, itself agitated against the decision to release Alam, with the broader Sangh Parivar calling it an anti-national move.

That final phrase is key. Alam was not an alleged "terrorist," at least in the eyes of the law, but a political prisoner being detained under J&K's Public Safety Act.

What is the Public Safety Act?

Passed first in 1978 and amended occasionally since, the Public Safety Act allows authorities in Jammu and Kashmir to detain people in order to "prevent" them from acting in a manner that could affect public order. The law allows authorities to detain someone for 12 months without trial that can be extended to 2 years based on their behaviour and the potential threat to public order that they pose.

Has the government withdrawn charges?

The government had slapped Alam with PSA charges eight times consecutively since 2010, when he was first detained under the law for having organised anti-India protests which saw more than a hundred die, according to the home minister. This means that, though the law only allows for two years of preventive detention, the government simply had to re-apply the PSA against him repeatedly to keep him behind bars.

Alam himself claimed that the government wasn't doing him a favour by releasing him, insisting instead that PSA had simply expired.

How has the law been used?

An Amnesty International report in 2011 estimated that between 8,000 to 20,000 people have been detained under the PSA over the last two decades in J&K. The report relates a Supreme Court judgment calling such administrative, rather than penal, detention as being in furtherance of a "lawless law" and describes an entire alternative criminal justice system that doesn't require the due process that comes along with trials.

"Hundreds of people are detained under the PSA in J&K, many of them political activists and youth suspected of throwing stones at security forces. Instead of charging and trying persons suspected of committing offences in a fair trial in a court of law, the J&K authorities continue to circumvent the rule of law by resorting to the PSA," the Amnesty report says.

Amnesty insists that the law ends up falling afoul of India's commitments to human rights, putting the country on par with others like Egypt in the process. Detaining people under PSA allows the government to shirk its requirements as far as due process goes, meaning the bar for providing evidence and prosecuting those against whom charges have been met is much lower. Moreover, the repeated use of the PSA, as against Alam in which case it was used eight times in a row, is particularly galling.

"As a matter of practice, the J&K police do not favour criminal proceedings, which requires such due process considerations as a court of law with independent judges, defence lawyers and requirements of evidence. Not surprisingly, the J&K police prefer to use the PSA, which is overseen by executive officers with almost no evidentiary requirements or possibility for independent review."

This means that Alam, by being released, has neither been acquitted nor pardoned. He has simply been given the benefit of personal liberty accorded to most Indians, even if they are caught up in a criminal case, since he has been given bail. While the matter of Alam himself has already turned into a political football, it's worthwhile looking at the law itself that allows such arbitrary matters to control the question of personal liberties.

http://scroll.in/article/712385/Outrage ... hout-trial?

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Kashmir Unmarked Graves Hold Thousands Of Bodies.


Post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Jan 25, 2016 6:34 pm

Politicizing the Plight of Kashmiri Pundits

Ram Puniyani

Politics is a strange game where no holds are barred for electoral advantages. It also expresses, to some extent, the political ideology of those playing these games in addition to the distortion of events, which are done deliberately. Interpretation of the very same events is diametrically different for different political groups. The sad plight of Kashmiri Pundits exodus is no exception to this.

During his election campaign the BJP leader Narendra Modi has been making several statements which at one level are factually inaccurate and at another level they have communal interpretation through and through. He stated that biggest blow to secular fabric of India was delivered from Kashmir from where Kashmiri Pundits were forced out and that Abdullah’s (Sheikh Abdulla, Farooq and Omar) were behind it. (28th April 2014) In response Farooq and Omar shot back that exodus of Pandits took place under the Presidents rule with Jagmohan, a BJP hand, as the Governor of Kashmir. That time it was the V.P.Singh Government at Center and this Government was being supported by BJP from outside. While all three Addullah’s are not the same, nor is their role a continuum nor all of them secular angels the tragedy of exodus of Pundits is much more complex than being attributed to them. The role which each of the Abdulla’s played cannot be put in the same basket.

As such communalism has been the great bane of the subcontinent and its biggest and most tragic expression was the partition of India in which millions were butchered and a larger number migrated to both sides of the border. Apart from these migrations which took place, forcing people to far off lands, there are local migrations also, which follow the communal violence of mass scale like the one in Mumbai 1992-93 or Gujarat 2002 where the people left their homes, where they were living for decades and had to shift to the other parts of the same city leading to formation of ghettoes, Mumbra in Mumbai and Juhapura in Ahmadabad being two major ones’.

The roots of exodus of Kashmiri Pundits lies in the aftermath of the partition, the decision of Maharaja of Kashmir to remain independent, the attack of Kabayilis, Tribal, from Pakistan and the Sheikh Abdullah’s strong stance to accede with India and not with Pakistan. This decision was not on religious considerations but was with the hope that in India secularism will flourish with leaders like Gandhi and Nehru. With murder of Gandhi by communal forces and the pressure of communal forces to forcibly abolish article 370, the autonomy of Kashmir started being questioned. Just to recall Article 370 was the basis of accession of Kashmir to India. This Article gave to autonomy to Kashmir Assembly in most matters barring defense, communication, currency and external affairs. With the opposition to this clause and demand for forcible merger of Kashmir to India by communal forces, the Sheikh started feeling jittery. He started reconsidering his decision of accession to India, leading to his arrest and starting of process of alienation in Kashmir. This process of alienation led to militancy in due course and with the encouragement from Pakistan took on dangerous proportions. Still this militancy was centered on the concept of Kashmiriyat. Kashmiriyat is synthesis of Buddhism, Vedanta and Sufi traditions. After the hanging of Maqbool Butt in 1985 and the entry of Al Qaeda type elements in Kashmir in the aftermath of Afghan war, this militancy got transformed to being communal. The result was that the Hindus, Pundits, started being targeted badly.

Even before1990, the first major exodus of Pundits took place after the partition riots and partly due to land reforms introduced by Sheikh Abdullah. Incidentally the Hindu population in Kashmir had gone through a very complex history of conversion to Buddhism and later to Islam through Sufi saints. The Hindus started being referred to as Pundits from 15th Century onwards. This happened after Akbar won over Kashmir and employed the Hindus in his administration. He was impressed by their qualities and conferred the title Pundit on them.

The process of latest exodus begins with communalization of the militancy, a transition from Kashmiriyat to Islamism. One version a la Modi says that Kashmiri Pandits were driven from Kashmir valley by the Muslim militants and this was a planned move by the Muslim majority Kashmir. The Muslim majority was totally opposed to the harassment of Pundits.

In this militancy while Hindus were targeted in a big way, even Muslims were not spared. We will have a look at the figures of the casualties and destruction of property in Kashmir by the militants. Thousands of Muslims from different parts of the Kashmir valley also had to migrate to the neighboring Himachal Pradesh in search of employment. Over 40.000 Muslims from Kashmir also live in a refugee camp in New Delhi. They have also taken to various jobs like coolies etc in neighboring states. One of the Times of India report (5th Feb.1992) based on official figures reported that militants killed 1585 men and women, including 982 Muslims, 218 Hindus, 23 Sikhs and 363 security personnel between January 1990 and October 1992.

The wholesale migration of Pundits from the valley was a big blow to the traditions of the valley. The damage by militants was to both the communities and not to Hindus alone. The Pundits were intimidated much more and had considered migration first in 1986 but this decision was held in abeyance due to the appeals of a goodwill mission, which was constituted by reputed Kashmiris, steeped in plural culture. As we saw in 1990 the militancy was stepped up. This time around Mr. Jag Mohan, who later became a minister in BJP led NDA Government, was the Governor of Kashmir. Balraj Puri in his book Kashmir (Orient Blackswan, 1993) points out that Jagmohan ensured dissolution of the goodwill mission to Pundits by pressurizing one of the Pandit members of the team to migrate to Jammu (Puri, 2000, 65).

Balraj Puri in March 1990 stated ” I found no hostility among common Muslims in Kashmir against Pundits, and that allegations of gross violations of Human rights by security forces needs to be investigated” (Puri, 2000, 66). At that time Hindu Communal forces took it upon themselves to spread fear amongst Pundits, “Much disinformation is being spread in Jammu and Delhi that scores of Hindu temples and the shrines have been desecrated or destroyed in Kashmir. This is completely untrue and it is baffling that the Government has not thought it fit to ask Doordarshan to do a program on mandirs in Kashmir just to reassure people that they remain unharmed.” (Press Council of India, 1991)

All things considered the problem of Pundits migration is unfortunate outcome of the alienation of Kashmiri people resulting in militancy, communalization of militancy in late 1990s, Hindu communalist outfits’ baseless spreading of fear psychosis and pressure of Governor Jag Mohan and not due to the Hindu-Muslim hostility, not due to Abdullah’s.

Poet Kalhan of Kashmir, in his classic Rajtarangini writes that it is only through punya (noble deeds) and not force that Kashmir can be won over. We need to remind ourselves of this profound wisdom of Kalhan while making policies about Kashmir. Rather than putting the blame on one political stream. The role of global politics, the historical baggage of partition and post partition problems, the role of global terrorism propped up by US policy of control over oil resources; its influence on militancy in Kashmir and the role of communal forces in spreading fear also need to be kept in mind while commenting on this tragedy of mammoth proportions.

http://beyondheadlines.in/2014/05/polit ... i-pundits/

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Re: Kashmir Unmarked Graves Hold Thousands Of Bodies.


Post by qutub_mamajiwala » Wed Apr 13, 2016 6:49 am

J&K firing: Handwara girl says no soldier molested her, accuses local youth of harassment

SRINAGAR: A Kashmiri girl, who was reportedly molested by a soldier, has denied that ever happened and has instead alleged that local boys harassed her and also began the riots that led to the killing of two young men when the army fired on protesters in Handwara on Tuesday.

In a widely circulated YouTube video interview, the teenager narrated the sequence of events and clarified that she was not misbehaved with or molested by a soldier.

"I went to the (public) washroom and handed my bag to a friend. When I came back, a Kashmiri student heckled me and snatched my bag. The boy in school uniform slapped me and asked 'if there were no boys in the valley' (angrily insinuating that the girl was in a relationship with a soldier). I was shocked and confused about what he had said. Suddenly, several boys gathered. The boy asked me to go to the police station with him. There was a police uncle nearby. I told the boy to return my bag so that I could go to police station with the cop. He said he would not return my bag and started abusing me."
Violent protests erupted in Handwara on Tuesday afternoon following rumours that a teenage girl was molested by a soldier of the Rashtriya Rifles in a camp in the middle of Handwara in north Kashmir.
An agitated mob set ablaze an Army picket, pelted stones, attacked Jammu & Kashmir police personnel and attacked the local police station. Police officers were beaten up by the mob. The soldiers opened fire and three people including a woman were killed.
"There was no soldier there (near or in the washroom). I saw Hilal (an acquaintance). He slapped me and asked me what I was doing there. I asked him how he too could accuse me of any such thing (allegation of an illicit relationship) knowing me and our family. He too started abusing. It seemed that they had conspired in advance. The boy instigated all other boys too to create trouble," the girls says in the video.
Defence spokesman Col Manish Kumar said the Handwara girl's revelation has exposed the malicious intent of the perpetrators. The video clearly implicates local youth and shows how false propaganda resulted in massive protests, he said.
Meanwhile, one of the injured in Tuesday's firing, Raja Begum, who was admitted in SKIMS, succumbed to her bullet injuries later that night, taking the death toll to three. She was hit by a stray bullet in Tuesday's firing.
Protests erupted in the Langate area after her dead body arrived home on Wednesday.
Authorities imposed curfew in the six police station areas of Srinagar city and in Handwara in Kupwara district on Wednesday. The situation in uptown Srinagar was normal. Shops and business establishments were functioning as usual in several areas.

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/indi ... 808725.cms

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Kashmir Unmarked Graves Hold Thousands Of Bodies.


Post by ghulam muhammed » Wed Apr 13, 2016 5:59 pm

Shoot to Kill: Standard Operating Procedure in Kashmir

Nothing unusual has happened in Handwara. The Indian state has once again proved to be a killer in Kashmir. Three people have lost their lives because the Indian armed forces and the J&K Police decided to defend themselves against people protesting against what they perceived to be a soldier’s harassment and molestation a Kashmiri woman.

Blood on the streets of Handwara, Kashmir

The troops that defend India’s honour, unity and integrity and other such stuff have been trained to shoot to kill rather than answer a town’s questions about the sense of impunity that the Armed Forces Special Powers Act and the entire apparatus of a de-facto military occupation gives to Indian soldiers in the Kashmir valley. Lets stop pretending this is an exceptional situation, an excess, an anomaly, or even an instance of troopers going rogue. Whatever be the facts of the case, if the name the village of Kunan Poshpora, or of two women called Nilofar and Asiya mean anything to you, you will know that a predatory sexual profile is part of the operational signature of the Indian armed forces and local police in Kashmir.

Moreover, if you think that the sudden death of unarmed young people in Kashmir is an exceptional situation, just remember what happened only two months ago. A young student called Shaista Hamid, was killed when a bullet fired by Indian soldiers hit her in the verandah of her own home near Pulwama. This happened around the same time when another young person, a soldier called Hanumanthappa, died in an avalanche in the Siachen Glacier, Kashmir. If you weigh the accounts of these two deaths, both tragic, both unnecessary, you will find, many minutes of footage, and reams of newsprint, about Hanumanthappa. The chances are, you will find next to nothing on Shaista Hamid. When Hanumantappa joined the armed forces, he knew that he was putting himself in danger. Did Shaista Hamid simply make the mistake of being born in the wrong place, at the wrong time? If you go further back in time, you will find, month by month, unarmed young people falling to the bullets fired from the barrels of guns belonging to the Indian armed forces and paramilitaries in Kashmir. Did they all make the mistake of being simply born in Kashmir, of speaking Kashmiri, of occasionally testing the sound of ‘Azadi’ on their tongues, in their accent?

The sequence of events that unfolded this time in Handwara went something like this. (It was monotonously familiar). An Indian soldier allegedly attempted to molest a Kashmiri woman.Some young people got wind of what was happening and intervened. The public gathered in protest. They asked for the soldier to be punished. The armed forces stationed at a bunker refused to listen to them. The assembled people threw stones. The soldiers fired, police also fired. Two young men, one of them a promising cricketer, and a woman were injured in the firing. They all succumbed to their injuries.

One of those killed, according to the Greater Kashmir newspaper was – Nayeem Qadir Bhat,resident of Banday Mohalla, was a first year student in Government Degree College Handwara, was a cricket buff. Nayeem was selected for All India level coaching camp for cricket three years ago. He had shown extra-ordinary performance in the state level under-19 cricket competition and was especially selected for an All India Under 19 Cricket Coaching Camp.

The Indian nationalism that makes some young people decide that the celebration of a West Indies Cricket victory by Kashmiri students is unacceptable happens to be the same mindset that pumps a bullet into the body of a Kashmiri young man who could one day have played for the cricket team that Indian patriots lose sleep over. Is it only in Kashmir that the otherwise staid game of cricket has such ridiculously tragic consequences? One good reason for the dismantling of nation-states and their imperial projects is the liberation, not just of peoples, but also of sport from the obscenity of nationalism gone rogue.

What happened next in Handwara could have been pre-scripted, The army issued a statement saying that the incident was unfortunate. The chief minister expressed regret. Tomorrow, when the funerals of these three human beings will be the venue of further protests, in all likelihood, the armed forces will use lethal force again (though we hope better sense prevails). If there are casualties the cycle will repeat itself. Curfew will be imposed. Flag marches will occur. And gradually, another storm of rage will break over the valley of Kashmir.

An incompetent government at the centre, and its client in the state, will act with characteristic and predictable venality. A chain of military command that has learnt nothing at all over decades of facing the people of Kashmir, will commit, again, a series of horrifying and cumulative excesses. The media in Delhi, which had begun fulminating, not entirely unjustifiably, against the Jammu & Kashmir Police for a mild ‘lathe-charge’ on ‘non-local’ (mainland Indian) students when their petulant, spoilt-brattish, inability to take a defeat in cricket gracefully turned into some stone throwing, will now stay silent, or find ways to blame the people who take the bullets in the streets of Kashmir. We have seen this happen before. Troopers will open fire, and the people will be blamed for being in the way of the hail of bullets.

The comparison will be obvious, but nobody will make it easily in television studios, so lets make it here – when ‘Indian’ young people at the National Institute of Technology, Srinagar throw stones after a routine cricket match result related tiff, the police beats them with canes, when Kashmiri young people throw stones after being faced with deafening silence in the wake of sexual harassment, the armed forces, paramilitaries and police shoot to kill.

‘Azadi’ in Kashmir is of course an imperative for the Kashmiri people, who understandably, want to be rid of a situation that attempts to normalize an ‘alien’ army shooting to kill young people protesting against sexual harassment, and a thousand other crimes. But echoing the demand of ‘Azadi’ for Kashmir, from India, is now perhaps the only way, we in India, can be rid of the moral stain of having these acts committed in our name.

In the past two months, we have heard, and read, and thought a lot about young people asking for ‘Azadi’, or for their dignity, in their own ways, in the campuses of different Indian universities. We have also seen the brutal police response to those calls for freedom. Notwithstanding the fact that each of those instances of police brutality in Indian universities needs to be condemned (and has been condemned), we also need to recognize the fact that so far, no Indian student in Delhi, or Hyderabad, or Jadavpur, or even, ‘non-local’ students in NIT, Srinagar, have been shot down by any soldier, police or paramilitary trooper. But the merest whisper of a protest in a Kashmir town leads to the use of lethal weapons by the forces maintaining the occupation of Kashmir. Nothing demonstrates more clearly the fact that the Indian state acts differently with different kinds of protestors. When it comes to ‘mainland Indian students in Kashmir’ or protesting students in ‘mainland India’, the Indian state beats, badmouths, manipulates, imprisons and harasses,in a manner which is vile and cruel, but when it comes to student protestors in Kashmir, it shoots to kill, without hesitation. If anything demonstrates the relationship (and difference) between what Kanhaiya Kumar famously called ‘freedom in’ and ‘freedom from’ India, it is this. Perhaps Kanhaiya Kumar needs to do a little more hard thinking about what the meanings of the words ‘in’ and ‘from’ are. He is not alone, many of us need to reflect on our unthinking acceptance of the doctrine of the ‘unity and integrity’ of the nation state and its borders. We need to ask, again – “is the life of human beings more, or less, important than the integrity of maps drawn on paper ?”

I have no doubt that it is once again the right time to ask for Azadi, not just in, India, but also from, India, for Kashmiris. Likewise, perhaps it is also the right time to ask for Azadi, for Indians, from the culpability of being constantly rendered complicit in the enterprise of the deeply immoral military occupation of Kashmir. Students and young people in JNU, Delhi Hyderabad and elsewhere need to march, and to keep marching, not just for Rohith and Delta, but also, now, for Nayeem. Otherwise, there will never be any Azadi, not in Handwara, and not in Hyderabad.

Since this post was uploaded in the early hours today, several reports have surfaced quoting a testimony of the girl who was allegedly molested. These indicate that the molestation may have been committed by a person in uniform, perhaps school uniform. A video has also been circulated on social media with the testimony of a young woman.

At present no one has been able to confirm, or deny, whether the young woman who is seen speaking in the video is the same person around whom the entire crisis erupted in Handwara. If it is indeed true that she was not molested by a soldier but by someone else then the incident needs to be looked at in another light. Whatever be the case, there can be no excuse whatsoever for the army or police shooting to kill in response to protests about any such incident. The main point of the above post (which has been modified in the light of emerging reports) does not change, no matter what the circumstances surrounding it. The trigger happy nature of Indian forces in Kashmir is an endemic problem.The solution to this problem lies in the scrapping of the AFSPA, the lifting of the military occupation and the eventual departure of all Indian troops from the Kashmir valley.

https://kafila.org/2016/04/13/shoot-to- ... n-kashmir/

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Kashmir Unmarked Graves Hold Thousands Of Bodies.


Post by ghulam muhammed » Wed Apr 13, 2016 6:08 pm

qutub_mamajiwala wrote:J&K firing: Handwara girl says no soldier molested her, accuses local youth of harassment

SRINAGAR: A Kashmiri girl, who was reportedly molested by a soldier, has denied that ever happened and has instead alleged that local boys harassed her and also began the riots that led to the killing of two young men when the army fired on protesters in Handwara on Tuesday.

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/indi ... 808725.cms
JKCCS Statement on Extra Judicial Killings by Army (Rashtriya Rifles) and Police in Handwara, Kashmir: Jammu & Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society

On 12 April 2016, armed forces personnel of Indian Army’s 21 RR and Jammu and Kashmir police killed three persons – two young boys and an old woman – in Handwara, Kupwara District, and injured around 24 civilians. Initial reports suggest that the armed forces fired at civilians protesting against sexual violence directed at a minor girl in Handwara town by army personnel.

24 hours after these killings the Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti, and army spokesperson have only made statements that do not address the steps that must be immediately taken. The army spokesperson while regretting the killing has assured action and stated that it would need to be ascertained if the “standard operating procedures” have been followed. Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti has sought assurance from the Indian Defence Minister that action would be taken in this case. Meanwhile, it appears that the Jammu and Kashmir Police have recorded and uploaded a video of the victim of sexual violence exonerating the army and both the police and army have circulated this video widely, including to news channels.

First, the army personnel of 21 RR involved in the killings, including those present on the scene of crime and in command of 21 RR, and involved police personnel, must be immediately arrested for purposes of investigations. Arms, ammunition and any other physical evidence connected to the killings must be immediately seized. Arrest of armed forces personnel in Jammu and Kashmir is not barred by any law. No “standard operating procedures” need to be consulted, particularly as it appears from RTI information sought that no such SOP’s even exist for situations such as the instant one of protests. Further, this preliminary step in investigation does not require the intervention of the army, Defence Minister or any other authority. But, the move by the Chief Minister to approach the Indian Defence Minister does explain where political power vis-à-vis even law and order in Kashmir lies. Thus far, media reports suggest that ASI Mohammad Rafiq has been suspended. His suspension is not enough as the amount of violence witnessed by people yesterday is not possible to have been carried out by one police official. Therefore, other officials responsible from army and police should be arrested immediately.

Second, the Jammu and Kashmir Police must immediately suspend the Superintendent of Police, Handwara, Ghulam Jeelani Wani, subject to investigations in this case as his role in the killings would need to be ascertained. Further, it appears that the video of the victim of sexual violence, a minor, has been circulated to distract from the investigation of 21 RR personnel responsible for the killings. Further, the actual circulation of the video, and disclosure of the identity of the victim, would invite prosecution under criminal law and/or other disciplinary action for the Superintendent of Police and other police officials involved. The army circulation of the video must also be examined as on one hand they have regretted the killings but at the same time are deeply invested in prejudicing investigations against their personnel. The circulation of this video has serious ramifications for the security of the victim.

Lastly, but most importantly, due to the role of the police, particularly the Handwara police, over the last 24 hours, the investigation of this case must be immediately, at the very least, handed over to a senior police officer of another district, with no criminal allegations against him.

Past crimes committed by the armed forces have been buried in a manner similar to what we witness today in the case of the Handwara killings. Following initial statements by the army and the State, no action is taken. The army claims to carry out an enquiry which is invariably not made public and is an essentially an attempt to take the case out of the public domain and protect the accused army personnel. It is pertinent to recall that in 2004 in Badra Payeen village, Handwara, when an army office was accused of rape of a mother and daughter, Mehbooba Mufti and then Chief Minister, Mufti Sayeed assured that the guilty officer would be punished. Mehbooba Mufti may have forgotten this case but people of Kashmir remember the case and also know that the accused officer was not tried by the civilian court but by army court-martial that did not convict him for rape and he was subsequently re-instated to the army. It appears the assurances by Mehbooba Mufti and the Indian Defence Minister in Handwara killings are no different from the standard role of the State in numerous cases, including the Badra Payeen case.

https://kafila.org/2016/04/13/jkccs-sta ... l-society/

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Re: Kashmir Unmarked Graves Hold Thousands Of Bodies.


Post by qutub_mamajiwala » Thu Apr 14, 2016 3:42 am

army is called due to unrest there.
first of all why there is unrest there?
army everywhere in the world does the same thing, and that is why they are not frequently called to calm the situation inside the country unless in emergency.
the unrest happened due to beating of local police and local kashmiri students of outside students due to chanting of slogans. why?
if u dont want to be forced to shout slogans, u should not protest also to whoever is shouting. why double standard?
let them shout and damage their vocal chords and fly the national flags. why u were opposed to it?
actually if u are against deploying army, then it should not be deployed in godhra and muzaffarnagar also due to their killing and raping and let the local police handle the situation. why u want army to be deployed in other parts of india to protect minority and not in kashmir?
kashmiri youths were protesting against the so called sexual harassement of its girl. really? protestors and their ancestors who themselves had shouted for the pandits to leave the valley and leave behind their wifes and daughter --so much for pluralism ethos?

ghulam muhammed
Posts: 11653
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Re: Kashmir Unmarked Graves Hold Thousands Of Bodies.


Post by ghulam muhammed » Thu Apr 14, 2016 6:00 pm

qutub_mamajiwala wrote:army is called due to unrest there.
first of all why there is unrest there?
army everywhere in the world does the same thing, and that is why they are not frequently called to calm the situation inside the country unless in emergency.
the unrest happened due to beating of local police and local kashmiri students of outside students due to chanting of slogans. why?
if u dont want to be forced to shout slogans, u should not protest also to whoever is shouting. why double standard?
let them shout and damage their vocal chords and fly the national flags. why u were opposed to it?
actually if u are against deploying army, then it should not be deployed in godhra and muzaffarnagar also due to their killing and raping and let the local police handle the situation. why u want army to be deployed in other parts of india to protect minority and not in kashmir?
kashmiri youths were protesting against the so called sexual harassement of its girl. really? protestors and their ancestors who themselves had shouted for the pandits to leave the valley and leave behind their wifes and daughter --so much for pluralism ethos?

Human rights abuses in the Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir state are an ongoing issue. The abuses range from mass killings, enforced disappearances, torture, rape and sexual abuse to political repression and suppression of freedom of speech. The Indian Army, central reserve police force, border security personnel and various separatist militant groups have been accused and held accountable for committing severe human rights abuses against Kashmiri civilians. Revised figures from Indian sources state the number of civilians killed due to the Kashmiri insurgency has been estimated to range from 16,725 to 47,000 civilians while 3,642 civilians were killed by security forces . Diplomatic cables obtained by WikiLeaks revealed that the ICRC had briefed US officials in Delhi in 2005 about the use of torture from 2002-2004 by security forces against hundreds of detainees suspected of being connected to or having information about militants.

In a 1993 report, Human Rights Watch stated that Indian security forces "assaulted civilians during search operations, tortured and summarily executed detainees in custody and murdered civilians in reprisal attacks"; Rape was regularly used as a means to "punish and humiliate" communities. A 2010 US state department report stated that the Indian army in Jammu and Kashmir had carried out extrajudicial killings of civilians and suspected insurgents. In 2010, statistics presented to the Indian government's Cabinet Committee on Security showed that for the first time since the 1980s, the number of civilian deaths attributed to the Indian forces was higher than those attributed to terrorist actions.

Thousands of Kashmiris have reported to be killed by Indian security forces in custody, extrajudicial executions and enforced disappearances and these human right violations are said to be carried out by Indian security forces under total impunity. Civilians including women and children have been killed in "reprisal" attacks by Indian security forces. International NGO's as well as the US State Department have documented human rights abuses including disappearances, torture and arbitrary executions carried out during India's counter terrorism operations. United Nations has expressed serious concerns over large number of killings by Indian security forces. Human Rights groups have also accused the Indian security forces of using child soldiers, although the Indian government denies this allegation. Torture, widely used by Indian security, the severity described as beyond comprehension by amnesty international has been responsible for the huge number of deaths in custody. The Telegraph, citing a WikiLeaks report quotes the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) that Indian security forces were physically abusing detainees by beatings, electrocutions and sexual interference. These detainees weren't Islamic insurgents or Pakistani-backed insurgents but civilians, in contrast to India's continual allegations of Pakistani involvement. According to ICRC, 681 of the 1296 detainees whom it interviewed claimed torture. US officials have been quoted reporting "terrorism investigations and court cases tend to rely upon confessions, many of which are obtained under duress if not beatings, threats, or in some cases torture." Amnesty International accused security forces of exploiting the Armed Forces Special Powers Act that enables them to "hold prisoners without trial". The group argues that the law, which allows security to detain individuals for as many as two years "without presenting charges, violating prisoners’ human rights"

Indian Army

The soldiers of the 4th Rajputana Rifles of the Indian Army on 23 February 1991 launched a search operation in a village Kunan Poshpora, in the Kupwara district of Jammu and Kashmir and allegedly gang raped 53 women of all ages. Later on an interview of victims and eyewitnesses was documented into a short film Ocean of Tears which was prevented from its broadcast. Human Rights organisations including Human Rights Watch have reported that the number of raped women could be as high as 80. The Indian Army is also accused of many massacres such as Bomai Killing, 2009, Gawakadal massacre, 2006 Kulgam massacre, Zakoora And Tengpora Massacre, 1990, Sopore massacre. They also didn‘t spare the health care system of the valley. The major hospitals witnessed the crackdowns and army men even entered the operation theatres in search of terrorist patients.

Border Security Force

On 22 October 1993, the 13th Battalion of the Border Security Forces was accused of arbitrarily firing on a crowd and killing 37 civilians in Bijbehara. The number of reported dead and wounded vary by source. Amnesty International reported that at least 51 people died and 200 were wounded on that day.

The Indian government conducted two official enquiries and the National Human Rights Commission of India (NHRC) conducted a third. In March 1994 the government indicted the Border Security Force (BSF) for firing into the crowd "without provocation" and charged 13 BSF officers with murder. In another incident which took place at Handwara on 25 January 1990, 9 protesters were killed by the same unit.

Central Reserve Police Force

During the Amarnath land transfer controversy more than 40 unarmed protesters were killed by the personnels of Central Reserve Police Force. At least 300 were detained under Public Safety Act, including teenagers. The same practice was again repeated by the personals of the Central Reserve Police Force, during the 2010 Kashmir Unrest, which resulted in 112 deaths, including many teenager protesters at various incidents.

Special Operations Group

The Special Operations Group was raised in 1994 for counter terrorism. A volunteer force, mainly came for promotions and cash rewards, comprising police officers and policemen from the Jammu and Kashmir Police. The group is accused of torture and custodial killings. A Senior Superintendent of this group and his deputy are among the 11 personnels, who were convicted for a fake encounter, which killed a local carpenter, and was labelled as a millitant to get the promotions and rewards.

Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958

In July 1990 Indian Armed Forces were given special powers under an Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA) that gives protection to Indian Armed Forces personnel from being prosecuted. The law provides them a shield, when committing human rights violations and has been criticised by Human Rights Watch as being wrongly used by the forces. This law is widely condemned by human rights groups. United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Navanethem Pillay has urged India to repeal AFSPA and to investigate the disappearances in Kashmir.

“All three special laws in force in the state assist the government in shielding the perpetrators of human rights violations from prosecution, and encourage them to act with impunity. Provisions of the Armed Forces (Jammu and Kashmir) Special Powers Act clearly contravene international human rights standards laid down in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as members of the UN Human Rights Committee have pointed out. One Committee member felt that provisions of the act – including imunity from prosecution – were highly dangerous and encouraged violations of the right to life“.

— A clipping from a report published by the Amnesty International, 1995.

In the recent revelations on 24, September 2013 made by the former Indian army chief General V. K. Singh said that, the state politicians of Jammu and Kashmir are being funded by the army secret service to keep the general public at calm and this activity is there since the partition. He also stated that the secret service paid a bribe to a politician to topple the state government which was pushing for AFSPA repeal.

According to the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), in an area that is proclaimed as "disturbed", an officer of the armed forces has powers to:

# Fire upon or use other kinds of force even if it causes death, against the person who is acting against law or order in the disturbed area for the maintenance of public order, after giving such due warning.

# Destroy any arms dump, prepared or fortified position or shelter or training camp from which armed attacks are made by the armed volunteers or armed gangs or absconders wanted for any offence

# To arrest without a warrant anyone who has committed cognizable offences or is reasonably suspected of having done so and may use force if needed for the arrest.

# To enter and search any premise in order to make such arrests, or to recover any person wrongfully restrained or any arms, ammunition or explosive substances and seize it.

# Stop and search any vehicle or vessel reasonably suspected to be carrying such person or weapons.

# Any person arrested and taken into custody under this Act shall be made over to the officer in charge of the nearest police station with the least possible delay, together with a report of the circumstances occasioning the arrest.

# Army officers have legal immunity for their actions. There can be no prosecution, suit or any other legal proceeding against anyone acting under that law. Nor is the government's judgment on why an area is found to be disturbed subject to judicial review.

# Protection of persons acting in good faith under this Act from prosecution, suit or other legal proceedings, except with the sanction of the Central Government, in exercise of the powers conferred by this Act.

Fake encounters

Hundreds of civilian's including women and children have been reported to be extrajudicially executed by Indian security forces and killings concealed as fake encounters. Despite government denial, Indian security officials have reportedly confessed to human right watch of widespread occurrence of fake encounters and its encouragement for awards and promotions. According to a BBC interview with an anonymous security person, 'fake encounter' killings are those in which security personnel kill someone in cold blood while claiming that the casualty occurred in a gun battle. It also asserts that the security personnel are Kashmiris and "even surrendered militants". In 2010 three men were reported missing proceeding these missing reports 3 men claimed to be militants were killed in a staged gun battle the army also claimed they had found Pakistani currency among the dead. The major was subsequently suspended and a senior soldier transferred from his post. In 2011, a Special Police Officer and an Indian Army Jawan were charged by the Kashmir police for murder of a civilian whom the duo had killed in an encounter claiming that he was a top Lashkar-e-Taiba militant.


Indian security forces have been implicated in many reports for enforced disappearances of thousands of Kashmiris where the security forces deny having their information and/or custody. This is often in association with torture or extrajudicial killing. The number of men disappeared have been so many to have a new term "half-widows" for their wives who end up impoverished. Human right activists estimate the number of disappeared over eight thousand, last seen in government detention. These are believed to be dumped in thousands of mass graves across Kashmir.

Mass graves

Mass graves have been identified all over Kashmir by human right activists believed to contain bodies of thousands of Kashmiris of enforced disappearances. A state human rights commission inquiry confirmed there are thousands of bullet-ridden bodies buried in unmarked graves in Jammu and Kashmir. Of the 2730 bodies uncovered in 4 of the 14 districts, 574 bodies were identified as missing locals in contrast to the Indian governments insistence that all the graves belong to foreign militants. According to a new deposition submitted by Parvez Imroz and his field workers asserted that the total number of unmarked graves were about 6,000. The British parliament commented on the recent discovery and expressed its sadness and regret of over 6,000 unmarked graves. Christof Heyns, a special rapporteur on extrajudicial executions, has warned India that “all of these draconian laws had no place in a functioning democracy and should be scrapped.”

Extrajudicial killings by security personnel

In a 1994 report, Human Rights Watch described summary executions of detainees as a "hallmark" of counter-insurgency operations by Indian security forces in Kashmir. The report further stated that such extrajudicial killings were often administered within hours of arrest, and were carried out not as aberrations but as a "matter of policy". In a 1995 report, Amnesty International stated that hundred of civilians had been victims of such killings, which were often claimed by officers as occurring during "encounters" or "cross-fire". A 2010 US state department report cited extrajudicial killings by security forces in areas of conflict such as Kashmir as a major human rights problem in India.

Torture and sexual violence

Indian security forces and police have been accused of the systematic use of torture. US officials first showed concern regarding the widespread use of torture in 2007 where they presented evidence to Indian diplomats. Human rights groups state that 150 top officers have participated in torture as well as sexual violence and that the Indian government was covering up such acts.


According to a report, 17,000 people, mostly women, have committed suicide during the last 20 years in the Valley. According to a study by the Medecins Sans Frontieres :-

“Women in Kashmir have suffered enormously since the separatist struggle became violent in 1989–90. Like the women in other conflict zones, they have been raped, tortured, maimed and killed. A few of them were even jailed for years together. Kashmiri women are among the worst sufferers of sexual violence in the world. ‘Sexual violence has been routinely perpetrated on Kashmiri women, with 11.6% of respondents saying they were victims of sexual abuse’,”

At the beginning of the insurgency there were 1200 patients in the valley‘s sole mental hospital. The hospital is now overcrowded with more than 100,000 patients.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Kashmir Unmarked Graves Hold Thousands Of Bodies.


Post by ghulam muhammed » Thu Apr 14, 2016 7:21 pm

qutub_mamajiwala wrote:protestors and their ancestors who themselves had shouted for the pandits to leave the valley and leave behind their wifes and daughter
It is laughable that the "plight of Kashmiri Pandits" is raised by BJP and its sympathisers when the ENTIRE blame for the forced migration of pandits from the Valley can be laid at the doors of two men who are the favorites of BJP: Jagmohan, the then Governor of J&K appointed at the behest of BJP that was supporting the central govt., and Mufti Syed, the then Home Minister, with whom, his party and his daughter the BJP runs the current state govt.

That they presided over this exodus is a fact of History. That in the last two years in power neither party has taken any steps to
rehabilitate them is a fact of today's unethical politics. Bringing this into this discussion was an act of chutzpah by qutubbhai.

Here is to help him understand the meaning better:


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Re: Kashmir Unmarked Graves Hold Thousands Of Bodies.


Post by qutub_mamajiwala » Sun Apr 17, 2016 1:29 am

bro GM
i know this and watched this 100 times
the matter of the fact remains the people there supported militancy and are pro pak
i have visited kashmir three times and have found people there full communal anti hindu and anti india
so stop preaching ur hatred and communal mindset and accuse me.
for u everything regarding muslim is gud and whoever opposes it is anti muslim and pro hindu.
i am not that--but even if it is so what? are u with truth or liars?

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Re: Kashmir Unmarked Graves Hold Thousands Of Bodies.


Post by qutub_mamajiwala » Sun Apr 17, 2016 1:34 am

http://www.rediff.com/news/column/handw ... 160414.htm

Burning the Kashmir Valley through the summer is their desire; the Army will never contribute to enhancing their aim,---

A few weeks ago I wrote in a column that with the focus of terror and separatist activity in South Kashmir it was just a matter of time that the shift to North Kashmir would to take place.

The new insurgency in South Kashmir was tending to make the Hurriyat irrelevant. Sopore, Baramula and Pattan cannot be kept quiet because they are competing centres of attention of the separatists. However, the place which is always used for triggering negative situations is Handwara.

It has happened again, true to prediction and in a most predictable manner. Why is Handwara so important?

It is a hyperactive town on the edge of the Rajwar forest on the road between Baramula and Kupwara. Historically, it has been a nerve centre of separatist activity.

The general area around Handwara has been a haven for the creation of safe houses for terrorists because this is the area easiest to approach after a successful infiltration by terror groups from across the LoC.

Reception parties of terrorists move into the thickly wooded Rajwar and Hafruda forests from the Shamshabari heights. The routes from the Lolab Valley are also easy and well covered by the forest. This is Minister Sajad Lone's constituency, but even more important it is MLA Engineer Rashid's neighbouring constituency.

Rashid represents Langaite and is a vocal politician unattached to any political party. He is in confrontation mode at most times and can rustle up a mob in a few minutes. Rashid's forte is that he is by reputation incorruptible and has little to display by way of wealth. Consequently, he has a large following in the area.

Both Langaite and Handwara have each a headquarters of a Rashtriya Rifles battalion for the last 20 years and more. Handwara has quite a record in terms of disruption of normal life in Kashmir. The road to Kupwara offers scope for disrupting the Army's convoys to the Kupwara sector where there is a large deployment. This can be done with minimal disruption of civilian traffic which has alternative routes through Sopore.

The Army prefers to avoid the built up areas of Sopore for its movement. There are networks of separatist cadres in all these towns who are always prepared to concentrate on the road at different points to ratchet up the overall disruption if the separatist bosses feel the need to exploit a situation.

Any situation can be built up on the basis of a trigger. It can start from an inadvertent traffic accident of an Army vehicle with a civilian vehicle or pedestrians or it can be a deliberate attempt at a honey trap for a soldier or even just a rumour.

The separatist network has a collection of workers of different professions on its rolls. Most prominent are lawyers who can advise what sort of an incident can embarrass the Army.

Even more important perhaps is the separatist intelligence network which can put the Army/police intelligence to shame. Potential triggers are planned by them and individuals identified among the soldiers who could be exploited.

If a situation presents itself without too much manipulation, then the means are analysed to see how this can be made worse by further manipulation. Rabble rousing is almost a profession here.

The Army's Rashtriya Rifles units deployed are probably the most experienced units it has. They have had some marked successes in the jungles. Their relationship with the local population is seasonal and contingent upon personalities as is usual everywhere in Kashmir. They are under full directions of the Army hierarchy to avoid any triggers, but in Kashmir's awkward environment even the best of units can be manipulated.

Sometimes these units make genuine mistakes, leading to loss of innocent lives. In the grey zone of intense counter-terror operations, it is many times difficult to discern between friend and foe. For the separatist cadres, sacrificing an odd life is of little concern.

Strict surveillance over the situation gives opportunities unwittingly offered by the Army. These are pounced upon, passions whipped up, mobs collected after bodies are laid on the road or paraded, much sloganeering and a possible clash with the police.

The incident of April 12 has gone up by many notches over past experience and an existing Army bunker inside Handwara town too has been targeted and burnt with soldiers also put to risk. Separatists usually do not take such risks. In fact, the Army has been patient in reponse.

In such situations no one knows who fires and whose bullet hits whom. A few lives lost, vehicles burnt, blood stains everywhere and the photographs or videos are quickly uploaded on cable networks to generate negative passions all over the Kashmir Valley.

That is how it starts when street turbulence is the desire and demand of the separatists. The leadership will hope that Sopore, Baramula and Pattan will maintain a 'shut down' for the next few days, more confrontation with the police and CAPF, a possible targeting of an Army or CAPF (Central Armed Police Force) vehicle in a small convoy and further chaos on the national highway, which is the strategic artery linking the Army's deployment and crucial for logistics. All this tailor made for the beginning of a hot and angry summer.

The situation in the latest incident is absolutely unclear, but the local media will invariably focus on the Army's response and the alleged molestation; pushing away from focus issues such as the alleged victim's statement to the police on camera. No one will look at the mob’s action, who instigated it and why law and order was taken in their hands by the local leaders.

No one can say with any finality what the truth is, but the entire incident is being relished by separatist cadres looking for a revival of anti-India activity in North Kashmir

The Army has over a period of time learnt that it is best to defuse the situation rather than contest versions through counter FIRs etc. Invariably, issues of AFSPA will once again arise with demands for handing over the allegedly errant soldier for civil justice.

The Army cannot afford to do that as its soldiers have to be protected from manipulated triggers. While the Army trains its officers and soldiers to be wary of such situations and not fall prey, there will be one off failures, lack of alertness at times or simply genuinely rogue soldiers who may carry out an act of indiscipline. Determining the truth in all this is next to impossible.

Inquiries will be carried out, but in the rapidly changing situation every summer it is the next incident which draws attention, not the previous.

Being an Army officer in a position of responsibility in any of these areas is risky business. You have to be smart and deft, have an outreach to your own set of local cadres which need to be cultivated. Senior commanders who have faced such situations in their earlier years in the Kashmir Valley know exactly what this is all about and can respond with balance.

In this instant case if mobs target outnumbered troops there will be no alternative for the Army, but to fire in self-defence; it is not the best of responses, but the circumstances force such decisions. Very soon, human rights activists will be up in arms, but no one will look at the main trigger and how a situation was probably built up to force the response. Amnesty International, as expected, is demanding handing over of accused soldiers for justice through civil judicial procedure.

How should the Army avoid such incidents? There is no set formula. Mistakes will be made as no Army can exist in a zero error environment. The current handling has been appropriate. There is no need to be over aggressive in defending your position nor allow the separatists to exploit it further.

Quell the passions first, institute an inquiry and allow the situation to cool down. Allow media handling only at the highest levels. Only the Division and Corps Commander must speak to the media in such sensitive situations unless competent staff officers are available. One off statements in the media can sometimes worsen situations.

The aim should be clear; the Army must always be balanced in response. Rabble rousers will demand that it be given a free hand against anti-national elements in the streets. That is exactly what the adversaries want. Burning the Kashmir Valley through the summer is their desire; the Army will never contribute to enhancing their aim.

Hybrid warfare is not the biggest challenge of modern armies for nothing. It extracts the last energy out of our professional uniformed forces. They have to remain professional and ensure that every soldier understands what he is deployed for and never fall prey to the machinations of the collaborative manipulation of the adversaries.

The current incident could well turn out to be a genuine case of misdemeanour by a soldier or a manipulation as has been the trend very often. The important thing is that there should be transparency in investigation and an early termination of that, whichever way it goes.

The Army has full courage to face the truth and take action as it has promised already. Detractors who do not believe in the manipulation theory need to be reminded of the 19 July 2011 incident of alleged rape two RR soldiers, of a Gujjar woman near Shupaiyan. The subsequent investigation, not even a formal one, put to rest all her allegations revealing how she had been instigated into making the allegations after she fought with her in laws.

http://www.rediff.com/news/column/handw ... 160414.htm

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Re: Kashmir Unmarked Graves Hold Thousands Of Bodies.


Post by qutub_mamajiwala » Sun Apr 17, 2016 6:54 am

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Re: Kashmir Unmarked Graves Hold Thousands Of Bodies.


Post by qutub_mamajiwala » Sun Apr 17, 2016 6:56 am

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ghulam muhammed
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Re: Kashmir Unmarked Graves Hold Thousands Of Bodies.


Post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Apr 17, 2016 5:05 pm

qutub_mamajiwala wrote:the matter of the fact remains the people there supported militancy and are pro pak
Yes, some of them do support Pakistan but the majority want an "Azad Kashmir", the ones who support Pakistan are in a minority as they have realised that going with Pakistan is like going from the frying pan to fire.
qutub_mamajiwala wrote:i have visited kashmir three times and have found people there full communal anti hindu and anti india
I visited Kashmir as recently as October 2015 and was there for more then a week. They have become communal but one should know the reasons behind it and I dont expect the ones like you to understand their plight because inspite of the anti-Muslim tirade by the BJP and its mentors RSS/Bajrang Dal/VHP which is out in the open for the whole world to see yet so called Muslims like you turn a blind eye to it so its us useless arguing with you.
qutub_mamajiwala wrote:so stop preaching ur hatred and communal mindset and accuse me.
Actually it is YOU who is furthering the cause of communal hatred set by your mentors in Nagpur. I am only providing facts and figures but you act like a mouthpiece of RSS/BJP !
qutub_mamajiwala wrote:for u everything regarding muslim is gud and whoever opposes it is anti muslim and pro hindu.
If "Everything" regarding Muslims was good for me then I wouldn't have been so vocal in condemning the inhuman acts of Wahabi Muslims, have you ever defended Muslims even once ???
qutub_mamajiwala wrote:are u with truth or liars?
I believe what I see at ground level and don't go on mere hearsay or get influenced by the biased media. When I say something I have enough evidence to backup unlike you who acts like a spokesperson of Hindutva brigade.

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Re: Kashmir Unmarked Graves Hold Thousands Of Bodies.


Post by qutub_mamajiwala » Mon Apr 18, 2016 2:03 am

army was called to disperse rioters. rioting for what?
alleged molestation?
she was molested, but she is in police custody for 5 days instead of perpetrators.
perfect sharia law where rape victim is given lashes for adultery. and still u support it in the name of oppression of state and azadi.--gud
first she gives statement against local boys, she is taken into custody, and u are all knowing what happens in police custody, then her mother is outside in pressure gives statement against army. then after torture in cutody she gives statement against local boys.
in the name of kashmirityat, their MLA dont even take oath in local language, but arabicised urdu--which they cant even speak correctly.
but ofcourse they are better than maharashtra MLA who takes oath in their local language.
in the name of kashmiriyat and azadi--what they are asking is also similar to ur fascist shivsena and raj thackrey and now trump is asking--do u support them?

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Kashmir Unmarked Graves Hold Thousands Of Bodies.


Post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Apr 18, 2016 5:03 pm

qutub_mamajiwala wrote:first she gives statement against local boys, she is taken into custody, and u are all knowing what happens in police custody, then her mother is outside in pressure gives statement against army. then after torture in cutody she gives statement against local boys.
Good you realised what happens in police custody where the hardest of criminals are compelled to toe their line and in this case it is obvious as to why the girl suddenly thought of exonerating the army officials of their heinous crimes of molestation and gave a statement to that effect !

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Re: Kashmir Unmarked Graves Hold Thousands Of Bodies.


Post by qutub_mamajiwala » Tue Apr 19, 2016 1:43 am

local police who are all muslims and siding with local people pressurised her and mother to give statement against army personnel.
her mother came under pressure and gave that. but the brave girl withstood her ground and told the truth.
so much for the opression of army and state.
if army should not kill the rioters, then what should they do? invite them for biryani?
the same army killed rioters in godhra also, but they were hindus, so no word from u

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Re: Kashmir Unmarked Graves Hold Thousands Of Bodies.


Post by qutub_mamajiwala » Tue Apr 19, 2016 1:49 am

Dear Kashmiri friends (the ones who don’t like India),

I write in this open forum because something terrible is happening in the Kashmir Valley. The recent events at NIT Srinagar only brought the situation to national attention. Some students burst crackers when India lost the T20 semi-final. Many students were beaten for raising the Indian flag. Thereafter, bloody clashes have broken out in north Kashmir.

I understand that there is little pro-India sentiment amongst locals in the Kashmir Valley. Many would rather the Valley be on its own, some wouldn’t even mind being with Pakistan. I will not judge you. Despite being a patriotic Indian, i won’t hold it against you if you hate India. You must and do have your reasons for it.

However, allow me to present another point of view. Allow me to tell you how your future will be best, on a practical basis, if the Kashmir Valley integrates and assimilates with India. This is not an emotional, political or historical argument. It is simply more rational for people in the Kashmir Valley who seek a better future to do it with India.

Sure, the experts will jump on me now. Experts who have made the Kashmir problem their fiefdom. However, if the problem were indeed solved, how will these people stay relevant? Hence, they always attack any solution with their elitist ‘this is too complicated an issue’ stance. They love complicated. It gives them another conference to attend. You suffer with complicated, as the problem never gets solved.

The issue is complicated for sure. For those who don’t know the Kashmir issue, here it is in a nutshell. India became independent. Princely states were assimilated. Jammu & Kashmir didn’t accede. Pakistan attacked Kashmir, took half of it (and still controls it). Kashmir’s ruler called India for help. In return for help J&K became part of India, but with riders.

J&K would have its own constitution, have more political independence than other states, while the Centre would handle defence, foreign affairs and communications. In theory, it was a good solution, a sort of one country, two systems approach. In reality, it never worked.

Instead of two parents as planned, J&K became nobody’s child and an orphan. Pakistan took advantage and used the common factor of Islam to start a militant movement. The Indian army tried to control it. However, it is difficult to control terrorism that co-exists with a civilian population (case in point: even the world’s superpowers appear unable to control Islamic State).

Hence the Indian army, and India, only got a bad name in the Valley. Thus the ‘we hate India’ slogans and perennially unsolved Kashmir problem.

The question is, what is a Kashmiri youth to do now? First, it is important for everyone, not just Kashmiris, to understand the area and people involved. The J&K map we see in Indian textbooks is far from what exists on the ground. Half of what we see in the map is taken over by Pakistan and China. Even though India may claim it, unless we are okay with heavy civilian casualties (which we are not), we will never get it.

Hence, let’s just focus on the half under Indian control, which can be divided into three areas: Ladakh, Jammu and the Valley. Most of the trouble is in the Kashmir Valley. This is only around 7% of the area Indians see on the J&K map and approximates the size of Manipur. In terms of people it is 7 million, roughly the population of Chennai.

The terrain is rugged and the area is completely landlocked. Even if we were to indulge the argument that India is a terrible country and so Kashmir Valley should be on its own, can you really build a sustainable country out of it? It will be a tiny stub in a troubled area, abused by both India and Pakistan. With no real economy and extreme dependence on its giant neighbours, it risks becoming a cesspool of terrorism, drugs and smuggling.

There is also a risk of its being taken over by fundamentalist Islamic forces. It is unlikely anybody from outside would invest money in such a dangerous place. There would be no jobs and no safety. Would you want to live there? Ditto if it joins Pakistan. India is seen as a major emerging market economy. Pakistan is not even seen as a real economy.

Another issue is women’s rights. Half of the Valley’s people are women. Given the hold of fundamentalist Islam, their rights would be curbed under both the independence and Pakistan options. This half of the population would be better off with India. Or do what women want not matter?

If you are Kashmiri and care for Kashmir, the best thing you can do is to integrate with India. Your population size is small, only 7 million. It is not unthinkable to unite them and create a group of people that talks real business with the Indian government. Your local politician won’t talk assimilation, as he or she would rather hold more power than a typical state government in India. However, for you, the youth, the best bet is to make the Valley truly part of India.

The rest of India should not ask for the removal of Article 370. The 7 million people in the Valley should. Kashmiri Pandits who were made to leave the Valley need to be brought back. Terrorism is no solution, nor revenge and retribution for Indian atrocities. Terrorism is only going to harm people in the Valley most.

So, it is youth in the Valley who have to now start a movement to really solve this problem. Get rid of Article 370. It is not empowering Kashmir. It is only empowering your local politicians, who frankly can do nothing for you without Indian integration.

Don’t blame the Indian army. It has the tough job of weeding out terrorists from a civilian population which is almost impossible without collateral damage, terrible as that might be. However, blame those truly responsible, the Pakistani army, the local leaders who exploited the situation and the experts who did nothing for you.

Don’t burst crackers when India loses. Don’t feel good when India fails.

Because if India fails, you will fail too.

http://satyavijayi.com/even-if-you-dont ... k-with-it/

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Re: Kashmir Unmarked Graves Hold Thousands Of Bodies.


Post by qutub_mamajiwala » Tue Apr 19, 2016 1:50 am

Indian Army’s Truck Attacked by the So Called “Peaceful” and “Poor” Kashmiri Separatists

http://satyavijayi.com/indian-armys-tru ... paratists/

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Re: Kashmir Unmarked Graves Hold Thousands Of Bodies.


Post by qutub_mamajiwala » Tue Apr 19, 2016 2:50 am

One arrested in connection with Handwara molestation case

ne person was arrested in connection with an alleged molestation case of a girl in Handwara, an incident that triggered a cycle of violence for past one week in north Kashmir.
Hilal Ahmed Bandey, one of the two accused identified, was arrested from Handwara by Jammu and Kashmir Police on Monday night, official sources said, adding he is being questioned.

Bandey was among the two persons named by the girl in her statement before chief judicial magistrate. He is accused of manhandling the girl on April 12 while she was stepping out of a public restroom in Handwara town.

In her statement before the judicial magistrate, "she said that on April 12 after school hours, while proceeding to her home with her friend, she entered in a public lavatory near main chowk in Handwara for answering the call of nature.
"As soon as she came out of lavatory she was confronted, assaulted and dragged by two boys and her bag was snatched. One of the boys was in school uniform. The production of the girl along with her father before the chief judicial magistrate, Handwara was to comply with the order of the Jammu and Kashmir high court," police had said.
The sources said that a manhunt had been launched to arrest the other accused named by the girl in her statement to unravel the entire conspiracy. Initial investigation indicate that the girl was spurning offers for a relationship from one of the two boys.
However, the entire case will be solved once the second accused is also arrested, the sources said.
Immediately, after the locals dragged the girl from the public restroom, angry mob started pelting stones and ransacked the Army bunker in Handwara town.
Incidentally, the locals had been demanding withdrawal of the bunker for quite sometime but the army had put its foot down, saying it was strategically important for the troops.
Now the state government is likely to hand over the bunker to civil administration for development.

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/indi ... 888728.cms

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Re: Kashmir Unmarked Graves Hold Thousands Of Bodies.


Post by qutub_mamajiwala » Tue Apr 19, 2016 3:53 am

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ghulam muhammed
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Re: Kashmir Unmarked Graves Hold Thousands Of Bodies.


Post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Apr 19, 2016 4:23 pm

qutub_mamajiwala wrote:local police who are all muslims and siding with local people pressurised her and mother to give statement against army personnel.
her mother came under pressure and gave that. but the brave girl withstood her ground and told the truth.
It seems you were present right inside the police station.
qutub_mamajiwala wrote:if army should not kill the rioters, then what should they do? invite them for biryani?
No.... Invite them for "Ghar Wapsi"
qutub_mamajiwala wrote:the same army killed rioters in godhra also, but they were hindus, so no word from u
Give a detailed account and I will counter that.

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Re: Kashmir Unmarked Graves Hold Thousands Of Bodies.


Post by JC » Tue Apr 19, 2016 7:44 pm

Qutub Mamajiwala only sees one side of the story ........ he talks sense but I would request him not to see everything from his Indian Glasses, take off those, use your own eyes.

I am not saying Indian Army is 100% wrong and I am not saying terrorists are 100% right. Atrocities are committed by both sides, this is WAR and innocent people should be left out of it.

South Asia is rife with sectarian and unnatural divide. And why only South Asia, see Asia at large .......

Kashmir - between Pakistan and India
Punjab - between Pakistan and India
Bengal - between Bangladesh and India
Balochistan - between Pakistan and India
Kurdistan - between Turkey, Syria and Iraq
Nagorano-Karobagh - between Azerbaijan and Armenia
Crimea- between Ukraine and Russia

See the complete list at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_t ... l_disputes

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Re: Kashmir Unmarked Graves Hold Thousands Of Bodies.


Post by qutub_mamajiwala » Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:02 am

bro jc
i accept, there is always two sides of a coin.
i am just showing another side, who vehemently oppose to see it.
go on and on about the so called atrocities committed on them, that one would think how with all the oppression they are still surviving?
funny thing is they still live merrily and able to write about the so called atrocites living in the midst of them while others have been completely wiped out from other parts who differ from their religion, practices etc and even made to tow their line and change the custom and law to their own. if u show them the other side, they quickly brand u as sympathizer of another religion. if u read their post for many years, u will see it as one sided only and then talk about pluralistic society.

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Re: Kashmir Unmarked Graves Hold Thousands Of Bodies.


Post by anajmi » Wed Apr 20, 2016 7:41 am

Mamaji is not showing the other side. He shows only one side and even refuses to acknowlwdge the other because he is a half chaddi sympathizing muslim hater. Kashmir has nothing to do with Islam or Muslims. It is a political issue for both Pakistan and India. However, a majority of the kashmiris dont want to be with India. Let them go. The half chaddis keep saying if you dont like it leave, well let them leave. But why shouldnt they leave with their land? Does it belong to the half chaddi? That solves this decades old problem. But then politicians on both sides loose an election talking point.

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Re: Kashmir Unmarked Graves Hold Thousands Of Bodies.


Post by SBM » Wed Apr 20, 2016 9:49 am

Shri QB Jee (replace Brother with Jee since many RSS followers do not like to be called Bhai and they prefer Jee or Shri)

Who do you think is responsible for demolition of Babri Masjid
The reason I ask, I want to know the other side of the story, I want to know exactly what devilish role Muslims played in creating euphoria for your RSS brethren to demolish the Masjid and still nothing has been done except the loss of many innocent lives.