Zahir Batin Fitnat : A New Summary

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Zahir Batin Fitnat : A New Summary


Unread post by UKMohammad » Tue Aug 02, 2016 11:41 pm

Forwarded as received:-

In 2002 Taizoon bhaisaheb Shakir published a website that sent shockwaves through the community and was the cause of the izharul aqida majlis worldwide and everyone's misaq taken again. On that website he published audio recordings of conversations with his qasreali family where their hatred of then Mazoon saheb is clear for all to see.

Taizoon bs also revealed at that time that Mufaddal Saifuddin also hated Mazoon Saheb, he explained this in the audio also, without taking his name. Later on, he confirmed that the person he was taking about was Mufaddal Saifuddin.

In these recordings which take you deep inside the Saifee Mahal family secrets, you will hear that they never believed that the Mazoon was really the Mazoon!! That it was OK to rubbish his character, that he is like 123 (!!) and other horrible things. All this while Syedna Burhanuddin RA was alive and taking SKQ name in misaq!!

You will hear that Taizoon bs is saying that he knew from childhood that Mazoon Saheb was hated. And you will hear him ask why everybody hates Mazoon Saheb.

From a family that today tells all Bohras 'Ahsin ila man asaa ilaik' why so much hatred??

This audio with so much hatred is a must listen for all right thinking Bohras.
Zahir Batin Fitnat Hatred of Mazoon SKQ
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I Rizwan
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Re: Zahir Batin Fitnat : A New Summary


Unread post by I Rizwan » Wed Aug 03, 2016 1:25 pm

Salute to Taizoon bhaisaheb Shakir his efforts and concern is clearly visible, may Allah reward you brother, but again you have been disillusioned, I really hope that you do realize that ke jene tame aqa moula aqa maula kehta rahya cho, ej main culprit che aa bhadi power and money game naa. he intentionally sideline his step brother so that finally his incompetent son mufaddal can seat on thrown and rule army of abde fools.

Jazakallah khair
2016-08-03_23-09_Zahir-Batin Website.jpg

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Re: Zahir Batin Fitnat : A New Summary


Unread post by Biradar » Wed Aug 03, 2016 2:07 pm

Taizoon Shakir has said "Long Live Big Brother" and gone back the Iblisi Toli (i.e. Muffy More-la jamaat). He is a deeply confused man, with no clear idea of what he believes. I am sure he now regrets making these recordings as well as the "Saifee Mahal Inside Story" series of blog posts.

Incidentally, I should add: very soon Muffy More-la followers will be told that the "real" mazoon during SMB's time was Yusuf Najmuddin (the root of all evil) and then it was Muffy More-la (the evil fruit) himself. Of course, the well fed rotund sheep will accept all this with screams of "more-la, more-la" and soon after hurry to shovel down buckets full of food, thereby increasing waistlines and reducing brain capacity even further.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Zahir Batin Fitnat : A New Summary


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Wed Aug 03, 2016 5:41 pm

Biradar wrote:very soon Muffy More-la followers will be told that the "real" mazoon during SMB's time was Yusuf Najmuddin (the root of all evil)
Muffy's followers will also be told that the Fitnati Yusuf Najmuddin died a Shaheed and the fact that he was hacked to pieces by Egyptian land mafias will be kept "Taawil" and forgotten in days to come. One should not be surprised if one more audio surfaces wherein SMB will be shown as the "Zahir" Dai and Muffy the "Batin" who has been guiding the Zahir Dai all these years. Needless to say that all this crap will be willingly and easily digested by the brain dead abdes who will see it as another of "Mola ni ajeeb shaan" !!

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Zahir Batin Fitnat : A New Summary


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Wed Aug 03, 2016 6:03 pm

Biradar my friend,

taizoon shakir started out by listening to the voice of his conscience and did what would have been unthinkable for anyone to imagine. he led a revolution against his own family, exposing their darkest secrets, making himself a pariah and a marked man. he escaped with his life to eke out a meagre life far away from the clutches of the deadly mafia. but in the process he fractured his own family life and became a tool in the hands of vested interests who wanted to make an example out of him. the pressures on him have been enormous. no one dare blow the whistle on a multi-billion dollar enterprise which keeps on generating and producing with practically insignificant an investment.

obviously these types of pressures and intimidation exerted on him from all sides has taken its toll. his own personal life is in shambles. from any practical worldly viewpoint, which person in his right mind, who could be enjoying untold riches, a lavish life of ayyashi with stupid abdes bowing and scraping in front of him, willing to lick his backside and bend over backwards in respect and subservience, chuck it all up to follow the path of truthfulness and integrity?

i personally sympathise with him. he made his choices, now he has to suffer its consequences. if he went back to the oppressive fold, i would not term it as capitulation. more a choice forced upon him for his own mental sanity. the fact remains that with his desertion, the internal fight is over, alongwith the fading chances of TF getting a court judgement in his favour.

all in all, the faint light of rebellion which we hoped would become a roaring inferno has been extinguished for all practical purposes. back to square one with the thugs and murderers ruling the roost. welcome to the orwellian farm...

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Zahir Batin Fitnat : A New Summary


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Wed Aug 03, 2016 6:06 pm

Extract from the PDB website for the benefit of new members on the forum :-

Naam Khidmat Kaam Fitnat

It details the power structure of the Shezadas who was controling Dawat and creating a wall between and Haq and Batil

Badrul Jamali (BJ for short) and his family are now controlling the administration of Dawat! They can beat up mumineen they dont like (Mansoor / Shabbir Yamani in Surat) and do fitnat against Mazoon Sahib all the time and get away with it! First Question is why? Why do they do that? Its obvious to most intelligent mumineen that they do it for worldly reasons. To get more power and to keep that power all the time. The reason I Say THEY is that its not just Badrul Jamali alone. His brothers, sisters and his whole family are with him. They are all supporting and helping his evil activities enjoying material benefits for themselves.

But the second question is even more serious. Why are Aqa Moulas (TUS) Shehzadas aligning themselves with him, especially Shezada Mufaddal Bhaisaheb, whom I respected quite a bit before it became very clear to me that he is supportive of all of BJs activities. Shezada Sahebs wife is Badrul Jamalis sister, so BJ is always protected no matter how much he terrorizes mumineen. We are at a time in the history of Dawat when a big fitnat is being planned right under our noses. One could hardly imagine that people in high places could act harmfully towards Dawat. Today, many mumineen are beginning to discover just that.

Badrul Jamali and associates are using Shezada Mufaddal Bhaisaheb to practice their evil activities, oppress mumineen and instill fear in mumineens hearts. On the other hand, they do propaganda of displaying Shezada Sahib as the chosen one. The fact that Shehzada Mufaddal Bhaisaheb relies on such people like Badrul Jamali and Mohammad Hasan of Cairo speaks a lot about Shezada Mufaddal Bhaisahebs own character. Instead of learning from Aqa Moula TUS, this Shehzada seems to have received his training from his Sasra - Yusuf Bhaisaheb Najmuddin the Father of BJ.

It was obvious that when Aqa Moula TUS made young Khuzema Bhaisaheb Mazoon-e-Dawar, old Yusuf Bhaisaheb was very upset. Everybody knew that. Now BJ and associates want us to believe Yusuf Bhaisaheb is some kind of a saint! Yusuf Bhaisaheb infact is the one who has sown these evil seeds in Saify Mahal and Kothar and Jamea and corrupted their minds. They have chosen Shezada Mufaddal Bhaisaheb as their Leader, and are openly saying they will not accept anything else. Otherwise why this opposition and Muqaabla of Mazoon Saheb? Why this open Challenge to Aqa Moula TUS? They are not willing to even accept Mazoon as Mazoon as we learn from Taizoon Bhaisaheb ( who revealed their beliefs to the community. The general mumineen think this is an internal family fued. FAR FROM IT. This cult attacks our Dai Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin TUS with their shameful activities and atrocities on mumineen. To stand on the side and let this cult impose themselves on us mumineen is more shameful.

Mohammad Hasan of Misr said in the Izhar-e-Aqidat Majlis in Saify Masjid Mumbai that we dont want 1, 2, 3, we just believe in one. Is this not a little bit like the Sunni Muslims! Is it not true that Imam-uz-Zamans presence in Satr is by these 3 Rutbas-Dai, his zayre dast Mazoon and Mukasir. Then what compels Mohammed Hasan to say this? Why does he talk against Mazoon and Mukasir and drives the propaganda machine for Shehzada saheb through his cronies in Misr? To say that to call Shehzada Mufaddal Bhaisaheb Moula is OK, but to call Mazoon Saheb Moula is a gunah? Mazoon Sahib was appointed in that Rutba by Aqa Moula TUS since he is worthy of it, and on the other hand, Shezada Saheb needs to be propped up by this propaganda machine of Aamils, Jamea and Tanzeem etc, all of whom are obviously dependant on this group and their leader for their well being.

When Shezada. Mufaddal Bhaisaheb started pressuring mumineen to do Vajebaat 2 times more, 3 times more, and some even 10 times more this year in Ramadan, this group supported the idea no matter how absurd it was. Low-income mumineen were pressured to give Vajebaat of amounts that constituted 50% of their years income or their safai chithi was refused! Aamils and Khidmat Guzars were made to pay extreme amounts than their last years Vajebaat, and all those who did not have the money were given loans. Vajebaat means what is Vajeb on what you have, so if you have to take a loan, then you never had it in the first place! And where will these so called Khidmat Guzars get the money from? Obviously from the community. I cant wait to see what happens next year! Double again?

Aqa Moula TUS has never said to give Vajebaat by taking loan. Then who runs this parallel show? Everyone knows it is Shezada Mufaddal Bhaisaheb and his group. They dont care about the poor mumineen in our community, for I know for a fact how the money is distributed amongst their loved ones. Zohra baisaheb, the wife of Shehzada Mufaddal bhaisaheb gives her hand to men to do Salaam and they kiss it!! Since when does she have Mehram with so many men, or is she trying to fill the vacuum left by beloved Busaheba?

Seems like Badrul Jamali and group have already proclaimed their own leader and do not want to wait for Aqa Moula TUS.
True Ikhlaas would be to do doa for Aqa Moulas TUS Long life till Qiyamat and Zuhur of Imam on Moulas hand, not by self proclamation! This tasawwur of Ikhlaas was given by none other than Mazoon Saheb to one of my friends.

Mukasir Saheb made it very clear in one of his Sabaqs in Mumbai recently when he said that the Rutba and Rutba na Sahib, meaning the person in the Rutba are the same. He totally negated the fundamental lie of Zahir-Batin propagated by this Nifaaqi group and said that only Dushmans of Dawat would propagate such a this Tasawwur. He said much more and clarified that to NOT believe in any one of the Rutba na Saheb is Nifaaq.

BJ and associates tried to beat up Taizoon Bhaisaheb by sending members of Burhani Gaurds and Ezzi family members, who are all hardcore supporters of Shezada Mufaddal Bhaisaheb. If you read his website, he describes the horror he faced in detail, Shezada Mufaddal Bhaisaheb should never have talked ill of Mazoon Moula to Taizoon Bhaisaheb. The fact that these people resort to violence and call violence Mohabbat nu Josh speaks a lot about them.

Then we have this great lawyer, Mustafa AbdulHussain in London, who writes on Dbnet and that Taizoon bhaisaheb's exposing of this Nifaaqi ZahirBatin belief in this manner of putting it up on the website and sending CDs to people is questionable! He says that Taizoon's claim that he had to resort to these means because he could not do Araz to Aqa Moula TUS means that he (taizoon) believes that the Dai is unaware of the situation, if the situation exists, and that if we believe that the Dai can be unaware, then we believe that the Dai is not infallible (infallible means Masoom/Ismat). This is the weakest belief one can have. The Dai is aware of everything the almighty makes him aware of and sees by the light of Allah and Imam, but also lets some things be as they are for Hikmat purposes. There are many examples of that. For example see what Januwala has on his website:

Moula Ali AS cut the hands of a man who was actually not guilty of committing that crime, so do we say he is not infallible! Mr. Mustafa the lawyer may have a degree in law, but he does not have 10 cents worth of knowledge regarding Dawat Ilm. I am sorry to say this, but calling Taizoon a reformist as Mustafa Abdul Husain has done, is committing a big SIN as he has called a mumin a munafiq and by doing so, as per bayan of Syedna Hatim RA in Kitab Tambih al Gafeleen, he, Mustafa, himself is now a munafiq unless he repents!! Of course there is pressure on the Dai and as seen in History, Rasulullah SAW went to do battle of Ohud outside Madina due to pressure from others, when actually Rasulullah's SAW opinion and decision was to fight by staying in Madina. So yes, these things are possible and can happen as per Hikmat. Aqa Moula TUS took the name of Mukasir in this Gadir Misaaq and said it is Syedi Saleh bhaisaheb Safiuddin. Everyone knows this and most understand that it can happen. The Human factor is there, but the Dai is greater than Malaikat because he does what he does even being in this Human Body, where else even Malaikat have faltered after being totally spiritual (as per bayan in Adam Nabi history). The Dai is infallible, yes, and the true meaning is that he will never pass away without conferring Nass on his Mansoos. Moula Burhanuddin TUS will never pass away without conferring Nass, but I do doa that may Allah grant Aqa Moula TUS his wish that Imam does Zuhur on his hands.

What next everyone wonders? Now that this cult is spreading lies about Mazoon Moula and speaking openly against the Qasam we take in Misaq, are we just going to sit and do nothing? The best way to show them that they cannot move mumineen from the right path to their evil motives (see picture no.1 which is attached to this document) is to show our love for our Aqa Moula TUS and his Mazoon and Mukasir whenever the opportunity arises. We should let our friends and family be aware of this corrupt cult within our community, even if those people are from the Royal Family (QasrAali) or your own Aamil. Our misaaq is not to the Shehzada or Royal Family or Aamil or who has the power. That is not what takes us to heaven. It is the belief in Aqa Moula TUS and what he tells us to believe in- his Mazoon and Mukasir. Everything else is irrelevant. Dont let Badrul Jamali and his group fool you even if they have the backing of the high and mighty Shehzadas. Lets be truthful to ourselves and keep our faith and not let the Shaitaan steal it, like it did from the Sunnis who dont pray Bismillah in Namaz saying Shaitaan has stolen it. To speak against Rutba na Sahebs is like doing the work of Shaitaan. The Rutbas and everything else is Aqa Moulas TUS responsibility, lets not do the sin by trying to take that responsibility from Moula TUS. May Allah give Moula TUS life till Qiyamat.


Mamluk-e-Syedna TUS

Mumin Mukhlis-Khidmat Guzar

I am from Royal Family-Saify Mahal-Have taken Sabaq from Mukasir - e - Dawat, who has always given Haq ni Tasawwur. May Allah give him Jazaa - e - Khair.

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Re: Zahir Batin Fitnat : A New Summary


Unread post by SBM » Thu Aug 04, 2016 10:51 am

Unfortunate part is the when Taizoon Shakir was looking for help to unite his family and he looked upon STF for guidance, the reply he got from STF was to leave his family and let them go to SMS
While I disagreed the way he turned back himself to the clutches of SMS, I do sympathize with his internal fight but bringing his own family together and seeing how STF and SMS are enjoying their own lives with their own families made him realize that family comes first.
He did what he thought was right for his own sanity and family. Do not judge him too harshly
STF could have helped him financially and morally but he failed.

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Re: Zahir Batin Fitnat : A New Summary


Unread post by Biradar » Thu Aug 04, 2016 12:27 pm

SBM wrote:Biradar
Unfortunate part is the when Taizoon Shakir was looking for help to unite his family and he looked upon STF for guidance, the reply he got from STF was to leave his family and let them go to SMS
While I disagreed the way he turned back himself to the clutches of SMS, I do sympathize with his internal fight but bringing his own family together and seeing how STF and SMS are enjoying their own lives with their own families made him realize that family comes first.
He did what he thought was right for his own sanity and family. Do not judge him too harshly
STF could have helped him financially and morally but he failed.
I am not judging TS harshly. Actually, he is probably mentally unstable and as such will make a good addition to the bunch of raving mad-men in the Iblisi Toli. I wish him all the best in his endeavors. Perhaps at the upcoming 10-day Muffadalli fun-fair, while the rest of us are mourning the Panjaatan and in particurlar Imam Hussain and reflecting on his life, he can be Badri Lacewala Part II and regal us "dushmano" with abuses, curses and tell us all the assorted miracles of his new Master, Muffy More-la.

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Zahir Batin Fitnat : A New Summary


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Thu Aug 04, 2016 2:17 pm

this is what bhai taizoon shakir has to say about his decision to abandon the qutbi camp. the following message is reproduced verbatim, every single word in it is his own. i have merely copied it here:


"Three Strikes, You're Out!

There have been more than three strikes to the beliefs of the Qutbi Bohras.
1) Losing the child custody case and losing the kids. Filing the case itself was a mistake and worse, taking away the children and fleeing from Mumbai when the entire community was converging upon Mumbai for Burhanuddin Mola's RA funeral. The allegation that there was a security issue - also false. The wives and the children were under no such risk.

2) Filing the court case to prove nass - no modern court will rule against or in favor of a religious succession issue. Especially when the majority of the community was not with the Qutbis, it would have served them better to build a mosque and an adjoining residential building for its followers to purchase - this would have provided enough media attention and many converts. Another major mistake was pointing fingers at family members in court - nothing more than pettiness, proving more of a family feud than a religious issue.

3) Passing away a few days before a very important court appearance has been seen by many as a sign from God of falsehood, complete defeat, and a total loss of confidence. Not only that, but no other Da'i al Satr has passed away in a land outside of Hind, Sindh, or Yemen - which are the only three regions of the globe in which the official seat of Dawat al Satr can be established. To make matters worse, it is mandatory according to Indian law that a body being flown into India must first be embalmed and such a certificate of embalming must be submitted to the Indian embassy or consulate in the country of embarkation. Embalming is forbidden in Islam.

4) A media blitz and an interview on a subject which is not to be publicized in any manner - per Rasulullah SAW farmaan - is completely contradictory to Islam. Instead of spending all this energy on such a subject, it would have been far more positive to spread the light on the allegations that Badri Mahal has submitted "outrageous" statements regarding nass and nass retraction. But even after many have sought to bring these supposed statements in the public light, the leadership has refused on grounds of the court case still in progress, even though the court case on nass is over and finished in the eyes of the community - rather, it is seen as a total and complete failure."


after this, i have asked him not once, but 3 times, point blank, whether he has now re-joined the muffy camp. he refused to give me a direct reply citing the fact that 'i will not understand'. perhaps we lesser mortals do not have the deeni knowledge and the ilm of taawil to comprehend his reasoning...

allah o alam, i respect his right to decide and to hold his own opinions.

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Re: Zahir Batin Fitnat : A New Summary


Unread post by Biradar » Thu Aug 04, 2016 2:43 pm

Thank you, Al Zulfiqar, for posting this here. As I expected, the reasons which TS has given are totally senseless, and nothing to do with pressure on him from family. Perhaps he is using this list to justify his decision to himself, and his own inner reasons are different. Note that he does not say anything about validity of naas, or the ability of More-la Muffy to lead the community, his original reasons to leave the Iblisi Toli.

I could go into length on each of these three points, but its pointless at present. TS is in essence a fool. I considered him a fool, a brave fool, even when he was with FD. I had some interactions with him, even outside religion, and it was clear to me he was not stable. For example, his political positions also flip-flopped on a daily basis, and he never seemed to have any firm principles from which to base anything. Interestingly, the recordings posted above also reveal something about his personality, which is prone to hysteria and psychological manipulation.

Anyway, its irrelevant. I think he is deeply mistaken, and in some ways the passing away of SKQ, even though a traumatic event for FD, will help them. STF is young and dynamic, and its easier to relate to him than a grandfather figure. He is smart, modern and a person with wit and humor. Talking to him one-on-one almost makes one forget that he is anyone but a friend. Compare with the humorless and pompous morons in Muffy's dawaat. Enough said.

The passing away of SKQ also gives FD a chance to move beyond the era of S. Taher Saifuddin and SMB, an era which has had mixed results for bohris. At least the ones who are interested in maintaining their culture and religion will not need to scream "aaaaah" in unison and choreograph chest-beating, pay umpteen amounts of money and bend and grovel in front of every tow-dime Aamil. We can enjoy a peaceful atmosphere free of monetary stress, free of feeling guilty for having yellow or red cards or not being the perfect, junglee daarih sporting, more-la more-la shouting rotund sheep.

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Re: Zahir Batin Fitnat : A New Summary


Unread post by SBM » Thu Aug 04, 2016 4:19 pm

I did ask him point blank and he told me he did take Misaq and even invited me to take Misaq of Haq Na Dai SMS and he told me that he has been given Raza by SMS to give Misaq.
That was my last conversation with him as I refused to take any Misaq....

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Zahir Batin Fitnat : A New Summary


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Thu Aug 04, 2016 5:38 pm

well, he did not share that with me. i also mentioned to him that whatever his logic in 'striking out' the qutbis, it still does not justify his going back to muffy moron. besides where is the consideration for the rightful nass?

so if the qutbis have made serious errors according to him, then its ok to bristle with righteous anger and become part of a tyrannical impostor's regime? this absolutely doesn't make any sense.

i heard his debate with some bensaheba. i am surprised how he allowed himself to be manipulated into a corner inspite of all his ilm gathered at the feet of his illustrious teachers! also he kept referring to smb and sts in extremely reverential terms as if they and their words were the veritable gospel. that fact alone makes me conclude that he and this whole bunch of kotharis are completely cuckoo and insane. they cling on to crap fed to them from childhood, drummed into their heads as if its some divine farmaans piercing deep into their souls.

who in his right mind would take these people seriously? in zahir they are mad, and in batin complete raving lunatics!

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Re: Zahir Batin Fitnat : A New Summary


Unread post by Biradar » Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:33 pm

Al Zulfiqar wrote:
who in his right mind would take these people seriously? in zahir they are mad, and in batin complete raving lunatics!
Hear, hear! In truth, all these people are absolutely and completely insane. I think day and night of beating their chests and doing roova-jeevu-muuh has caused untold damage to their brains. Now, the screams of "aaaaah" will finish whatever else is left, turning every Bohri gathering into a collection of mad-men in a lunatic asylum. Just looking at the junglee daadhis of some of these rotund sheep makes me think the evolution, or perhaps the devolution, towards cavemen is nearly complete. Muffy More-la will complete this moojiza very soon. Inshaallah!

More seriously, SBM's post makes it clear that TS simply wanted the power to lord it over others again. He must be happy as he can now take misaaq and the flow of covers and the line of abde's bending over in front of him and fawning over him will be limitless. Truth and principles be damned! I mean, he deserves a cut of the action too! To contrast, I have not heard a single person in the FD who wants or even desires to be an aamil, or be allowed to take misaaq. In such a situation, leeches and useless fools like TS would be unemployed, so best to go where the moolah is.

I Rizwan
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Re: Zahir Batin Fitnat : A New Summary


Unread post by I Rizwan » Thu Aug 04, 2016 11:15 pm

I would like to correct Al Zulfiqar statement...
in zahir they are mad, and in batin complete raving lunatics!
In zahir sts/smb/khuzaima/stf/muffy are mad, and in batin complete raving lunatics!

go figure it out. :wink:

I Rizwan
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Re: Zahir Batin Fitnat : A New Summary


Unread post by I Rizwan » Thu Aug 04, 2016 11:17 pm

taizun shakir got the point, now he knows all are chor kaa bhai ghanti chor, so why he should risk his life and peace of mind?

he chose best of security for himself, he knows muffy is chor but atleast now he will live with his family.

living under abuses and stress for stf is not worth.

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Re: Zahir Batin Fitnat : A New Summary


Unread post by zinger » Fri Aug 05, 2016 12:01 am

Biradar wrote:Interestingly, the recordings posted above also reveal something about his personality, which is prone to hysteria and psychological manipulation.
i will have to second what Birader is saying. a person i have known for some time was in the same dilemna, of going from one camp to another, back and forth, atleast 3 times.

over the many occasions i spoke to him, to if not guide him, then atleast to put his mind to ease with whatever decision he takes, he sounded eerily similar to what taizoon shakir sounded like on the recording

that said, thats all i am going to say on this. never having interacted with TS, it will be absolutely unfair of me to pass any kind of judgement but all i say is that i hope he finds solace in whatever road he wishes to travel on

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Re: Zahir Batin Fitnat : A New Summary


Unread post by DisillusionedDB » Fri Aug 05, 2016 2:07 am

Al Zulfiqar wrote:this is what bhai taizoon shakir has to say about his decision to abandon the qutbi camp. the following message is reproduced verbatim, every single word in it is his own. i have merely copied it here:


"Three Strikes, You're Out!
I agree ... his reasons are his own and he did what he deemed best for him and his family. The only pertinent questions that arise are - What about doing what is "right" ? What about fear of the aakherat ? - This only goes on to further prove that there is no deen in any of this sham clergy and their minions .. it's all about money and power and using them for all the wrong / worldly reasons. Lesson for us : If we are genuinely worried about our aakherat then the path to follow is clearly mentioned in the Qur'an and if we are more worried about this life then Allah is the best judge.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Zahir Batin Fitnat : A New Summary


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Fri Aug 05, 2016 6:22 pm

A post which appeared some time back on the forum :-

What Happened to Taizoon BS
(Observations of a khidmat guzaar in muffadal bs' office)

by haqniwaat » Fri Nov 07, 2014

After being whisked away following his zahir batin website, thanks to Mumbai police support, Taizoon bs fled to the USA. After a few months, he appeared in London under Shehzada Qaiid Johar bs and his misaaq was taken in front of witnesses at the London masjid. He was to be taken to Germany, where Syedna Burhanuddin RA was present for medical treatment at the time, but nobody has any record of him actually being taken there. Of course, mufaddal bs was also in Germany at the time.

Then he was taken to Mumbai, where he spent a year under house arrest of Shehzada Idris bs. He was told to do maafi in public to all other bs. Must have been very humiliating for him, but that was the idea. Many have heard Idris bs telling him that someone 'may come and smack you because everyone is still very angry at you'.

Then one day he was brought to Badri Mahal and escorted to mufaddal bs' office, but he was apparently told that he was being taken to Huzaifa bs' office. He must have been shocked after this deception. Mufaddal bs' wife and others, including myself, were also there, but we were told to leave after Taizoon bs had done salaam to mufaddal bs and mufaddal bs left the room. I could still hear what was being said. Shk Mohammed Husain was talking to Taizoon bs and he said something about reciting an ayat (Rabbana zalamna anfusana...) in front of everyone in Rozat Tahera during the urs majlis at night. Something about so everyone can see him, what he looks like, and he is to ask all mumineen to forgive him for posting his zahir batin website.

Then Ashara was in Dubai and the Ezzi brothers were after him. They were trying to find out which hotel room he was in. We all know why. He was always under threat of violence and everyone, especially Badrul bs and Taha bs were trying to find the right spot to beat him up severely. Maybe that is why he always looked so scared whenever I saw him, understandingly so.

Finally, he was no longer seen after Syedna Burhanuddin RA went to USA for Boston masjid iftitah. He must have been freed after that, possibly because he is a US citizen, and there must have been some enquiry on his behalf.

Last I heard, he had umuruddin raza for over 9 years in Clark County, Nevada. Apparently there are mumin families there.

I Rizwan
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Re: Zahir Batin Fitnat : A New Summary


Unread post by I Rizwan » Sat Aug 06, 2016 12:21 am

what ever may be his situation but one thing is sure that he was correct and was speaking true that mazoon sahab was hated by muffy gang all their life.

muffy chor was breaking his misaaq all his life, his father encouraged him by not uttering a word to him.

burhanuddin cheated his father will and also double cross his step brother to make his thug son Amir of dawoodi bohra community.

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Re: Zahir Batin Fitnat : A New Summary


Unread post by kseeker » Sat Aug 06, 2016 6:18 am

Not only that, but no other Da'i al Satr has passed away in a land outside of Hind, Sindh, or Yemen - which are the only three regions of the globe in which the official seat of Dawat al Satr can be established.
I love how this statement has been 'edited'..

A Dai is not supposed to set foot outside his homeland after becoming a dai... the first person to do so was the 47th Dai who went for Hajj. No dai before that has ever left their home town while they were Dai...
Secondly, the 47th Dai Nazim did the nass on Syedi Abdeali Imaduddin ( a titan when it came to dawoodi bohra knowledge) however Syedi passed away before the 47th Dai proving that the 47th Dai is not a true dai and just a nazim.. never before has the mansoos passed away before dai.. mazoons have passed away however the mazoons who have been made mansoos never have.. this proves that there was no ilhaam from the imaam and thus the 47th dai was not a true one.

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Re: Zahir Batin Fitnat : A New Summary


Unread post by Biradar » Sat Aug 06, 2016 8:31 pm

kseeker wrote: I love how this statement has been 'edited'..

A Dai is not supposed to set foot outside his homeland after becoming a dai... the first person to do so was the 47th Dai who went for Hajj. No dai before that has ever left their home town while they were Dai...
Sorry to say, in both your points you are incorrect. First, are you seriously saying that no da'i ever left their home town while they were da'is? This is such an absurd claim that it can only come from some totally clueless person. The more serious claim often made is that the da'is only have authority in some "jaziraas" and should not leave these jaziraas. This does not apply to the da'i al-mutlaq during the second period of concealment of the Imams. As I have again and again said, the da'i al-mutlaq is not only running the dawaat in the absence of the Imam, but is for all practical purposes the Imam himself. The dawaat in satr is transnational and hence it behoves the da'i to travel where ever needed.
kseeker wrote: Secondly, the 47th Dai Nazim did the nass on Syedi Abdeali Imaduddin ( a titan when it came to dawoodi bohra knowledge) however Syedi passed away before the 47th Dai proving that the 47th Dai is not a true dai and just a nazim.. never before has the mansoos passed away before dai.. mazoons have passed away however the mazoons who have been made mansoos never have.. this proves that there was no ilhaam from the imaam and thus the 47th dai was not a true one.
Another ignorant comment. Syedi Abdul-Qadir Hakimuddin was the mazoon of Syedna Ismail Badruddin (the second). He was appointed as mansoos early in the tenure of S. Badruddin. However, S. Hakimuddin passed away during the lifetime of S. Badruddin, before he could actually ascend to to the rank of da'i al mutlaq. At that point S. Badruddin appointed Syedi Hakimuddin's son, Syedna Ibrahim Wajihuddin, as mansoos, and the seat of da'i al mutlaq has remained mostly in the descendants of Syedi Hakimuddin.

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Re: Zahir Batin Fitnat : A New Summary


Unread post by kseeker » Sun Aug 07, 2016 2:41 pm

Biradar wrote:
kseeker wrote: I love how this statement has been 'edited'..

A Dai is not supposed to set foot outside his homeland after becoming a dai... the first person to do so was the 47th Dai who went for Hajj. No dai before that has ever left their home town while they were Dai...
Sorry to say, in both your points you are incorrect. First, are you seriously saying that no da'i ever left their home town while they were da'is? This is such an absurd claim that it can only come from some totally clueless person. The more serious claim often made is that the da'is only have authority in some "jaziraas" and should not leave these jaziraas. This does not apply to the da'i al-mutlaq during the second period of concealment of the Imams. As I have again and again said, the da'i al-mutlaq is not only running the dawaat in the absence of the Imam, but is for all practical purposes the Imam himself. The dawaat in satr is transnational and hence it behoves the da'i to travel where ever needed.
By hometown, I meant country.. sorry for the incorrect choice of words. please show me proof that one dai has travelled outside his designated area while he was Dai...
kseeker wrote: Secondly, the 47th Dai Nazim did the nass on Syedi Abdeali Imaduddin ( a titan when it came to dawoodi bohra knowledge) however Syedi passed away before the 47th Dai proving that the 47th Dai is not a true dai and just a nazim.. never before has the mansoos passed away before dai.. mazoons have passed away however the mazoons who have been made mansoos never have.. this proves that there was no ilhaam from the imaam and thus the 47th dai was not a true one.
Another ignorant comment. Syedi Abdul-Qadir Hakimuddin was the mazoon of Syedna Ismail Badruddin (the second). He was appointed as mansoos early in the tenure of S. Badruddin. However, S. Hakimuddin passed away during the lifetime of S. Badruddin, before he could actually ascend to to the rank of da'i al mutlaq. At that point S. Badruddin appointed Syedi Hakimuddin's son, Syedna Ibrahim Wajihuddin, as mansoos, and the seat of da'i al mutlaq has remained mostly in the descendants of Syedi Hakimuddin.[/quote]

This is not true. STS was the first (after 47) to claim he was Dai-al-Mutlaq and not Dai Nazim.. the argument I gave above is what were given by the scholars. STS made up the part of Syedi Hakimuddin Maula being a mansoos. He capitalized on the sentiments of the people; who have immense love and respect for Hakimuddin Maula and thus a very easy thing to convince to the masses.

At the end, this is history written by people of whom we have no idea whether they were unbiased or had an agenda...

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Re: Zahir Batin Fitnat : A New Summary


Unread post by Biradar » Sun Aug 07, 2016 10:23 pm

kseeker wrote: By hometown, I meant country.. sorry for the incorrect choice of words. please show me proof that one dai has travelled outside his designated area while he was Dai...
Can you define "country"? This is an arbitrary demarcation, which has no meaning.

In any case, a concrete example to refute even this: S. Yusuf Najmuddin (the 24th da'i) was in Sidhpur when naas was conferred on him. He stayed there for a few years while he was da'i al-mutlaq, but moved to Yemen, passing way there (in Yemen, i.e). Obviously, Sidhpur is not in Yemen, refuting your point once again.

(Incidentally, I should add. A d'ai al mutlaq has no "designated" area. He has the same authority as the Imam to propagate the dawaat. How many times do I have to correct this silly beliefs that the duat al mutlaqeen are like the da'is during the time of the zuoor of the Imam?)

kseeker wrote: This is not true. STS was the first (after 47) to claim he was Dai-al-Mutlaq and not Dai Nazim.. the argument I gave above is what were given by the scholars. STS made up the part of Syedi Hakimuddin Maula being a mansoos. He capitalized on the sentiments of the people; who have immense love and respect for Hakimuddin Maula and thus a very easy thing to convince to the masses.

At the end, this is history written by people of whom we have no idea whether they were unbiased or had an agenda...
How do you know that the ulema who wrote the history of 47th da'i were not "unbiased or had an agenda"? Please elaborate. After studying this matter, it is clear that the issue of naas on the 47th da'i was one of power, power between the ulema and the office of the da'i. The 46th da'i S. Mohammed Badruddin came to the position of da'i at a very young age and passed away young too. It likely that the ulema were very powerful and thought they could control the office of da'i via a conspiracy to deny the naas. Ironically, this marked the beginning of the demise of the ulema as a powerful class, a process which was decisively completed by S. Taher Saifuddin.

Also, your original claim was that Syedi Abdeali Imaduddin was appointed as mansoos, and you also claimed that his passing away, and the "fact" (which you pulled out of thin air) that a mazoon who is mansoos can not pass away, meant the 47th da'i was not da'i al-mutlaq. Can you tell us if Syedi Abdeali Imaduddin was mazoon? Hint: he was not. I mean, even the 4 ustaads of jameea who were kicked out say he was mukaasir. So, again, your point it refuted and stems from ignorance.

I will not argue with you again. You can believe what you like, and are free to do as you please with your beliefs. The ulema have lost, lost badly and its best to move on and not drag along a dead donkey. Time to move on to other things.

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Re: Zahir Batin Fitnat : A New Summary


Unread post by kseeker » Mon Aug 08, 2016 7:37 am

Biradar wrote:
kseeker wrote: By hometown, I meant country.. sorry for the incorrect choice of words. please show me proof that one dai has travelled outside his designated area while he was Dai...
Can you define "country"? This is an arbitrary demarcation, which has no meaning.

In any case, a concrete example to refute even this: S. Yusuf Najmuddin (the 24th da'i) was in Sidhpur when naas was conferred on him. He stayed there for a few years while he was da'i al-mutlaq, but moved to Yemen, passing way there (in Yemen, i.e). Obviously, Sidhpur is not in Yemen, refuting your point once again.

(Incidentally, I should add. A d'ai al mutlaq has no "designated" area. He has the same authority as the Imam to propagate the dawaat. How many times do I have to correct this silly beliefs that the duat al mutlaqeen are like the da'is during the time of the zuoor of the Imam?)

kseeker wrote: This is not true. STS was the first (after 47) to claim he was Dai-al-Mutlaq and not Dai Nazim.. the argument I gave above is what were given by the scholars. STS made up the part of Syedi Hakimuddin Maula being a mansoos. He capitalized on the sentiments of the people; who have immense love and respect for Hakimuddin Maula and thus a very easy thing to convince to the masses.

At the end, this is history written by people of whom we have no idea whether they were unbiased or had an agenda...
How do you know that the ulema who wrote the history of 47th da'i were not "unbiased or had an agenda"? Please elaborate.

That line was for my comments as well.. even the 'history' I quote may be biased and motivated.....

After studying this matter, it is clear that the issue of naas on the 47th da'i was one of power, power between the ulema and the office of the da'i. The 46th da'i S. Mohammed Badruddin came to the position of da'i at a very young age and passed away young too. It likely that the ulema were very powerful and thought they could control the office of da'i via a conspiracy to deny the naas. Ironically, this marked the beginning of the demise of the ulema as a powerful class, a process which was decisively completed by S. Taher Saifuddin.

Also, your original claim was that Syedi Abdeali Imaduddin was appointed as mansoos, and you also claimed that his passing away, and the "fact" (which you pulled out of thin air) that a mazoon who is mansoos can not pass away, meant the 47th da'i was not da'i al-mutlaq. Can you tell us if Syedi Abdeali Imaduddin was mazoon? Hint: he was not. I mean, even the 4 ustaads of jameea who were kicked out say he was mukaasir. So, again, your point it refuted and stems from ignorance.
1. I never stated that Syedi Abdeali Imaduddin was a mazoon.. I said that mazoons can pass away before their Dai but a mazoon who is made a mansoos cannot...

2. The mansoos is made by ilhaam of the Imam - this is a fact as per dawoodi bohra beliefs. If a mansoos dies before becoming the Dai then he is no true Dai.. Which means one of two things..

a - the imaam's knowledge is incorrect - impossible according to dawoodi bohra beleifs.
b - the dai who made the nass did not get an ilhaam - means he is not a Dai...

You don't need to be a rocket scientist to connect the dots....

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Re: Zahir Batin Fitnat : A New Summary


Unread post by Biradar » Mon Aug 08, 2016 8:28 am

kseeker wrote: 1. I never stated that Syedi Abdeali Imaduddin was a mazoon.. I said that mazoons can pass away before their Dai but a mazoon who is made a mansoos cannot...

2. The mansoos is made by ilhaam of the Imam - this is a fact as per dawoodi bohra beliefs. If a mansoos dies before becoming the Dai then he is no true Dai.. Which means one of two things..

a - the imaam's knowledge is incorrect - impossible according to dawoodi bohra beleifs.
b - the dai who made the nass did not get an ilhaam - means he is not a Dai...

You don't need to be a rocket scientist to connect the dots....
Wow. I have rarely seen someone squirm and dance around so much. Just answer this: are you smoking something? Every post you have made you have shifted the goal post, tied yourself in knots and throughly made a total fool of yourself.

Lets talk about point (2). Syedna Abdeali Saifuddin, the 43rd da'i had appointed his brother as his mansoos. Unfortunately, his brother (and mansoos) passed away a short while after the appointment. This was a major setback to S. Abdeali Saifuddin, who had just lost his older brother a few years ago, and then his wife. Many people said that there was now no one who the sayedna could appoint as his successor. However, he managed to train both this successor and the next one (the brothers S. Mohammad Ezzuddin and S. Tayyeb Zainuddin). Incidentally, he also taught Syedi Abdeali Imaduddin, whom you approvingly mention in your first message on this topic.

You are certainly not a rocket scientist.

Al Zulfiqar
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Re: Zahir Batin Fitnat : A New Summary


Unread post by Al Zulfiqar » Mon Aug 08, 2016 1:27 pm

Biradar wrote:
Syedna Abdeali Saifuddin, the 43rd da'i had appointed his brother as his mansoos. Unfortunately, his brother (and mansoos) passed away a short while after the appointment. This was a major setback to S. Abdeali Saifuddin,
if the mansoos is declared based on ilhaam from the hidden imam, then the above statement certainly puts paid to the theory of a hidden imam directing the show from behind the scenes... fairy tales and more fairy tales....

another cold-blooded manipulation of the bohras by their so-called dai ul mutlaq.

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Re: Zahir Batin Fitnat : A New Summary


Unread post by kseeker » Mon Aug 08, 2016 2:50 pm

Biradar wrote:
kseeker wrote: 1. I never stated that Syedi Abdeali Imaduddin was a mazoon.. I said that mazoons can pass away before their Dai but a mazoon who is made a mansoos cannot...

2. The mansoos is made by ilhaam of the Imam - this is a fact as per dawoodi bohra beliefs. If a mansoos dies before becoming the Dai then he is no true Dai.. Which means one of two things..

a - the imaam's knowledge is incorrect - impossible according to dawoodi bohra beleifs.
b - the dai who made the nass did not get an ilhaam - means he is not a Dai...

You don't need to be a rocket scientist to connect the dots....
Wow. I have rarely seen someone squirm and dance around so much. Just answer this: are you smoking something? Every post you have made you have shifted the goal post, tied yourself in knots and throughly made a total fool of yourself.

Lets talk about point (2). Syedna Abdeali Saifuddin, the 43rd da'i had appointed his brother as his mansoos. Unfortunately, his brother (and mansoos) passed away a short while after the appointment. This was a major setback to S. Abdeali Saifuddin, who had just lost his older brother a few years ago, and then his wife. Many people said that there was now no one who the sayedna could appoint as his successor. However, he managed to train both this successor and the next one (the brothers S. Mohammad Ezzuddin and S. Tayyeb Zainuddin). Incidentally, he also taught Syedi Abdeali Imaduddin, whom you approvingly mention in your first message on this topic.

You are certainly not a rocket scientist.
If my mind is high and confused, its most probably due the garbage of STS, SMB, SKQ and SMS... I have never shifted my stance on anything.. the only problem here is that you are so impatient to blabber garbage, you don't make the effort to read sentences completely...

since you are so well versed in the mansoos history, with reference to your example, do you know why the younger brother, syedna mohammad ezzuddin was made dai before syedna tayyeb zainuddin?

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Re: Zahir Batin Fitnat : A New Summary


Unread post by anajmi » Mon Aug 08, 2016 9:43 pm

Actually, the 43rd Dai passed away before the 32nd mazoon, but since he was born before the 45th mansoos the 33rd Dai was appointed the 28th mazoon by the current Dai. Now we have to remember the the 47th Dai cannot pass away before the 46th mazoon and if he does then the 52nd mazoon becomes the 51st Dai. So what I am saying is that the 33rd mazzon cannot be born before the 22nd Dai otherwise the ilhaam of the Imam will declare the 23rd Dai as the 41st mansoos. I hope that clarifies it.

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Re: Zahir Batin Fitnat : A New Summary


Unread post by DisillusionedDB » Tue Aug 09, 2016 12:58 am

anajmi wrote:Actually, the 43rd Dai passed away before the 32nd mazoon, but since he was born before the 45th mansoos the 33rd Dai was appointed the 28th mazoon by the current Dai. Now we have to remember the the 47th Dai cannot pass away before the 46th mazoon and if he does then the 52nd mazoon becomes the 51st Dai. So what I am saying is that the 33rd mazzon cannot be born before the 22nd Dai otherwise the ilhaam of the Imam will declare the 23rd Dai as the 41st mansoos. I hope that clarifies it.
You made it so simple .. now its crystal clear :wink:

I Rizwan
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Re: Zahir Batin Fitnat : A New Summary


Unread post by I Rizwan » Tue Aug 09, 2016 5:42 am

can we have election please?