Sayedeena Addresses To All Bohra

The one and only free public forum for Bohras. The focus of this forum is the reform movement, the Dawoodi Bohra faith and, of course, the corrupt priesthood. But the discussion is in no way restricted to the Bohras alone.
Salahuddin Bin Musa
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Sayedeena Addresses To All Bohra


Unread post by Salahuddin Bin Musa » Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:59 am


The tenth of Muharram is observed by many as the day of Shahaadat-e-Husain . Special gatherings are held wherein the heart-rending incident of the martyrdom of Sayyidina Husain (RA) is mentioned. This aspect is discussed in this article.

To lay down one's life for the cause of Deen is the ultimate sacrifice. Hence being the ultimate sacrifice, martyrdom naturally has the highest honour as well. Allaah Ta'ala describes the martyrs as "living" in the verse: "And say not to those who have been slain in the Path of Allah that they are dead. Nay, they are alive and receive sustenance by their Master." (S.3 V.169 )

Martyrdom is nothing strange or uncommon to Muslims. The flourishing garden of Islaam has been watered by the blood of the martyrs from the very early days of Islaam. Among those great sons of Islaam, who crowned their life-long efforts for the sake of Deen by finally laying down their lives was Ali ibn Hussain the noble grandson of Rasulullah . His martyrdom was indeed heart-rending in the extreme.


It was on the tenth of Muharram that Husain ibn Ali was mercilessly martyred. Before his very eyes scores of his immediate family also tasted from the cup of martyrdom. Finally he joined them. The various details of this tragic incident are too
gruesome to comprehend. One could cry tears of blood.
However, the pages of our history are filled with the blood of the martyrs. How it that we have remembered the tenth of Muharram but are totally unaware of the heart-rending martyrdom of many other great personalities of Islaam. Did we know that on the first of Muharram the second Caliph of Rasulullah was also mercilessly martyred.


While leading the Fajr Salaah, Umar was stabbed six times by a fire-worshipper. He fell to the ground unable to continue with the Salaah. Abdur Rahman bin Auf then lead the Salaah and completed it. Umar was then carried to his house. The wounds however proved fatal and on the first of Muharram he bade farewell to this temporary world.
The Muslims were shattered upon the martyrdom of Umar . We also feel the grief of that fateful day. However we have never heard of anybody observing the day of Shahadat-e-Umar


Likewise the third Caliph of Islaam, the son in-law of Rasulullah ; Usman was also brutally martyred. When the enemy besieged his house, for days he was unable to even get any water from the well which he had purchased and gifted to everybody to use at liberty. On Friday the eighteenth of Zil Hijjah, the enemy finally broke into his home. When Usman was at that time reciting the Holy Qur'ân. However no
mercy was shown to him and his blood was spilt onto the pages of the Book of Allaah. He also joined his predecessors in Jannah. This incident can also make one shed tears of blood. But we have never heard of anybody observing the day of Shahadat-e-Usmaan


Rasulullah also witnessed some heart-rending
martyrdoms. His beloved uncle, Hamza was martyred in the battle of Uhud. After he was martyred, his body was defiled and severely mutilated. His ears and nose were cut off. The body of the beloved uncle of Rasulullah was then ripped open and his liver removed. This was then taken away to be chewed. Rasulullah was greatly disturbed and grieved over this. So great was his grief that when the killer of Hamza accepted Islaam, Rasulullah requested him not to come in front of him as this would remind him of his uncle and bring back the grief. However, Rasulullah did not observe any day as the day of Shahadat-e-Hamza


The battle of Bir Ma'oona is yet another incident of the great Sahaaba laying down their lives for the cause of Deen. Rasulullah was requested to send some of his companions to teach the people of Najd .Upon this request Rasulullah sent seventy people who were all Huffaaz and qurra (plural of Qari). On the way they were
attacked and almost all were martyred. Rasulullah was once again greatly grieved and for one month in the Fajr Salaah cursed these people who had deceived and martyred his beloved companions so mercilessly. Here also Prophet Muhammad observed no day as the day of their martyrdom.


Indeed our hearts bleed when we recount the incident of the Martyrdom of Husain . We also experience the grief when we recount the Martyrdoms of Umar,Usman and Hamza. Likewise we are greatly pained
when we read or hear of the martyrs of Bir Ma' oona; Uhud; Badr; Jamal, Siffeen and all the other battles. Nevertheless, despite our grief, we will refrain from all things alien to the Shariah. Let us consider that if we observe the day of
the martyrdom of Hussain , then what about the rest? In that case almost every day of the year would be spent mourning.


It is therefore absolutely clear that the tenth of Muharram is not a day to observe as the martyrdom of Hussain . It's significance lies solely in what has been explained in the Ahaadeeth. Ibn Abbaas narrates that Rasulullah came to Madina and found the Jews fasted on that day of Aashooraa. Hence he enquired of them, 'What is the
significance of this day on which you fast?' They replied: 'This is a great day. On this day Allah Ta'ala saved Moosa (AS) and his people and drowned Firoun and his nation. Thus Moosa (AS) fasted on this day as a token of thanksgiving, therefore we also fast on this day.' Rasulullah remarked, 'We are more worthy of Moosa (AS) and closer to him than you. ' Thereafter Rasulullah fasted on this day and ordered his companions to do the same. (Sahih Muslim vol. 1


It is therefore clear that the day of Aashooraa is not a day of mourning. Indeed, our hearts bleed when we recall the martyrdom of Hussain. It also bleeds when we hear of the martyrdom of the other great personalities of Islaam. However we have not been taught to perpetually mourn.
Yes. we have been taught to take a lesson from the lives of the martyrs. Just as these great personalities selflessly sacrificed their lives for the up-liftment of Deen, likewise we should also be prepared to make sacrifices for the protection and spreading of the Deen.

Yours Truly,
Sayyedina Dawood

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Re: Sayedeena Addresses To All Bohra


Unread post by like_minded » Tue Jan 08, 2008 5:16 am

How many stupid bohras understand this???

The point is... they dont want to long as the feel good factor exists...why would they want to think otherwise??

This bohra community is gone to dogs... they want a living bhagwan..and they've got one!!! they wouldnt mind if their bhagwan screws the day light outta them... all in the name of religion and fairy tales.. miracles and fuc%%%%g crap...

As long as there is following.... people are going to be misled.. Old Burhan today... tomorrow perhaps some young goon... as long as the followers want a living bhagwan...

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Re: Sayedeena Addresses To All Bohra


Unread post by humble_servant_us » Tue Jan 08, 2008 6:17 am

Yes. we have been taught to take a lesson from the lives of the martyrs
Yes, that is why every muharram the shiites hold lectures(majlis) to remember the message of al-husain(as) and how significant it still holds in the prevalant society. Mourning is a reaction to the tragic event which occurred.

The event of I. Husain(as)'s is not only a story of martydom but it is a message of sacrifice and total submission to the will of Allah(swt). It is a message of protection of islam, quran and the sunnah. There is a list of martyrs in the history and we have all due respect for their cause but
I.Husain(as) martydom and selfless dedication for upholding truth anf fight against falsehood has no parrallel in the history of Islam.

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Re: Sayedeena Addresses To All Bohra


Unread post by Arif » Tue Jan 08, 2008 4:07 pm

This bohra community is gone to dogs... they want a living bhagwan..and they've got one!!! they wouldnt mind if their bhagwan screws the day light outta them... all in the name of religion and fairy tales.. miracles and fuc%%%%g crap...
Hey dude... Looks like someone pulled you out from your cage with brute force. You went for a self exile of few months. I can understand your frustration piling up. But please take a deep breath and do not try to release it in a single post. It is "muharram" time. The time when every Shia remembers and mourns the sacrifice of Imaam Husain alai salaam and his brave family. At best you could have waited for muharram to end before writing this crap. Please do not insult the feelings of true Shias on this board by posting such crap in muharram. 365-10 = 355. You have that many days to do that.
How many stupid bohras understand this???
A person like you who has no respect for these important days should not ask questions.

How much do you understand about Martyrs and Martyrdom??? If you would have then you would have definitely restrained yourself from writing this crap.

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Re: Sayedeena Addresses To All Bohra


Unread post by africawalla » Tue Jan 08, 2008 4:12 pm

Arif, I agree , people like Dawood have no respect

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Re: Sayedeena Addresses To All Bohra


Unread post by Arif » Tue Jan 08, 2008 4:16 pm

Arif, I agree , people like Dawood have no respect
I am talking about like_minded and not Dawood.

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Re: Sayedeena Addresses To All Bohra


Unread post by Hozefa » Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:38 pm

Originally posted by africawalla:
Arif, I agree , people like Dawood have no respect
Did you mean people like Like, Dawood etc. have no respect???????

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Re: Sayedeena Addresses To All Bohra


Unread post by jayanti » Tue Jan 08, 2008 10:27 pm

i agreed with aarif.
respect other feeling.

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Re: Sayedeena Addresses To All Bohra


Unread post by Notankee » Wed Jan 09, 2008 1:44 am

Africawalla - Not sure why you think Dawood has no respect? Please explain!

Salahuddin Bin Musa
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Re: Sayedeena Addresses To All Bohra


Unread post by Salahuddin Bin Musa » Wed Jan 09, 2008 2:42 am

I am Sorry if i have hurt the feeling of any bohra or shia. If I had made any mistake then plzzz correct me. As far my knowledge, its authenticity cannot be doubted.I Urge my Bohra & Shiaa Brothers to remove the blinkers from their eyes.

"He is not from our group who slaps his checks, tears his clothes and cries in the manner of the people of jahiliyyah." (Sahih Bukhari)

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Re: Sayedeena Addresses To All Bohra


Unread post by mbohra » Wed Jan 09, 2008 3:53 am


There exists a snake in Africa called a "puff adder"- Bitis arietans, is a venomous viper species found in savannah and grasslands from Morocco and western Arabia throughout Africa except for the Sahara and rain forest regions.This is considered to be Africa's most dangerous snake, not only because it is probably the most common and widespread snake in Africa, but also because of its large size, potent venom, and willingness to bite.

The snake first bites the victim and before leaving the victim, it blows/puffs hisses air on the victim's wound to fake a soothing feeling by its camouflage appearance.

Your various venomous anti-shite diatribe on this webiste and now your hollow or fake apology reminds us of the charactersitics of this snake.

Nothing personal though David!! (camouflage name in lieu of Dawood)

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Re: Sayedeena Addresses To All Bohra


Unread post by like_minded » Wed Jan 09, 2008 5:04 am

Originally posted by Aarif:
This bohra community is gone to dogs... they want a living bhagwan..and they've got one!!! they wouldnt mind if their bhagwan screws the day light outta them... all in the name of religion and fairy tales.. miracles and fuc%%%%g crap...
Hey dude... Looks like someone pulled you out from your cage with brute force. You went for a self exile of few months. I can understand your frustration piling up. But please take a deep breath and do not try to release it in a single post. It is "muharram" time. The time when every Shia remembers and mourns the sacrifice of Imaam Husain alai salaam and his brave family. At best you could have waited for muharram to end before writing this crap. Please do not insult the feelings of true Shias on this board by posting such crap in muharram. 365-10 = 355. You have that many days to do that.

How many stupid bohras understand this???
A person like you who has no respect for these important days should not ask questions.

How much do you understand about Martyrs and Martyrdom??? If you would have then you would have definitely restrained yourself from writing this crap.
What is muharram these days??? nothing but a hyped story...fed to the gullible followers day in day out..You talk of 10 days...I say...365 days..the followers are fed with this rubbish.. which eventually settles in their subconscious..

History is evident of many brave men who laid down their life for a cause... If we start mourning each and every matyrs...I am sure we can do nothing else...just keep

So... come out of past.. past is past!! It has nothing to do with the present..present is for real.. the life that we are living NOW is, live it with awareness.. dont unduly tax your mind with what happened 1400 years ago...its history..the best you can is draw some inspiration from it...thats all...mourning and beating oneself silly in the rememberance of sheer madness...

Not only does it make us vulnerable but gives the hierarchy a good chance to impose their power and control over the followers.

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Re: Sayedeena Addresses To All Bohra


Unread post by Zeal » Wed Jan 09, 2008 9:46 am

Remembering Hussain's martyrdom the way bohras do and shias do differ majorly.

Reasons why slowly it is becoming objectionable to most of the modern bohras are

- Namaaz put off late due to extended sessions of Vaiz.
Shias never even delay their namaaz by a minute during muharram.
- chanting nohas and beating chest almost 300 days of the year even on the day of Eid.
Shias do it only 10 days in a year.
- half of the people sitting in the masjid laugh and keep fiddling with the best features of their cell phones
- shias feel and behave as if they are in karbala when listening to a vaiz
Tehe point is if the grief and maatam is natural its ok to a certain extent, but how can you grief of something which is 1400 years old and that too naturally?

'Live like Ali and die like Hussain' is the most common sticker one can see on 3 of the 5 doors of a bohri house.
today life of a bohra revolves around business, money, darees, jaman , majlis and salaam.
most of them are moving away from actual ibadaah, spirituality and humbleness.
Life of Ali and Hussain....where is it??

Muharram losing its meaning and importance?

Salahuddin Bin Musa
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Re: Sayedeena Addresses To All Bohra


Unread post by Salahuddin Bin Musa » Wed Jan 09, 2008 10:10 am

MBohra - I only Apologised to the weak & Sensitive hearted bohras & Shiaas who are not
Willing to Accept the truth. I Belive U are one of them.Secondly I still Belive that What i Have Addressed is Absolutely truth. My Dear Brothers, In order to see the
truth u need to remove the blinkers which has been given to u by your imaams. Brother,
This Imaam Will be of No help For u On the Day of Judgement. I Advice my Bohra & Shiaa
Brothers to Come to The Authentic Sources Of Islaam i.e Quraan & Hadith.

Zeal - As for ur Post, I belive there is no difference between Shiaa & Bohraas.
It Doesnt Matter Whether Cry for 10days or Whole Year. Its all and the same. Becoz ur
belive is same.
May Allah Guide US All. Ameen

Salahuddin Bin Musa
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Re: Sayedeena Addresses To All Bohra


Unread post by Salahuddin Bin Musa » Wed Jan 09, 2008 10:11 am

"He is not from our group who slaps his checks, tears his clothes and cries in the manner of the people of jahiliyyah." (Sahih Bukhari)

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Re: Sayedeena Addresses To All Bohra


Unread post by Zeal » Wed Jan 09, 2008 10:19 am

It Doesnt Matter Whether Cry for 10days or Whole Year. Its all and the same. Becoz ur
belive is same.

Well I didnt mention what I believe in , I was just comparing how and shias and bohras remember Hussain.
I understand your point that mourning and beating chest is against prophet's teaching.

I believe Muharram should be celebrated but not in the way bohras and shias do.
Imam Hussain should be remembered because he is such a beatiful example of patience and Imaan and what it means to submit complete will to Allah

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Re: Sayedeena Addresses To All Bohra


Unread post by like_minded » Wed Jan 09, 2008 11:09 am

In my opinion... Muharram should not be observed at all... whats the point in that?? I mean, we all know what happened to Imam Hussain... ok, offer respect by a minute silence on the day of ashura.. thats it, get back to your life then..

Did Hussain ask his followers to beat themselves crazy remembering him?? He was a matyr who laid down his life for a cause like so many other matyrs.. thats it.. we should no hype this incident.

Like bro Zeal just mentioned about the stickers "Live Like Ali Die Like Hussain" I honestly wonder how many bohras really know the meaning of this?? all they know is purjosh maatam, salvat jaman, darees, majlis, 10 days of muharram tamasha and last but not least... Bhagwan Burhani... their ultimate God..

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Re: Sayedeena Addresses To All Bohra


Unread post by Arif » Wed Jan 09, 2008 2:50 pm

History is evident of many brave men who laid down their life for a cause... If we start mourning each and every matyrs...I am sure we can do nothing else...just keep

So... come out of past.. past is past!! It has nothing to do with the present..
In my opinion... Muharram should not be observed at all... whats the point in that?? I mean, we all know what happened to Imam Hussain... ok, offer respect by a minute silence on the day of ashura.. thats it, get back to your life then..

Did Hussain ask his followers to beat themselves crazy remembering him?? He was a matyr who laid down his life for a cause like so many other matyrs.. thats it.. we should no hype this incident.

Like bro Zeal just mentioned about the stickers "Live Like Ali Die Like Hussain" I honestly wonder how many bohras really know the meaning of this?? all they know is purjosh maatam, salvat jaman, darees, majlis, 10 days of muharram tamasha and last but not least... Bhagwan Burhani... their ultimate God..
Hey dude it looks like you did not read my post carefully at all. I never said anything about bohras. I referred to true shias. You are so used to criticizing bohras and Syedna that you have completely forgotten the true meaning of Imaam Husain's sacrifice.

Let's analyze your post little carefully. You say that remembering Husain and mourning is sheer madness. I feel that since we have literally forgotten what that great man did for Islam our religion is in a state in which it is today. And here I am talking about Islam in general. Today killing innocent people has become jihad. Today muslims are branded as terrorists all over the world. The reason is we have forgotten the sacrifices of Prophet (PBUH) and his family for the sake of religion. In fact today is the best time to remind muslims all over the world that Islam is an peace loving tolerant religion which teaches its followers to lay down their lives for the right cause.

Do you know why India is in a mess today? The reason is that people are taking freedom for granted. They have forgotten the sacrifices made by the freedom fighters to achieve it.

The same applies to muslims all over the world.

Come out of your little bohri cacoon and look at the bigger picture if you can at all...

And if you can you will realize that it definitely makes Muharram an important event for muslims.

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Re: Sayedeena Addresses To All Bohra


Unread post by Arif » Wed Jan 09, 2008 2:58 pm


Mourning can be done without Maatam. The most important thing is to remember the great sacrifice and appreciate it.

Comparing bohras and shias can be done in a seperate thread. This thread talks about Martyrs and Martyrdom. So lets stick to that..

As long as muslims understand the values laid down by prophet(PBUH) and his family Islam is a right religion to follow.

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Re: Sayedeena Addresses To All Bohra


Unread post by Zeal » Wed Jan 09, 2008 3:37 pm

Mourning can be done without Maatam. The most important thing is to remember the great sacrifice and appreciate it.

Read my post again, I bet you havent!

I said the same.

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Re: Sayedeena Addresses To All Bohra


Unread post by mbohra » Wed Jan 09, 2008 5:54 pm

Hey David:

I was NOT talking about me, I was talking about you that you, you reminded me of the "puff adder" by your your various behaviours.
So why change the subject and talk about me, you poof!!!

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Re: Sayedeena Addresses To All Bohra


Unread post by Arif » Wed Jan 09, 2008 6:02 pm

Remembering Hussain's martyrdom the way bohras do and shias do differ majorly.

Reasons why slowly it is becoming objectionable to most of the modern bohras are

- Namaaz put off late due to extended sessions of Vaiz.
Shias never even delay their namaaz by a minute during muharram.
- chanting nohas and beating chest almost 300 days of the year even on the day of Eid.
Shias do it only 10 days in a year.
- half of the people sitting in the masjid laugh and keep fiddling with the best features of their cell phones
- shias feel and behave as if they are in karbala when listening to a vaiz
Tehe point is if the grief and maatam is natural its ok to a certain extent, but how can you grief of something which is 1400 years old and that too naturally?

Here you are clearly comparing bohras with shias etc. I bet you did not read your own post or maybe doing something else while writing it ;)

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Re: Sayedeena Addresses To All Bohra


Unread post by mumin » Wed Jan 09, 2008 9:58 pm

Matam is fine during the 10 days of moharram, but two points I would like to make,
1. Matam should not be made as common as on every occasion there should be matam. even during nikkah ceremony the bride and bride groom are asked to do matam. even on wedding night the mullasaheb will ask the bride and bride groom to do matam. Even on happy occasions like the daees birthday the bohras are doing matam. hence the importance of matam for Imam hussain has no significance at all.

2. Alright do matam do as much matam as you want, but on the tenth of moharram why do you have to sit in the masjid or the local marqaz and start cursing the people of the army who faught against imam hussain. What is the difference between a mumin and a kafir if the mumin are cursing on the afternoon of the tenth of moharram. I think there should be only matam and aha ho zari instead of cursing,abubakar, omar, osman and his relatives

Salahuddin Bin Musa
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Re: Sayedeena Addresses To All Bohra


Unread post by Salahuddin Bin Musa » Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:22 am

I Cannot Understand Why Battle of Karbala is given so Importance when there were so many
battles was fought by the muslim army in which many sahabaah got Martyred. We all Know
Battle of Badr which was fought in ramadan, Battle of Uhud in which Hamza (RA) Was Brutally
Martyred. We know Battle of Khaibar, Battle Of Qadsiyyah in which thousands of Sahabah got
Martyred.Now Imagine, if we start doing matam for all this Battle and for these great
Sahaabah then we will end up doing matam for whole year. This is not Islam My Brothers.

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Re: Sayedeena Addresses To All Bohra


Unread post by Gulf » Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:05 am

"D" Party,
Your question is answer it self that, why battle of Karbala is given so much Importance when there were so many battles was fought by the muslim army. therfore, you have to think positively instead of moronic thought.
Originally posted by Dawood:
I Cannot Understand Why Battle of Karbala is given so Importance when there were so many
battles was fought by the muslim army in which many sahabaah got Martyred. We all Know
Battle of Badr which was fought in ramadan, Battle of Uhud in which Hamza (RA) Was Brutally
Martyred. We know Battle of Khaibar, Battle Of Qadsiyyah in which thousands of Sahabah got
Martyred.Now Imagine, if we start doing matam for all this Battle and for these great
Sahaabah then we will end up doing matam for whole year. This is not Islam My Brothers.

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Re: Sayedeena Addresses To All Bohra


Unread post by SBM » Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:36 am

I noticed one thing, all of a sudden Anjami and MF have disappeared from the Board and Dawood is appeared. Is this re-incarnation of A+M=D

Muslim First
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Re: Sayedeena Addresses To All Bohra


Unread post by Muslim First » Thu Jan 10, 2008 1:14 pm

I am here and Believe me I am not Dawood.
Bohra Karbala tamasha is annual event. I need not to say same thing over and over. YOU GUYS ARE DOING GOOD JOB. Bohrasm is not a religion but a country club.

Wasalaam and have a pleasent 10 days.

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Re: Sayedeena Addresses To All Bohra


Unread post by SBM » Thu Jan 10, 2008 1:23 pm

I agree with you, Bohraism is not a religion, it is a club/cult where you have to pay annual dues to participate in the activities arranged by Social committes (read Kotharis)

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Re: Sayedeena Addresses To All Bohra


Unread post by Safiuddin » Fri Jan 11, 2008 1:14 am

“Tame aasmani logo chho ane bija zameen na logo chhe.” Mumineen ni shaan ne baland kidi ane aap si sagla ne ghana qareeb kida
The above is from 1st waaz by TUS in Colombo. What the heck does that mean? Bohras are somehow better than everyone? The reverse would be that everyone is beneath Bohras.

This club (good reference Oma) is only about hoodwinking people into believing that they are better than the rest of the world and that they are the chosen of God, and only by following TUS and Family will they achieve Heaven. When people have bought that story and taken the bait,then they get hit with the exorbitant fees, dues, admission tickets, salaams, ad nauseum.

To prevent these goons from continuing to get powerful, people must stop funding them. As Oma pointed out, if you throw a lot of money around, then you too will be powerful.

S. Insaf
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Re: Sayedeena Addresses To All Bohra


Unread post by S. Insaf » Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:46 am

"This club (good reference Oma)"
On the occasion of World Dawoodi Bohra Conference at Bombay where the opposition from Sayedna's side was at its peak the Sayedna's spokemen Dr. Yusuf Najmuddin and Shk. Tayebali Colombowala had clearly said in a press meet that "Our community is like a CLUB and those who want to remain in the community have to follow CLUB's rules otherwise the Club has a right to cancel their membership."
They retraited from this theory when reformists through media question them:
'How can they reduce a noble religion to the level of a CLUB?'
'Every CLUB has a constitution, where is the written constitution for Bohra community which they say is 900 years old?'
'In every CLUB the decision regarding the functioning of the CLUB is taken on mutual consent of CLUB members and evry member has a right to oppose the wrongdoings of the office-bearers. Do this Dawoodi Bohra CLUB follow this policy?'
In no CLUB its office-bearers including its chairman, remain permanent.'