DAI's Achievements

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
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DAI's Achievements


Post by fustrate_Bohra » Thu Feb 25, 2016 11:08 am


This thread I am starting with the sole intention to gain knowledge related to all our dais (right from s. zoib to till date). Their efforts, hardwork, sacrifices, achievements, struggle etc...

Members I humbly request you to do post dai related knowledge here so that it help us to motivate or inspire.


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Re: DAI's Achievements


Post by Conscíous » Thu Feb 25, 2016 3:17 pm

fustrate_Bohra wrote:Salaam,

This thread I am starting with the sole intention to gain knowledge related to all our dais (right from s. zoib to till date). Their efforts, hardwork, sacrifices, achievements, struggle etc...
Members I humbly request you to do post dai related knowledge here so that it help us to motivate or inspire.

Br Fustrate_bohra,,

Im not going to ridicule you, but why do you want to get inspired by ordinary men?? Isn't your Rasool and Imam good enough to inspire and motivate you?? I sure some of them (dai) did good in there time, but look where we've ended?? A cult which rotates and idolises humans..

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Re: DAI's Achievements


Post by dawedaar » Thu Feb 25, 2016 3:18 pm

1st Dai to 51st Dai (51st & 52nd Dai to some extent) struggled to maintain the dawat in spite of various & strong opposition such as those in Yemen, then during Mughal rule (ending in the shahadat of Syedna Qutbuddin). They didn't enjoy the fruits of their labor. Starting from last 25-30 years of 52nd Dai, the family have started to enjoy the fruits of their forefathers' struggle and good deeds (can be said).

And now, they live like royals with lavish life style replete with palatial houses, luxurious travel in private jets as well as business class & first class travel in normal airlines, high end SUVs, thousands of slaves at their disposal for doing menial of work & chores. On top of that, they own & control billions in assets such as real estate, houses, businesses & other investments that could be generating millions in income every year apart from the loot that they extort from the common people!

Well, I summarized in few words the efforts, struggle, hardwork and sacrifices of the past Dais. What you have asked is out of scope of this forum. Efforts and achievements in detail of each of previous Duats who were known to be pious and selfless cannot be mentioned here.

1 big achievement of Duats would be how majority of bohras have remained under 1 fold apart from few divisions over the past 900 years since Duats came into existence!
fustrate_Bohra wrote:Salaam,

This thread I am starting with the sole intention to gain knowledge related to all our dais (right from s. zoib to till date). Their efforts, hardwork, sacrifices, achievements, struggle etc...

Members I humbly request you to do post dai related knowledge here so that it help us to motivate or inspire.


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Re: DAI's Achievements


Post by fustrate_Bohra » Fri Feb 26, 2016 12:02 am

I fully agree with each and every word u mentioned. Considering the fact majority of dawoodi bohra give more value or respect to dai over allah, his rasool, imams so I thought of starting this thread so that common abde know what earlier dai had done for us.

Also just because of their enormous contribution in dawat we consider Dai rutba so pious that we(as per abdes mentality )have blind faith in any person in the dai designation no matter how corrupt or how lavish lifestlye they live.

May be achievements from our pious dais may help abdes to compare with current ones.

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Re: DAI's Achievements


Post by Al-Noor » Fri Feb 26, 2016 4:17 am

one thing which is stuck in my head and I cant forget how simple syedi fakhruddin shaheed was...

he had a horse and when ever he would see some momeen coming by walk he would get down of his horse and offer that momeen to ride it. he would wash his own clothes on river, even today we can see how simple his house was in galiyakot.

this is simply enough evidence to prove how great syedi fakhruddin was.....people can use Quran and hadis to prove so many things but in reality this kind of real life act proves who is on haq and who is on batil....

today's KQ and MS can never achieve this kind of greatness.

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Re: DAI's Achievements


Post by Al-Noor » Fri Feb 26, 2016 5:21 am

two years back I went to galiyakot and I was surprised to see how simplicity of syedi fakhruddin shaeed (RA) is now converted in to high class resort, how his simple mausoleum is now converted in to a marble palace, and how muffy and his chamchas have built 5 star bungalows in the back of raudat, they are even planning to destroy simple house of fakhruddin shaheed (RA) and may be will erect some nice looking house, removing all signs of simplicity...coming generations will have no idea what was original and what is truth.

to be honest I urge abdes to leave this fold asap or else you will ruin your coming generations if you keep following these liars.

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Re: DAI's Achievements


Post by fustrate_Bohra » Fri Feb 26, 2016 11:10 am

In the same way I was also surprised to see the lavish bunglow exactly behind s. Hakimuddin dargah at burhanpur.

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Re: DAI's Achievements


Post by think » Fri Feb 26, 2016 11:43 am

need more, need more. the lives of past dai's and their miracles. let truth be seperated from the wrong.

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Re: DAI's Achievements


Post by Al-Noor » Fri Feb 26, 2016 11:47 am

Read details of each dai and their great life here

http://www.zaereen.com/mazaraat/ahmedab ... uddin.html

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Re: DAI's Achievements


Post by fustrate_Bohra » Fri Feb 26, 2016 12:57 pm

think wrote:need more, need more. the lives of past dai's and their miracles. let truth be seperated from the wrong.
Hmmm, blind faithed abdes had failed miserably by NOT showcasing minimum 5 grt achievements of current syedna. Lets showcase the work of earlier pious dais so they can atleast try to compare those with present dai.

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Re: DAI's Achievements


Post by Ozdundee » Fri Feb 26, 2016 2:52 pm

fustrate_Bohra wrote:Salaam,

This thread I am starting with the sole intention to gain knowledge related to all our dais (right from s. zoib to till date). Their efforts, hardwork, sacrifices, achievements, struggle etc...

Members I humbly request you to do post dai related knowledge here so that it help us to motivate or inspire.

Dear FB , I could not hold back ...I have noticed Bohras whether ortho or reformists are brainwashed and psychologically brought up to pin all our success to Diais and failures to dushmano. ..in the process they have deliberately but naively scrubbed the history and washed away achievements by non religious entities. Worse they have transfered achievements by common people to Diai. There could be cases where history is assigning the achievement to Diai when he has not really done much on it as a sign of devotion by Bohras towards their religious symbols.

Bohras tradionally don't have a community outside religion , unlike as modern muti faith multi culture society is evolving

where is our history that shows achievements of common men...it is only in last 50 years we have recorded contributions of Adamji, Jivanjee and Karimjee, but even in the case the clergy have attacked them to overshadow the achievements. The large Bohra migration to Africa in 19th century has also been hijacked and attributed to the wisdom of a Diai and not the bravery and courage the pioneers whow ca me up wit the iDea .

My pet FGM topic if it ever gets abolished, at this rate of falsification of records , will be attributed to the 53rd or 54th vision and wisdom for eradication :shock:

on comparuson Mahatma Gandhi was not a priest, Einstein was not a priest , Shakespeare was not a priest ...

this is also not uncommon in the way religious history has been recorded in non bohra. ..however in Hindu they do praise common men and then raise them to a higher status.