Blasts in INDIA

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Blasts in INDIA


Unread post by labbaikyaHussain » Thu Jul 14, 2011 3:12 am

In the name of GOD almighty...

3 blasts in Mumbai. 21 dead and 141 injured

can India stop such attacks?

answer is NO

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Blasts in INDIA


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:41 pm

The international media (including India) which is 96% owned by jews, projects certain groups of people of a certain community as terrorists and this is deeply drilled into the minds of the people day in and day out which firmly establishes a pre concieved set of thoughts in the minds of the masses. The masses then refuse to think in an unbiased fashion due to the constant one sided hammering by the media and then it becomes a routine affair to blame only that particular group of people for any and every attack that takes place in the country. This gives a free hand to the actual conspirators and makes it easy for them to carry out their evil plans and fulfil their evil agenda.

Although it is obvious that attacks of such mass scale are not possible without the conniviance of the local authorities and goonda politicians but the general public and so called activists never dwell or harp on this angle. "Hamam mein sab nange hai".

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Blasts in INDIA


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:32 pm

Muslim organisations have strongly condemned the terror attacks that devastated Mumbai on July 13. However, there is also a note of caution in their statements: Crack down on terror, find the culprits but guard against hasty conclusions and ensure that no innocent citizen is picked up just to claim a breakthrough.

The Jamia Teachers' Solidarity Association (JTSA) hoped that the “perpetrators of this mindless violence will be brought to justice swiftly.” But it also expressed unease at the freewheeling speculation on the identities of the perpetrators. The organisation said that although the Union Home Ministry had acted with responsibly and avoided premature
statements, a lot of names had been tossed about in the media.

The JTSA pointed in particular to the naming of Mohammad Salman from Azamgarh in sections of the media as a suspect. This was done by placing reliance on Mr. Salman's alleged interrogation report in the 2008 Delhi blasts case, whereas the truth was that he had been discharged in the case even before the start of the trial.

The Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind called Wednesday's blasts an act of desperation by a handful of destructive elements. General secretary Syed Mahmood Madani expressed sorrow at the loss of lives and appealed to welfare organisations
of every community to help the families of the dead as well as those injured.

At the same time, he objected to media speculation and questioned the naming of organisations and people without proper authentication and evidence.

Mr. Madani also wondered why the ambit of investigation did not extend to Hindutva forces. He said harassment of innocent Muslims would heighten social tensions and destabilise the peace and security of the country which was the main objective of the perpetrators.

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Blasts in INDIA


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:53 pm

Mumbai blasts: Blind rush among probe agencies to nab “Muslims”

Some rogue Muslims or terror groups, real or shadowy that carry Muslim-sounding names, could be behind the July 13 Mumbai serial blasts. Some saffron terror groups or individuals could also be behind the inhuman and antinational act as their involvement has already been established in half a dozen terror blasts – some small as in Ajmer Dargah and some big and highly sophisticated as in Mecca Masjid and Samjhauta Express. Yet, there is a clear sign of blind rush among investigating agencies to nab some “Muslims” for the latest Mumbai blasts.

The Muslim community is considered the first and natural suspect of any terror blast – whether it happens before Malegaon, Mecca, Ajmer and Samjhauta or after. For our probe agencies and media Lal Krishna Advani’s infamous one-liner is still the only mantra – All Muslims are not terrorists but all terrorists are Muslims. ... 80%9D.html

ghulam muhammed
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Re: Blasts in INDIA


Unread post by ghulam muhammed » Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:56 pm

Why only Muslims are targeted by police in cases of violence?

*The writer is Former IG Police (Uttar Pradesh)

As far as communal violence and police’s partial role in it is concerned it must be admitted that our laws are very good and our police force is capable of bringing riots and violence under control but in spite of all this we have failed in bringing cases like Gujarat riots under control simply because our police officers in spite of being in khaki uniform remain Hindu or Muslim and the men in khaki uniform act with the mentality of ‘we’ and ‘they’. For them Muslims are ‘they’ even now. Police generally think that it is Muslims who start riots and the easy and effective way to control riots is to ‘deal strongly with them’, even in those riots in which Hindus take the initiative police action in most cases is against Muslims. For a common policeman, this thinking is so deep in his mind that generally speaking Muslims are mischief makers and rioters. It is almost impossible for him to believe that any riot can be started by Hindus. To his mind Hindus in general are moderate or non-violent.

I remember that in 1990 when Ram Janmabhoomi movement was very strong, I was posted in Allahabad. I was surprised to see that in police stations secret information against Muslims only were being received at the communal front and news against VHP and such other organisations which were openly spreading communal violence and hatred were very rarely received. I had to take great pains in making my police force understand that under the present circumstances Hindu organisations and not Muslims, should be on our radar. It is not that in India only police is having such mentality, courts too have disappointed us on many occasions. Political leadership has demonstrated lack of that political will which has failed in putting a stop to communalism and communal violence. Those who are well aware of the truth about Indian society agree that riots can erupt anywhere and any time but these can continue for long if the state i.e. ruling class so wants. I strongly believe that if any riot continues for more than 24 hours, enquiry should be made to find out if any wing of the state is complicit in this.

After 1960, in every communal riot police has been accused of partiality and prejudice and those who make such allegations are not Muslims only but people and organisations associated with human rights, independent media, reports of different enquiry commissions etc. If we believe official statistics, in that case also we will find that most of those killed in riots are or were Muslims. To add fuel to fire, police action (arrests etc) is mostly against Muslims i.e. in riots in which Muslims were the biggest sufferers in loss of life and property, mostly Muslims were arrested, maximum searches were made in houses of Muslims. In riots in which among those killed, more than three-fourths were Muslims. In police firings also it is Muslims who are generally killed. That is why Muslims have little faith in police. (Translated from Rashtriya Sahara Urdu, 30 July 2010, by NA Ansari) ... f-violence

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Re: Blasts in INDIA


Unread post by labbaikyaHussain » Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:49 am

some more arrests in Bombay blast probe....some times i really think do these miya bhai really deserve such treatment? but then they are found in many nusense which makes it practical that they are eyed in negative way.