Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by SBM » Mon Feb 10, 2014 5:17 pm

Khuda ni lanat on all the enemies of dai,dawat and in general of islam!
So you Abdes would say Khuda ni Rehmat on Narendra Modi-Thackrey brothers-Ramdev-Patil Gang they are SMS close buddies but TRUE ENEMY OF ISLAM AND MUSLIMS

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Feb 10, 2014 5:30 pm

The most hypocritical reply by Muffy gang which is loaded with lies and deception !!

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by maxthemature » Mon Feb 10, 2014 6:00 pm

Oh u wud know mr gulaam biggest snake from the sunni side I
Have seen!
Admin I don't understand how r u allowing sunnis like gulaam mohammed who r
Stern followers of abubaker umar and usmaan!now tht ideot will
Come and guide us who himself is a piece of joke and making a fool
Of himself everytime he is commenting!!

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Feb 10, 2014 6:10 pm

maxthemature wrote:tht ideot willCome and guide us who himself is a piece of joke and making a foolOf himself everytime he is commenting!!
Atlast you had a good look at the mirror !! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

M Taha
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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by M Taha » Mon Feb 10, 2014 6:14 pm

maxthemature wrote:Oh u wud know mr gulaam biggest snake from the sunni side I
Have seen!
Admin I don't understand how r u allowing sunnis like gulaam mohammed who r
Stern followers of abubaker umar and usmaan!now tht ideot will
Come and guide us who himself is a piece of joke and making a fool
Of himself everytime he is commenting!!
Have you read life of abu bakar usman and umar?

believe me if you will read it, u will find they were 1000xxxxxxxxxx times better then current leadership of bohras.

and no I am not sunni, but just an open minded Muslim whos not affraid to read and explore all things.

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Mon Feb 10, 2014 7:04 pm

New wrote:Mr. Right bhai you are wrong. You are on the Left firka and every one is on the Right firka. Missak ma em khau ke khao Kasam and kaho Rakam...Correct me Mr. Right bhai if I am wrong.
fantastic! i really like that!

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Feb 10, 2014 7:12 pm


Please be here for a long time as you are the typical role model of Muffy followers and it helps the reformist's cause of spreading the message far and wide as to how bohras have evolved as of late under his rule and how this CULT has transformed the once respectful and dignified bohras into a bunch of zombies and brain dead slaves who have lost their marbles !!

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by salsabeel » Tue Feb 11, 2014 3:22 am

New wrote:A leader has to be seen in the public commanding a lead. He should be approachable easily or by proxy. The only line of communication is the website with press releases. As many said here that the website hardly serves any purpose now. Even the Missak bayan has been commmming now for one week. So where is the leader? We have many many questions what why who where when etc etc.

As many have said that any publicity even the bad one is a good publicity. I am not asking SKQ to be seen with Ram Baba or others.

But what is going on?
Dear brother, Syedna Qutbuddin tus is very much approachable. If you happen to be in mumbai, u may call and take an appointment to be with him, or if out of India you can either communicate via email or phone, there are many people who will answer your questions. The mode of communication and the phone numbers are listed on And give it some time for public appearances because his inhumane enemies are lurking everywhere.

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by like_minded » Tue Feb 11, 2014 4:38 am

notruthinreligion wrote:Hi Al Zulfiqar.
Such good reading this. As a kid I used to be proud of being a Dahodi Bohra. I had muslim (Shia/Sunni) friends my age and they and their families were always astounded by my fluency with the Suras and ayats of the Quraan, practise of rozas, hygeine, etc. The innocence of youth, the constant drilling in the masjid and the God forsaken company of fellow bohras made me completely oblivious to the loot and extortion that was really going on in the community. I would argue for the kothar whenever friends/family would protest any taxes or salaams. I would perform all kinds of 'khidmat' to the masjid in the pretext of maula ni mohabbat.
With passing time and more exposure to the internet, I got to see more and more of the tyrannic and dictatorial practices. I realized that all though I could read the Quran and recite memorised Suras and Duas, I really knew nothing about what my religion asked of me. When I heard the current mansoos in his bayaan for the first time, I knew that this could not be a man of truth. It was evident that he had no knowledge (forget wisdom), humility, honesty, truth to support himself. One could feel a constant promotional barrage of his activities and I would ask myself what is he trying to prove!
The way SMB was treated before his death, I really wouldn't curse my worst enemy to receive that treatment at the hands of his own son. The Mansoos just wanted to win the peoples' support, show them that the Dai was with him. SMB may have physically died only a month ago but his spirit had been long dead. How could thousands of people not have sympathy for a dying old man who was being tied to a chair and paraded about for the sake of publicity?
Now the more important questions pertaining to religion itself. Every religion preaches a set of virtues. The good will take you to Heaven and the bad to hell. All of us know of prominent religious/spiritual leaders involved the greasiest of sins. From forgery to prostitution to murder, these guys have everything on their resume. So where does that put religion and God? Surely, if there was a God that all religions claim to be, the Creator and the Destroyer, the Alpha and the Omega, he would step up at some point and say 'enough is enough, I wont let innocent people (and Im referring to the honest and the faithful) suffer due to a few men's greed!'
My sincere belief is that God as a concept was a figment of one man's imagination. Ages ago (and I'm talking about early men-prehistoric times) when early men first started living in groups and establishing small communities, the concept of God was coined to establish a sense of fear amongst wrong doers. With passing time, man being the most intelligent being on the planet, realized that fear means power and power brings money. As such, there was diversification and new religions started to flourish. Off course the newer ones were more refined to attract more attention and to get more people to practice the same. Most, if not all advocate the profit/loss system, that i.e do good and go to heaven and do bad and rot in hell. But why cant good be without expecting a return? Why cant service be to all living beings and nature as a whole? Why is prayer more important than kindness? There is a fundamental voice within all of us that tells us what is right and wrong all the time; why does religion override that voice?
I keep fluctuating between an agnostic and an atheist from time to time, but I do hope that there is a God. He's asleep or maybe He's just busy creating other worlds, but sooner rather than later I hope he realizes that the world he created is not what he meant it to be. Perhaps most of what I have written here is out of context, but I just couldn't stop expressing myself. Perhaps God will punish me for not having faith in His existence, I'm willing to take that punishment now and dont need to wait until my afterlife. Maybe all of us should start bullying him into taking some action. I also realize that most of us will advocate starting a change within because that's where God is, but isn't he also within these terrorists then in the same measure?
I guess then, it is not a choice between SMS and SKQ or DB and Hinduism and Christianity or any other religious community for that matter. Its simply about right and wrong. Leave God and religion out of the picture for a minute and think about what you can do to be a better human being.

thanks for reading!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and I completely endorse it.

You have managed to put forward the truth in a most simple manner which deserves appreciation. Keep it up!

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by hussain53 » Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:36 am

You all Proggies are indicating that Sayedna Muffadal Saifuddin is true Successor of sayedna burhanuddin R.A....


1. you people was always against the Sayedna Mohammad burhanuddin R.A you always doubt all his Bayaan Mubarak and now you are doing same with his mansoos Sayedna Muffadal.

2.You people opposes Sayedna Mohammad burhanuddin R.A Teachings and now you are doing same with his mansoos Sayedna Muffadal T.U.S.

3.You people opposes Sayedna Mohammad burhanuddin R.A Policies like (Qardan hasana Scheme,Faizul Mawaidul Burhaniyah Scheme, Karbala Zaiyarat Scheme,Amatullah Aai Scheme e.t.c ) and now you are doing same with his mansoos Sayedna Muffadal T.U.S.

You people was always against Sayedna and will always be and now also going with KQ who is on same way of yours...

You people are soooooooooooooo jealous of mumineen and always joke on them saying (abde,fools,brainwashed e.t.c e.t.c) we believe that god is watching all this. and your jealous will increase day by day with increase in our mohabbat in Islam.

This website is build for making fun and time pass and getting azaaab in free.... well doing and going.

Reformist says that we are struggling mind it you are not struggling you are paying for your wrong.

we followers of Sayedna Muffadal Saifuddin T.U.S will always follow him.
Last edited by hussain53 on Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by Sceptical » Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:39 am

hussain53 wrote:we followers of Sayedna Muffadal Saifuddin T.U.S will follow him and will answer...
Amen :mrgreen: :lol:

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by tasneempati » Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:53 am

This M Taha appears to be Non Bohra & therefore Admin block him. His views are anti bohras.

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by hsnhussain » Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:56 am

hussain53 wrote:
we followers of Sayedna Muffadal Saifuddin T.U.S will always follow him.
By coming on this site and reading and posting you have broken your misaq.
Its time for you to take a new misaq.

Khao kasam ane karo salaam

and then sing

Ghanu chino ghanu chino.

M Taha
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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by M Taha » Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:57 am

tasneempati wrote:This M Taha appears to be Non Bohra & therefore Admin block him. His views are anti bohras.
well my views are islamic, but I am very sure they does sounds like anti bohra, may be because bohras are failing to obey basic principles of ISLAM.

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by hussain53 » Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:00 am

to hsnhussain

You people are soooooooooooooo jealous of mumineen and always joke on them saying (abde,fools,brainwashed e.t.c e.t.c) we believe that god is watching all this. and your jealous will increase day by day with increase in our mohabbat in Islam.

This website is build for making fun and time pass and getting azaaab in free.... well doing and going.

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by voice » Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:11 am

salsabeel wrote:
Dear brother, Syedna Qutbuddin tus is very much approachable. If you happen to be in mumbai, u may call and take an appointment to be with him, or if out of India you can either communicate via email or phone, there are many people who will answer your questions. The mode of communication and the phone numbers are listed on And give it some time for public appearances because his inhumane enemies are lurking everywhere.
That`s the quality of a true Islamic leader. In comparision muffy camp makes its approach easy available only for those who can give them heavy amount of salaam / najwa etc.

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by AgnosticIndian » Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:21 am

maxthemature wrote:Oh u wud know mr gulaam biggest snake from the sunni side I
Have seen!
Admin I don't understand how r u allowing sunnis like gulaam mohammed who r
Stern followers of abubaker umar and usmaan!now tht ideot will
Come and guide us who himself is a piece of joke and making a fool
Of himself everytime he is commenting!!
And you call yourself mature

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by yuzarsif » Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:26 am

hussain53 wrote: your jealous will increase day by day with increase in our mohabbat in Islam.
Say Mohabbat in Dai and not in Islam.

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by like_minded » Tue Feb 11, 2014 7:05 am

You people are soooooooooooooo jealous of mumineen and always joke on them saying (abde,fools,brainwashed e.t.c e.t.c)

This is a standard dialogue of all fanatics when their beliefs and all other madness attached to it is challenged.. I don't know which world they live in!! What makes them think that others (who don't subscribe to their narrow-mindedness) are jealous of them? Come on, open your eyes!! Nobody here is jealous of close-minded fanatics and their power-hungry master.

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by zinger » Tue Feb 11, 2014 7:56 am

tasneempati wrote:This M Taha appears to be Non Bohra & therefore Admin block him. His views are anti bohras.

I've already exposed him for what and who he really is. Admin has also sent him a warning to take his preaching somewhere else

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by silvertongue » Tue Feb 11, 2014 8:05 am

AAaaanddddd thatsssssss gooooodd

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by AgnosticTheist » Tue Feb 11, 2014 8:33 am

@ hussain53's logic - If A doesn't like B and A doesn't like C then B = C. Good going...

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by AgnosticIndian » Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:18 am

I think KQ is waiting for chelum to get over before going legal on this issue. So far no moves that indicate any steps to wrest control of Dawat e Hadiya apart from the public notice which actually was an indication of impending legal action.

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by hussain53 » Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:39 pm

absolutely rigjt mr. AgnosticIndian. you are a nice maths cheater

just did one mistake put z in place of a as proggies are always in last

b= sayedna mohammad burhanuddin
c= sayedna muffadal saifuddin t.u.s
b= c


like kq

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by salsabeel » Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:43 pm

people remember the dates of their misaq, their birthday, their wedding day, their graduation day, well, people even remember what they were doing when 9/11 happened.

here's a link showing mufaddal bhaisab forgetting the most important date of his life.

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by salsabeel » Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:47 pm

the video also shows many people crying because he has forgotten the date...I always wonder why everyone cries like anything even though their isnt much to cry about.

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by AgnosticTheist » Tue Feb 11, 2014 2:21 pm

hussain53 wrote:absolutely rigjt mr. AgnosticIndian. you are a nice maths cheater
Sir, you are mixing up AgnosticTheist and AgnosticIndian. We are two different identities.

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by voice » Tue Feb 11, 2014 2:52 pm

salsabeel wrote:the video also shows many people crying because he has forgotten the date...I always wonder why everyone cries like anything even though their isnt much to cry about.
This might be well trained people of muffy gang always ready to perform this acts. Actually, whole happenings are like watching drama and this band of people are actors and artists performing there due role.

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by voice » Tue Feb 11, 2014 2:53 pm

salsabeel wrote:people remember the dates of their misaq, their birthday, their wedding day, their graduation day, well, people even remember what they were doing when 9/11 happened.

here's a link showing mufaddal bhaisab forgetting the most important date of his life.
Good observation and important point raised.

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Re: Khuzema Qutbuddin (and related topics)


Unread post by id99 » Tue Feb 11, 2014 3:24 pm

We've evolved into a cult .... Sad state of affairs