“Daaim ul Islam”, Vol I & II, Ebooks as a Gift to Generations.

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
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Re: “Daaim ul Islam”, Vol I & II, Ebooks as a Gift to Generations.


Post by Biradar » Sun Dec 20, 2020 2:45 pm

So guy_sam2005 represents a very peculiar type of fanatic Bohri. First, he claims that all the things I said about his Dharm Guru are not true, and anyway Allah is judge. Well, all these years his Dharm Guru and his father and grandfather have been socially boycotting hundreds of people, ruining their lives and livelihood. I guess they did not have guy_sam to teach them that only Allah is judge, and they should not judge people's piety and destroy their lives. Or, that they should not judge everyone, color-coding them red, yellow, green and white. I guess they did not have guy_sam to tell them that only Allah can judge and not any humans. The hypocrisy of such Bohris is amazing.

For some reason, the substance of the ranting and raving of his Dharm Guru are not something he can defend. Clearly, if he says he agrees that women should sit in corner of the house, little girls should be mutilated when they turn seven, or that women should only study home science etc he will out himself as a Talibani misogynistic fanatic. So guy_XXX talks about technicalities about how "copyright" is being violated. Lol. I mean, there is no violation of any copyright. As a public figure, Muffy's short clips are perfectly fair to use, as I pointed out from the US Fair Use doctrine. Clearly, guy_*** wants to hide rather than let his Dharm Guru's ideas and rantings to be discussed in public. He is embarrassed of his Dharm Guru or else he would be proud to let us poor people listen to the "pearls of wisdom" from his (Dharm Guru's, i.e.) mouth. But to avoid being embarrassed he cried about so-called copyright.

In any case, as kseeker has pointed out, the present Dharm Guru hates books being published, so guy_XXX should be happy that the link was removed. I mean, god forbid if people actually use their brains rather than do whatever Mr Dharm Guru or his brothers and uncles say. How will the money flow continue to buy the next beach resort in another exotic location?

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Re: “Daaim ul Islam”, Vol I & II, Ebooks as a Gift to Generations.


Post by AbdeYamani » Sun Mar 21, 2021 3:03 pm

The Pillars of Islam Vol-2.pdf
(23.81 MiB) Downloaded 217 times
The Pillars of Islam Vol-1.pdf
(26.79 MiB) Downloaded 240 times

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Re: “Daaim ul Islam”, Vol I & II, Ebooks as a Gift to Generations.


Post by hasan19 » Sat Dec 10, 2022 6:36 pm

Does anyone know where to find Sayyidna Ismail bin Hibat al Makrami's work “Al Kawakib ul Durriyya” and the “Sharh ul Masail” of Daaim ul Islam by Sayyidna Ghulam Husain?

Kaka Akela
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Re: “Daaim ul Islam”, Vol I & II, Ebooks as a Gift to Generations.


Post by Kaka Akela » Sat Dec 10, 2022 8:48 pm

This is a Dawoodi Bohra site, not a Suleimani Bohra site. I or most of us don't have any knowledge of the works you are talking about.