Muslim clerics in India outraged by Sarkozy's 'burqa'remarks

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ghulam muhammed
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Muslim clerics in India outraged by Sarkozy's 'burqa'remarks


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Tue Jun 23, 2009 4:38 pm

Lucknow, June 23(ANI): Muslim clerics in Lucknow on Tuesday expressed their displeasure at the French President Nicolas Sarkozy for terming the burqa as an index of subjugating women, and said Muslims must be given complete freedom to practice their religion.

"It's an attack on freedom of humanity and the people who profess secularism are talking just in contrast to that. If Muslims are living in their country, then the Muslims must be given complete freedom to practice their religion; else declare it a Christian theocratic country so that all the Muslims would leave," said Maulana Kalbe Jawad Naqvi, a senior Shia Muslim cleric.

French President had said on Monday that the wearing of burqas, the traditional Muslim garment covering women from head to toe, was not "welcome in France." He said the burqa was a "sign of subservience" and a matter of "a woman's freedom and dignity,"
However, his remarks have not gone down well with Muslim clerics here, who said that such statements by the head of a state is an attempt to defame Islam and Muslims all over the world.

France, home to Europe's largest Muslim minority, is divided over how to reconcile secular values with religious freedom. (ANI)

Fatwa Banker
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Re: Muslim clerics in India outraged by Sarkozy's 'burqa'remarks


Unread post by Fatwa Banker » Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:25 pm

ghulam muhammed wrote:"It's an attack on freedom of humanity and the people who profess secularism are talking just in contrast to that. If Muslims are living in their country, then the Muslims must be given complete freedom to practice their religion; else declare it a Christian theocratic country so that all the Muslims would leave," said Maulana Kalbe Jawad Naqvi, a senior Shia Muslim cleric.
A Shia Muslim cleric (or any Muslim cleric for that matter) speaking of freedom and humanity is laughable. Maulana Naqvi needs to be reminded that Shia muslims aren't exactly feeling Saudi Arabia either !

Fatwa Banker
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Re: Muslim clerics in India outraged by Sarkozy's 'burqa'remarks


Unread post by Fatwa Banker » Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:27 pm

Correction: should read "Maulana Naqvi needs to be reminded that Shia muslims aren't exactly fleeing Saudi Arabia either !"

Muslim First
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Re: Muslim clerics in India outraged by Sarkozy's 'burqa'remarks


Unread post by Muslim First » Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:38 pm

Intersting article

Women behind the veil: Burqa secures dignity ... 694567.cms

Fatwa Banker
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Re: Muslim clerics in India outraged by Sarkozy's 'burqa'remarks


Unread post by Fatwa Banker » Tue Jun 23, 2009 10:06 pm

Really ? You mean at least as much dignity as afforded to the burqa clad women in Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia ? That's indeed a goal that the rest of the world should strive for !

Look, I am not in favor of any government telling you how to dress, but please spare me this BS as it has no credibility.

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Re: Muslim clerics in India outraged by Sarkozy's 'burqa'remarks


Unread post by feelgud » Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:14 am

Having been on both sides of the veil, I can tell you that most Western male politicians and journalists who lament the oppression of women in the Islamic world have no idea what they are talking about. They go on about veils, child brides, female circumcision, honor killings and forced marriages, and they wrongly blame Islam for all this—their arrogance surpassed only by their ignorance.... ... dley&sid=1

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Re: Muslim clerics in India outraged by Sarkozy's 'burqa'remarks


Unread post by jawanmardan » Wed Jun 24, 2009 12:53 pm

This policy clearly goes against Liberal Democracy. Whatever our feelings are over the rights or lack of for Muslim women. Burka clad women are a tiny minority in any case and don't deserve this kind of scrutiny, there are far more important ways for the President to improve the lot of French Muslim women.

This also runs counter to Obama's speech in Cairo where assured Muslims “it is important for Western countries to avoid impeding Muslim citizens from practising religion as they see fit—for instance, by dictating what clothes a Muslim woman should wear..".

Sarkozy's popularity ratings have plummeted of late, even former President Chirac scored hire than him in the most recent polls, which may go a way in explaining his populist rhetoric in regards to Muslim dress.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Muslim clerics in India outraged by Sarkozy's 'burqa'remarks


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Jul 12, 2009 12:44 pm

Something similar also took place in India a few months back :-

PANJA VILLAGE/SULLIA TALUK, Mar 3: Muslim girls of the Government Composite Pre-University College here have been banned from wearing the burkha by local Hindutva outfits and the Bharatiya Janata Party-affiliated Akhil Bharathiya Vidyarthi Parishad.

According to Lakshmisha Gobbalathadka, the self-proclaimed architect of the ban, the idea was first proposed to the college authorities at his behest by a few students affiliated to the ABVP in early January this year.

First step

“Four of my boys spoke to the college principal and demanded that Muslim girls should be banned from wearing burkhas in classrooms,” said Gobbalathadka, who is also the district convener of a fringe outfit called Hindu Jagarana Vedike.

Avoiding trouble

“We agreed immediately. We did not want any trouble,” said a college official. But soon the demands began to grow.
Emboldened by the support the boys of his group received from a section of students, they went on to extend the burkha ban across the entire 28-acre campus.


Once the ban was formalised by the college authorities, groups of boys took it upon themselves to impose it. “Every day, the boys sit at the tea stall near the college gate. If we take even one step into the college gate with the burkha on, they start scolding us,” said a 16-year-old class 10 student.

Violence on campus

Meanwhile, another controversy broke out on the campus after the ABVP alleged that a Muslim boy had made a proposal of marriage to a Hindu girl.

Beaten up

“Our boys beat up the Muslim boy on February 28,” claimed Mr. Gobbalathadka.
At the college’s development committee meeting on January 29, a large group of students, led by Mr. Gobbalathadka, barged in demanding that Muslim girls should stop wearing the burkha even on their way to and from the college.
The demand created a furore dividing committee members, according to college principal, Balasubramaniam. Soon, hundr eds of activists entered the venue and physically attacked Muslim committee members and Hindus who opposed their demands. Following the incident, Mr. Gobbalathadka and his followers were arrested and remanded in judicial custody.

Growing support

“Many others have been inspired by the success we have had here. Soon, this campaign will spread to all government colleges in the region,” Mr. Gobbalathadka told The Hindu.
He added that the garment would soon be banned from public spaces in the entire village of Panja.

‘How can they?’

Said Panja gram panchayat president Rafique, who sustained injuries during the January 29 violence, said: “Some may feel that the burkha is a symbol of oppression of women. Even if that is true, a resistance to the garment should come from within the community. How can we tolerate somebody using force to ban the burkha?”
Reacting to the issue, Deputy Director of Public Instruction C. Chame Gowda told The Hindu, “The college authorities might have agreed to the ban under pressure. But there is no law that prevents the burkha. Everybody has the right to practice their religious beliefs as long as it does not inconvenience others.”


Deputy Commissioner V. Ponnuraj expressed concern over the developments and said he was still inquiring into the issue. “The rule of law and the Constitution will prevail,” he said.

Fatwa Banker
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Re: Muslim clerics in India outraged by Sarkozy's 'burqa'remarks


Unread post by Fatwa Banker » Mon Jul 13, 2009 12:39 am

Wahabi Ghulam,

If the West dictates that all women must wear thongs and that they get a bikini wax regularly, they will be banned from lotsa places and there will be protests as well. Will you stand up ? How about drawing out acceptable bikini patterns just as you are with the Rida ?

The best thing that came out of the tragedy of 9/11 is that the Wahabi cult, bondage and Muslim rituals are exposed to the world when nobody cared or knew before. In case you haven't noticed, Osama is no longer taking out more videos than Brittney Spears.

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Re: Muslim clerics in India outraged by Sarkozy's 'burqa'remarks


Unread post by jawanmardan » Mon Jul 13, 2009 3:49 am

While I do not agree with banning the Burkha, the French republic is foundered on principles of public good, historically Le Republic has not hesitated in imposing liberty, upon it's citizens, post revolutionary France did so violently in the "Terror", it's an altogether very different model to that in Anglo-Saxon America or the UK.

While I disagree with it's imposition, I do believe the French are right in characterizing the Burkha as a "cage" for women. It segregates women from full participation in society, which is it's point.

We can't deny the Burkha makes people very uncomfortable, when western women travel in Muslim countries they are forced adopt a dress code that does not offend locals, Muslims are not showing equal consideration to the west by moderating our dress codes in the west.

Muslim First
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Re: Muslim clerics in India outraged by Sarkozy's 'burqa'remarks


Unread post by Muslim First » Mon Jul 13, 2009 5:14 pm

take a load of this

French display contradictions over burqa ban
Country is major exporter of couture abayas; designers woo Muslim women ... ws-europe/

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Muslim clerics in India outraged by Sarkozy's 'burqa'remarks


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Fri Jul 17, 2009 5:49 pm

A Muslim journalist on Sarkozy's ban:-

The French President Sarkozy told a gathering of policy-makers on June 20 that the Islamic veil was a symbol of slavery and humiliation. He told them that he was not going to tolerate Muslims women being kept in a net from now on. He went on to say that Muslim women in France should end wearing veil.

First of all, it is worth mentioning to say that the animosity of the West and, by extension of Mr. Sarkozy, is not originating from his amiable and benevolent emotions by thinking that the Muslim women feel uneasy in the Islamic veil. Never a Muslim woman has felt nervous and disturbed by wearing the veil. They do not consider it as a burden, but they see it as a symbol of protection, respect and honour. That is why, these women are not ready to give up the Islamic veil.

We know that in some countries who ostensibly raise slogans of democracy more than the rest of the world and are apparently supporting women rights, are arrogantly bent on depriving the Muslim women of their rights to education, work and other inalienable rights under the so-called pretext of veil. Still these pious and determined women are defending their rights of liberty against all odds .

It seems that it is one of Sarkosy’s anti-Islamic posturing that he wants to arrogantly force Muslim women to lose their identity by mingling in the lascivious Western culture. We think, he violates the Muslim women’s rights to freely keep their identity.

Mr. Sarkozy and supporters of his views want to drag the Muslim women to the miserable level of the Western women who have lost both their decency and personality by exposing their bodies naked. They have become a show piece for some fornicators especially in their time of youth. These licentious men hang naked photos of women everywhere even on some valueless items like shampoo, toothpaste etc. If one happens to see the coastal areas and sea sides of France, then one very easily reach the conclusion what kind of freedom, and personality Sarkozy wants for the Muslim women.

Women are forced in France and London and other European countries to turn to pornography. Thousands of women are smuggled from Russia and the Caucuses and young girls are surreptitiously brought to pander to the sexual desires of some unscrupulous lascivious persons. The question arises why they do not make any effort to save these miserable women from the humiliating life and to protect their personalities. But Mr. Sarkozy and some of his western supporters who are born and grown in a family environment where they are attached with such way of life, are now bent on jeopardizing the Muslim women personally.

The latest decision of Sarkozy is not his personal decision but it represent the ideas of all rulers of the West who want to usurp the Muslims rights of individual liberty and social rights and trample on their spiritual values. We know that none of the western rulers or human rights organizations showed any reaction against Sarkozy’s utterances. All showed a silence of affirmation.

The invading rulers of the West consider every value of the Muslims to be permissible for them to change it as they want under the callous slogans of democracy and dissemination of democracy. They want every thing of the Muslim society should be in accordance to their tastes and temperament. They want to hew out system of government, syllabus, civilization, culture, clothe and nominate even rulers for the Muslim societies.

The Muslim Ummah and their rulers should know that the West has chosen the way of antagonism against the Islamic Ummah. They not only are bent on invading and usurping the territorial integrity, and I independences of the Muslims but they are interfering in religion, ideas, traditions, culture, industry, trade, technology and social affairs of the Muslims. They want to frame all these as per the criteria of the West.

We hope the pioneers of this Ummah should see through this important matter and neutralize all their machinations, animosities, and aspirations of mastership through unity, cohesion, and sagacity.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Muslim clerics in India outraged by Sarkozy's 'burqa'remarks


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Fri Jul 17, 2009 6:18 pm

Fatwa Banker wrote:Wahabi Ghulam,

If the West dictates that all women must wear thongs and that they get a bikini wax regularly, they will be banned from lotsa places and there will be protests as well. Will you stand up ? How about drawing out acceptable bikini patterns just as you are with the Rida ?

The best thing that came out of the tragedy of 9/11 is that the Wahabi cult, bondage and Muslim rituals are exposed to the world when nobody cared or knew before. In case you haven't noticed, Osama is no longer taking out more videos than Brittney Spears.
Gheta (Sheep) Banker,

It is ironical that you came out with a response on the issue of burqa only after I posted an article on the atrocities committed by the BJP affiliated Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad. I can understand your frustration which is because your master's close allies are being implicated (Remember the 1 crore cheque and draping of shawl by your master on his friend, the butcher of muslims and that too in a masjid). So rise above shiasm, bohraism and wahabism and try to live like a true Muslim although that is too much to expect from a brainwashed, hate monger like you.

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Re: Muslim clerics in India outraged by Sarkozy's 'burqa'remarks


Unread post by jawanmardan » Sat Jul 18, 2009 5:52 am

ghulam muhammed wrote:
Never a Muslim woman has felt nervous and disturbed by wearing the veil.
Sarkozy is discussing a ban on the Niqab and Burka not the Hijab. Never? Seriously not one single Muslim women felt she wanted to remove it, how does he explain all those who have removed it after they were liberated from the Taliban?
They do not consider it as a burden, but they see it as a symbol of protection, respect and honour. That is why, these women are not ready to give up the Islamic veil.
If this "journalist" had done his homework he would realise that France's Muslims are predominantly North Africans, the burkha/Niqab is not part of their traditions; so the question is not on of them giving it up, but why they are adopting an extreme garment from the Gulf. France has five million Muslims who are forming separate communities of course theirs concern.
We know that in some countries who ostensibly raise slogans of democracy more than the rest of the world and are apparently supporting women rights, are arrogantly bent on depriving the Muslim women of their rights to education, work and other inalienable rights under the so-called pretext of veil. Still these pious and determined women are defending their rights of liberty against all odds .
I agree the ban on the hijab was an illiberal act, which has been counter productive.
It seems that it is one of Sarkosy’s anti-Islamic posturing that he wants to arrogantly force Muslim women to lose their identity by mingling in the lascivious Western culture. We think, he violates the Muslim women’s rights to freely keep their identity.

The Niqabb/Burka are not linked to any sense of identity, but the depravation of one.
Mr. Sarkozy and supporters of his views want to drag the Muslim women to the miserable level of the Western women who have lost both their decency and personality by exposing their bodies naked.
Accusing western women of all being lets be honest "immoral whores", is as ignorant as accusing all Muslim women of being subjugated. Incendiary statements like that are the reason many western people are angered.
The question arises why they do not make any effort to save these miserable women from the humiliating life and to protect their personalities.
Utter tosh! Women in the west are not yet truly socially emancipated, but lets be honest they have a far better quality of life, and aspirations than their counterparts in the religious dominated states of the Islamic world.
The latest decision of Sarkozy is not his personal decision but it represent the ideas of all rulers of the West
All rulers in the west err? every single one? who is this cabaal? Jews, Freemasons... does he have any knowledge of the diversity of western political history?

This isn't a journalism, it's just an ignorant bigot spouting propaganda to the faithful.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Muslim clerics in India outraged by Sarkozy's 'burqa'remarks


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Jul 27, 2009 7:20 am

Mon, Jul 27
London, July 27 (ANI): French President Nicolas Sarkozy was rushed to hospital after he collapsed while jogging.

The 54-year-old politician was taken to Val-de-Grace Military Hospital in Paris through air ambulance, where he was joined by his wife Carla Bruni, 41.

According to a spokesman for Sarkozy, he was suffering from "nervous exhaustion", reports the Daily Star.

This is the second time in two years that the French President has faced a medical emergency.

In 2007, Sarkozy was secretly admitted to the same hospital when he was suffering from a high fever and a throat abscess the day after his divorce from second wife Cecilia. (ANI) ... g-jog.html

Fatwa Banker
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Re: Muslim clerics in India outraged by Sarkozy's 'burqa'remarks


Unread post by Fatwa Banker » Mon Jul 27, 2009 10:15 pm

ghulam muhammed wrote: try to live like a true Muslim
That would be a move down for me.

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Re: Muslim clerics in India outraged by Sarkozy's 'burqa'remarks


Unread post by anajmi » Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:37 pm

You've already hit the bottom. Any further down and you might come up on the other side.

Fatwa Banker
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Re: Muslim clerics in India outraged by Sarkozy's 'burqa'remarks


Unread post by Fatwa Banker » Tue Jul 28, 2009 7:29 pm

I AM on the other side, just look up.

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Re: Muslim clerics in India outraged by Sarkozy's 'burqa'remarks


Unread post by anajmi » Wed Jul 29, 2009 10:07 am

Aaah I see you, you are black with wings and crapping all over. Plus that annoying noise - caw caw caw. :mrgreen:

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Muslim clerics in India outraged by Sarkozy's 'burqa'remarks


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Wed Jul 29, 2009 4:32 pm

Fatwa Banker wrote:by Fatwa Banker on Mon Jul 27, 2009 10:15 pm
ghulam muhammed wrote:
try to live like a true Muslim
That would be a move down for me.
Gheta Banker,

ATLAST you have shown your true colours and admitted that to be a true muslim is a step downwards for you and that Bohraism is above Islam. Enough proof of what is taught to the slaves of Burhanudin saab behind closed doors. No wonder the venom and hatred for muslims by abde syednas.

Fatwa Banker
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Re: Muslim clerics in India outraged by Sarkozy's 'burqa'remarks


Unread post by Fatwa Banker » Sat Aug 01, 2009 10:59 pm

Muslim clerics in India
have access to what Arab Muslims refer to them as ?

Fatwa Banker
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Re: Muslim clerics in India outraged by Sarkozy's 'burqa'remarks


Unread post by Fatwa Banker » Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:12 pm

ghulam muhammed wrote:ATLAST you have shown your true colours and admitted that to be a true muslim is a step downwards for you .
At last ? You are a few hundred posts behind my dear Wahabi friend (of Asian descent), actually it is several steps down for me, just trying to go easy on you.

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Re: Muslim clerics in India outraged by Sarkozy's 'burqa'remarks


Unread post by anajmi » Sun Aug 02, 2009 11:21 am

Brother ghulam muhammed,

Remember, the fart has evolved from monkeys. He is still sitting on a branch which is high up there. He will have to come down several steps to first become a human.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Muslim clerics in India outraged by Sarkozy's 'burqa'remarks


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Fri Aug 14, 2009 3:05 pm

After Burqa, "Burqini" lands in hot water.

The Times of India dtd 13.8.09.

A Paris swimming pool has refused entry to a young Muslim woman wearing a 'burqini', a swimsuit that covers most of the body, officials said on Wednesday.

The pool ban came as French lawmakers conduct hearings on whether to ban the burqa after President Nicolas Sarkozy said the veil was "not welcome" in secular France.

Officials in the Paris suburbs of Emerainville said they let the woman swim in the pool in July wearing 'burqini' designed for Muslim women who want to swim without revealing their bodies. But when she returned in August they decided to apply hygiene rules and told her she could not swim if she wore the garment, which resembles a wetsuit with built-in-hood.

Pool staff "reminded her of the rules that apply in all (public) swimming pools which forbid swimming while clothed", said Daniel Guillaume, an official in the organization which manages pools in the area.

Le Parisien newspaper said the woman, identified as Carole, was a French convert to Islam and would go to the courts to challenge the decision.