The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
S. Insaf
Posts: 1494
Joined: Thu Sep 11, 2003 4:01 am



Post by S. Insaf » Sat Aug 15, 2015 3:05 pm

Janab Mufaddal Bhaisaheb Saifuddin,
Re: Your diktats to the Dawoodi Bohras making compulsory their attendance during your 10 days sermons in Moharram or face the cancellation of their e-Jamat card debarring them from all their rights as Dawoodi Bohras.
1) Janab, Do you have any sense what the majority of ordinary Bohra families will undergo when their bread-earner loses 10 days of earning to submit to your above diktats? No. You do not have any sense; because you are rolling in enormous wealth, sufficient for your ten generations to live in vulgar luxury. You don't have to earn for your daily needs, medical treatment, school or college fees, functions, marriage, burial, najva, wajebat, Sabeel, Niyaz etc.
2) Do you have any idea of loss that Bohra students will suffer if they skip school and colleges for 10 days and if they miss their examinations? No. You don't have any idea. You cannot have, because you are a school drop-out.
3) You are taking full advantage of modern advanced technology, use of computers, laptops, internet, whatsapp, filming, D.V.D., YouTubes, relays and other devices of communication and information technology. But you are making every effort to keep the community members backward by indulging them in your rhetorical and useless sermons, your celebrations and revelries and community kitchens and Tiffin deliveries.
4) Most Shia vaizeen hold their sermons in the late evening so that the Aashiqa-e-Imam Hussain ibn Ali can mourn martyrs of Karbala without incurring any loss.
Janab, I request you to revoke your diktats and instead of asking momineen to shut shop, skip offices and children to skip school and college, you change the timing of your sermons from 6 pm to 9 pm.
Also you can upload your sermons on you tube and distribute CD's of prerecorded sermons so that all mumineen can listen them at their time.
I hope being a well-wisher of the community you will think over seriously and revoke your diktats before Bohras start defying you, and you fail to gather the required strength of your followers to demonstrate in front of Bombay High Court.
Saifuddin Insaf

ghulam muhammed
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Joined: Tue Oct 07, 2008 5:34 pm



Post by ghulam muhammed » Sat Aug 15, 2015 4:18 pm

Saifuddin bhai,

As you being in the forefront of the reform movement may I suggest that you file a complaint against Muffy to the NHRC (National Human Rights Commission) and also a court case for urgent and interim relief against the stupid fatwa. You can also put the facts to Teesta Setalavd's CJP (Citizen for Justice and Peace). It would also be good if people from USA, UK, Canada, Australia etc file similar cases in their respective countries. The subject letter could also be forwarded to Justice Gautam Patel who is hearing the succession case with a note that the compulsory attendance via swiping ITS cards is a ploy to impress the court of his so called fan following which in fact is to grab dawat properties.

Posts: 844
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Post by dawedaar » Sat Aug 15, 2015 7:42 pm

Open letter to Janaab S. Insaf by Kothar

1. Since u all know that our family never go to work for even a single hour, we have no sense of what it is to miss work or forgo earnings. Our religion business financed by our slaves is well running and growing everyday. Hence we don't care.

2. We don't care about the gham of Imam Hussain(As) or his cause for which he gave his and his family's life under brutal conditions. We only care about our family's well being. Everyone knows about this quite well. Even many our my die hard supporters know all this but our threat prevents them to revolt.

3. We'll keep waez during normal hours. We want to have all people under our strict tight control no matter what. We don't care if people lose their earnings. We have to prove to the courts and the world who has more supporters.

4. Talking about children, well if they are not brain washed from early on, and they get educated properly outside and become free thinkers, our and our progeny's empire will go down eventually. Hence frequent breaks from school on numerous mikats during our financial year is very important for the future of our business empire.

5. Since youtube is a free service, our Company policy prohibits us from uploading our sermons on youtube or any free services website. We never have the concept of free lunch in our (Un)Holy business

I hope you understand our predicament. People need to give sacrifices so that we can sleep soundly in our palatial homes and travel in luxury.

Shukran n Wassalam

Abde Yazid

S. Insaf wrote:Janab Mufaddal Bhaisaheb Saifuddin,
Re: Your diktats to the Dawoodi Bohras making compulsory their attendance during your 10 days sermons in Moharram or face the cancellation of their e-Jamat card debarring them from all their rights as Dawoodi Bohras.
1) Janab, Do you have any sense what the majority of ordinary Bohra families will undergo when their bread-earner loses 10 days of earning to submit to your above diktats? No. You do not have any sense; because you are rolling in enormous wealth, sufficient for your ten generations to live in vulgar luxury. You don't have to earn for your daily needs, medical treatment, school or college fees, functions, marriage, burial, najva, wajebat, Sabeel, Niyaz etc.
2) Do you have any idea of loss that Bohra students will suffer if they skip school and colleges for 10 days and if they miss their examinations? No. You don't have any idea. You cannot have, because you are a school drop-out.
3) You are taking full advantage of modern advanced technology, use of computers, laptops, internet, whatsapp, filming, D.V.D., YouTubes, relays and other devices of communication and information technology. But you are making every effort to keep the community members backward by indulging them in your rhetorical and useless sermons, your celebrations and revelries and community kitchens and Tiffin deliveries.
4) Most Shia vaizeen hold their sermons in the late evening so that the Aashiqa-e-Imam Hussain ibn Ali can mourn martyrs of Karbala without incurring any loss.
Janab, I request you to revoke your diktats and instead of asking momineen to shut shop, skip offices and children to skip school and college, you change the timing of your sermons from 6 pm to 9 pm.
Also you can upload your sermons on you tube and distribute CD's of prerecorded sermons so that all mumineen can listen them at their time.
I hope being a well-wisher of the community you will think over seriously and revoke your diktats before Bohras start defying you, and you fail to gather the required strength of your followers to demonstrate in front of Bombay High Court.
Saifuddin Insaf

Posts: 1075
Joined: Thu Jun 04, 2015 9:55 am



Post by Al-Noor » Sun Aug 16, 2015 1:09 am

This is useless, muffy wants to shed off poor people who cant survive if they dont earn for 10 days...he wants only fat *aa rich guys in his party, he wants to take away all your DB rights and your card to make you community less. this is simple to understand.